Style Consolidated Lectures 26-Jul-16



Consolidated Lectures


About the book

This book is a team effort by many good programmers, not just one person’s opinions

The rules have been widely distributed and commented upon

The rules reflect widespread and accepted practices

And no, I don’t agree with everything in the book!


Rule 1: Adhere to the style of the original

Consistent style is very important

Most times, you will enter an ongoing project, with established style rules

Follow them even if you don’t like them

Don’t try to establish “better” style rules

It won’t work anyway

There may be reasons you don’t know about

If a project has mixed styles with no consistency, you might try to get people to agree on one


Rule 3: Do it right the first time

You’re working on a large project, so you use good style...

 ...but you need a tool to help you do one little job, so you slap it together quickly

 Guess which program will be around longer and used by more people?


Rule 5: Indent nested code

Always indent statements that are nested inside

(under the control of) another statement

} if (itemCost <= bankBalance) { writeCheck(itemCost); bankBalance = bankBalance - itemCost;

} while (seconds > 0) {

System.out.print(seconds + "..."); seconds = seconds - 1;

Indentation should be consistent throughout the program

2 to 4 spaces is usually about right


Rule 6: Break up long lines

 Scrolling a window horizontally is a pain!

 When you print on standard paper, long lines are either cut off or wrap in bad places

 I have long used a 72 character limit

 Some editors will show you a limit line

 The book provides good advice on how to break up long lines (read it!)


Rule 8: Don’t use “hard” tabs

Once upon a time, you could depend on tab stops every eight character positions

Today, every editor has its own idea of where and how to set tab stops

If you change editors, your nice indentation gets ruined

It’s worse if you use both tabs and spaces

I have learned this one the hard way!

A hard tab is an actual tab character in your text

Good editors can be set to use soft tabs (your tab characters are replaced with spaces)

BlueJ uses only soft tabs


Rule 9:Use meaningful names

 Names should be chosen very carefully, to indicate the purpose of a variable or method

 If the purpose changes, the variable or method should be renamed

 It is worthwhile spending a little time choosing the best name

 Long, multiword names are common in Java


Rule 10: Use familiar names

Where common terminology exists, use it; don’t make up your own

 Example from the book: If your users refer to

“customers,” your program should use the name


, not



Rule 11: Question excessively long names

 Variables should be used for a single purpose

 Methods should do one simple, clearly defined thing

 If a descriptive name is overly long, maybe the variable or method is trying to serve too many purposes


Meaningful names: exceptions I

 It is common practice to use i as the index of a forloop, j as the index of an inner loop, and k as the index of a third-level loop

 This is almost always better than trying to come up with a meaningful name

 Example:

} for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { for (int j = 1, j <= 10; j++) {

System.out.println(" " + (i * j));



Meaningful names: exceptions II

 Method variables may be given short, simple names, if:

The purpose of the variable is obvious from context, and

The variable is used only briefly, in a small part of the program

 But never use meaningless names for class or instance variables


Rule 28: Use standard names for

“throwaway” variables

 If variables have no special meaning, you can use names that reflect their types

For example, if you are writing a general method to work with any strings, you might name them string1

, string2

, etc.

 Alternatively, you can use very short names

 s

, t

, u

, or s1

, s2

, etc. are often used for Strings

 p

, q

, r

, s are often used for booleans w

, x

, y

, z are often used for real numbers


Rule 12: Join the vowel generation

 Despite the cutesy name, this rule is important

 In more primitive languages, names were often limited to 8 or so characters

This led to names like maxVolum and lngPlyng

The usual rule was to leave out vowels, starting from the right

Such names are harder to read and to remember

Do not leave out vowels, or otherwise use unusual abbreviations, in Java!


Naming classes and interfaces

 Rule 18: Capitalize the first letter of each word, including the first:






 Rule 19: Use nouns to name classes:




Classes are supposed to represent things

 Rule 20: Use adjectives to name interfaces:




Interfaces are supposed to represent features


Naming variables

 Rule 25: Capitalize the first letter of each word except the first: total

, maxValue

 Rule 26: Use nouns to name variables: balance

, outputLine

Variables are supposed to represent values


Naming methods

 Rule 22: Capitalize the first letter of each word except the first: display

, displayImage

Methods are capitalized the same as variables

 Rule 23: Use verbs when naming methods: displayImage

, computeBalance

Methods are supposed to do something


Rule 13: Capitalize only the first letter in acronyms

In names, write acronyms such as GUI and API as

Gui and


Examples: setDstOffset , displayAsHtml , loadXmlDocument

Since capital letters are used to separate names, this rule helps avoid confusion

Sun’s APIs don’t always follow this convention


Naming constants

A constant is an identifier whose value, once given, cannot be changed

Constants are written with the keyword final

, for example:

 final int FIVE = 5;

 final float AVOGADROS_NUMBER = 6.022E23;

Rule 31: Constants are written in ALL_CAPITALS , with underscores between words

Exception: color names, such as

Colors were defined before conventions were established

However, Java 1.4 adds properly capitalized names for colors, such as



Kinds of comments

“Standard” (C-style) comments:

/* ... */

One-line and end-line comments:

// a one-line comment is on a line by itself x = 0; // an end-line comment follows code

All of the above are “internal” comments, seen only by someone looking at your code

Internal comments are only for maintainers

But avoid things that would embarrass you to a user!

Documentation (javadoc) comments: /** ... */

These are meant to be seen by the entire world!

Documentation comments are not covered in this series of slides


Which kind of internal comment?

Rule 36: Use “standard” ( /*...*/ ) comments to comment out code without removing it .

This is a quick way to comment out and uncomment code

This rule isn’t actually appropriate for us

BlueJ’s comment and uncomment commands make it easier to use one-line (


) comments

Standard comments cannot be nested, so it’s tricky commenting out code with comments

One-line comments don’t have this problem


Explaining the code I

 Rule 59: Add internal comments only if they will aid in understanding your code.

Don’t repeat the javadoc comments

Don’t put in comments to explain things that are obvious from the code

Don’t put in irrelevant or useless comments

// Go Cubs!!!!

Always put /* ... */ comments before the code they describe, never after the code


Explaining the code II

 Rule 37: Use one-line comments to explain implementation details.

One-line comments are also good for writing reminders for yourself about things you still need to work on

// These assertions should be replaced by Exceptions

I like to use one-line comments to tell what the next several lines of code are going to do

// Put this Vehicle in a random location


End-line comments I

 Rule 61: Avoid the use of end-line comments.

This rule is largely to prevent overly long lines

 But Rule 62 says: Explain local variable declarations with an end-line comment.

 int edgeDistance; // distance to the nearest edge

 And Rule 64 says: Label closing braces in highly nested control structures.

} // end switch

} // end if

} // end for j

} // end for i

Better yet, avoid highly nested control structures


End-line comments II

I also find end-line comments useful for an else that is a long way from its if


 if (distance > 5) {


... a lot of code in between ...

} else { // distance <= 5


But now that we have assert statements, this is even better:


else { assert distance <= 5;


Flagging unresolved issues

 Rule 63: Establish and use a set of keywords to flag unresolved issues.

I personally like to use


// $$ the canvas isn't being redrawn properly

More specific flags are likely to be used in large projects

// $$ DLM: Problem #1403; Level: Urgent


Intentionally missing break

 Rule 65: Add a “fall-through” comment between two case labels of a switch statement, if no break statement separates those labels.

The switch statement is so badly designed that forgetting the break is a common error

To keep an intentionally missing break from being

“corrected,” add a comment


Label empty statements

 Sometimes you intentionally use a loop with an empty statement body

 Rule 66: Label empty statements.

while ((c = == space) ;

// Empty body

This is because the semicolon is small and easy to overlook

 I prefer a different solution: use an empty block as the statement body while ((c = == space) { }


Don’t repeat the code

 Rule 60: Describe why the code is doing what it does, not what the code is doing.

 Another way of saying this is:

Comments should not echo code.

Here’s a typical example of a bad comment: count = 0; // set count to zero

 You should assume that anyone reading your internal comments knows some Java!


Use the active voice

 Rule 34: Use the active voice, and omit needless words

// zero out the array

// each of the elements of the array is set to

// zero by the following loop

 Writing comments is still writing --all the rules for good writing apply to comments

 Best reference: The Elements of Style , by Strunk and White


Debugging statements

We sometimes put in debugging statements that we plan to remove afterwards

Simple trick: start these “temporary” statements in the first column, so you can find them easily boolean legalLocation(int row, int col) {

System.out.println("In legalLocation: " + row + " " + col); return row >= 0 && row < numRows && column >= 0 && column < numCols;



The End


The End

