230923S01 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Building temperature control shall be accomplished by using DDC Technologies. User interface shall be accomplished through a central host system that integrates the different control systems using standards set by BACNET. The graphical user interface must be designed for use on standard Intel Pentium workstations and servers running Windows ’95 or Windows NT software. Communications for the central host system shall be accomplished via the University’s Ethernet system using IEEE802.3 standards. The following chart describes how each monitored point, if required by the project, is to report back to the central network. DDC Point Definitions Specifications Generator Monitoring Description Alarm Display Adjust Output Voltage Load Current Output Frequency Oil Pressure Fuel Pressure Coolant Temperature Engine RPM Overspeed X Overcrank X High Temperature X Oil Pressure Low X X (out of Mode Control Switch AUTO) Automatic Transfer Switch X X X X X X X Description Display Adjust Alarm Override Override X (when in X Switch Position emergen cy) 230923S01 - Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Dated: 12/2015 Applies to: All Projects University of Kentucky 1 of 5 230923S01 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Main Power Feed Description Alarm Input Voltage Display Adjust Override X (upon X loss) AHU'S Description Alarm X X Override X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Display Adjust STS - Status X MAT - Mixed Air Temp. X RAT - Return Air Temp. SP - Static Pressure EAT - Exhaust Air Temp. CWST - Chill H2O Supply Temp CWRT - Chill H2O Return Temp. CWSP - Chill H2O Supply Pressure CWRP - Chill H2O Return Pressure RH - Relative Humidity SCFM - Supply CFM DAT - Discharge Air Temp. X DATSP - Discharge Air Temp Setpoint Steam Pressure X Chilled Water Temp. X Chilled Water Pumps X Condensate Pumps X Reheat Pumps X Global X X X X X Description Display Adjust Alarm X X X Override X X OAT - Outside Air Temp. RH - Relative Humidity All Rooms Description X Alarm ZT - Zone Temp. RH - Relative Humidity Special Rooms: i.e. film X processing Special Equipment: i.e. ultraX low freezers ZT-Setpoint Rooms With VAV's 230923S01 - Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Dated: 12/2015 Applies to: All Projects University of Kentucky Display Adjust Override X X X X X X X X X X X X X 2 of 5 230923S01 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Description Alarm DAT - Discharge Air Temp. ZTS - Zone Temp. Setpoint (local) ZTS - Zone Temp. Setpoint (remote) RHS - Relative Humidity Supply SCFM - Supply CFM SCFM - Supply CFM (min.) Setpoint SCFM - Supply CFM (max) Setpoint Rooms With Hood Exhaust Description X X Override X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Display Adjust X Alarm SCFM - Supply CFM ECFM - Exhaust CFM HECFM - Hood Exhaust CFM SASHP - Sash Position RVP - Reheat Valve Position DP - Damper Position HFV - Hood Face Velocity X ECFMN - Exhaust CFM(min) Set point ECFMN - Exhaust CFM(max) Set point TECFM - Total Exhaust CFM SECFM - Supply Exhaust CFM differential Display Adjust Override X X X X X X X X X X X Monitoring System Specifications: All jobs where monitoring systems are required shall implement the standard graphic screen layout templates supplied by UK representative or follow the intent of the graphic’s descriptions outlined in this specification with approval by UK representative . All projects shall include the following types of dynamic screens: 1. Outside building graphic, if not already developed, including navigation bar. 2. Floor plans for each floor. Room numbers may or may not be required on these graphics per UK representative . Partial floor plans for each floor to include room numbers for navigation purposes. 3. Room graphics to include representation of all temperature control devices. 4. System graphics representing relevant monitored systems. 5. Upon highlighting a specific room, the controlling AHU button should be simultaneously highlighted. Modifications affecting any existing graphics accuracy in representation, including navigation bars, must be pre-approved by UK representative. 230923S01 - Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Dated: 12/2015 Applies to: All Projects University of Kentucky 3 of 5 230923S01 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Navigation Bar: Location: Top 10-15% of graphic screen. (Fine grid x by x) Content: Campus Button: Top left button on navigation bar. (Border area specified in setup of this first button, dark gray background for whole navigation bar. This button must be placed first with remaining buttons positioned relative to this one). Building Button: Immediate right of campus button. Floor Buttons: Placed horizontally in ascending order. AHU Buttons: Placed horizontally in ascending order. Equipment, System or Specialized Button: Application dependent. Zone Buttons: Links to partial floor plans designated "N"-North, "S"- South, "E"- East, "W"- West. NOTE: Button sizes should be standardized four grid points high and standardized in width. With one grid spacing between each button. Size and font will be Ariel 8pt. Application: All monitor screens pertaining to building. Representation: Table templates, or equivalent in color, font, size, and texture, shall be used. Floor button, equipment label button, or any button located on navigation bar indicating current dynamic graphic monitor screen shall be highlighted in red text to indicate current graphic in the navigation menu. 230923S01 - Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Dated: 12/2015 Applies to: All Projects University of Kentucky 4 of 5 230923S01 Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Setpoint / Control Field: Location: Bottom 20-30% of screen. (Fine grid A x B) Content: All adjustable control setpoints as referenced under required DDC point definitions specifications. Application: All graphics pertaining to the representation of building equipment, systems, and temperature controls including but not limited to AHU, mechanical room, and individual room screens. Representation: Table templates found in Signal\Monitor\Sample\ shall be utilized or equivalent in color, texture, size, and font. Setpoints shall have gray background and black lettering with sunken texture. Dynamic Field: Location: Below the navigation bar and above the setpoint/control field. This should comprise greater than 55% of the total screen area. Content: Representation of all equipment components comprising the equipment that the graphic was designed to represent with dynamic fields indicating current status on all values defined under DDC control point definition specifications. Label of monitor screen to be located in bottom right of screen and be of same color, size, texture, and font as defined in project. Application: All graphics pertaining to the representation of building equipment, systems, and temperature controls including but not limited to AHU, mechanical room, and individual room screens. Representation: Graphics can be the design of the contractor or used from the template database if approved by UK. All graphics must be reviewed and consensual agreement of their use must be reached before point linking is performed. Dynamic fields must have a black background and have standard dimensions with respect to other dynamic fields on same screen. All lettering must be green to remain consistent with UK graphics specifications when showing an actual current status of above defined points. Communications Server Requirements: To be determined on a per-project basis. Communications equipment will be compatible with currently used operating systems. 230923S01 - Direct-Digital Control System for HVAC Dated: 12/2015 Applies to: All Projects University of Kentucky 5 of 5