Grade 11 University English

Grade 11 University English
Course Outline and Expectations
Semester 2 – January 31 – June 17, 2014.
Course Teachers: Mr. Fontaine and Ms. Zlataric
Course Title: Grade 11 University English
Course Code: ENG 3U
Course Section: Periods 3AB: ENG 3U1-08 (11:03-12:18 PM) and Period 4: ENG 3U1-06 (1:03-2:18 PM)
Room: 345
Contact: 905-820-3900 ext. 70316 - Voice Mail ext. 82012
Welcome to the Grade 11 University Preparation English course! This course outline is for students and parents/guardians to
review! 
Course Description:
This course emphasises the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative
thinking skills necessary for success in academic and daily life. Students will analyse challenging
literary texts from various periods, countries, and cultures, as well as a range of informational and
graphic texts, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will
be on using language with precision and clarity and incorporating stylistic devices appropriately
and effectively. The course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 12 university
or college preparation course.
(The Ontario Curriculum Grade 11 and 12, Revised 2007).
Prerequisite: English, Grade 10, Academic
Catholic School Graduate Expectations:
The primary goal of Catholic education is to educate for life and to facilitate young people to become discerning believers who demonstrate a
Catholic openness and a commitment to social justice. Education in the Catholic school system nurtures the vision that the glory of God is realized
when each person is able to reach his/her potential while acknowledging human weakness and limitation as creations of God. Subsequently, this
course encourages students to find and value their own voice through the integration of a variety of literature, media, and communication. The Grade
11 curriculum is another stage in the students’ journey towards completing the Catholic Graduate Expectations and their life-long partnerships with
Course Evaluation:
Assessment for/as Learning (Formative Assessment) – Course Work = 70%
The Achievement Chart is a standard province-wide guide. The chart provides a reference point and a framework in which to assess
and evaluate student achievement using the four categories of knowledge and skills sometimes known in an acronym as TACK.
Thinking * the use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes
Application * the use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts
Communication * the conveying of meaning through various forms
Knowledge and Understanding * subject-specific content acquired in each course/comprehension
Course Weightings
of its meaning and significance
Assessment of Learning (Summative Assessment) – Final Evaluation = 30%
Culminating Performance Task (CPT)
Final Examination
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The Course at a Glance:
Course Strands/Units of Study
The Fundamentals
Jan. 31 – Feb. 28
Short Fiction
March 3 – April 4
Drama Study
Novel Study
Grammar and Usage
Exam Preparation
Final Exam
April 7 – May 2
May 5 – May 30
W. June 11 – F. June 13
M. June 16 – T. June 17
Period 3: F. June 20;
Period 4: M. June 23
*Subject to Change
Textbooks/Replacement Costs*
Canadian Students’ Guide to Language, Literature and
Media ($45) + Supplemental Material
Short Stories – Provided
Oedipus The King by Sophocles ($15)
King Lear by William Shakespeare ($20)
In the Lake of the Woods by Tim O'Brien ($25)
* Textbooks are subject to change.
* Students are responsible for the specific textbook they have been assigned. The number on that textbook is used to track their use of
the text. A lost text must be replaced before a new text is issued.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga Secondary School – Policy on Late and Missed Assignments, Academic Honesty and Absences During
CPTs and Formal Examinations:
Late and Missed Assignments
Timelines for submission are established to encourage you to manage your time effectively and take responsibility for your learning.
They are to enable teachers to effectively deliver curriculum, provide timely feedback and manage the evaluation of assignments. You
are responsible for approaching your teacher, before the established due date, if you are experiencing difficulty with an assignment
and/or meeting the established due date. We need to work together!
There WILL be academic consequences for assignments that are submitted late or not at all so be sure to ask for clarification
regarding due dates and “closure dates” from the very beginning.
Ensure that you consider any religious accommodations you may need and approach your teacher BEFORE this becomes an
Be prepared to explain to the teacher why an assignment is being submitted late or not at all – communication is key!
Keep in mind that up to 10% may be deducted for an assignment that is submitted late and a ZERO evaluation may occur if it
is not submitted at all.
Late and/or missed assignments will be reflected on your report card as part of the LEARNING SKILLS and WORK HABITS.
Due Date
A due date is set
by the teacher.
You will work towards
meeting this due date.
Late Submissions
If the assignment is not submitted by the due date, a closure date is established. This date is
determined on a case-by-case basis.
If the assignment is submitted by the closure date, up to 10% mark deduction may apply.
If the assignment is not submitted by the closure date, a zero may be assigned.
The Learning Skills and Work Habits section of the report card will reflect late and missed
Academic Honesty
It is your responsibility to be academically honest in all aspects of your school work so that the marks you receive are a true reflection
of your own achievement. Academic dishonesty, therefore, is a serious offence. There are two forms of Academic dishonesty: Cheating
and Plagiarism.
Cheating is an act of academic dishonesty and comes in many forms such as, but not limited to, communicating in any form, copying
from others, and using unauthorized notes, aides, and/or personal electronic devices (PEDs).
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Plagiarism, an example of cheating, is the act of claiming another’s words, ideas, and/or work as one’s own such as, but not limited
to: copying an assignment completed by someone else; piecing together material from one or several sources and
adding only linking sentences; quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the source; copying and pasting from
the Internet or other electronic sites without citing the source; not providing quotation marks for direct quotations,
even if the sources have been cited; falsifying a citation.
If it discovered that you are guilty of Academic dishonesty, an appropriate consequence will be assigned,
depending on the circumstance. This consequence, decided upon by the teacher, may include, but is not limited to:
redoing the assignment
redoing a section of the assignment
completing an alternative assignment
assigning a zero.
Absences During the Final 30% Assessment
It is expected that you are present to complete all components of the final 30% assessments will occur at or near the end of the course
during the regular school day and/or during the formal exam period. There will be no exemptions from the final evaluation(s).
Absences during the Culminating Performance Task (CPT)
A Culminating Performance Task (CPT) is a scheduled course requirement and you will have practised and prepared for it throughout
the term. The major component of the CPT is completed during class time and under the supervision of the teacher. The potential
academic consequence for missing part or all of this final assessment is a mark deduction or a zero.
Absences during the Formal Exam Period
If you are absent from a scheduled exam due to illness, you will provide a medical note to verify that absence; otherwise, a mark of
zero will be assigned.
If it has been determined your absence is as a result of a skip/truancy, a mark of zero will be assigned.
If you are absent from a scheduled exam due to a vacation, you will be assigned a mark of zero. Formal exam days are published well
in advance and permission to write final exams outside of the designated dates/schedule will not be granted.
The purpose of homework for students is to provide opportunities to complete work begun in class, apply and practise skills and
knowledge taught in class, prepare for the next class, monitor their own learning, and alert them to difficulties and the need to seek
Homework completion is a learning skill that is reported separately on the provincial report card. However, the homework assigned is a
vital component of many courses and failure to complete it may have a negative impact on the student’s final grade.
The quantity of homework for a secondary senior student in grade 11 or 12 is 30 minutes on average per day per class.
Teacher’s Expectations:
Regular attendance is vital in the learning process. When the process and content of learning is disrupted by irregular attendance, both
the individual and his or her classmates suffer a loss of experience that cannot be entirely regained. Students who miss class will suffer
in the evaluation process because their participation and achievement cannot be fully assessed. Students are to have two homework
buddies to contact for any missed homework. Also, student should consult their monthly calendar and teacher for further clarification.
Homework Buddies to Contact for Missed Homework:
#1 - Name: ______________________ Phone Number: _____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________
#2 - Name: ______________________ Phone Number: _____________________ E-mail: ___________________________________
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Students’ Expectations:
Students will be in the complete Gonzaga uniform at all times. No uniform. No entry.
No personal electronic devices (PEDs) or personal belongings are permitted in the classroom.
The student is to be in the classroom when the bell rings, prepared to work with all required materials and textbooks.
All assignments (unless otherwise directed) are to be word-processed in the MLA format. Always save your work. Always
print out 2 copies of your assignments. Keep one on file at home for reference. MLA – OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue
Tardiness is unacceptable! It disturbs the class. You will only be admitted into class with an admit slip. Please be sure to have
one. Three lates will result in an assignment/detention and a phone call to parent/guardian.
Students are responsible for catching up on missed work and obtaining notes/handouts upon their return.
All non-word processed assignments are to be written in blue or black ink pen.
Students are not to bring any material into the room from another class.
In order to foster teamwork and a co-operative classroom environment, students must show respect for themselves, for their
peers, and for their teachers. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Food/drinks are not allowed in the classroom. Only water.
All assignments are due at the start of class or by 2:20 of the assigned deadline and are NOT to be completed during class.
In the event that students have a legitimate reason for an absence on a scheduled presentation date or in-class assignment
(whether it be an individual or group presentation), students must ensure that I receive notice by phone from a
parent/guardian before 8:00 a.m. on that same day, in order to prevent the outcome of a mark of zero.
Supplies Needed:
1-inch binder
5-tab dividers
lined paper
blue, black, and red ink pens
pencils and eraser
school agenda
highlighters (various colours)
post-it notes
ink cartridges
computer paper
Don’t forget
to stock up
on ink
Canadian Oxford English
dictionary and thesaurus
Extra Help:
Ultimately, it is the student’s choice whether to seek further assistance or not. I will encourage students through written feedback and
discussions from all assignments and tests. I am always willing to provide clarification or extra work to students. Please do not hesitate
to ask! I am available after school in Room 316, after school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursday, or by appointment.
Personal Note:
Welcome again to the Grade 11 University Preparation English course. This course is exciting and may be challenging at times.
However, if you are consistent with your attendance and submit all assignments in on time, you will succeed. Remember, I am here to
help you. “If you don’t know…ASK!” Also, “Go that extra mile. Give it your 110% best!” Have a great semester! 
Ms. Zlataric
I have read and understand the Grade 11 University Preparation English course outline and expectations. Please return it to school
for a homework check.
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian’s Signature
 Further details regarding the Ontario curriculum may be found at: – search for: The Ontario Curriculum Grades
11 and 12, Revised 2007
 The school’s homepage is:
All students can succeed.
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