1 Exceptional Student Education Department of Exceptional Student Education College of Education Florida Atlantic University Instructor: Phone: Office Hours: Office: E-mail: Class Day/Time: Insert Picture of instructor here COURSE NUMBER: SLS1321 COURSE TITLE: World of Work 2 Credits CATALOG DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to assist the student with personal and professional development for employment with a concentration in developing a positive self-image, career expectations, learning job search techniques, and resume preparation. INSTRUCTOR INTRODUCTION TO THE COURSE: This course is designed to help students learn more about how to find jobs that make the best use of their talents and skills. In this course, students will explore the world of work by learning various job search techniques. Students will learn how to present themselves to prospective employers in a positive light. Students will develop positive career expectations and goals that will guide their job search. Students will practice their writing skills by preparing a resume. PREREQUISITE or COREQUISITE: No prerequisite or Corequisite REQUIRED TEXTS or MATERIALS: All materials will be provided by instructor in class or on Blackboard. Materials will be provided in multiple formats as appropriate. Tablet/laptop and Work Portfolio TECHNOLOGY: E-mail: Your FAU email will be used for this class. SLS 1321 Semester, Year 2 Exceptional Student Education Computer: This course will be web assisted through FAU Blackboard site. Some handouts, forms, handbook and resources may be available on the website. Go to the website: http://blackboard.fau.edu (Do not type www). VIDEOS: 1. Self-Confidence, Friendship, etc. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrhjfui5rGU 2. How to Get Your Dream Job https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJahF_1QgOY 3. 20 Tips to Ace Any Job Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGqVRMOd3OI COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. Students will understand their strengths to develop a positive self-image. 2. Students will demonstrate how to present themselves in a positive manner. 3. Students will identify important career goals 4. Students will identify the career expectations in their field of choice. 5. Students will identify appropriate job interview skills, answers, and guidelines. 6. Students will understand and explore the job search process including the completion of a job application. 7. Students will utilize writing skills to develop and format a professional resume. SLS 1321 Semester, Year 3 Exceptional Student Education CONTENT OUTLINE: World of Work Positve Self-Image Career Goals My Strengths Creating a Career Path What is Character? Expectations and Values for my job Having More SelfEsteem Interview guidelines The Search Using Resources Filling out Applications Creating a Resume COURSE REQUIREMENTS: (See Appendix for assignment rubrics) 1) My Best Self (40 points) This assignment will be formatted in a form of a presentation, whether it be a video or PowerPoint. The presentation will be required to have visuals of the student, and audio narration if it is a PowerPoint. This presentation is intended to prepare the students for making positive impressions and portraying a positive self-image towards prospective employers. This assignment requires the student to talk about three aspects of themselves: their strengths and skills, their career goals or intended career path and why they have chosen this career, and their work values or expectations in the future. The student is advised against using inappropriate materials in their presentation. The student must email their presentation to the instructor prior to presenting in class. Students will present their presentations in class on: 2) My Application (20 points) In this assignment, students will go to a place of work that they are interested in and request a job application. Students will then complete that specific application with all of the necessary information that is required. The application should only contain truthful and correct information. False information on an application will result in point deductions. Students will submit their application for grading to the instructor on: SLS 1321 Semester, Year 4 Exceptional Student Education 3) My Resume (20 points)- Students will construct their resume after multiple resume writing class periods. 4) In Class Assignments and Homework- (20 points) Students are expected to attend and fully participate in class. Each class session will have either an in- class or homework assignment that will allow students to practice the skills presented in class. Students are responsible for completing the assignments within the given time frame stated by the instructor. ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES: Assignment 1: My Best Self 2: My Application 3: My Resume 4: In Class Assignments and Homework TOTAL Points Earned Possible 40 20 20 20 100 GRADING (FAU GRADING SCALE): Activity scores are cumulative and the grade scale represents percentage of total points earned. A = 93-100 A- = 90-92 B+= 87-89 B = 83-86 B- = 80-82 C+= 77-79 C = 73-76 C-= 70-72 D+= 67-69 D = 63-66 D-= 60-62 F= Below 60 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES: ATTENDANCE: According to University policy, “Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled University Classes and to satisfy all academic objectives as outlined by the instructor.” Attendance includes meaningful, active involvement in all class sessions, class discussions, and class activities as well as professional, ethical, conduct in class. Reasonable accommodations are made for religious observances. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and FAU policy, students with disabilities who require special accommodations to properly execute course work must register with the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) and provide the instructor of this course with a letter from OSD which indicates the reasonable accommodations that would be appropriate for this course. OSD offices are located on Boca, Davie and Jupiter campuses. Information regarding OSD services and locations can be found on the FAU website. SLS 1321 Semester, Year 5 Exceptional Student Education CODE OF INTEGRITY: Students at Florida Atlantic University are expected to maintain the highest ethical standards. Academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, is considered a serious breach of these ethical standards, because it interferes with the University mission to provide a high quality education in which no student enjoys an unfair advantage over any other. Academic dishonesty is also destructive of the University community, which is grounded in a system of mutual trust and places high value on personal integrity and individual responsibility. Harsh penalties are associated with academic dishonesty. For more information, see https://www.fau.edu/ctl/4.001_Code_of_Academic_Integrity.pdf BIBLIOGRAPHY Becoming a comprehensive transition program. (n.d.). Retrieved October 12, 2015, from http://www.thinkcollege.net/topics/becoming-a-comprehensivetransition-program Brady, M.P. & Rosenberg, H. (2002). Job observation and behavior scale: A supported employment assessment instrument. Education and training in mental retardation and developmental disabilities, 37(4), 427-433. Employability for adults with learning difficulties/learning disabilities. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2015. http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/152/1/Learning_for_Work_Main_Report_FINAL.pdf Synatschk, K.O., Clark, G.M., Patton, J.R., & Copeland, L.R. (2007). Employment and career planning. Austin, TX: PRO-ED. Wolffe, K. (2012). Job maintenance skills. In Career counseling for people with disabilities (2nd Ed., pp. 81-91 & 93-101). Austin, TX: PRO-ED. SLS 1321 Semester, Year 6 Exceptional Student Education COURSE SCHEDULE FOR SEMESTER Week DATE TOPICS Overview of Syllabus 1 Introduction to Course What is positive self-image? 2 3 4 How do I show someone my strengths? What is character? 5 How do I become more confident on the job? 6 7 What are my career goals? How do I get to my ultimate career goal? 8 What are the values and expectations I have for my job? 9 How do I successfully complete a job interview? 10 11 What resources can I use to find a job? Presentations 12 Presentations 13 What information is needed to complete a job application? Resume Writing Workshop Work Sessions (Q&A) 14 15 SLS 1321 Semester, Year ASSIGNMENTS Hmwk: collect required materials for class Hmwk: Make a list of qualities you like your best friend to have Hmwk: Make a list of your four best qualities Hmwk: Brainstorm ideas about what makes you unique Hmwk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= wrhjfui5rGU Hmwk: fill out goals worksheet Hmwk: watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= vJahF_1QgOY Hmwk: Watch video from http://jobsearch.about.com/od/interv iewquestionsanswers/qt/expectatio ns.htm Hwmk: Watch video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= TGqVRMOd3OI My Best Self due to Instructor In- Class-My Best Self Presentations Hmwk: While on community outings, search for places that display “now hiring” or “apply here” signs Hmwk: Work on application and bring work portfolio to next class. Application Due Resume Due 7 Exceptional Student Education Appendix A- Assignment Rubrics My Best Self Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Video/Presentation Creativity _____/10 Content Quality _____/20 Positive SelfImage Portrayal ____/10 My Application Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Proper and Correct Personal Information _____/10 Experience Completed _____/5 Appropriate References _____ /5 SLS 1321 Semester, Year Does Not Meet Expectations 8 Exceptional Student Education My Resume Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Contact Info _____/5 Education _____/5 Work Experience ____/5 Extracurricular _____/ 5 SLS 1321 Semester, Year Does Not Meet Expectations