1 Department of Exceptional Student Education College of Education Florida Atlantic University Instructor: Phone: Office Hours: Office: E-mail: Class Day/Time: COURSE NUMBER: EEX 6259 COURSE TITLE: COGNITIVE and METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Designed to prepare teachers to develop and use cognitive and metacognitive learning strategies (e.g., direct instruction, scaffolding, reciprocal teaching, attribution retraining, and generalization) to promote independent, motivated users of strategies in both academic and social learning. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: EEX 6247 or permission of instructor As a reflective decision-maker the student will make informed decisions, exhibit ethical behavior, and provide evidence of being a capable professional by developing a strategies manual that is based on the graduate student’s ability to match their students’ needs with teaching techniques. It is observed in the application activities that the graduate students understand how to apply strategic intervention in the best interest of the students under their care. MATERIALS: Required Texts: Edited Book of Readings. Deschler, D. D., Ellis, E.S., & Lenz, B.K. (1996). Teaching adolescents with learning disabilities: Strategies and methods (2nd Ed.). Denver, CO: Love Publishing, Co. TECHNOLOGY: E-mail: Your FAU e-mail address will be used Computer: Blackboard. This course may be web assisted through the FAU Blackboard site. Some handouts, lecture notes, activities or power point presentations may be available on the website. Go to the website: http://blackboard.fau.edu to log in. (Do not type www). EEX 6259 revised 7/08 2 Your User name is your FAU ID. This is the same as your FAU email address before the @ symbol. Your initial password for Blackboard is your PIN (for students this is 2 zeros followed by your 2 digit DAY of birth and 2 digit YEAR of birth). (Correct info) Computer: APA Style websites: www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocAPA.html www.apastyle.org/fifthchanges.html VIDEOS: The Skillstreaming Video The University of Kansas (1984). First-Letter Mnemonic Strategy. Lawrence, KS: KU. GUIDELINES USED IN DEVELOPING COURSE OBJECTIVES: CEC International Standards for Preparation and Certification of Special Education Teachers (CEC) State of Florida Certification Standards for Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (EAP) Florida Subject Area Competencies ESOL (ESOL) (The applicable standards for this course are presented in Appendix A of this syllabus.) COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. 3. 4. To demonstrate understanding of the philosophy and goals of cognitive and metacognitive strategies models of intervention. (CEC gc4K1, gc4S1, 4S3) (EAP 4.1) To demonstrate ability to determine student specific needs for cognitive and/or metacognitive strategy training through the use of task-related and social skills assessments. This includes determining whether the individual is demonstrating strategy deficiency or production deficiency. (CEC cc4S2, 4S3, gc4K2) (ESE 2.5, 3.1) (EAP 4.2) (ESOL 6, 9) To demonstrate understanding of the use of direct instruction, scaffolding, reciprocal teaching, attribution retraining, and generalization in order to train independent, motivated users of cognitive and metacognitive strategies in various learning environments. (CEC cc4S4, gc4K7) (ESE 3.3) (EAP 7.1) (ESOL 6, 9, 22) To demonstrate the ability to plan appropriate programs for diverse groups of students with and without disabilities, with problems in cognitive and metacognitive strategies using appropriate models of intervention. This will require making use of strategies described in the literature and designing original plans. (CEC gc4S12) (ESE 3.5) (ESOL 6, 9, 22) EEX 6259 revised 7/08 3 COURSE CONTENT : Historical overview of strategies intervention; major concepts and definitions Motivation: Attribution, Generalization Direct Instruction: strategy instruction Task Related Assessment Strategy Writing Reading Strategies Handwriting, Spelling Strategies Written Composition Strategies Social Skills Strategies Mathematics Strategies Content Areas: Study Skills Goal Setting Strategies COURSE REQUIREMENTS: 1. CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT(S): STRATEGIES MANUAL: A Strategies Manual, containing strategies gathered from sources outside of the textbook, and/or written by the student, will be developed. An introduction to the manual defining the philosophy, goals, and rationale of the cognitive/metacognitive strategies approach to intervention shall be included. The introduction should include information to familiarize others (ESE teachers, general educators, parents, administrators, and/or students) with at least the following: (a) What are cognitive and metacognitive strategies? (b) How can strategies be used to make students successful in general education? (c) How are strategies taught? And why are they taught? (d) How will students learn to generalize strategies? (e) How will students learn content with strategies? (f) With whom should the teacher be in communication in order to ensure success? (g) What is the potential impact of a strategies approach on the quality of students' lives once they leave school? The manual will provide strategies in the following areas: reading, written language expression, mathematics, independent study skills or independent living (transition) skills, and social/behavioral skills. Note: One strategy in each section will be an original strategy. A short introduction to each section will be included. Each section will contain a minimum of five (5) cognitive or metacognitive strategies. At least three of the five per section shall be from the literature. A short introduction to each section will be included. Each strategy will include: purpose, population for whom it is appropriate, the steps of the strategy, a rationale for the students, and a generalization plan. This manual should be an ongoing project and students will be expected to discuss the strategies selected in class as each specific area is covered. (A list of recommended readings/sources will be provided by the instructor.) EEX 6259 revised 7/08 4 A reference list will be included in the back of the manual and any strategies taken/adapted from the literature should be cited. Students are encouraged to use the internet to help with strategy gathering. Critical Assignments and Florida Educator Accomplished Practices The Florida Department of Education has identified a set of Accomplished Practices that must be mastered in order to continue in the ESE Master’s Degree Program. For this course, the Educator Accomplished Practices (EAP 4.1, 4.2, 7.1) will be measured by the Strategies Manual, which is the Critical Assignment. Please read carefully the ESE departmental policy on Critical Assignments. ESE Departmental Policy on CRITICAL ASSIGNMENT(S): Assessment criteria: A student must earn a minimum grade of 83% of the points allotted for the Critical Assignment to receive a passing grade in this course. In other words, a student cannot pass the course without successfully completing the critical assignment. Remediation policy: If a student is passing the course, but has failed to pass the Critical Assignment with a minimum of 83% of the possible points for the assignment, the student will receive an “I” in the course until the Critical Assignment is successfully redone (only one attempt allowed). The conditions and time frame for the resubmission of the assignment will be determined by the instructor. However, the second attempt must be completed within one semester. Upon successful completion of the resubmitted assignment, the “I’ will be changed to a grade for the course and the student may continue in the ESE sequence of courses. The original points earned for the initial attempt at the Critical Assignment will be used to calculate the final grade in the course. If the resubmitted Critical Assignment is not successfully passed, the grade for the course will be B- or below regardless of the total points earned in the course. If a student is not passing the course, and has failed to pass the Critical Assignment with a minimum of 83% of the possible points, the student will not be allowed to resubmit the Critical Assignment. The student will need to repeat the course and the Critical Assignment. 2. APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE Instructors are to select from option A or B Option 2A: Developing Original Strategies Two original cognitive strategies for teaching a specific academic skill and a specific social skill will be developed in depth for a designated population that may include students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The plan shall include a task-related assessment, presentation and rationale, teaching procedures, guided practice and independent practice, evaluation procedures, and generalization and maintenance plans. A cue card should be included. Your original strategies may be included in the manual. EEX 6259 revised 7/08 5 Option 2B: Demonstration of Strategic Teaching Select one strategy and tape yourself teaching the strategy to a group of individuals. The taped segment should include the introduction of the strategy to the group and be accompanied by a lesson plan. Since the video will only cover 1 class period, it is expected that you will not teach the entire strategy to generalization, however, include in the video packet the student worksheets or activities that will be used in the subsequent lessons. 3. Competency Checks and Related Guided and Independent Activities: For each topic of discussion (see schedule), questions and activities provided by the instructor will be completed as in-class assignments. These will require knowledge of the lectures, texts, and original thinking. Some will be designated as guided practice (group activities), others as independent practice (competency checks). PROFESSIONAL ETHICS / POLICIES AND EXPECTATIONS Students, as reflective decision-makers, choose to practice ethical behavior during class, in the university community, and while participating in field experiences. ESE students are expected to demonstrate a professional demeanor in their FAU courses including attendance, participation and responsible attention to requirements and deadlines necessary for the successful completion of the ESE program. ESE students are also expected to demonstrate a professional demeanor in field experience settings through their dress, actions, and sensitivity to the students, teachers and administrators at the host schools. TEACHING METHODOLOGIES: Methods of instruction include lectures, discussions, modeling, guided practice, group activities, cooperative learning presentations, and media presentations. Participants will acquire knowledge and skills related to teaching students with exceptionalities, including students from various cultural, religious, ethnic, socioeconomic and language backgrounds. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Assignment Strategies Manual (Critical Assignment) Option 2A Original Academic Strategy Option 2A Original Social Skill Strategy Option 2B Demonstration Teaching In-Class Activities (guided practice) In-Class Activities (independent practice) TOTAL EEX 6259 revised 7/08 OR Number % of course Points grade 25% 10% 10% 20% 20% 35% 100% 6 GRADING (ESE GRADING SCALE): Activity scores are cumulative and the grade scale represents percentage of total points earned. A = 93-100 A- = 90-92 B+= 87-89 B= 83-86 B-= 80-82 C+= 77-79 C= 73-76 C-= 70-72 D+= 67-69 D = 63-66 D-= 60-62 F= Below 6 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES To avoid learner confusion or disappointment, the following are assumptions and expectations for this course: UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE POLICY: Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor. The effect of absences upon grades is determined by the instructor, and the University reserves the right to deal at any time with individual cases of nonattendance. Attendance includes active involvement in all class sessions, class discussions, and class activities, as well as professional conduct in class. Students are responsible for arranging to make up work missed because of legitimate class absence, such as illness, family emergencies, military obligation, courtimposed legal obligations, or participation in University-sponsored activities (such as athletic or scholastic team, musical and theatrical performances, and debate activities). It is the student’s responsibility to give the instructor notice prior to any anticipated absence, and within a reasonable amount of time after an unanticipated absence, ordinarily by the next scheduled class meeting. Instructors must allow each student who is absent for a University-approved reason the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the student’s final course grade as a direct result of such absence. POLICIES: 1. The course carries three (3) credits. Students are expected to complete course requirements sufficient to earn three credits during the time-span of the course. 2. Students are encouraged to talk with the instructor if there are concerns or problems relating to the course 3. A minimum grade of B (not B-) is required in order to continue in the ESE Master’s program. 4. All written assignments must be typed, double-spaced with the name and number of the assignment. All projects assigned will be discussed in class and a format provided for each. 5. Due dates for assignments are provided in the course outline and will be enforced. Assignments submitted late will lose points in relation to the lateness of the project. For example, projects/papers submitted up to 1 week late will lose 5% of the possible points. Those submitted more than one week late will lose 10% of the total points. Work should be started early and may be turned in or brought to the instructor for early feedback and help up to one week before due date. EEX 6259 revised 7/08 7 STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and FAU policy, students with disabilities who require special accommodations to properly execute course work must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and provide the instructor of this course with a letter from OSD which indicates the reasonable accommodations that would be appropriate for this course. OSD offices are located on Boca, Davie and Jupiter campuses. Information regarding OSD services and locations can be found on the FAU website. BIBLIOGRAPHY (A partial list of resources used in the development of this course.) Baxendell, B. W. (2003). Consistent, coherent, creative: The 3 C’s of graphic organizers. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35(3), 46-53. De La Paz, S., & Graham, S. (1997). Strategy instruction in planning: Effects on the writing performance and behavior of students with learning difficulties. Exceptional Children, 63, 167-181. Ives, B., & Hoy, C. (2003). Graphic organizers applied to higher-level secondary mathematics. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 18(1), 36-51. Manset-Williamson, G., (2005). Balanced, strategic reading instruction for upper elementary and middle school students with reading disabilities: A comparative study of two approaches. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 28(1), 59-74. Marchisan, M.L. & Alber, S.R. (2001). The write way: Tips for teaching the writing process to resistant writers. Intervention in School and Clinic, 36(3), 154-162. Mehigan, K.R. (2005). The strategy Toolbox: A ladder to strategic learning. Reading Teacher, 58 (6) 552-66. Troia, G. A., & Graham. S. (2002). The effectiveness of a highly explicit, teacherdirected strategy instruction routine: Changing the writing performance of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Leaning Disabilities, 35 (4), 290305. Electronic Resources: http://www.thegateway.org/welcome.html http://cbss.uoregon.edu/sampler.htm#sample http://www.ldonline.org/ http://kucrl.org/ http://aace.virginia.edu/go/specialed/information/ints/para.html http://curry.edschool.virginia.edu/go/readquest/strat/ http://www.everydayspelling.com/reference/refstrategies.html http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/DeerParkES/kids/diane/Math/tenstrat.htm http://www.iss.stthomas.edu/studyguides/ http://www.psychwww.com/mtsite/alphabet.html APPENDIX A GUIDELINES USED IN THE DEVELOP OF THIS COURSE. EEX 6259 revised 7/08 8 The instructor has included the guidelines of knowledge and skills related to the goal and objectives of this course for beginning special education teachers. The intent is to help the student understand the direction of the course and the relevancy of the material to be learned. COUNCIL FOR EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (CEC) What every special educator must know: Ethics, standards and guidelines for special educators (5th ed.) 2003. Reston, VA: CEC Publications. 4. Instructional Strategies gc4K1 Sources of specialized materials, curricula, and resources for individuals with disabilities gc4K2 Strategies to prepare for and take tests gc4K7 Methods for guiding individuals in identifying and organizing critical content cc4S2 Teach individuals to use self-assessment, problem-solving, and other cognitive strategies to meet their needs cc4S3 Select, adapt, and use instructional strategies and materials according to characteristics of the individual with exceptional learning needs cc4S4 Use strategies to facilitate maintenance and generalization of skills across learning environments gc4S1 Use research-supported methods for academic and nonacademic instruction of individuals with disabilities gc4S3 Teach learning strategies and study skills to acquire academic content gc4S12 Use responses and errors to guide instructional decisions and provide feedback to learners STATE OF FLORIDA CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT EDUCATION (ESE) 2.5 3.1 3.3 3.5 Identify alternate assessment strategies & procedures & their appropriate use. Analyze assessment information to identify a student’s environmental needs & instructional levels, to select appropriate specialized techniques & learning strategies, & to determine IEP content. Identify instructional strategies for acquisition, generalization, & maintenance of skills across real-life situations at school, at home and in the community. Identify methods of accommodating & modifying assessment, instruction, & materials to met individual student needs. FLORIDA EDUCATOR ACCOMPLISHED PRACTICES (EAP) 4.1 4.2 7.1 Identifies strategies, materials, and technologies that expand critical thinking Demonstrates and models the use of higher-order thinking skills Varies activities to accommodate different learning needs, developmental levels, experiential background, linguistic development and cultural heritage. EEX 6259 revised 7/08 9 FLORIDA SUBJECT AREA COMPETENCIES ESOL (ESOL) 6. 9. 22. Apply current and effective ESOL teaching methodologies in planning and delivering instruction to LEP students. Develop experiential and interactive literary activities for LEP students, using current information on linguistic and cognitive processes. Develop and implement strategies for using school, neighborhood, and home resources in the ESOL curriculum. COURSE SCHEDULE FOR SEMESTER SESSION DATE EEX 6259 revised 7/08 TOPICS ASSIGNMENTS 10 1 Intro to course and overview 2 Background on strategic instruction Research Base for metacognitive instruction Research base for cognitive instruction 3 4 Data based decision making and strategic instruction 5 Language based strategies 6 7 Math based strategies 8 Accessing the General Curriculum 9 Instructional Support Strategies 10 Social Skill Strategies 11 12 Independent Living Strategies 13 14 Strategic Curriculums 15 Content Enhancement Routines 16 EEX 6259 revised 7/08 11 Scoring Rubric for Critical Assignment EEX 6259 Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies Intervention Name:_________________________________________________ Date:________ Instructor:______________________________ Points Earned:___/____ This Critical Assignment: ___ Exceeds Expectations ___ Meets Expectation ___ Does not Meet Expectations Critical Assignment Title: Strategies Manual Florida Educator Accomplished Practice: Standards 4, 7 & 10 Indicators: 4.1, 4.2, 7.1, & 10.2 Description of Critical Assignment: A Strategies Manual, containing strategies gathered from sources outside of the textbook, and/or written by the student, will be developed. An introduction to the manual providing information to familiarize others (ESE teachers, general educators, parents, administrators, and/or students) with the philosophy, goals, and rationale of the cognitive/metacognitive strategies approach to intervention shall be included. The manual will provide strategies in the following areas: reading, written language expression, mathematics, independent study skills or independent living (transition) skills, and social/behavioral skills. Note: One strategy in each section will be an original strategy. A short introduction to each section will be included. Each section will contain a minimum of five (5) cognitive or metacognitive strategies. At least three of the five per section shall be from the literature. Components Content of Strategies Manual Value = 80% Points_____ Exceeds Expectations 92-100% All parts of the strategy manual are present: - introduction - steps of strategy - rationale - generalization plan - reference section The required numbers of strategies are provided with no more than three in each section coming from the text or instructor provided resources. Original strategies are included in the manual. Mechanics Value = 20% Points_____ Student exceeds expectations by including the following components in their strategy manual: student products are included instructional activities or plans for teaching at least one lesson in each section are provided Text is written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. EEX 6259 revised 7/08 Meets Expectations 91- 84% All parts of the strategy manual are present: - introduction - steps of strategy - rationale - generalization plan - reference section The required numbers of strategies are provided with no more than three in each section coming from the text or instructor provided resources. Does Not Meet Expectations <83% Parts of the manual are missing and/or understanding the plan of use or rationale for the strategy requires inference on the reader’s part. Original strategies are included in the manual. Text is clearly written with little or no editing required for grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. (no more than 3 errors) Errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling repeatedly distract the reader and major editing and revision is required. 12 EEX 6259 revised 7/08