The North Shore High School Athletic Training Program is designed to help equip persons to enter
into the field of Sports Medicine. The goal of this program is to prepare student Athletic Trainers for the
collegiate level, by using hands-on methods of teaching and learning as well as classroom curriculum.
Athletic Training is a growing profession. The opportunities are unlimited to where you can
employ your skills. Athletic Trainers assist and educate people about their bodies and with that,
patience, intelligence, empathy and “hard work” are essential skills needed by Athletic Trainers.
The role of a student Athletic Trainer is hard but rewarding. Covering practices, games, and
treatments/rehabilitation of injured athletes take time and focus. A student Athletic Trainer must be
confident in these skills, a hard worker, and have a positive outlook.
Everyday contains a different learning experience. This handbook is a guide to help student
Athletic Trainers and their parents along this great path. If you have any questions please feel free to
contact the Athletic Trainers on staff at North Shore High School.
Vision Statement
The North Shore Athletic Training Program is dedicated to enriching student Athletic Trainers about the
profession of Athletic Training. We will provide prevention, management, and rehabilitation to the
student-athletes of North Shore High School. The Athletic Training program provides student Athletic
Trainers the opportunity to continue Athletic Training at a college or university once completing their
requirements to graduate.
Mission Statement
The North Shore Athletic Training Program is committed to providing the student Athletic Trainers the
knowledge to succeed at the collegiate level as a student Athletic Trainer. The students will received both
hands on experience and book/classroom learning. Athletic Training students are directly involved in
prevention, management, rehabilitation and care of athletic injuries. The North Shore Athletic Training
Program provides sports medicine services to the student athletes participating in UIL events at North
Shore High School. Student Athletic Trainers will be taught and be prepared to assist the athletes under
the supervision of a licensed Athletic Trainer.
Record Keeping
Record keeping is a very important task that is done daily. Documentation is a legal way of
keeping track of the daily activity of the Athletic Training room. Student Athletic Trainers will
help keep track of all injured athletes, treatments, rehabilitations, and athletes’ daily
Treatments are performed as a prevention method, or as a result of an injury sustained by an
athlete. Treatments are given to athletes once the area has been assessed and a plan of action
has been developed. Treatments include but are not limited to ice, moist heat packs, hot/ cold
whirlpools, electrical muscle stimulators, ultrasound, and light therapy. Records are kept daily
on a treatment log of all the treatments athletes received. This log includes there name, body
part, what specific treatment was given to them and the time it was administered. Treatments
begin at 6:30a.m., Athletic Periods, after school and before/after practices and contests.
Student Athletic Trainers will be taught why we administer each treatment, the purpose of that
treatment and how to administer the treatment. All treatments are given under the supervision
of a licensed Athletic Trainer. Each treatment has positive and negative effects and students
will be taught what to watch for in either case.
Rehabilitation consists of training or re-training range of motion, flexibility, strength and
conditioning of one’s body. Student Athletic Trainers will have the opportunity to work hands on
with athletes in this transition phase of there athletic career. Rehabilitation programs can range
from daily maintenance to post surgery.
All injuries are to be reported to the supervising Athletic Trainer as soon as possible. The
student Athletic Trainers are to fill out an injury report for each athlete reporting a new injury.
A copy of the report is given to the athlete and the other copy is recorded in their file. Students
who are traveling with a team will report injuries to their designated licensed Athletic Trainer
for examination.
Student Athletic Trainers will be taught the basic skills in life saving CPR/First Aid and
AED training. These skills will be useful for the rest of their lives. The students will have
lecture, video and hands on training by a certified Red Cross instructor.
The Athletic Training Room
The Athletic Training room is a health care providing center. We take pride in our facilities. We
will clean, organize and restock what we have used each day. This includes cleaning tables,
counters, whirlpools, and coolers as well as sweeping the floors daily. Supplies in need of
restocking include the Examination Room, all supply kits in use, and counter areas (alcohol,
peroxide, gloves, band aids etc.)
Daily Routines
Before Practice
 Fill the Cold whirlpool to 55 degrees Fahrenheit
 Check all kits and supplies and take to practice
 Perform treatments, rehabilitation programs and taping
 Fill all coolers and water caddies with ice and water
 Set up the field, court, etc. before teams start practice
After Practice
 Restock and replace all kits and supplies to their appropriate places
 Assist all players in removal of Athletic Training tape
 Assist licensed Athletic Trainer with injured players and document injuries
 Administer treatments as needed
 Clean and restock the Athletic Training Room
 Complete all record keeping
All student Athletic Trainers will be assigned various sports per year. Each student is required
to attend all practices and games scheduled for their given sport. It is the responsibility of the
student Athletic Trainer to make sure that their daily duties are completed correctly and in a
timely fashion.
If you are unable to attend the class and/or practice/game, it is your responsibility to contact one
of the staff Athletic Trainers
Dress Code
The North Shore Athletic Training Department is a part of North Shore High School. We will
follow all guidelines as stated by the school and athletic student handbook. We represent the
school, the athletic program, our community and the Athletic Training staff. Our dress code is a
way to express how we feel, and look and it is our way of making a statement to others.
1. Students will be clean shaven and well groomed.
2. Practices: Issued black shorts, black wind pants with student Athletic Trainer t-shirt
3. Games: Khaki pants with student Athletic Trainer game shirt, indoor sports we dress
business casual
4. Gym shoes – No flip flops/open toe or backless shoes
5. Hats or visors are allowed if they are the school colors
6. No Ear Rings (Boys) No large ear rings (Girls)
Athletic Training Room Rules and Expectations
 Be on time and ready for class, practice, game
 No cleats in the training room
 Must be in proper dress code
 No loud talking or profanity
 No horse play
 Only Athletic Trainers or student Athletic Trainers issue treatments, not athletes
 All treatments and rehabilitation programs must be recorded
 No food or drink allowed
 No practice equipment allowed
 Follow all North Shore High School, Athletic and GPISD rules
 No cell phone usage during class or during practice or games unless prior approval by a Licensed
Athletic Trainer. Cellphones will be turned into the Athletic Training office daily to be locked up during
Any student trainer that works varsity volleyball and/or varsity football for a season, and is in good
Any student trainer that has been a varsity head student trainer for another sport, and is in good
North Shore Sports Medicine
3 Strike Student Athletic Trainer Policy
3 strikes are allotted per school year for each student Athletic Trainer. If a 3rd strike is awarded,
the student Athletic Trainer is terminated for the remaining high school tenure.
The Athletic Trainers on staff reserve the right to terminate any student Athletic Trainer
immediately for egregious misconduct or breaking the G.P.I.S.D. handbook.
Activities suitable to receive a strike are as follows:
1. Unexcused absence to a game or practice.
2. Unprofessional conduct by the student Athletic Trainer at a game or practice where
they are reprimanded by a coach, administrator, Athletic Trainer, officer, etc.
3. Excessive tardiness to class, games or practices.
4. Refusal to abide by the dress code - practice, games, etc.
5. Absence to class, practice or a game without contacting a staff Athletic Trainer
I have read, understand and agree with all parts of this handbook and will abide by the rules within the
Parent/Guardian Signature
Student Signature