Promoting the use of the OHCHR TG to include a rights based framework for preventing maternal mortality and morbidity in México
September 2014
Promote MMM as a violation of a woman’s HR: to life, health, equality and nondiscrimination.
IIMMHR has been seeking to influence government officials, int´l donors, & key stakeholders within the UN and regional HR systems.
The IIMMHR received a grant from NORAD to strengthen its work around the promotion of the TG.
The grant provides for country projects in 4 countries with interventions both among CSO and governments officials, & production of case studies and information materials.
IIMMHR partner is working with the newly elected members of the parliamentary oversight committee to understand humanrights based budgeting for maternal health and attention to socially excluded groups.
In Peru the IIMMHR partner is working to institutionalize social accountability through citizen monitoring of maternal health services, especially by the marginalized women who are reporting to the Ombudsman's office.
IIMMR partner is working with midwives in training institutions and health clinics to inculcate practice of human rights principles while providing maternal health care.
Every year 1,000
Every year 30,000 women die in 84% of these women experience
Mexico from deaths are acute or chronic pregnancy related preventable morbidity causes
MMR was 51 women per
100,000 live births in 2011
91% of women who died from maternal causes received medical treatment before dying
MM among indigenous women: Oaxaca (55.9%),
Guerrero (47.2%),
Chihuahua (35.9%),
Yucatán (25.0%) and
Chiapas (24.6%).
In Oaxaca, Guerrero and Chiapas one in four maternal deaths occurred in their own homes
Maternal death is the
4 th cause of death among teenagers (15 -
19 years) after homicide, traffic accidents and suicide.
Complaints regarding maternal mortality are not followed up by health authorities
That a variety of stakeholders will begin to use the OHCHR TG to incorporate
HRBA within their programmes to reduce MMM) in 3 States in Mexico.
To collaborate with the OHCHR and UN agencies in the dissemination of the
To identify stakeholders nationally & in the 3 selected states
To advocate for the implementation of the
TG within local programmes for preventing MMM.
Workshops on the TG with Maternal Mortality
Committees, state ombudsman’s, the women’s state institutes’ and health system officials and civil society organizations in three states:
MMR: 29* MMR: 81* MMR: 59*
MMC: Strong
Development: 1
MMC: Medium
Development: 3
MMC: n/a
Development: 2
Source: Observatorio de Mortalidad Materna, 2013
Stakeholders mapping:
Jalisco, Oaxaca
& Yucatan
Content and
Design of
Forum with health officials
& service providers
Contact OHCHR in Mexico
Advocacy w/
Branch Officials
Good Faith
Agreement signature
Booklet simplifying the
Good Faith
Strategic Meetings in Jalisco
• Health Secretary and team: Planinig, Public Health, Civil Hospitals &
Finance Directors
• President of the Women´s Institute
• President of the HR Comission
• Addressed to health officials, health professionals and academia
• Health secretary, University Dean, HR Comission, OHCHR, CPMSM
Jalisco is now the 4th state with most maternal deaths in the country during 2014
Stakeholders mapping
Forum on
Approach to
Booklet simplifying the TG
Good Faith
Advocacy w/
Excecutive b.
Forum with health officials
& h. service providers
Content and
Design of
Reprinting/ dissemination of booklet
The TG to be presented in the National Centre for Gender Equality and
Reproductive Health
(national governing body on maternal health)
20 Verbal Autopsies:
Formal request of information to federal health ministry
Working meetings with
Jalisco health ministry –
Sept 24th
Keep on disseminating the
TG with government officials and civil society
Inform the
Memorandum of
Understanding with the results of the verbal autopsies and budgetary analysis.
Budgetary Analysis of maternal health services - October
Reprinting of the simplified document produced based on the TG