Homework Policy

Homework Policy
Dear Parents,
Third grade offers many new challenges to the students. Students will learn many
new skills such as cursive writing, multiplication, division, Step Up to Writing, the
Scientific Method, and research projects. There is a greater emphasis on responsibility
placed on the students. The amount of homework and accountability for that homework
increases dramatically from second grade.
New challenges can be both exciting and scary for students. With the increased
amount of homework students will need to learn and practice organizational skills. They
will need extra support and guidance from both of us.
As your child’s third grade teacher I will provide the tools they need to stay
organized. However, they will need reinforcement of organizational skills at home from
you. Here is a list of items. When you don’t find these items please question your child
about where they might be.
Math Home Link
Read to an Adult
Spelling Word List
Classroom Newsletter
Spelling Test
Corrected papers
Students are given class time to complete their assignments (with the exception of
Home Links and designated parts of their research project). If the student does not
complete their assignment during class time they must take it home for homework to be
returned the very next day. Homework is rarely assigned on weekends, but reading and
math Home Links are given Monday through Thursday. As students complete and turn
in their work, I initial the assignment in their planners. My initials are a signal to you,
and the student, that their work is complete and turned in to me. When your child arrives
home please look for their planner. If there are any assignments I have not initialed it is
homework to be completed and returned the very next day. If you see an assignment
circled in their planner it means they have not turned in the assignment and it is late.
Students should bring home books and any supplies needed to complete the assignment.
There is a box for parent comments where students write assignments. Please sign your
name or initial here every day. If a student has three circled (missing) assignments in one
week they are asked to turn their card on the behavior chart.
I hope this answers any questions you may have about homework. I look forward
to a successful year with your child. I know we are partners in making that happen.
Please contact me here at school if you ever have any questions or concerns.
The Third Grade Team
Trish Taormina, Lisa Dowling, Erynn Fletcher
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