Chapter 4 The Role of T Cells in Beta Cell Damage in NOD Mice and Humans Identifying a Swarm of T cells Targeting B:9-23 Insulin Peptide? Trimolecular Recognition Complex Fundamental Structure Diabetes Susceptibility TCR MHC PEPTIDE Pathogenesis of NOD diabetes is initiated by reactivity to the insulin B chain 9-23 epitope and involves functional epitope spreading Prasad et al J. Autoimmunity June 2012 on line LATE PREVENTION ONLY ECDI-INSULIN Multiple Antigens are Targeted in Type 1 Diabetes Synaptic-like Microvesicles Mitochondria Secretory Granules Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Network Nucleus Cytosol Figure modified from Tissue Antigens 2003, 62:359 Information from Expert Rev Clin Immunol 2010, 6:939 HUMAN MOUSE H M Ab T Ab T CD38 Chg A CPE DMK DNA TopII GAD65 GAD67 GD3 Glima38 GLUT2 GM2-1 GT3 HIP/PAP Hsp10 Hsp60 Hsp70 Hsp90 IA-2 IA-2 IAPP ICA69 IGRP Imogen38 Importin Insulin Jun-B PDX1 Peripherin Reg RegII S100 SOX13 Sulphatide ZnT8 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Reported Antibody or T Cell Dilorenzo A MODEL -cells APC ISLET t Ag t t T cells Pancreatic Lymph Node Mathis/Benoist AA Peptide Side Chains Peptide MHC V(D)J Rearrangement Kuby Immunology GROOVE “TEETH” TEETH T Cell Receptor Analogy Antigen Presenting Cell Peptide V V D J Chr. 14 J Chr. 6 Antigen Recognition by CD8+ T Cells T cell T cell receptor V V class I MHC 2m cell T. 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IAg7 DR3/DR4 Homann 2006,JCI Natural T Regulatory Cells Antigen Specific T Reg IPEX Syndrome MAN: NOD anti-B9-23insulin TCR: foxP3 mutant DM in days of birth! foxP3 mutant DM Preproinsulin/Proinsulin/Insulin Hafler Peakman DRB1*0401 A1-15 DRB1*0401 C19-A3 Peakman Gottlieb B:9-23 DQ8 Durinovic-Bello DRB1*0401 CD4 73-90 A2 CD8 PPI:15-24 Amino Acid Sequence of Mouse 1 and 2 and Human Insulin Leader 1: MAL LVHFLPLLALLALWEPKPTQA Leader 2: MALWMRFLPLLALLFLWESHPTQA Human : MALWMRLLPLLALLALWGPDPAAA 20 10 B Chain 1: FVKQHLCGPHLVEALYLVCGERGFFYTPKS B Chain 2: FVKQHLCGSHLVEALYLVCGERGFFYTPMS Human : FVNQHLCGSHLVEALYLVCGERGFFYTPKT B:9-23 25 30 40 50 C-Peptide 1: RREVEDPQVEQLELGGSPG…..DLQTLALEVARQ C-Peptide 2: RREVEDPQVAQLELGGGPGAGDLQTLALEVAQQ Human : RREAEDLQVGQVELGGGPGAGSLQPLALEGSLQ 55 60 70 A Chain 1: KR GIVDQCCTSICSLYQLENYCN A Chain 2: KR GIVDQCCTSICSLYQLENYCN Human : KR GIVEQCCTSICSLYQLENYCN 88 100 80 CTLs are targeted to kill β cells in patientswith type 1 diabetes through recognition ofa glucose-regulated preproinsulin epitope Ania Skowera,…. and Mark Peakman JCI 2008:118 3268-3271. Interferon gamma HLA-A2 ELISPOT peripheral blood Patients+ (SI>3) DM vs Controls Insulin gene VNTR genotype associates with frequency and phenotype of the autoimmune response to proinsulin. I Durinovic-Belló,1* R P Wu,1 V H Gersuk,1 S Sanda,1 H G Shilling,1 and G T Nepom1 Genes Immun. 2010 March; 11(2): 188–193. TETRAMERS DRB1*0401 Proinsulin 176-90 p176-90 P9S High Avidity Peptide GAD555-567 Control A306-318 Control Structural basis for the killing of human beta cells by CD8(+) T cells in type 1 diabetes. Nat Immunol. 2012 Jan 15. 2012. Bulek……Peakman…Sewell CD8 Preproinsulin Leader sequence A2 presented peptide ALWGPDPAAA: TCR low affinity, normal orientation. The frequency and immunodominance of Isletspecific CD8+ T-cell responses change after Type 1 Diabetes Diagnosis and Treatment Martinuzzi et al Diabetes 57:1312-1320, 2008 7-16 months post onset most ELSIPOT (HLA-A2) responses decrease PREPROINSULIN PROINSULIN New Responses Toma et al. 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Nature 435:220-3 2005 NOD ANTI-B:9-23 ALPHA CHAIN T CELL RECEPTORS: DOMINANT USAGE TRAV5 Valpha Junction Clone ID 12-4.1 12-4.4 4-7.2 6-4.3 6-10.14 8-1.1 8-1.3 8-1.9 8-1.15 12-3.20 6-6.4 12-1.19 12-2.35 12–2.40 6–11.6 I-29 IIT-3 IIT-37 4E4-62 4E7 AS91 AS150 2H6 TRAV Vα CDR1 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*01 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 12 13-1 7D-4*02 5D-4*04 5D-4*04 10*01 5D-4 10/10D 5D-4 5D-4 5-1*01 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.1 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα8 Vα10 Vα1 Vα13.3 Vα13.3 Vα15 Vα13 Vα15 Vα13 Vα13 - DSASNY DSASNY DSASNY DSASNY DSASNY DSASNY NSASNY DSASNY DSASNY DSASNY Not Available 21*01 Vα6 TISGNEY TTLNS DRNFQY DSASNY DSASNY DTASSY DSASNY DTASSY DSASNY DSASNY DSASVY CDR2 V MYFCAAS IRSNME MYFCAAS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME MYFCASS IRSNME LYYCA SSTDNKR TYLCAME NPSG LYFCAAI IFSDG MYFCAAS IRSNME MYFCAAS IRSNME IYFCAAS IRSNVD MYFCAAS IRSNME IYFCAAS IRSNVD MYFCAAS IRSNME MYFCA IRSNME IYFCS IRSNME Not Available GLQQ VYHCILRV N J Jalpha TRAJ GAN A AN ASG SR K ARG RP A KI PNQ RS Q GAN S PS R IP AIG G RGN SGGSNYKLTF SGGSNYKLTF GGSNYKLTF SGGSNYKLTF GGSNYKLTF TGGNNKLTF SGGSNAKLTF GGSNAKLTF NSGTYQRF GGSNAKLTF GGSAKLIF SGYNKLTF NYNQGKLIF SGGSNYKLTF SGGSNYKLTF NSGGSNYKLTF NYAQGLTF NSGGSNYKLTF TGNYKYVF TGNYKYVF NNRIFF 53*01 53*01 53*01 53*01 53*01 56*01 42*01 42*01 13*01 42*01 57*01 11*01 23*01 53*01 53*01 53*01 26*01 53*01 40*01 40*01 31*02 D SGGSNYKLTF 53*01 NOD ANTI-B:9-23 T CELL RECEPTORS: NO DOMINANT USAGE TRBV Vbeta Clone ID TRBV 12-4.1 1*01 12-4.4 5*01 4-7.2 5*01 6-4.3 1*01 6-10.14 8-1.1 15*01 8-1.3 19*01 8-1.9 2*01 8-1.15 12-3.20 31*01 6-6.4 4*01 12-1.19 19*01 12-2.35 13-1*02 12–2.40 13-1*02 6–11.6 5*01 1*01 I-29 16*01 IIT-3 16*01 IIT-37 4E4-62 1*01 4E7 AS91 AS150 2H6 31*01 Junction Vβ CDR1 CDR2 Vβ2 Vβ1 Vβ1 Vβ2 NSQYPW LGHNA LGHNA NSQYPW Vβ12 Vβ6 Vβ4 SGHND FNHDT LGHNA Vβ14 Vβ10 Vβ6 Vβ8.3 Vβ8.3 Vβ1 Vβ2 Vβ11 Vβ11 GKSSPN LGHDT FNHDT NSHNY NSHNY LGHNA NSQYPW SGHSA SGHSA Vβ2 NSQYPW Vβ14 GKSSPN LRSPGD YNLKQL YNLKQL LRSPGD Not FRSKSL SITEND YSYQKL Not SITVG YNNKQL SITEND SYGAGN SYGAGN YNLKQL LRSPGD FRNQAP FRNQAP Not LRSPGD Not Not SITVG V LYCTCS YFCASSQ YFCASSQ LYCTCSA Available YLCASS FLCAS YFCASS Available YLCAWS YLCASS FLCASS YFCASS YFCASS YFCASS LYCTCS YLCAAS YLCAAS Available LYCTCSA Available Available YLCAWS Jbeta nDn J TRBJ PGLGN DT SRT AGGG EQYF NTGQLYF GNTLYF TEVFF 2-7*01 2-2*01 1-3*01 1-1*01 LGWGD TSGTGQG PDNA EQYF SPLYF NTEVFF 2-7*01 1-6*01 1-1*01 RLGG WGQGG ILGQ PSGR PSGR LTGGAL AGLGY AVPGH PRLGA NQDTQYF DTQYF NTEVFF NSPLYF NSPLYF QYF EQYF QDTQYF SAETLYF 2-5*01 2-5*01 1-1*01 1-6*01 1-6*01 2-7*01 2-7*01 2-5*01 2-3*01 DQ NQAPLF 1-5*01 PRQNFP YF 2-3*01 Relevance to Human? 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IAPP TCRα/β Tetramer Transgenic 7D-6/2 yes yes 17/20 yes /2 2/19 5D-4*01/2 yes 5D-4*04/16 yes Retrogenic Comment yes 10.1 same mimotope yes DM+++ retrogenic Author Haskins Haskins yes yes Strain specific, chr 6 DM transgenic Haskins Santamaria IA2β 640-659 IA2β 755-777 IA2 676-688 13-2/3 10/16 13-4/4 yes yes yes insulitis retrogenic insulitis retrogenic Hutton Hutton Hutton TGFβ protection DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic Zekzer Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Nakayama Unanue Unanue Unanue Phogrin-13 CD4 Phogrin-18 CD4 10.23 CD4 Immun LN Immun LN Immun LN 2H6 12-4.1 12-4.4 8-1.1 12-1.19 12-2.35 6-4.3 12-2.4 PCR1-10 AS91 AS150 I.29 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Panc LN insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Immun LN insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin anti 8-1.1 isletinsulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin 6C5 CD4 islet 5A B16.3 BW5147 PA15.14B IA4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Immun Spl spleen spleen spleen PA18.10F10CD4 PA18.9H7 CD4 530.45.19 CD4 PA17.9G7 CD4 4B5 CD4 PA19.9G11 CD4 B:12-25 B:12-22 B:12-22 B:12-22 B:9-23 B:9-18 B:9-23 B:9-16 B:9-23 B12-20 B13-21 21/31 5D-4*04/1 5D-4*04/5 5D-4*04/15 yes 13-1/19 7-4/13-1 5D-4*04/1 yes yes yes yes yes 5D-4*04/16 yes 5-1/ yes 10/1 Same alpha 8-1.1 yes 9D-4/19 GAD GAD65 pp286–300 GAD65 pp206–220 GAD pp206–220 GAD pp217–236 6-2/5 3/13-2 6D-6/13-3 6-6/2 Immun GAD GAD GAD GAD GAD GAD 7-4/4 21/15 (5D-4/2) 4.5/10 2.4/6 17.1/5.2 Immun yes yes pp510–524 pp524–538 pp530–543 pp284–300 pp217-236:290-309 pp221-237:284-300 G9C8 CD8 Islet insulin B:15-23 8.3 AI4 CD8(Kd) CD8(D6) Islet IGRP 206-214 DMK 138-146 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 17/ yes young NOD Fathman suppress DM suppress DM no DM retrogenic no DM retrogenic Zekzer McDevitt McDevitt Vignalli Tisch no no no no no no Vignalli Vignalli Sercarz Vignalli Tisch Vignalli DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM, encephalitis DM, encephalitis DM, encephalitis Wong yes Perforin independent, Fas Santamaria DMK Widespread DiLorenzo NOD T CELL CLONES Clone BDC2.5 BDC10.1 BDC5.10.3 BDC5.2.9 BDC6.9 NY4.1 CD4/CD8 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Source Spleen Islet Islet Islet Islet Antigen Chromagranin Chromagranin Chromagranin Amyloid(IAPP 1-20) ? IAPP TCRα/β Tetramer Transgenic 7D-6/2 yes yes 17/20 yes /2 2/19 5D-4*01/2 yes 5D-4*04/16 yes Retrogenic Comment yes 10.1 same mimotope yes DM+++ retrogenic yes yes Strain specific, chr 6 DM transgenic IA2β 640-659 IA2β 755-777 IA2 676-688 13-2/3 10/16 13-4/4 yes yes yes insulitis retrogenic insulitis retrogenic Hutton Hutton Hutton TGFβ protection DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic Zekzer Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Nakayama Unanue Unanue Unanue Phogrin-13 CD4 Phogrin-18 CD4 10.23 CD4 Immun LN Immun LN Immun LN 2H6 12-4.1 12-4.4 8-1.1 12-1.19 12-2.35 6-4.3 12-2.4 PCR1-10 AS91 AS150 I.29 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Panc LN insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Immun LN insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin anti 8-1.1 isletinsulin Islet insulin Islet insulin Islet insulin 6C5 CD4 islet 5A B16.3 BW5147 PA15.14B IA4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Immun Spl spleen spleen spleen PA18.10F10CD4 PA18.9H7 CD4 530.45.19 CD4 PA17.9G7 CD4 4B5 CD4 PA19.9G11 CD4 CD8 8.3 CD8(K d) 6 21/31 5D-4*04/1 5D-4*04/5 5D-4*04/15 yes 13-1/19 7-4/13-1 5D-4*04/1 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 5D-4*04/16 yes 5-1/ yes 10/1 Same alpha 8-1.1 yes 9D-4/19 GAD GAD65 pp286–300 GAD65 pp206–220 GAD pp206–220 GAD pp217–236 6-2/5 3/13-2 6D-6/13-3 6-6/2 Immun GAD GAD GAD GAD GAD GAD 7-4/4 21/15 (5D-4/2) 4.5/10 2.4/6 17.1/5.2 Islet insulin B:15-23 Islet IGRP 206-214 Immun G9C8 B:12-25 B:12-22 B:12-22 B:12-22 B:9-23 B:9-18 B:9-23 B:9-16 B:9-23 B12-20 B13-21 pp510–524 pp524–538 pp530–543 pp284–300 pp217-236:290-309 pp221-237:284-300 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 17/ yes Author Haskins Haskins Haskins Haskins Haskins Santamaria young NOD Fathman suppress DM suppress DM no DM retrogenic no DM retrogenic Zekzer McDevitt McDevitt Vignalli Tisch no no no no no no Vignalli Vignalli Sercarz Vignalli Tisch Vignalli DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM, encephalitis DM, encephalitis DM, encephalitis Wong yes Perforin independent, Fas Santamaria NOD Mouse anti-islet T Cell Clones/transgenics/retrogenics Clone BDC2.5 BDC10.1 BDC6.9 NY4.1 CD4/CD8 CD4 CD4 CD4 CD4 Source Spleen Islet Islet Islet Antigen TCRα/β 7D-6/2 17/20 5D-4*01/2 5D-4*04/ Tetramer TransgenicRetrogenicComment yes yes yes 10.1 same mimotope yes yes DM+++ retrogenic yes yes Strain specific, chr 6 yes yes yes DM transgenic Phogrin-13 CD4 Phogrin-18 CD4 10.23 CD4 Immun LN IA2β 640-659 Immun LN IA2β 755-777 IA2 676-688 13-2/3 10/16 13-4/4 2H6 CD4 BDC12-4.1 CD4 BDC12-4.4 CD4 BDC 8-.1.1 CD4 BDC12-1.19 CD4 BDC12-2.35 CD4 BDC6-4.3 CD4 BDC12-2.4 CD4 6C5 CD4 Panc LN Islet Islet Immun LN Islet Islet Islet Islet islet 21/31 5D-4*04/1 5D-4*04/5 5D-4*04/15 13-1/19 7-4/13-1 5D-4*04/1 5A CD4 B16.3 CD4 BW5147 CD4 PA15.14B CD4 IA4 CD4 PA17.9G7 CD4 PA18.10F10 CD4 PA18.9H7 CD4 530.45.19 CD4 Immun Spl GAD spleen GAD65 pp286–300 GAD65 pp206–220 spleen GAD pp206–220 spleen GAD pp217–236 GAD pp284–300 GAD pp510–524 GAD pp524–538 GAD pp530–543 G9C8 CD8 Islet insulin B:15-23 yes 8.3 CD8 Islet IGRP 206-214 yes insulin B:12-25 insulin B:12-22 insulin B:12-22 insulin B:12-22 insulin B:9-23 insulin B:9-18 insulin B:9-23 insulin B:9-16 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 9D-4 6-2/5 3/13-2 6D-6/13-3 6-6/2 6-2/4 7-4/4 21/15 (5D-4/2) yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Author Haskins Haskins Haskins Santamaria insulitis retrogenic insulitis retrogenic Hutton Hutton Hutton TGFβ protection DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic DM retrogenic young NOD Zekzer Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Wegmann Fathman suppress DM suppress DM no effect retrogenic no effect retrogenic no effect retrogenic no effect retrogenic no effect retrogenic no effect retrogenic Zekzer McDevitt McDevitt Vignalli Tisch Vignalli Vignalli Vignalli Sercarz Wong yes Perforin independent, Fas Santamaria Expanded T cells from pancreatic lymph nodes of type 1 diabetic subjects recognize an insulin epitope Kent et al, Nature 435:224, 2005 • Pancreatic LN: Single cell cloning - PHA • 2/3 Patients Clonal expansion duration diabetes 29 and 15 years • Vbeta29-1*03J2-3(50%)/Valpha8-3*02 J44*01(25%) Vbeta5-1*01 J2-3(52%)/Valpha39*01 J33*01(26%) • DRB1*0401 Restricted Insulin A1-15 • Caveat: High concentration to stimulate 100uM BDC The insulin A-chain epitope recognized by human T cells is posttranslationally modified Mannering et al, JEM 202:1191-1197, 2005 • CD4 T cells cloned with CFSE method from peripheral blood of one patient with diabetes and one child with insulin autoantibodies • Subset of the clones reacted with insulin A-chain 1-13 epitope • T Cells DR restricted and only reacted with peptide with vicinal disulfide bond between adjacent cysteines A6 and A7 • No reactivity with this peptide of clones from two normal controls with DR4 • Oral report by Sally Kent that their A1-15 peptide reactive T cells from pancreatic lymph node do not require vicinal disulfide cross-link Ins2 deficiency augments spontaneous HLAA*0201-restricted T cell responses to Insulin Jarchum and DiLorenzo J Immunol 2010 vol 184 Humanized HLA-A2 Mice lacking Insulin 2! Ins B:10-18 CD8 Elispot Thymus-specific deletion of insulin induces autoimmune diabetes. Fan et al EMBO Journal 28:2812-2824 2009 • Ins1-/- mice (only) with cre mediated thymic mTEC deletion of ins2 develop autoimmune diabetes by age 3 weeks. • Diabetes develops in H-2b mice! • ELISPOT Responses to Insulin B:9-23 though mice do not have I-Ag7. • MYSTERIES: Need for Ins1-/-; Lack protection H-2b; Presentation B:9-23 by H2b. Screening of Peptide Fractions by 51Cr Release Cytotoxicity Assay Method Used to Discover IGRP CD8+ CTL APC CTL T. DiLorenzo Antigens for CD8+ T Cells in Type 1 Diabetes Patients Antigen Position MHC Why examined GAD65 114-123 A2 MHC binding IAPP 5-13 A2 MHC binding PreproInsulin Leader 17-24 A2 Mass Spec MHC elution Insulin B10-18 A2 Proteasome cleavage B14-22 A3, A11 Proteasome cleavage B15-23 A24 MHC binding B15-24 A24 Proteasome cleavage B17-26 A1, A3, A11 Proteasome cleavage B18-27 A1, A2, B8, B18 Proteasome cleavage B20-27 A1, B8 Proteasome cleavage B21-29 A3 Proteasome cleavage B25-C1 B8 Proteasome cleavage B27-C5 B8 Proteasome cleavage Antigens for Islet-infiltrating CD8+ T Cells in NOD Mice Antigen Position MHC T cells How identified DMK 138-146 H-2Db AI4; islet Positional scanning libraries 206-214 H-2Kd 8.3; islet MHC purification and mass spectrometry 21-29 H-2Kd Islet MHC binding 225-233 H-2Db Islet MHC binding 241-249 H-2Db Islet MHC binding 324-332 H-2Kd Islet MHC binding B15-23 H-2Kd G9C8; islet Expression cloning IGRP Insulin 1/2 DMK, dystrophia myotonica kinase GAD, glutamic acid decarboxylase DiLorenzo IGRP, islet-specific glucose-6-phosphatase catalytic subunit-related protein T cell epitopes on the diabetes autoantigen Phogrin (IA-2beta) are conserved among different species C terminus TM PTP N terminus Peptide 2: Amino acids 643-658 GADPSADATEAYQEL (rat) GADPSADATEAYQEL (mouse) GGDPGADATAAYQEL (human) Peptide 7: Amino acids 762-777 KNRSLAVLTYDHSRI (rat) KNRSLAVLTYDHSRI (mouse) KNRSLAVLTYDHSRV (human)