In association: UNITED NATIONS HUMAN RIGHTS Office of the High Comissioner Expert Consultation Irene Rizzini The International Center for Research and Policy on Childhood/PUC-Rio Childwatch International Research Network 1 - 2 November 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2 FOCUS Children and youth • who have the street as a central reference point • mostly in their family/community contexts but very vulnerable 2 Life on the streets: the heart of the matter 1. The problem persists as a major challenge 2. Inadequate responses persist 3. Opportunities: timing is right (for change) 4. Strategies for change: effective responses 2 1. The problem persists as a major challenge - Understanding the roots of the problem - Brazil rich and poor; generations of families barely thriving… - Some indicators: poverty, violence, education and slum living conditions poor 2 Rio de Janeiro 2010 census of children in street situations 45% (12-15); 29% (16-17); 23% (6-11) 57% lived with parents, relatives or friends (4% streets) 24% of the 16,17 year olds completed elementary school 2009 household survey children 0 to 6 46% born into families under poverty line 2 2. Inadequate responses persist - Children seem and treated as threats - Violent practices - Negative lens of the media - Focus on children and youth when at high risk 2 Missão Missão 3. Opportunities: timing is right (for change) - Children’s rights in Brazil: laws and policies - The Councils’ work on policies - Key actors in action: government and NGOs - Successful use of expertise from University 2 Successful experience working with national and local key actors - Federally mandated Children’s Rights Councils. Rio Council: success in producing the first policy - Process of constructing policies on street children in dialogue with key actors in 8 states. Follow up of policies adopted in 3 municipalities: RJ, SL, RE) - Building political support engaging several allies (mandate – responsibility and power to change) 2 Successful experience working with national and local key actors - Identify and engage advocacy groups, workers; youth with street life experience, others -Establishing an agenda with priorities - Set up of an implementation oversight committee - Linking policies to public budgets - Strategies to face challenges policy implementation 2 4. Strategies for change: effective responses • Identify the roots of the problem (broader picture) • Responses beyond violation of rights promotion of rights link to other issues such as family planning and support; mental health issues... • Target as priorities: children on the streets but also those still in family settings though vulnerable (family and community ties) 2 CHANGE OF LENS PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE FROM “STREET CHILDREN” VIEWED AS A THREAT TO CHILDREN AS GIFTS WITH HOPE IN THE PRESENT AND FUTURE 2 Quando há oportunidades... CIESPI Compromisso com as infâncias do mundo Committed to children throughout the world Comprometidos con las infancias del mundo