Economic Exchange on Networks Networked Life CSE 112

Economic Exchange
on Networks
Networked Life
CSE 112
Spring 2007
Prof. Michael Kearns
Exchange Economies
Suppose there are a bunch of different goods orcommodities
We may all have different initial amounts or endowments
Of course, we may want to exchange some of our goods
How should we engage in exchange?
What should be the rates of exchange?
These are among the oldest questions in markets and economics
– wheat, milk, rice, paper, raccoon pelts, matches, grain alcohol,…
– no differences or distinctions within a good: rice is rice
– I might have 10 sacks of rice and two raccoon pelts
– you might have 6 bushels of wheat, 2 boxes of matches
– etc. etc. etc.
– I can’t eat 10 sacks of rice, and I need matches to light a fire
– it’s getting cold and you need raccoon mittens
– etc. etc. etc.
– how many sacks of rice per box of matches?
Cash and Prices
Suppose we introduce an abstract resource called cash
And now suppose we introduce prices in cash
Then if we all believed in cash and the prices…
But will there really be:
– no inherent value
– simply meant to facilitate trade, “encode” pairwise exchange rates
– i.e. rates of exchange between each “real” good and cash
– e.g. a racoon pelt is worth $5.25, a box of matches $1.10
– we might try to sell our initial endowments for cash
– then use the cash to buy exactly what we most want
– others who want to buy all of our endowments? (demand)
– others who will be selling what we want? (supply)
Mathematical Microeconomics
Have k abstract goods or commodities g1, g2, … , gk
Have n consumers or “players”
Each player has an initial endowment e = (e1,e2,…,ek) > 0
Each consumer has their own utility function:
assigns a subjective “valuation” or utility to any amounts of the k goods
e.g. if k = 4, U(x1,x2,x3,x4) = 0.2*x1 + 0.7*x2 + 0.3*x3 + 0.5*x4
here g2 is my “favorite” good --- but it might be expensive
generally assume utility functions are insatiable
• always some bundle of goods you’d prefer more
– utility functions not necessarily linear, though
Market Equilibrium
Suppose we announce prices p = (p1,p2,…,pk) for the k goods
Assume consumers are rational:
– they will attempt to sell their endowment e at the prices p (supply)
– if successful, they will get cash e*p = e1 *p1 + e2*p2 + … + ek*pk (* = times)
– with this cash, they will then attempt to purchase x = (x1,x2,…,xk) that maximizes
their utility U(x) subject to their budget (demand)
– example:
• U(x1,x2,x3,x4) = 0.2*x1 + 0.7*x2 + 0.3*x3 + 0.5*x4
• p = (1.0,0.35,0.15,2.0)
• look at “bang for the buck” for each good i, wi/pi:
g1: 0.2/1.0 = 0.2; g2: 0.7/0.35 = 2.0; g3: 0.3/0.15 = 2.0; g4: 0.5/2.0 = 0.25
so we will purchase as much of g2 and/or g3 as we can subject to budget
A specific mechanism: bringing your endowments to the stage
Say that the prices p are an equilibrium if there are exactly enough goods to
accomplish all supply and demand constraints
That is, supply exactly balances demand --- market clears
– what could go wrong? 1) stuff left on stage 2) not enough stuff on stage
Another Phone Call from Stockholm
Arrow and Debreu, 1954:
Intuition: suppose p is not an equilibrium
The trickiness:
– There is always a set of equilibrium prices!
– Both won Nobel prizes in Economics
– if there is excess demand for some good at p, raise its price
– if there is excess supply for some good at p, lower its price
– the famed “invisible hand” of the market
– changing prices can radically alter consumer preferences
• not necessarily a gradual process; see “bang for the buck” argument
– everyone reacting/adjusting simultaneously
– utility functions may be extremely complex
May also have to specify “consumption plans”:
– who buys exactly what, and from whom from whom
– in previous example, may have to specify how much of g2 and g3 to buy
– example:
• A has Fruit Loops and Lucky Charms, but wants granola
• B and C have only granola, both want either FL or LC (indifferent)
• need to “coordinate” B and C to buy A’s FL and LC
A&D 1954 a mathematical tour-de-force
Actual markets have been around for millennia
Model abstracts away details of price adjustment/formation process
Model can be augmented in various way:
“Efficient markets” ~ in equilibrium (at least at any given moment)
– resolved and clarified a hundred of years of confusion
– proof related to Nash’s; (n+1)-player game with “price player”
– highly structured social systems
– it’s the mathematical formalism and understanding that’s new
modern financial markets
pre-currency bartering and trade
etc. etc. etc.
– labor as a commodity
– firms producing goods from raw materials and labor
– etc. etc. etc.
Network Economics
All of what we’ve said so far assumes:
But there are many economic settings in which everyone is not
free to trade with everyone else
– that anyone can trade (buy or sell) with anyone else
– equivalently, exchange takes place on a complete network
– at equilibrium, global prices must emerge due to competition
– geography:
• perishability: you buy groceries from local markets so it won’t spoil
• labor: you purchases services from local residents
– legality:
• if one were to purchase drugs, it is likely to be from an acquaintance
(no centralized market possible)
• peer-to-peer music exchange
– politics:
• there may be trade embargoes between nations
– regulations:
• on Wall Street, certain transactions (within a firm) may be prohibited
A Network Model of
Market Economies
Still begin with the same framework:
But now assume an undirected network dictating exchange
Note: can “encode” network in goods and utilities
– k goods or commodities
– n consumers, each with their own endowments and utility functions
– each vertex is a consumer
– edge between i and j means they are free to engage in trade
– no edge between i and j: direct exchange is forbidden
– for each raw good g and consumer i, introduce virtual good (g,i)
– think of (g,i) as “good g when sold by consumer i”
– consumer j will have
• zero utility for (g,i) if no edge between i and j
• j’s original utility for g if there is an edge between i and j
Network Equilibrium
Now prices are for each (g,i), not for just raw goods
Each consumer must still behave rationally
Market equilibrium still always exists!
– permits the possibility of variation in price for raw goods
– prices of (g,i) and (g,j) may differ
– what would cause such variation at equilibrium?
– attempt to sell all of initial endowment, but only to NW neighbors
– attempt to purchase goods maximizing utility within budget
– will only purchase g from those neighbors with minimum price for g
– set of prices (and consumptions plans) such that:
• all initial endowments sold (no excess supply)
• no consumer has money left over (no excess demand)
Network Structure and Outcome
Q: How does the structure of a network influence the prices/wealths at equilibrium?
Need to separate asymmetries of endowments & utilities from those of NW structure
We will thus consider bipartite economies
Only two kinds of players/consumers:
Equal numbers of Milks and Wheats
Network is bipartite --- only have edges between Milks and Wheats
When will such a network have variation in prices?
“Milks”: start with 1 unit of milk, but have utility only for wheat
“Wheats” start with 1 unit of wheat, but have utility only for milk
exact form of utility functions irrelevant
An Example
Price = amount of the other good
received = wealth
Prices at opposite ends of an edge
always reciprocal: p and 1/p
Checking equilibrium conditions:
– only “cheapest” edges used
– supply and demand balance:
a sends 1/2 each to w and y
b sends 1 to x
c sends 1/2 each to x and z
d sends 1 to z
w sends 1 to a
x sends 2/3 to b, 1/3 to c
y sends 1 to a
z sends 1/3 to c, 2/3 to b
Some edges unused at equilibrium
– exchange subgraph
Suppose we add the single green edge
Now equilibrium has no wealth variation!
A More Complex Example
• Solid edges:
– exchange at equilibrium
• Dashed edges:
– competitive but unused
• Dotted edges:
– non-competitive prices
• Note price variation
– 0.33 to 2.00
• Degree alone does not
determine price!
– e.g. B2 vs. B11
– e.g. S5 vs. S14
Characterizing Price Variation
Consider any bipartite “Milk-Wheat” network economy
Necessary and sufficient condition for all equilibrium prices and wealths to be equal:
What if there is no perfect matching subgraph? How large can the price variation be?
For any set of vertices S on one side (e.g. Milks), let N(S) be its set of neighbors on the other side
Find the S such that |S|/|N(S)| = p is maximized (here |S| is the number of vertices in S)
Then the largest price/wealth in the network will be p, and the smallest 1/p
Intuition: When S is very large but N(S) is small, consumers in S are “captives” of their neighbors N(S)
Note: When network has a perfect matching, N(S) is always at least as large as S
Note: Finding the maximizing set S may involve some computation…
Now let’s examine price variation in a statistical network formation model…
again, all endowments equal to 1.0, equal numbers of Milks and Wheats
network has a perfect matching as a subgraph
a pairing of Milks and Wheats such that everyone has exactly one trading partner on the other side
Can actually iterate: remove S and N(S) from the network, find S’ maximizing |S’|/|N(S’)|,…
A Bipartite Economy Network
Formation Model
Consider economies with only two goods: milk and wheat…
…and only two kinds of players/consumers:
Wheats and Milks added incrementally in pairs at each time step
Goal: bipartite network formation model interpolating between P.A. and E-R
Probabilistically generates a bipartite graph
All edges between buyers and sellers
Each new party will have n > 1 links back to extant graph
Distribution of new buyer’s links:
So (a,n) characterizes distribution of generative model
Milks: start with 1 unit of milk, have utility only for wheat
Wheats: start with 1 unit of wheat, have utility only for milk
exact form of utility functions irrelevant
note: n = 1 generates bipartite trees
larger n generates cyclical graphs
with prob. 1 – a: extant seller chosen w.r.t. preferential attachment
with prob. a: extant seller chosen uniformly at random
a = 0 is pure pref. att.; a = 1 is “like” Erdos-Renyi model
Price Variation vs.
a and n
n = 250, scatter plot
Exponential decrease with a; rapid decrease with n
(Statistical) Structure and Outcome
Wealth distribution at equilibrium:
Price variation (max/min) at equilibrium:
Random graphs result in “socialist” outcomes
Price variation in arbitrary networks:
– Power law (heavy-tailed) in networks generated by preferential attachment
– Sharply peaked (Poisson) in random graphs
– Grows as a root of n in preferential attachment
– None in random graphs
– Despite lack of centralized formation process
Characterized by presence/absence of a perfect matching
Alternately: an expansion property
Theory of random walks
Economic vs. geographic isolation
An Amusing Case Study
U.N. Comtrade Data Network
Full Network
sorted equilibrium prices
vertex degree
USA: 4.42
Germany: 4.01
Italy: 3.67
France: 3.16
Japan: 2.27
European Union Network
Full Network
EU network
sorted equilibrium prices
vertex degree
USA: 4.42
Germany: 4.01
Italy: 3.67
France: 3.16
Japan: 2.27
EU: 7.18
USA: 4.50
Japan: 2.96