9 Grade Honors American History Syllabus Mrs. McRoberts

9th Grade Honors American History Syllabus
Mrs. McRoberts
Expectations and Behavior
You need to have the following with you every day
 Writing Utensil
 Your class materials (student map, notes and etc. . will be provided each chapter for you from the
teacher. The teacher will NOT make extra copies for you if you lose them)
How the class is conducted is totally dependent upon your behavior in my class. I try to have fun and make the
class fun but we need to learn and get things accomplished, if you cannot balance fun and learning I will have to
change how the class conducted. If you can act like mature young adults then you will be treated as such. If you
ever have an issue within my class I will be very open to you discussing it with me in person. The class rules are
few but as follows
1. Be On Time and ready to get started at the class start time. I will not wait on you to get my instructional
time started
 I will have a three strikes and you’re out policy. If you are tardy three times to class it will result
in an automatic referral to the office.
2. Be Respectful, To Me and your other classmates.
 Failure do to so will result in the consequences discussed in class. (like for example and apology
letter, office referral and/or etc.)
3. Please stay away from my desk, unless permission is given. These are my personal belongings and
SHOULD NOT be touched.
4. You must ask permission to leave this classroom, fill out a green pass and must sign in and out.
 Failure to do so, will result in loss of privileges
Each student will have a file/folder which will be located in my classroom. This folder can be checked out at
anytime to show parents their work and/or to study for mid-term and final exams. Also, the students will be asked
to used the saved work to create a Geography portfolio at the end of the year.
Grading and Homework
Grades will be based on the following:
 Homework and Classroom Assignments
 Quizzes
 Tests
 Projects
 Research
 Reports/Presentation
 Bellringers
Homework is very important in this class. The completion of your homework will be checked everyday at the
beginning of the class period. If you do no have it completed, you will receive what I call a RED FLAG. You are
allowed only 1 free red flag per marking period. If you have any more than that, you will loose one percentage
point off of your final grade for the marking period for each red flag. If you have no red flags, you will receive 2
percentage points on your grade at the end of the marking period. Homework will also be picked up at random and
graded in order to insure the quality of your work.
If you miss class you are responsible for the work missed. I WILL NOT track you down for you to complete your
work. You will find a blue binder at the side of the classroom, in it I will write the things accomplished during the
class period and the assignments given for the day. If there were any handouts that day, there will be a copy of the
handout in your class folder (located in the back of the binder) with your name on it. Also there will be a DO NOW
board in my classroom. This will be a list of students who owe me work and the name of the assignment owed.
I will accept late work but with a loss of 1 point per day from the due date.
Taking notes is a requirement in this class.
 You will be required to take notes on your note worksheet (which will be given to you at the
beginning of every chapter) and they will be due the day you take your test.
Bellringers (a question that will be put on the board that the kids will be required to answer at the beginning of
class) will be collected at the end of the week for a grade.
Teacher’s Contact Information
Phone – 673-5134 E-Mail bmcroberts@canton.k12.pa.us
Please feel free to contact me any time concerning your child’s education.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Please fill out and return to the teacher (this will be a graded assignment)
I have read and understood the course syllabus:
Student Signature ___________________________________________
My goal as an educator is to create a link between parent and teacher communication. Please provide me with the
following information so that I may contact you concerning your child.
Parents’ Name(s) ______________________________________________________
Phone Number they can be reached at: __________________________________________________________
E-mail address ____________________________________________________________________________
Please check the appropriate places:
_________ Please contact me if my child is in danger of failing
_________ Please contact me if my child owes you work
_________ Please contact me if my child does something good in your class
_________ Other, Please specify _____________________________________________________________
I have read and understood the course syllabus:
Parent Signature ___________________________________________