
How animation is done
• The illusion of movement is created by displaying
a series of images, each slightly different
– The eye fills in the gaps
– More images per second makes smoother animation
• 12 images per second is sometimes “good enough”
• 20 images per second (one every 50 ms) is quite good
– The computer has to work to compute each new image
• For complex images, such as most visually exciting computer
games, this is an extremely difficult problem
• For simple animations, modern computers generally don’t have
any problems
– That is, if you don’t do anything too stupid
• When developing an animation, you often have
several parameters (time, x and y distances, etc.)
that you need to experiment with
– It’s a nuisance to recompile your program each time
– Instead, pass in parameters
• You can pass parameters to both applets and
– For an application, each parameter comes in as a String
– public static void main(String args[])
– This is just an array of Strings; use it in the obvious way
Passing parameters to applets
• In the HTML file,
– <applet code="MyApplet.class" width="250" height="60">
<param name="delay" value="50">
<param name="version" value="Version 1.0">
• In the Applet code:
– String version = getParameter("version");
– int delay =
• Bounce Applet
• The MVC Design Pattern is usually an excellent
choice for doing animations
– The Controller handles user input, and controls the
• The best way to do this is to call methods in the Model
– The Model does the computational work; it should be
independent of the other classes
– The View examines the state of the Model and displays
the results on the screen
• For a “pure” animation, sometimes the View is in charge, at
least to the extent of telling the Model when to make a “step”
• Controller.html
Example Model I: Bouncing ball
• class Model {
final int BALL_SIZE = 20;
int xPosition = 0;
int yPosition = 0;
int xLimit, yLimit;
int xDelta = 4;
int yDelta = 3;
void makeOneStep( ) { ...}
Example Model II: Bouncing ball
void makeOneStep() {
xPosition += xDelta;
if(xPosition < 0 || xPosition >= xLimit) {
xDelta = -xDelta;
xPosition += xDelta;
yPosition += yDelta;
if(yPosition < 0 || yPosition >= yLimit) {
yDelta = -yDelta;
yPosition += yDelta;
public void run() {
// we set "alive" false when applet is destroyed
while(alive) {
// we set okToRun true if the Applet is started
if(okToRun) {
// We use "delay" to control the speed of execution
try { Thread.sleep(delay); }
catch(InterruptedException e) {}
Example: View.paint()
• public void paint(Graphics g) {
// Erase previous ball
g.fillRect(oldX, oldY, model.BALL_SIZE,
// Draw new ball and remember its position
g.fillOval(model.xPosition, model.yPosition,
oldX = model.xPosition;
oldY = model.yPosition;
How repainting is actually done
Remember, you write paint but you call repaint
Applets inherit an update(Graphics g) method
When you call repaint(), Java really calls
What the inherited version of update does is:
update(Graphics g)
1. Erases the Applet (set it to the background color)
2. Call your paint(Graphics g) method
Your gets a nice, clean background to draw on, but
erasing and drawing may cause flicker
You can override update(Graphics g) and erase
only the part that needs erasing
Example: View.update(Graphics g)
public void update(Graphics g) {
// Erase anything that needs erasing, then...
• To use a background, simply paint it before you paint any
objects in the foreground:
void background(Graphics g) {
int width = getSize().width;
int height = getSize().height;
int squareSize = 2 * model.BALL_SIZE;
g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 2 * squareSize) {
for (int y = 0; y < height; y += 2 * squareSize) {
g.fillRect(x, y, squareSize, squareSize);
g.fillRect(x + squareSize, y + squareSize,
squareSize, squareSize);
Example: View.update(Graphics g)
public void update(Graphics g) {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
// Draw new ball
g.fillOval(model.xPosition, model.yPosition
Controller Applet
Flicker, again
• Flicker occurs because you are trying to change
the display at the same time your computer is
trying to show you the display
• The secret is to get the display ready first, then
give the computer the new, completed display
• Instead of painting onto the same Graphics g that
the computer is using,
– Create a new, “offscreen” Graphics
– Do your work there
– Move it to g when it's all painted and ready to be seen
• This technique is called double buffering
Double buffering
• public void update(Graphics g) {
Image offscreenImage = null;
Graphics offscreenGraphics = null;
// Create the offscreen Graphics
if (offscreenImage == null) {
offscreenImage = createImage(getSize().width,
offscreenGraphics = offscreenImage.getGraphics();
// Paint into the offscreen Graphics
// Copy the offscreen onto the screen
g.drawImage(offscreenImage, 0, 0, null);
• Controlling flicker
• User controls have to be handled in a separate
Thread from the animation
• All the usual techniques for working with Threads
• Adding user controls
Using images
• Good news: Displaying images is easy
g.drawImage(controller.skull, model.xPosition,
model.yPosition, null);
• Bad news: Loading images into memory is slightly
• Here’s how:
Create a new MediaTracker object
Get the URLs for your images
Start loading your images
Tell the MediaTracker about each image
Tell the MediaTracker to wait until all images are loaded
Example: loadImages() I
void loadImages() {
// Create a MediaTracker
MediaTracker tracker =
new MediaTracker(this);
// Declare variables for the URLs
URL appletLocation = getCodeBase();
URL imageURL = null;
Example: loadImages() II
• try {
// Start loading the graveyard image
imageURL = new URL(appletLocation +
graveyard = getImage(imageURL);
tracker.addImage(graveyard, 0);
// Start loading the skull image
imageURL = new URL(appletLocation +
skull = getImage(imageURL);
tracker.addImage(skull, 0);
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
Example: loadImages() III
// Wait for the images to be loaded
// (should do error checking, but I didn’t)
try { tracker.waitForAll(5000); }
catch (InterruptedException e) {}
} // end of method
• Using Images
Animating individual elements I
• To make an individual image “do something” we
need a series of images
– Examples: A bird that flaps its wings, a rotating skull
• The more images, the smoother the motion.
• There are two ways to animate an individual
– Use an animated GIF
• You only need to load and use the one image
• Your program can't control the speed of the animation
– Use a series of GIFs or JPGs
• You have lots of separate files and images
• You have full control over the animation
Animating individual elements II
for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
skullURL = new URL(appletLocation +
"/images/t-skull-" +
i + ".gif");
skull[i] = getImage(skullURL);
tracker.addImage(skull[i], 0);
skullNumber = (skullNumber + 1) % 24;
model.xPosition, model.yPosition,
Animating elements
Multiple images
Listening to the mouse
• Your program can detect (and use) mouse events
• This doesn’t really have anything to do with
animation, but it can be used along with animation
• view.addMouseListener(myMouseAdapter);
• class myMouseAdapter extends MouseAdapter {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {...}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {...}
• view.addMouseMotionListener(myMouseDragger);
• class myMouseDragger extends MouseMotionAdapter) {
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {...}
Reacting to mouse clicks
• public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {
// Get mouse position
int mouseX = event.getX();
int mouseY = event.getY();
// Check whether the mouse is inside the skull
if (mouseX >= model.xPosition &&
mouseX <= model.xPosition +model.skullWidth &&
mouseY >= model.yPosition &&
mouseY <= model.yPosition +model.skullHeight) {
draggingSkull = true;
• public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {
draggingSkull = false;
draggingSkeleton = false;
Responding to mouse drags
• public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent event) {
// Get mouse position
int mouseX = event.getX();
int mouseY = event.getY();
if (draggingSkull) {
// Center skull over mouse position
model.xPosition =
mouseX – (model.skullWidth / 2);
model.yPosition =
mouseY - (model.skullHeight / 2);
• Mouse control
The End