New Combo Bag allows Cash+Checks to be in the same bag and only requiring one deposit ticket! Can also function as a cash bag or check bag. Continue to use separate CoinLOK bags for $25 or more in coins. This deposit bag is prepared similarly to the previous cash or check bags… 1 As in the past, complete the DATE and AMOUNT fields. (Prepared By is optional) 4 Like previous cash bags, there is a clear pouch for the deposit ticket. This pouch is located on the inside of the bag (dotted line area). Only the deposit ticket should be placed here not cash, coin or checks. The deposit ticket should face to the rear. Remove tape to expose the adhesive to seal the bag. 2 Check one box that corresponds to what you are depositing. * Cash/Coin Only * Cash+Checks * Checks Only 5 Required field Place separately bundled cash, coin, and/or checks inside the bottom of the bag Required field 3 Enter information for each field. Required field Enter: Bank of America Enter if applicable Enter if applicable Enter if applicable Include amount totals for each type of funds in the deposit. Enter the total sum of funds in the TOTAL field. Required field Send this deposit bag to the bank in the same manner as your previous deposit bags.