Dr. Peter Gregory BSc Chemistry: University College London 1983

Dr. Peter Gregory
BSc Chemistry: University College London 1983
PhD Chemistry: University College London (Alwyn Davies group) 1986
Post Doc: University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Paul v.R. Schleyer group) 1986-1989
Wiley-VCH Weinheim, Germany: 1989-2002
Editor in Chief of Advanced Materials
Founder of the journal Advanced Functional Materials
Founder of the journalAdvanced Engineering Materials
Founder of the journal Macromolecular Bioscience
Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge, UK; 2002-2007
Managing Director, Publishing (ChemComm, ChemSocRev, OBC, Dalton, PCCP, The Analyst etc…)
Founderofthejournal: Soft Matter
Founder of the journal Macromolecular Biosystems
Founder of the magazine Chemistry World
Instigator of the Project Prospect (semantically linked chemistry)
Founder of the RSC´s Beijing office.
Wiley-VCH Weinheim, Germany; 2007-today
Editor in Chief Advanced Materials www.advmat.de
Vice President and Publishing Director Wiley
Head of global materials science & physics publishing
FounderofthejournalAdvanced Energy Materials
Founder of the journal: Advanced Healthcare Materials
Founder of www.MaterialsViews.com
Founder of www.MaterialsViewsChina
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC). Research papers published in JACS, ChemComm and