Minutes of St. Joseph S.S. Council Meeting Wednesday October 22, 2014 Location: Library Time 7:00pm Present: Council Members: Rosa Ruscetta – Co-Chair/Co-Parish Representative, Helen Galvao – Co-Chair, Barb Carcary – Co-Parish Representative/Fundraiser Representative, Judy Borges – Co-Secretary, Lina Cosentino – Co-Secretary, Rita Malatesta – Treasurer, Mara Farmer – OAPCE Co-Representative, Kim Tatone – OAPCE Co-Representative, Monica Carcary for Vanessa Principe – Student Representative Admin/Staff: Jeff Quenneville – Principal, Garry Robitaille – Teacher Representative, Parents: Gail Kasekamp, James Carcary, Fatima Antunes-Cordoso, Dalila Tome, Dominic Fernandes, Carolyn Mucilli VanAlstine, Michael Marchese, Charles Dombrady, Sara William Welcome and Opening Prayer: Meeting called to order at 7:04pm. Rosa welcomed everyone and introduced new council members Approval of September 24th Minutes by Barbara and motioned by Rita. Updates: Student Council Report: Monica spoke on behalf of Vanessa about Spirit Week activities next week, Nov 3 Bake Sale Asked for update on proposal of Shorts as part of the Uniform. Jeff to speak with McCarthy’s. Staff Rep Report: Garry went through Good News Report which included Gr. 9 Girls Night In, $10,000 was raised for Terry Fox; November 6-8 College/University Fair, PATH, Link Crew, Health and Well-Being, Grade 9 science Zoo trip, Grade 9 Spirit Day –picture using a drone camera took picture of Grade 9s class of 2018 Health Action Team led by the Falzata’s applied for “Get Movin” Grant and received $40,000 grant to purchase 16 spinning bikes to be used by all Period 1 to 4 classes and during lunch hour with supervision – will be up and running within next couple of weeks Green Team initiatives such as “Litterless lunch” and “Lights Out Fridays” Culture Shock to take place November 20 “High School Road Trip” for future Grade 9 students will take place while grade 9s are at “Take your child to work day”. Parish Report: Rose: Knight of Columbus will have “Pasta Night” on October 31, $4.00pp or $15 for family of 4 Christmas Bazaar this Friday from 2-8pm and Saturday 9-3pm Monday evening begins 5 week video study of Biblical Walk through the Mass – contact Michelle at the Church for information Christmas Hampers for St. Vincent de Paul –this year 53 families in need -Proposal for Parent Council to take on one family in need New priest at our parish Sacraments of Communion and Confirmation preparation now only to be done by Church Treasurer Report: Rita/Jeff: Balance is still $1,004.55. Minutes for School Council Meeting -1- Fundraiser Report: Barb: Re. Outdoor Classroom clean-up –contacted Girl Guides and will coordinate clean-up Jeff: Grant Application submitted by Ms Cipriano was approved by Board Application now submitted for aTD grant to revamp the Peace Garden into an Outdoor Classroom/Chapel OAPCE Report: Mara: First OAPCE meeting will be held next Wednesday at St. Valentine’s elementary school Chair Report: Rose: CSAC meeting was held at St. Frances Xavier; shared “family basket” Elections on Monday October 27 – vote for the Trustees Helen: Council Member training to be held at St. Joe’s on Saturday Nov 1 –Register by end of this week and inform Jeff for numbers Principal’s Report: As of September 27 we have 1426 students registered at St. Joseph’s Secondary Regional AP Information Meeting on October 28 –next year Pre-AP courses will be available for Grade 9 students leading up to Grade 12 AP courses Students currently in secondary may take AP courses in Grade 12 but will not be able to take advantage of Pre-AP courses- to begin next year with Grade 9 students only –Coordinated by Mrs. Shramm and info posted on website Other: Gary passed around brochures on how to help students with Stress/Anxiety –will be posted on website and possibly as an insert in Report Card envelopes -Speaker will be invited to come to Parent Council meeting Rose spoke of tragic event that happened in Ottawa today and prayer was said for the soldier who tragically died while standing on guard at National War Monument. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 7pm. Minutes for School Council Meeting -2-