Survey on Runtime Monitoring based on Formal Specification WPE-II Presentation By Usa Sammapun Oct 28, 2005 Software Programs Car ATM Heart Device Aircraft Safe Programs ?? Safe Programs Verification Security Program Development all-leg-down !walk leg2-up, leg3-up walk & !fall leg1-up, leg4-up walk & !fall Model leg1-up, leg2-up walk & fall walk and not fall Requirement class AIBO { Leg leg1,leg2,leg3,leg4; main() { leg1 = new Leg(1); leg2 = new Leg(2); leg3 = new Leg(3); leg4 = new Leg(4); } } class Leg { void walk() { } void stop() { } } Implementation Program Safety Techniques Goal: Ensuring that implementation satisfies requirement Model Model Checking Model Carrying Code Model Carrying Code Requirement Runtime Monitoring Implementation Outline Overview of runtime monitoring Runtime Verification Security Temporal Assertions using AspectJ [Stolz,Bodden05] Eagle [Barringer et al. 04] Edit Automata [Bauer et al. 03] Eagle for Intrusion Detection [Naldurg et al. 2004] Discussion Conclusion Runtime Monitoring Formal Specification class AIBO { Leg leg1,leg2,leg3,leg4; main() { leg1 = new Leg(1); send(checker,leg1); leg2 = new Leg(2); send(checker,leg2); leg3 = new Leg(3); send(checker,leg3); leg4 = new Leg(4); send(checker,leg4); } } class Leg { void walk() { send(checker,walk); } void stop() { send(checker,stop); } } Programs Satisfied Instrumentation leg1 Trace Extraction leg2 leg3 leg4 Monitor Feedback Not Satisfied Runtime Monitoring Formal specification language Based on Mathematics Instrumentation Manual & Automatic Bytecode & Sourcecode Specification Evaluation Process Transform spec language into a checking automaton Takes a trace as an input Returns result: Satisfied, Not Satisfied Direct algorithm Logics, Automata, Calculi Takes both spec language and a trace as inputs Returns result: Satisfied, Not Satisfied Feedback Optional Fixed or user-defined Outline Overview of runtime monitoring Runtime Verification Security Temporal Assertions using AspectJ [Stolz,Bodden05] Eagle [Barringer et al. 04] Edit Automata [Bauer et al. 03] Eagle for Intrusion Detection [Naldurg et al. 2004] Comparison and Analysis Conclusion Temporal Assertions using AspectJ (SB’05) Specification Language: LTL Spec Evaluation Process: Alternating Automata Instrumentation: Automatic: AspectJ Bytecode Feedback: AspectJ SB’05 Language LTL – Linear Temporal Logic Reason about time-dependent truth value Classical: 1 < 2 Temporal: it’s raining Proposition Syntax f :: = p | ¬ f | f1 ∧ f2 | f1 ν f2 | Next ○f | ◊f Eventually | □ f | f1 U f2 | f1 R f2 Always Until Release LTL ○f -- Next f ◊ f -- Eventually f ν ○(◊f) f □ f – Always (Global) f f f1 U f2 -- Until f1 f f1 f ∧ ○(□f) f f f f2 ν (f1 ∧ ○(f1 U f2)) f1 f1 f2 f2 ∧ (f1 ν ○(f1 R f2)) f1 R f2 -- Release f2 f2 f2 f2 f1 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 f2 LTL ◊ f = true U f true true true true f □ f = false R f f f f f false f f f f f Concise Syntax f :: = p | ¬ f | f1 ∧ f2 | f1 ν f2 | X f | f1 U f2 | f1 R f2 f SB’05 Spec Evaluating Process Translate LTL formulae to Alternating Automata Use Alternating Automata to check a trace Alternating Finite Automata (AFA) Generalization of Non-deterministic Finite Automata (NFA) NFA – existential automaton -automaton A combination of both AFA s5 e a s2 e s1 e s3 s4 s6 s7 s8 a e On input a : s9 T(s1, a) = {s2, s5, s8, s9} NFA: Accept - automata: Reject AFA: Depends a s10 AFA = (S, S, s0, T, F) The only difference from NFA is the transition function TNFA(s1, a) = {s2, s5, s8, s9} = s2 ν s5 ν s8 ν s9 TAFA(s1,a) = (s2 ν s5) ∧ (s8 ν s9) Choose to go to {s5, s9}, then accept TAFA(s1,a) = s2 ∧ (s5 ν s8 ν s9) Reject, no matter what you choose AFA Formally, AFA = (S, S, s0, T, F) T: S x S B+(S) B+(S) is a set of positive Boolean formulae over S Positive Boolean Formulae: Boolean formulae built from elements in S using ∧ and ν We say a set S’ satisfies a positive Boolean formula f in B+(S) if the truth assignment assigns true to S’ and false to S-S’ For example, the set S’ = {s5, s9} satisfies the formula f = (s2 ν s5) ∧ (s8 ν s9) the set S’ = {s2, s5} does not satisfy f AFA A run r’ of NFA is linear because you only choose one path A run r of AFA is a tree For disjunction, you choose one path For conjunction, you have to take all paths A run r of AFA on a finite word w = a1, a2, …, an is a finite tree such that if s is a node in the tree r and T(s, ai) = f, where f is positive Boolean formula then s has k children for some k ≤ |S|, and {s1, s2, …, sk} satisfies f Transition therefore determines what are possible next states TAFA(s1,a) = (s2 ν s5) ∧ (s8 ν s9) Possible states are {s2,s8}, {s2, s9}, {s5,s8}, {s5,s9} E.g., you can’t go to state {s2,s5} AFA accepts a run r if all leaves of a run r are final states s1 s5 s9 Translation: LTL AFA Translating an LTL formula f to an AFA Af Af accepts, then f satisfies Af rejects, then f doesn’t satisfy Af = (S, S, s0, T, F) S = a set of propositions in f S = all sub-formulae of f and true, false s0 = original formula f F = all formulae in S of the form (f1 R f2) and true T next slide Translation: LTL AFA States: Formulae, sub-formulae, true, false Transition: T(state, input) = state T(p, Prop) = true if p Prop T(p, Prop) = false if p Prop T(¬p, Prop) = true if p Prop T(¬p, Prop) = false if p Prop T(true, Prop) = true T(false, Prop) = false T(f1 ν f2, Prop) = T(f1 ,Prop) ν T(f2 ,Prop) T(f1 ∧ f2, Prop) = T(f1 ,Prop) ∧ T(f2 ,Prop) T(Xf, Prop) = f T(f1 U f2, Prop) = T(f2, Prop) ν (T(f1, Prop) ∧ (f1 U f2)) T(f1 R f2, Prop) = T(f2, Prop) ∧ (T(f1, Prop) ν (f1 R f2)) SB’05 Evaluation Summary Given an LTL formula and an execution trace (set of propositions) LTL f is translated into AFA Af Af checks an execution trace At anytime, if transit to the state true, satisfied false, falsified At the end of the trace, If at final state, satisfied Otherwise, falsified SB’05 Instrumentation / Feedback: AspectJ Head void look() void move() void stop() Leg void kick() void move() void stop() At move and stop, create a log file or calculate safe location AspectJ helps you modularize by writing once: specify Where to do operations Pointcut What kind of operations Advice Aspect AspectJ LTL formulae are transformed into an aspect Pointcut as propositions requiresInit() shall not be called unless init() has been called prior (!call(requiresInit())) U (call(init()) Advice: AFA takes transitions and checks a trace AspectJ aspect InitPolicy { pointcut p1(): call(requiresInit()); pointcut p2(): call(init()); pointcut int p1 = 1; int p2 = 2; Formula state = Until( Not(p1), p2); Set<int> currentPropositions = new Set<int>(); declaration after(): p1() { currentPropositions.add(p1); } after(): p2() { currentPropositions.add(p2); } after(): p1() || p2() { state = state.AFAtransition(currentPropositions); if (state.equals(Formula.True)) { // report the formula as satisfied } else if (state.equals(Formula.False)) { // report the formula as falsified } currentPropositions.clear(); // reset proposition vector } } advice Overall Architecture – Instrumentation AspectJ Compiler Specification aspect F1 {... p1 U p2... CodeGen AFAtransition Weaving Instrumented Java bytecode if(!p1) notify{... Outline Overview of runtime monitoring Runtime Verification Security Temporal Assertions using AspectJ [Stolz,Bodden05] Eagle [Barringer et al. 04] Edit Automata [Bauer et al. 03] Eagle for Intrusion Detection [Naldurg et al. 2004] Comparison and Analysis Conclusion EAGLE Specification Language: Eagle Specification Evaluation: Direct algorithm Instrumentation: Feedback: - Motivated by the need for small, general, but powerful framework for specifying languages for runtime monitoring Eagle can be used to specify LTL, Metric Temporal Logic (MTL), Regular expression, limited form of Context Free language Eagle Language Illustrated by an example LTL Next Evaluate to true at the end of the trace Evaluate to false at the end of the trace ○ is built-in syntax ○ Always(F) min Eventually(Form F) = F ν ○ Eventually(F) min Until(Form F , Form F ) = F ν (F ∧ ○ Until(F , F )) max Always(Form F) = F ∧ 1 2 2 1 mon M1 = Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) 1 Rules 2 Properties Syntax R :: = {max | min} N(T1 x1, …, Tn xn) = F F :: = expression | true | false | ¬F | F1 ∧ F2 | F1 ν F2 | F1 F2 | ○F | N(F1, …, Fn) | xi M ::= mon N = F S ::= R* M* Metric Temporal Logic (MTL) Temporal logic parameterized by some clock(s) Ex. ◊[t1,t2] f Means that f must hold true sometime when a clock value is between t1 and t2 Eagle Rule min EventAbs(Form F, float t1, float t2) = (F ∧ t1 ≤ clock ∧ clock ≤ t2) ν ((clock < t1 ν ( ¬F ∧ clock ≤ t2)) ∧ ○ EventAbs(F,t1,t2)) Eagle Spec Evaluation Process At every state, the runtime monitor evaluates formulae, and generates a new set of formulae to hold in the next state By using eval function eval: F x state F Its result is a new set of formulae to hold in the next state eval(true, s) = true eval(false, s) = false eval(exp, s) = value of exp in s eval(¬F, s) = ¬eval(F, s) eval(F1 op F2, s) = eval(F1, s) op eval(F2, s) eval(○F, s) = F eval(N(F,P), s) = eval(B[f F, p P], s) where op is ∧ , ν , if {max | min} N(Form f,T p) = B Eagle Evaluation Summary A list of monitored properties At any time during the trace The runtime monitor evaluate formulae, and generate a new set of formulae to hold in the next state If any formula is evaluated to true, that formula is removed from the monitoring list If any monitor is evaluated to false, a violation is issued Remaining formulae will be checked at the next state At the end of the trace Remaining max rule evaluate to true Remaining min rule evaluate to false Eagle Instrumentation/Feedback No instrumentation & Feedback Need a third-party program to supply an execution trace Outline Overview of runtime monitoring Runtime Verification Security Temporal Assertions using AspectJ [Stolz,Bodden05] Eagle [Barringer et al. 04] Edit Automata [Bauer et al. 03] Eagle for Intrusion Detection [Naldurg et al. 2004] Comparison and Analysis Conclusion Edit Automata A slightly different goal, but similar technique Goal: run untrusted code without harming our machine Specification Language & Spec Evaluating Process: Security Policies is defined in terms of Edit Automata Edit Automata is a monitor running in parallel with the untrusted program Instrumentation: It monitors the untrusted program and enforces security policies Manual, sourcecode Feedback: Feedback (enforcement) is integrated into the language Enforcing Policy in Edit Automata List of monitored actions or operations Specify what to do when an application is about to invoke a monitored action When it recognizes a dangerous action, it may halt the application suppress (skip) the operation but allow the application to continue insert (perform) some computation on behalf of the application Edit Automata app’s requested action executed action: allowed, inserted Example: Atomicity Program: Apple Market-Client Policy: Atomicity Apple Market 3 Works on Edit Automata Edit automaton is a high-level concept for evaluating process with feedback Policy Calculus is a language based on the edit automaton concept Analogous to Alternating Automata in SB’05 Analogous to LTL in SB’05, ex. ¬p1 U p2 Polymer is a prototype language based on Policy Calculus for monitoring Java programs Analogous to Until( Not(p1), p2); Policy Calculus Policy: Memory quota fun mpol(quota:int). { actions: malloc(); policy: next case * of malloc(n) if (quota > n) then ok; run (mpol (quota-n)) else halt end } List of actions Policy Polymer Policy: Limit # of opened files and its path policy limitWriter(int maxopen) = actions = { path);; } state = { int cur = 0; } policy = { aswitch { case path) : if (cur >= maxopen) suppress; if (path.startsWith(``\tmp'')) { cur++; ok; } else { emit(System.err.println(``Can't open.'')); suppress; } case : cur--; } } List of actions Variables Policy Polymer Instrumentation Method Warpper All calls (actions) to monitored methods are redirected to the runtime monitor The runtime monitor then evaluates the action If ok, the original method call is made and returned If suppress, it throws a SuppressionException Program must handle the exception If insert, it executes inserted operation If halt, it terminates the program Outline Overview of runtime monitoring Runtime Verification Security Temporal Assertions using AspectJ [Stolz,Bodden05] Eagle [Barringer et al. 04] Edit Automata [Bauer et al. 03] Eagle for Intrusion Detection [Naldurg et al. 2004] Comparison and Analysis Conclusion Intrusion Detection using EAGLE Intrusion Detection Anomaly-based Define normal behaviors Any behavior deviates from normal behaviors is an intrusion Signature-based Define patterns of bad behaviors or attacks Anything fits the patterns is an intrusion Naldurg et al. use Eagle Signature-based Intrusion Detection Use Eagle to specify attack patterns DoS Attack Create DoS attack by sending a forged “ping” message with a victim’s IP address as a sender to a broadcast IP address Large number of response can cause DoS Eagle max Attack() = (type = “ping”) ∧ isBroadcast(ip) mon DoSSafety = Always(¬ Attack()) Summary Language Spec Evaluation Instrument Feedback SB’05 LTL Alternating Automata AspectJ: Automatic, Bytecode AspectJ, Userdefined Eagle Eagle (LTL, Regular Expression, MTL, Context Free language) Direct Algorithm - - Edit Automata Security Policies DFA – Edit Automata Method wrapper: Manual, Sourcecode Fixed: suppress, insert, halt Language Expressiveness SB’05 LTL Eagle Edit Automata DFA Eagle Abstraction Level Implementation: SB’05 (pointcut), Edit Automata (Java method call) Specific particular programming language Design: Eagle (variable) General and for any programming language Spec Evaluation Process Execution time depends on specification language More expressive, higher complexity For each input, for a formula f of size m (m subformulae) Edit Automata: O(m) DFA SB05: ≈ O(2m) Number of states in the AFA Af is O( m ) SB05 translates AFA (which is essentially NFA) into DFA Translating NFA into DFA exponentially blows up the number of DFA states Eagle: LTL: ≈ O(2m) Transforming an LTL f to another LTL f’ to hold in the next state At most 2m possibilities to combine m subformulae in a conjunction or disjunction for f’ General: (with data-values) depends on both the size of the formula.. At least W(2m) the length of the trace Why Checking LTL is ≈ O(2m) Checking Past-LTL is O(m) Look at history Can say satisfied, or not satisfied Deterministic Checking Future-LTL is ≈ O(2m) Waiting for future trace Cannot say now whether satisfied, or not satisfied Need to keep track of what we have seen and what we are waiting for Non-deterministic Why Eagle general checking time depends on length of trace Ex. “whenever at some point x > 0, then eventually y = x". Eagle: After x becomes > 0 and keeps changing its value, e.g., min R(int k) = Eventually(y = k) mon M = Always (x > 0 R(x)) s0 = {x = 0, y = 0} s1 = {x = 1, y = 0} s2 = {x = 2, y = 0} s3 = {x = 3, y = 0} s4 = {x = 4, y = 0} s5 = {x = 5, y = 0} s6 = {x = 6, y = 2} At s6, the result of the eval function (what need to hold next state) becomes Eventually(y=1) /\ Eventually(y=3) /\ Eventually(y=4) /\ Eventually(y=5) /\ Eventually(y=6) /\ Always(x>0 R(x)) Other Runtime Monitoring Various Specification Language LTL, MTL, regular expression, Real-Time Logic, Timed-LTL, probabilistic, etc… Multithreaded and Distributed Monitoring Toward First-Order Logics Conclusion Runtime monitoring based on formal specification Runtime verification SB’05 checking LTL using AspectJ Eagle checking LTL, MTL, RE, no instrumentation Security Edit Automata enforcing security policies Eagle for signature-based intrusion detection Discussion Reference [Eagle] [SB05] Volker Stolz and Eric Bodden. Temporal Assertions using AspectJ. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Runtime Verification, 2005 [Edit Automata] Howard Barringer, Allen Goldberg, Klaus Havelund and Koushik Sen. RuleBased Runtime Verification. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 2004 Jay Ligatti, Lujo Bauer, and David Walker. Edit Automata: Enforcement Mechanisms for Run-time Security Policies. Technical report, Princeton University, Computer Science Department, May 2003. [Intrusion Detection] Prasad Naldurg, Koushik Sen, and Prasanna Thati. A Temporal Logic Based Approach to Intrusion Detection. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE 2004), 2004. Q&A Q: Eagle Toward CFL Eagle also provide concatenation F :: = expression | true | false | ¬F | F1 ∧ F2 | F1 ν F2 | F1 F2 | ○F | N(F1, …, Fn) | xi | F1 · F2 Example: match a sequence of login, logout Define a rule Match, and monitor Match(login,logout) min Match(Form F1, Form F2) = F1 · Match(F1,F2) · F2 · Match(F1,F2) ν Empty() max Empty() = ¬○ true True when evaluated on an empty (suffix) sequence Q: Eagle Regular Expression Eagle also provide concatenation E ::= Ø | e | a | E · E | E + E | E* F :: = expression | true | false | ¬F | F1 ∧ F2 | F1 ν F2 | F1 F2 | ○F | N(F1, …, Fn) | xi | F1 · F2 Write each syntax using Eagle formula Let Tr(E) denote the regular expression E’s corresponding Eagle Formula max Empty() = ¬○ true Tr(Ø) = false Tr(e) = Empty() Tr(a) = a ∧ ○Empty() Tr(E1 · E2) = Tr(E1) · Tr(E2) Tr(E1 + E2) = Tr(E1) ν Tr(E2) Tr(E*) = X() where max X() = Empty() ν (Tr(E) · X()) Example: a* · (b + c) mon M = AStar() · (b ν c) max AStar() = Empty() ν (a · AStar()) True when evaluated on an empty (suffix) sequence Q: Eagle m-Calculus Eagle can be use to specify m-Calculus Example m-Calculus n x. (p ∧ ○○x ∧ m y.( q ∧ ○x)) Eagle max X() = p ∧ ○○X() ∧ Y() min Y() = q ∧ ○X() Q: LTL AFA Example {p} {p} T((false R p),{p}) {p} (false R p) U q T(p,{p}) {p} T(q,{p}) {p} true {p} {p} (false R p) U q false R p false T(p, Prop) = true if p Prop T(p, Prop) = false if p Prop T(f1 U f2, Prop) = T(f2, Prop) ν (T(f1, Prop) ∧ (f1 U f2)) T(f1 R f2, Prop) = T(f2, Prop) ∧ (T(f1, Prop) ν (f1 R f2)) false R p = (T(f2, Prop) ∧ T(f1, Prop)) ν (T(f2, Prop) ∧(f1 R f2)) = (T(p, {p}) ∧ T(false, {p})) ν (T(p, {p}) ∧(false R p)) Q: Eagle Eval Example The result of eval function is a new set of formulae to be held in the next state eval( Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)), s ) eval( (x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) ∧ ○Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)), s ) eval( x > 0 Eventually(y > 0), s ) ∧ eval( ○Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)), s ) ( eval( x > 0, s ) eval( Eventually(y > 0), s ) ) Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) (x > 0 eval( (y > 0) ν ○Eventually(y>0), s) ) Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) ∧ ∧ (x > 0 ( eval(y > 0, s) ν eval( ○Eventually(y>0), s ) ) ) Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) (x > 0 (y > 0 ν Eventually(y>0))) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) ∧ Q: Eagle Eval Example (continue..) The result of eval function is a new set of formulae to be held in the next state (x > 0 (y > 0 ν Eventually(y>0))) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) If state s = { x = -1, y = 0}, then (false (false ν Eventually(y >0))) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) true ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) If state s = { x = 1, y = 0}, then (true (false ν Eventually(y >0))) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) (false ν Eventually(y >0)) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) Eventually(y >0) ∧ Always(x > 0 Eventually(y > 0)) Q: Eagle Execution Time – Depending on Trace Length Ex. “whenever at some point x = k > 0 for some k, then eventually y = k". Eagle: After x becomes > 0 and keeps changing its value, e.g., min R(int k) = Eventually(y = k) mon M = Always (x > 0 R(x)) s0 = {x = 0, y = 0} s1 = {x = 1, y = 0} s2 = {x = 2, y = 0} s3 = {x = 3, y = 0} s4 = {x = 4, y = 0} s5 = {x = 5, y = 0} s6 = {x = 6, y = 2} At s6, the result of the eval function (what need to hold next state) becomes Eventually(y=1) /\ Eventually(y=3) /\ Eventually(y=4) /\ Eventually(y=5) /\ Eventually(y=6) /\ Always(x>0 R(x)) Q: Overhead Instrumentation Depending on how often the extraction is Evaluation Process Depending on the specification language Q: Multithreaded and Distributed Monitoring Multithreaded Formula on shared variables Thread T1 { … x++; … y = x+1; … } Thread T2 { … z = x+1; … x++; …} (x > 0) [ (x = 0), y > z) Distributed No shared variables, only asynchronous messages Operator @: evaluate a formula in the last known state of a remote process Ex. “the server accepts the command to reboot only after knowing that each client is inactive and aware of the warning about pending reboot” Local to server rebootAccepted ∧client (@client (inactive ∧ @server rebootWarning)) Q: Actual Eagle LTL Checking Time Time: O(m4 22m log2m) Transforming an LTL f to another LTL f’ to hold in the next state Assume | f | = m f has m subformulae Space: The size of the LTL f’ can be O(2m) There are at most 2m possibilities to combine them in a conjunction or disjunction Space requirement for each conjunction is O(m2 log m) Hence, space complexity is O(m2 2m log m) Time: At each node, it can possibly spend O(m2 2m log m) time to do conjunction and disjunction Since the space complexity is O(m2 2m log m), the time complexity is O(m2 2m log m) x O(m2 2m log m) = O(m4 22m log2 m) Q: Placement of Specification Language All: Separate entities Modular If embedded within the specification language For example, specification is embedded as comments, which require a special compiler