Student Portal Access your grades, work and library from school and home!

Student Portal
Access your grades, work and
library from school and home!
Students should log in
using the same
username and
password for the
computers at school.
Here is your Virtual Desktop
Accessing Your Files…
Click here to access your files
saved on the school computer.
Click on My U Drive to access work done on
the computers at school.
File Uploader is used to transfer
files from your computer for
access at school.
*If not working, be sure you
have the most up to date java
Click on P Drive to access files provided by
teachers in their instructional folders.
Tip: When uploading files, be sure to give them a unique
name, so you know they have successfully uploaded (i.e.
English Paper February 14).
Accessing Your Grades
You can click Skyward Student Access
on the Left or the Icon on the Desktop to
check your grades.
Don’t have Microsoft Office?
Click here for directions on
obtaining a free student copy.