Policy Type: Executive Limitation EL-11 COMMUNICATION AND COUNSEL TO THE BOARD With respect to providing information and counsel to the Board, the Superintendent shall not fail to give the Board as much concise information as necessary and in a timely manner to allow Board members to be adequately informed. Accordingly, the Superintendent may not: 1. Fail to submit monitoring data required by the Board (see Policy B/SR-5 – Monitoring Superintendent Performance) in a timely, accurate, understandable fashion, directly addressing provisions of the Board policies being monitored. 2. Fail to advise the Board in a timely manner of relevant trends, facts, information, and legal proceedings. 3. Fail to advise the Board of changes which reasonably could be expected to substantially affect the district’s financial condition. 4. Fail to provide the Board with pertinent staff and external points of view and opinions as needed for fully informed Board decisions. 5. Fail to advise the Board if, in the Superintendent’s opinion, the Board is not in compliance with its own policies on Governance Process and Board/Superintendent Relations. 6. Fail to provide a mechanism for official Board or committee communications. 7. Fail to work with the Board as a whole except when in: a. Fulfilling individual requests for information. b. Working with officers or committees duly charged by the Board. c. Communicating with the President. 8. Fail to supply for the consent agenda all items delegated to the Superintendent that are required by law or contract to be Board-approved, along with supporting data necessary to keep the Board informed in a timely manner as dictated by Board Policy. 9. Fail to advise the Board of anticipated significant media coverage. Adopted 9/1/10 Revised 12/15/10 South Kitsap School District Superintendent’s Interpretation: This EL articulates clear expectations for the partnership that is desired and needed between the Superintendent and Board members. It is the responsibility of the Superintendent to establish a regular, ongoing, and timely system of communication with the Board (i.e. Friday Letter and Supt. Reports) as well as a process/commitment to communicate/report time sensitive incidents, decisions, and legal proceedings. It is essential that the South Kitsap School District Board, as decision and direction makers for our immediate and long-term future, have relevant, clear, and concise information and data; it is the responsibility of the Superintendent to ensure the Board is informed, updated, and educated regarding matters relevant to Board Ends, public perceptions, financial variables, etc. The success of Policy Governance is dependent upon the Superintendent’s adherence to EL 11. No Revisions to Supt. Interpretation: February 2012 Certification: February 1, 2012 I hereby present my monitoring report on Executive Limitations Policy EL-11 Communication and Counsel to the Board in accordance with the monitoring schedule set forth in board policy. I certify that the information contained in the report is true as of February 1, 2012. Evidence of Compliance: February 1, 2012 At the time of this report, I believe I am in compliance with the Board’s expectations associated with this policy. I have not, to use language consistent with EL-11, failed to give the Board as much concise information as necessary and in a timely manner to allow Board members to be adequately informed. Indicators of Compliance Include: Areas of Focus: Consistent efforts to provide ample and timely information while also being concise Board meeting topics and requests for follow-up Seeking monthly meetings with all board members Consistent updates on long-term legal matters Systemic and Strategic Communication: o Comprehensive Friday Letter: Standard/Weekly Reports: District Highlights; upcoming board meeting agendas and topics; policy governance “evidence”; board Adopted 9/1/10 Revised 12/15/10 South Kitsap School District and district calendar; superintendent calendar (both personal and professional); requests for feedback (i.e. bridge goals, evaluations, etc.). Timely Reports (also included in Friday Letter): Negotiation and Staff Relations Updates; Personnel matters; media relations; potentially sensitive topics; unplanned budget impacts; legislative communications Urgent Reports: (sent on an “as needed” basis) Incident” Reports (i.e. lock-downs, threats, etc.), media related events, text of school messenger messages, school schedule changes, group responses to individual board member inquiries, etc. o Executive Session as a vital communication tool relative to confidential and protected information: pending personnel matters, bargaining updates and/or legal proceedings Reporting Progress on SKSD Ends Statements: o Annual Presentations to the Board 2011-12 Goal: Provide written data as well as school/staff/student reports and testimonials o Periodic Updates in Friday letter Reporting Progress on SKSD Bridge Goals o 3-Ring Binders in Patti’s Office for Each Bridge Goal Information, Reports, Articles, Documents relative to each go Table of Contents shared for review o EL Monitoring Reports – Data relevant to goals o External/Customer Feedback Shared with Board Weekly Meetings with Board President Board Meetings at a vital communication tool o Superintendent Highlights o District Celebrations – NIB’s o Superintendent Report o Presentations: Ends, Bridge Goals, Student Achievement, Enrollment, Budget, etc. o Site and Department tours and visits o Work Study Sessions – timely topics, community forums, etc. Web Communication: Board Docs (historical documents, policies, agendas, minutes, Friday letters); Board web link with contact information; district messages and “storytelling” – photos, videos, E-news, awards, achievements and assertive communication about mission, vision, goals; policy governance – the why, what and how; budget communication for staff and community; Facebook, etc. Adopted 9/1/10 Revised 12/15/10 South Kitsap School District