Document 17695327

(For Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education)
Instructions: All Answers should be in black font. “Budget” section must be included for submission to CPE
for 45 day review. When completed, this form and the Course Listings Form should be submitted to For further questions regarding this form send an email to
1. Degree level and designation: (Ex. Master of Arts, PhD, Bachelor of Science, etc.)
Bachelor of Arts
2. Program name: (Interior Design, Social Work, etc.)
XY and Z
3. CIP Code: (provided by Undergraduate Council chair): 00.000
4. Requested effective date: ___ Semester after approval or __X_Specific Date 8/25/2014
(Programs are typically made effective for the semester following approval. No program will be made effective
unless all approvals, up through and including Board of Trustees and CPE approval, are received.)
5. Contact Information: (Individual responsible for submission of, completion of, and answering
questions about the proposal)
Name: Dr. Jon Jane Doe
Title: Co-Director; Associate Professor
Phone: 859-257-1111
1. Provide a brief description of the program: (300 word limit)
The XYZ B.A. is a liberal arts approach to population health and will provide students with social science
career interests and orientations a competitive advantage in obtaining employment in rapidly expanding
health and health care fields through an emphasis on understanding relationships between the global and
political economy, social problems and inequalities, and the health and wellbeing of populations, as well
communication, problem solving and critical thinking skills. The XYZ B.A. will also provide an advantage
to students who plan to continue their education through graduate or professional programs. The degree
combines existing coursework in the Colleges of XYZ and ABC and the ZZZ Program in the College of
QQQ plus it draws on the combined expertise of faculty with a diversity of interests in the health of
populations in Kentucky, the U.S. and globally.
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Does the program allow for any tracks (a.k.a. options)? ____Yes __X__No
If “Yes,” name the track(s). (Specific course requirements will be described in the Quality Section.)
Track #1:
Track #2:
Track #3:
Track #4:
Track #5:
Track #6:
Will this program replace or enhance any existing program(s) or tracks (or concentrations or
specializations) within an existing program? ______Yes* ___X__ No
If “Yes,” explain (300 word limit):
2. What are the program objectives? (Note: this is not the place to list student learning outcomes. The
question refers to the program itself. Program objectives should deal with the specific institutional and
societal needs that this program will address.) (300 word limit)
To respond to the Commonwealth’s need to reduce acute and chronic disease morbidity and mortality
by understanding and improving population health in its communities.
To respond to the increasing need for well-trained, entry-level employees in population health in city,
state and federal government organizations, nonprofits and public and private health care sectors.
To create the opportunity for the University of Kentucky to take a leadership role in inter-disciplinary
training of health and healthcare workers through collaboration among multiple departments in the
College of XYZ and the College of ABC, and the ZZZ Program in the College of QQQ.
3. Explain how the program objectives above support at least two aspects of UK’s institutional mission
and academic strategic plan? (150 word limit)
The XYZ B.A. addresses UK Goal 1: Preparing students for leading roles in an Innovation-driven economy
and global society and UK Goal 2: Promote research and creative work to increase the intellectual, social
and economic capital of Kentucky and the world beyond its borders by preparing students for advanced
degree programs (i.e. MA PhD in many of the Social Sciences, and in the Public Health) or professional
roles in the changing health care sector through an innovative multidisciplinary curriculum emphasizing
integrative biopsychosocial approaches.
How do the program objectives above support at least two aspects of the Council on Postsecondary
Education’s (CPE) Strategic Agenda? (300 word limit)
CPE Strategic Agenda – The state’s strategic plan for postsecondary education focuses on four areas.
Please choose which area(s) your proposed program relates to along with which policy objective(s) that
your proposed program will address.
 College readiness – Will the program increase the number of college-ready Kentuckians entering
postsecondary education? Will it increase the number of college-ready GED graduates? Will it
increase the effectiveness of Kentucky’s K-12 teachers and school leaders?
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Student success – Does this program increase high-quality degree production and completion rates
and close achievement gaps, particularly for lower-income, underprepared, and underrepresented
minority students? Does this program decrease financial barriers to college access and completion.
Research, economic, and community development: Does this program increase educational
attainment and quality of life in Kentucky communities through regional stewardship, public service,
and community outreach?
Efficiency and innovation: Does this program increase academic productivity through program
innovations? Does this program maximize the use of postsecondary and adult education resources?
Consistent with CPE strategic agenda for research, economic, and community development,
XYZ students will be prepared for jobs in public service that disproportionately aid disadvantaged
and minority groups. This is achieved through exposure to a unique curriculum that highlights the
role of inequality, culture, and social experiences in health and illness.
Explain how the proposed program furthers the statewide implementation plan. (300 word limit)
The Statewide Implementation Plan– focuses on seven areas. Please describe how your program will
use the following strategies to successfully implement the new program:
• Adequate Funding
• Accountability
• Performance Metrics and Targets
• Implementation Plans
• Reporting and Benchmarking
• Incentives
• Balancing Quality and Quantity
For details on these strategies go to the CPE website:
The XYZ program supports KCPE Implementation Plan Policy Objective 7, Strategy 7.3: Maximize the
impact of postsecondary education’s contribution to improving the health of Kentucky’s people. XYZ
Program graduates will have unique skills to address Kentucky’s major chronic health issues – cancer,
obesity, heart disease, and diabetes – which have a devastating impact on the workforce and economy of
Kentucky’s communities.
4. Is an approval letter from an Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) required?
__ Yes _X_ No (i.e. any program leading to teacher, principal, or superintendent certification, rank
change, etc.)
If Yes, please append a PDF version of the letter to this form.
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1. What are the intended student learning outcomes (SLOs) of the proposed program? (Address one or
more of the five areas of learning – broad, integrative knowledge; specialized knowledge; intellectual
skills; applied learning; and civic learning.) (300 word limit)
The Student Learning Outcomes for the B.A. in XYZ will be:
1. Understand and apply the core principles of a social science approach to population health
2. Articulate the social and political structures that produce and sustain health disparities
3. Explain the complexity of pathways that promote, constrain, and/or mediate relationships among
biological and social factors in the production of health outcomes.
4. Analyze patterns of health inequalities and evaluate the strength and significance of associations
between social factors and population health outcomes.
5. Apply knowledge from degree coursework to develop and/or assess policies and interventions for
reducing health disparities and/or improving population health. In addition, each of the three
concentrations has an associated learning outcome:
6. Global health: Explain patterns of global health inequalities and how these are linked to both global
and local cultures, political systems, and social inequalities.
7. Health ecologies: Articulate how the physical, social, and resource environments in which individuals
are embedded influence health behaviors and outcomes.
8. Social inequalities: Describe social institutions that reproduce inequality over time and identify how
individual and community resources can be leveraged to produce social change
2. How will the program support or be supported by other programs within the institution?
(For example, shared faculty, shared courses, collaborative research, etc.) (300 word limit)
This degree was developed in collaboration between the Colleges of XYZ and ABC and the ZZZ Program
in the College of QQQ. Coursework for the XYZ degree is provided through these colleges, and across a
broad range of departments within these and other colleges on campus (e.g., Social Work). The XYZ
Advisory Board and Affiliated Faculty reflect strong ties across all departments in the Colleges.
3. Will this program replace or enhance any existing program(s) or tracks (or concentrations or
specializations) within an existing program? ____Yes __X__No If “Yes,” explain (300 word limit):
4. Initially, what percentage of the proposed program will be offered via distance learning? (check one)
___1% - 24% ___25% - 49% ___50% - 74%
___75% - 99% ___100%
NOTE: Programs in which 25% or more of the program will be offered via distance learning may need to submit a
substantive change prospectus to SACS. Please contact for assistance. The
prospectus is required by SACS, but it is NOT required for Senate review.
For questions about alternative delivery modes, please contact the Distance Learning Programs and E-Learning
office on campus.
Per the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) definition of distance
education, distance education is a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction
between students and instructors and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in
the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous.
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5. If any percentage of the program will be offered via the alternative learning formats below, check
all that apply, below:
____ Distance learning.
__X__ Courses that combine various modes of interaction, such as face-to-face,
videoconferencing, audio-conferencing, mail, telephone, fax, email, interactive television,
or World Wide Web.
__X__ Technology-enhanced instruction.
__X__ Evening/weekend/early morning classes.
____ Accelerated courses.
____ Instruction at nontraditional locations, such as employer worksite.
____ Courses with multiple entry, exit, and reentry points.
____ Courses with “rolling” entrance and completion times, based on self-pacing.
____ Modularized courses.
6. Will the program’s home educational unit require new or additional faculty? ____Yes __X_No
If “Yes,” provide a plan to ensure that appropriate faculty resources are available, either within UK or
externally, to support the program. Note whether they will be part-time or full-time faculty.
If “Yes,” when will the faculty be appointed? (150 word limit)
1. Provide justification and evidence to support the need and demand for this proposed program.
Include any data on student demand, career opportunities at any level, or any recent trends in the
discipline that necessitate a new program. (300 word limit)
This evidence is typically in the form of surveys of potential students and enrollments in related
programs at the institution.
Anecdotal evidence is insufficient. Demonstrate a systematic collection of data, thorough study
of the data, and a reasonably estimated student demand for the program.
Provide evidence of student demand at state and national levels.
Our survey of land grant institutions reveals 8/71 land grants offer 10 similar degrees, including Michigan
State and U Iowa - the majority of these programs are recent, indicating rising interest, enrollments range
from 10-419 students. Following the trajectory of these programs, we estimate enrollments of 40-50
majors by Fall 2015, with a rapid rise to triple digits within five years similar to the trajectory of UK’s
popular interdisciplinary degree in International studies. The College of XYZ has developed a recruitment
plan targeting students from local and regional high-schools; from states bordering on the Commonwealth
and a variety of countries internationally. We will also target existing UK students through A&S Passport
to the World Program, the Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP), and the Appalachian
and Minority Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Majors (AMSTEMM) Programs, as well
as graduates from the KCTC system.
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2. Specify any distinctive qualities of the proposed program. (300 word limit)
For instance:
 Are any of your faculty nationally or internationally recognized for expertise in this field?
 Does this program build on the expertise of an existing locally, nationally or internationally
recognized program at your institution?
 Do you have any specialized research facilities or equipment that are uniquely suited to this program?
Many of the XYZ affiliated faculty are nationally and internationally recognized experts in the social and
natural sciences, including anthropology, sociology, geography and human biology. The collaborative
nature of this degree links these experts with experts in the College of ZYX as well, which will situate UK
at the forefront of innovative, inter-disciplinary programs in population-based alphabet disparities and
public welfare. The XYZ program has recently acquired a specialized piece of equipment that is uniquely
suited to the study and research required for the XYZ program.
3. Are their similar programs in other Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) states in the nation?
__X __ Yes _____ No
If “Yes,” please identify similar programs in other SREB states and in the nation.
There are similar programs in the SREB. The XYZ program is most similar to those at Michigan State and
University of Pennsylvania, and both are interdisciplinary programs housed with Arts and Sciences.
If “Yes,” answer the questions below to demonstrate why this new program is needed in addition to
the one(s) currently in existence:
3a. Does the program differ from existing programs in terms of curriculum, focus, objectives, etc?
There are very few similar programs. Other SREB programs are highly focused on research. Our
proposed program will emphasize the practical application of technology, in a variety of settings, to
connect people, organizations, and communities to enhance their ability to succeed.
3b. Does the proposed program serve a different student population (e.g., students in a different
geographic area, non-traditional students, etc.) from existing programs?
MSU and NKU serve largely different geographic areas than the central Kentucky area. Although the
NKU program is an online program, it is highly research focused. Our proposed program will emphasize
the practical application of technology, in a variety of settings, to connect people, organizations and
communities to enhance their ability to succeed.
3c. Is access to existing programs limited?
Access is limited by geographic region and focus area.
3d. Is there excess demand for existing similar programs? No
3e. Will there be collaboration between the proposed program and existing programs? If not, please
explain why not. (300 word limit) No
Collaboration is not planned at this point due to the difference in focus in other similar degrees. However,
we have consulted with the involved parties at NKU and are exploring possible collaboration in the future.
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Identify both the direct and indirect methods by which the intended student learning outcomes (SLOs) will
be assessed. (Please note that the assessment is at the program-level, not course-level.) (300 word limit)
Student learning outcomes will be assessed on an annual basis via the Blackboard Assessment
vehicle as required by the Office of Assessment. Each year one of the following student learning
outcomes will be assessed by at least two members of the XYZ Faculty of Record via the final
project in the program’s capstone course, XYZ 599. Final papers will be submitted through
Blackboard with identifiers removed, and affiliated faculty will assess and score the achievement
of the learning outcome via a rubric created specifically for each outcome, and tailored to the final
paper assignment. The rubric scoring system will allow categorization of papers as “excellent,”
“average,” and “poor” with respect to the learning outcome; and will provide detailed data on
which to reflect and build improvement plans in specific areas (e.g., are students doing well at
critical thinking skills, but are lacking in communication; have they developed a solid background
in factual academic knowledge, but are lacking in integrating that knowledge into a
comprehensive program for health change; etc.).
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Estimate the level of new and existing resources that will be required to implement and sustain the
program using the spreadsheet below. (For questions about cost and funding of the program, please
contact your department chair, business officer, or associate dean for academic affairs.)
Funding Sources, by Year of Program (Please answer in terms of dollar amounts.):
Total Resources Available from Federal Sources
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
(Federal sources include grants, earmarks, etc.)
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
Total Resources Available from Other Non-State Sources
1st Year
(Non-state sources include philanthropies, foundations,
individual donors, etc.)
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
State Resources (State sources include general fund
revenue, grants, pass-thru funds, etc.)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
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5th Year
Funding Sources, by Year of Program CONTINUED
Internal (The source and process of allocation and
reallocation should be detailed, including an analysis of the
impact of the reduction on existing programs and/or
organization units)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
New Allocated Resources
(Existing) Reallocated Resources
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
Student Tuition (Describe the impact of this program
on enrollment, tuition, and fees.)
Current faculty salaries including a 2% raise each year.
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as
100 word limit:
These numbers are based on estimated enrollments of Yr 1=15, Yr 2 =
15, Yr 3 = 20, Yr 4 = 20, Yr 5 = 25. The dollar figure is based on4/5 instate tuition and 1/5 out-of-state tuition.
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Total Funding Sources:
Total Funding Sources
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Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements: (Please answer in terms of dollar amounts.):
Staff: Executive, Administrative & Managerial (Include
salaries and whether new hires will be part-time or full-time)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
1st Year
Other Professional (Include salaries)
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
Faculty (Include salaries and whether new hires will
be part-time or full-time)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
The faculty cost reflects the two new faculty lines which
will be dedicated to teaching in the new program. The
existing faculty costs reflect the teaching efforts of the
faculty of record.
Graduate Assistants (if master’s or doctorate) (Identify
the number of assistantships/stipends that will be
provided AND Include the level of support for each
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
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5th Year
Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements CONTINUED:
1st Year
Student Employees (Include salaries/stipends)
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Equipment and Instructional Materials
(as applicable) 100 word limit:
The equipment and instructional materials (eg. consumables) budget reflects capital and
small equipment needed, in the first year of the new program, to adequately equip the
new 4 credit hour lecture-laboratory course. This course will be required of all majors and
involves an intensive lecture and lab experience involving completion of a series of guided,
integrated studies employing applied techniques that require advanced instrumentation.
After year 1, we are requesting an annual consumables budget of $18,000 to provide the
laboratory supplies needed to conduct the lab.
Library (Includes new journal subscriptions, collections,
and electronic access)
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
1st Year
Contractual Services
2nd Year
3rd Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit:
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4th Year
5th Year
Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements CONTINUED:
1st Year
Academic and/or Student Services
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
1st Year
Other Support Services
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
Faculty Development (Includes travel, conference fees,
consultants, etc.)
1st Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100
word limit:
1st Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word
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Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements CONTINUED:
Student Space and Equipment
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
(if doctorate)
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
Faculty Space and Equipment
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
(if doctorate)
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable)
100 word limit:
There is no dedicated area on the budget form to explain
that some programs generate revenue.
If the proposed program generates revenue, include a
statement to this effect:
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Total Budget
Total Expenses/Requirements
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Grand Total
1st Year
2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
5th Year
Total Funding Sources:
Total Expenses/Requirements:
Total Net Cost:
The net cost may reflect
revenue (+) or loss (-)
Remember to complete the Course Listings Form and submit with this
New Undergraduate Program Pre-Proposal Form to
For further questions regarding this form send an email to
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