Document 17697368

and tides
vs Jovian
Position of
New moon
Solar eclipse can only happen
during a
Seeing sun filtered through the
Earth onto the moon “earth
Why is the moon red during
a total lunar eclipse?
The moon’s orbit is not a perfect circle.
When the moon is closer to Earth it is big
enough to cover the Sun completely: when
it is too far away it appears smaller so a ring
of sunlight is seen.
Why are some solar eclipses
total and others annular?
Depending on where on Earth can have one high tide
and one low tide or two of each. The Moon pulls on
the waters differently than solid earth. As Earth
rotates on its axis, the part facing the moon the waters
are pulled toward the moon causing a high tide.
Water on the sides of the Earth are less and are at low
Explain Daily tides
Sun and moon earth waters from the same side or
from either side of the Earth called a Spring
Tide(great tidal range), then perpendicular to one
another (small tidal ranges)—Neap Tide
Explain how the monthly tides occur
Kepler showed the heliocentric model to be
more accurate
Scientists today do not accept
the Ptolemaic model because
The orbits were elliptical not circular
What did Kepler finally
realized that helped show
that the heliocentric
model worked?
The complete cycle of Venus phases
What did Galileo observe that
showed that Ptolemy’s
epicycles were wrong?
In equal time intervals, the lines
that connect each of the planets o
the sun must all sweep out in equal
areas, therefore the more distant
planets orbit slower
Relate Kepler’s second law to the
peed of the planets
Square root of 27
A planet whose distance from the sun is 3
AU would have an orbital period of how
may earth-years?
Which planet’s mass is more
than the mass of all the other
planets put together?
No, the denser planets lie closer to the sun
Is this statement trueplanetary density increases
with increasing distances to
the sun? Why or why not?
Venus and the Gas Giants
Which planets’ rotations are
difficult to determine due to
their atmospheres
The Jovian planets
Which planets have rings
around their equator?
Terrestrial, Jovian
_____________________ are
planets that are of denser materials
such as iron and silicates.
________________ are less dense
and made of gases like the sun.
Early solar nebula flattens into a disk
Why do the planets lie in the same plane
The chemical composition
difference between the planets
are basically due to the idea that
different elements condense out
of gas at different ________
Spins faster due to angular momentum
Once the solar nebula contracts
what does it do next?
The terrestrial planets are of heavier
elements and smaller, the Jovians are
lighter, larger and have more moons and
faster rotational periods
What are three reasons the
planets are split into two
A nebula collapses, spins faster and flattens into a disk.
The center of the disk heats up forming protosun and proto
planets. Protoplanets collect material (accrete), their
gravity takes over and they become planetesimals. These
collide and become planets. Leftover debris became
asteroids and comets.
Describe the theory of the
origin of the solar system.
Between Mars and Jupiter in the asteroid
Most asteroids are found
Beyond Neptune
Where is the Kuiper belt
Winter solstice
The sun’s lowest position in
the sky is during
A Kuiper belt object, a dwarf planet and a
What is Pluto considered?
Circular orbits with low eccentricities, mostly on
same plane and all revolve counterclockwise around
the sun and most moons also orbit counter clockwise
around their planets.
Describe Several
characteristics the orbits of
the eight planets share
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and
The jovian planets are?
A circular orbit has an eccentricity of
Roughly how many Earth’s would
fit across the diameter of the sun?
A place in a planet’s orbit where it is
closest to the sun is called
The 23.5 degree tilt of the Earth causes
sunlight to more directly hit the surface of the
Earth in the northern hemisphere in the
summer and is spread out over a wider area in
the winter. Also causes longer summer days
are longer
Why are summers hotter than winters?