Cedar Heights J.H.S. Side-by- Side Reading Jennifer Knowles (360) 874-6020 X 4035 email: knowles@skitsap.wednet.edu Attendance/Absences: Be in class everyday. It is your responsibility to check and complete/makeup missed work when you return from an absence. Participation point for absences can’t be made up. Cedar Heights Expectations 1. Act in a safe and healthy way. 2. Respect yourself and others. 3. Take responsibility for learning. 4. Treat all property with respect. Classroom supplies: Cedar Agenda, pencils, and notebook paper. Communication: Email is the quickest way to get in contact with me. You may also visit our class website that posts daily activities and class information. Phone, notes and personal visits are also welcome! Coursework: In this class we will be working on developing stronger literacy skills. We will use the Reading Advantage program where students will work on building comprehension and vocabulary, increasing fluency, developing reading stamina, and writing about what we read. We also will read all kinds of books, read with a partner, read in small groups, and build confidence. Grades: Students will be graded on class work/participation (80%) and at home reading homework (20%). Missing class and/or not participating will impact performance and grades! Hall Passes: You must have your Agenda to leave the classroom. Progress Portfolio: You will have a folder to keep documents that show your progress through the year. This folder will include materials such as goals you have set, a record of your progress, and samples of your work. Reading Material: Becoming a better reader requires reading a lot. You will have many opportunities to read exactly what you want to read. We have access to our own class library and the school library. Kitsap Regional Library is also an excellent library in our town. Homework: You need to read at home. Practice, practice, practice! It is so very important to build your reading stamina. Research has shown that part of becoming a better reader is to spend time each day practicing your reading skills. Homework consists of reading at least 20 minutes a night five times a week. Read silently or aloud to someone else like a parent, grandparent, or a sibling. Read for pleasure or read to complete a school assignment you might have in social studies, science, or another subject. A reading log must be kept and signed by a parent/guardian. Reading logs are to be turned in weekly. Please sign below and return bottom portion of this form. Student name (Please print) ____________________________________________________________ I have read and agree to follow the class requirements and expectations. Student signature ___________________________________________________ Date ____________ I have read the class requirements and expectations and will support my child. Parent/guardian signature ___________________________________________ Date ____________ I will support my students and their parents/guardians with the class requirements and expectations. Best email contact:___________________________________________________ Teacher signature __________________________________________________ Date ____________