Kentucky River Authority 2016-17 Watershed Grant Application 1. Grant Applicant: Contact Name Organization Address Phone E-Mail Address Partner organizations or agencies (name, role and contact information): 2. Focus Watershed: Name of Local Waterbody Hydrologic Unit Code – 11#, if known (Please attach map of focus area, if possible.) What aspects of the watershed do you plan to improve? What are the documented impacts to the waterbody? 3. Describe project proposal. Is this project part of a more comprehensive plan for improving the watershed? 4. Grant request: Total amount requested (up to $3,000) Budget for expenditure: Please e-mail the application to It should be submitted by November 1, 2016. Contact Malissa McAlister with questions about the application process: Malissa McAlister, Kentucky River Basin Coordinator Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Ph: (859)324-0845 E-Mail: