Mr. Chertok

Mr. Chertok
Room 335
In this class we will look at the ways that audience, purpose, and context shape oral communication, written communication, and
media technology. Students will improve their ability to engage in literary, informational, persuasive, and practical/workplace reading.
In addition, the course will require regular participation in a thorough writing process as we explore narrative, informative/expository,
persuasive, and argumentative writing.
You should expect to:
Express reflections and reactions to literature and to personal experience
Explain meaning, describe processes, and answer research questions
Evaluate communication and critique texts
Make and support an informed opinion
Participate in conversations about literary genres, elements, and traditions
Use knowledge of language and standard grammatical conventions
In order to be successful in this class, you must come prepared to work with the text(s) we are studying. Generally, there will be a
small amount of homework required each night. It is important to note that homework is due as soon as the bell rings at the start of
Minor assignments may be submitted late for 60% maximum credit, while major assignments may earn up to 80% credit (1 st 2 weeks),
or up to 50% (thereafter). Once a new quarter begins, no work from the previous quarter will be accepted for any credit (extreme
personal circumstances aside, of course).
Our class grades will be divided into several broad categories with the following weightings: Writing (30%), Reading (30%), Projects
(30%), and Participation (10%). I will try my best to note which category each assignment falls under, but feel free to ask if I forget.
< 60%
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
* If you choose to opt out of a book, then you must provide me with a ½ page explanation signed by a parent before the 2 nd
Monday of the semester (2/8/2016). While I will happily respect your family’s wishes, know that doing so will result in a much more
independent work schedule, and that you will miss out on the benefits of our frequent class discussions. Ultimately, I would not have
chosen these books if I didn’t find them EXTREMELY valuable.
A major focus of our class is learning how to write an effective essay. As I believe frequent writing is one of the keys to good writing,
we will be producing a large of formal and informal writing over the course of the term. Some of this will be timed writes produced in
a single class period, others will be fully drafted process essays that are typed in the library, and others will be casual “journal entry”
type responses. In general, you can expect to do some form of substantial writing each week of class. Anyone who feels overwhelmed
by the writing demands of this course should feel free to see me during tutorial for individual help.
Scoring Criteria
Exemplary (8)
Clear / relevant / arguable thesis,
substantial commentary fully and
accurately explains the relevance of
each minor (commentary is “universal”
at least once).
Essay is coherently organized.
Introduction provides background,
controlling idea, and thesis. Every body
paragraph has an arguable topic
sentence/claim, relevant supports, and
substantial commentary. Transitions
are used effectively and voice is
appropriate to the task.
Essay contains the required
number/type of supports. Supports are
relevant and formatted correctly.
Proficient (6)
Relevant thesis, commentary present
after each minor, but generally lacks
depth in comparison to a higher range
paper, and does not usually include a
universal commentary.
Essay is somewhat organized. All pieces
are present, but not all are fully effective.
For example, body paragraphs may not
have arguable topic sentences. In
general, despite noticeable weaknesses,
this essay’s organization allows it to
adequately address both the thesis and
the prompt.
Essay’s minor supports are lacking either
in number, relevance, or format.
Emerging (4)
Essay is lacking in original thought.
Student uses evidence, but offers
little/no relevant commentary. Thesis
may be missing, or the body may
amount to simple plot summary
Essay is not organized in keeping with
our writing system at SKHS. All pieces
are not present. In general, despite
possessing some strengths, this essay’s
lack of organization prevents it from
adequately addressing the prompt and/or
Essay’s use of support is not acceptable.
For example, essay does not use quotes
when they are required.
Please show respect for peers, yourself, the teacher, and the course at all times
 No putdowns, bullying, cursing, insensitive/offensive remarks and/or harassment of any kind (immediate consequences)
 Be respectful of your peers’ learning environment
 Be respectful of class quiet time
 Put forth you best effort at all times
 Use ONLINE RESOURCES (Skyward Access and the class website) to keep track of grades and assignments
 Use an effective organization system to keep track of your classwork
 Be in your seat when the bell rings
 Keep all electronics out of sight
 Limit food and drinks to covered water bottles and discreet (and clean) snacks
Students are required to be in their seats and ready to go when the bell rings. Please see your student planner for our building’s tardy
policy. We only meet every other day, and we move very quickly through a great deal of material, so consistent and timely
attendance is EXTREMELY important.
You are responsible when absent – All absences must be excused by parents/guardians with the office, otherwise work will be
considered late. Please see me in tutorial (and check my website) to clarify absent work. Asking me between classes usually prevents
me from giving you the attention you deserve.
Tests, quizzes, and presentations must be made up immediately if missed because of absences (except in extreme situations).
I tell everyone that they may use 5 passes from the back of their planner each semester. That said, I’m not going to refuse to let anyone
go to the bathroom (some battles just aren’t worth fighting…). Please minimize the amount of class time you miss, and avoid
leaving during direct instruction.