NEW UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAM PRE-PROPOSAL FORM (For Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education) Instructions: All Answers should be in black font. “Budget” section must be included for submission to CPE for 45 day review. When completed, this form and the Course Listings Form should be submitted to For further questions regarding this form send an email to BASIC INFO 1. Degree level and designation: (Ex. Master of Arts, PhD, Bachelor of Science, etc.) 2. Program name: (Interior Design, Social Work, etc.) 3. CIP Code: (provided by Undergraduate Council chair): 4. Requested effective date: ___ Semester after approval or ___Specific Date (Programs are typically made effective for the semester following approval. No program will be made effective unless all approvals, up through and including Board of Trustees and CPE approval, are received.) 5. Contact Information: (Individual responsible for submission of, completion of, and answering questions about the proposal) Name: Title: Email: Phone: MISSION 1. Provide a brief description of the program: (300 word limit) Does the program allow for any tracks (a.k.a. options)? ____Yes ____No If “Yes,” name the track(s). (Specific course requirements will be described in the Quality Section.) Track #1: Track #2: Track #3: Track #4: Track #5: Track #6: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 1 of 11 Will this program replace or enhance any existing program(s) or tracks (or concentrations or specializations) within an existing program? ______Yes _____ No If “Yes,” explain (300 word limit): 2. What are the program objectives? (Note: this is not the place to list student learning outcomes. The question refers to the program itself. Program objectives should deal with the specific institutional and societal needs that this program will address.) (300 word limit) 3. Explain how the program objectives above support at least two aspects of UK’s institutional mission and academic strategic plan? (150 word limit) How do the program objectives above support at least two aspects of the Council on Postsecondary Education’s (CPE) Strategic Agenda? (300 word limit) CPE Strategic Agenda – The state’s strategic plan for postsecondary education focuses on four areas. Please choose which area(s) your proposed program relates to along with which policy objective(s) that your proposed program will address. College readiness – Will the program increase the number of college-ready Kentuckians entering postsecondary education? Will it increase the number of college-ready GED graduates? Will it increase the effectiveness of Kentucky’s K-12 teachers and school leaders? Student success – Does this program increase high-quality degree production and completion rates and close achievement gaps, particularly for lower-income, underprepared, and underrepresented minority students? Does this program decrease financial barriers to college access and completion. Research, economic, and community development: Does this program increase educational attainment and quality of life in Kentucky communities through regional stewardship, public service, and community outreach? Efficiency and innovation: Does this program increase academic productivity through program innovations? Does this program maximize the use of postsecondary and adult education resources? UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 2 of 11 Explain how the proposed program furthers the statewide implementation plan. (300 word limit) The Statewide Implementation Plan– focuses on seven areas. Please describe how your program will use the following strategies to successfully implement the new program: • Adequate Funding • Accountability • Performance Metrics and Targets • Implementation Plans • Reporting and Benchmarking • Incentives • Balancing Quality and Quantity For details on these strategies go to the CPE website: 4. Is an approval letter from an Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB) required? __ Yes __ No (i.e. any program leading to teacher, principal, or superintendent certification, rank change, etc.) If Yes, please append a PDF version of the letter to this form. QUALITY 1. What are the intended student learning outcomes (SLOs) of the proposed program? (Address one or more of the five areas of learning – broad, integrative knowledge; specialized knowledge; intellectual skills; applied learning; and civic learning.) (300 word limit) 2. How will the program support or be supported by other programs within the institution? (For example, shared faculty, shared courses, collaborative research, etc.) (300 word limit) 3. Will this program replace or enhance any existing program(s) or tracks (or concentrations or specializations) within an existing program? ____Yes ____No If “Yes,” explain (300 word limit): UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 3 of 11 4. Initially, what percentage of the proposed program will be offered via distance learning? (check one) ___0% ___1% - 24% ___25% - 49% ___50% - 74% ___75% - 99% ___100% NOTE: Programs in which 25% or more of the program will be offered via distance learning may need to submit a substantive change prospectus to SACS. Please contact for assistance. The prospectus is required by SACS, but it is NOT required for Senate review. For questions about alternative delivery modes, please contact the Distance Learning Programs and E-Learning office on campus. Per the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-COC) definition of distance education, distance education is a formal educational process in which the majority of the instruction (interaction between students and instructors and among students) in a course occurs when students and instructors are not in the same place. Instruction may be synchronous or asynchronous. 5. If any percentage of the program will be offered via the alternative learning formats below, check all that apply, below: ____ Distance learning. ____ Courses that combine various modes of interaction, such as face-to-face, videoconferencing, audio-conferencing, mail, telephone, fax, email, interactive television, or World Wide Web. ____ Technology-enhanced instruction. ____ Evening/weekend/early morning classes. ____ Accelerated courses. ____ Instruction at nontraditional locations, such as employer worksite. ____ Courses with multiple entry, exit, and reentry points. ____ Courses with “rolling” entrance and completion times, based on self-pacing. ____ Modularized courses. 6. Will the program’s home educational unit require new or additional faculty? ____Yes ___No If “Yes,” provide a plan to ensure that appropriate faculty resources are available, either within UK or externally, to support the program. Note whether they will be part-time or full-time faculty. If “Yes,” when will the faculty be appointed? (150 word limit) UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 4 of 11 DEMAND 1. Provide justification and evidence to support the need and demand for this proposed program. Include any data on student demand, career opportunities at any level, or any recent trends in the discipline that necessitate a new program. (300 word limit) This evidence is typically in the form of surveys of potential students and enrollments in related programs at the institution. Anecdotal evidence is insufficient. Demonstrate a systematic collection of data, thorough study of the data, and a reasonably estimated student demand for the program. Provide evidence of student demand at state and national levels. 2. Specify any distinctive qualities of the proposed program. (300 word limit) For instance: Are any of your faculty nationally or internationally recognized for expertise in this field? Does this program build on the expertise of an existing locally, nationally or internationally recognized program at your institution? Do you have any specialized research facilities or equipment that are uniquely suited to this program? 3. Are their similar programs in other Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) states in the nation? _____ Yes _____ No If “Yes,” please identify similar programs in other SREB states and in the nation. If “Yes,” answer the questions below to demonstrate why this new program is needed in addition to the one(s) currently in existence: 3a. Does the program differ from existing programs in terms of curriculum, focus, objectives, etc? ____Yes ___No If yes, please explain (300 word limit) 3b. Does the proposed program serve a different student population (e.g., students in a different geographic area, non-traditional students, etc.) from existing programs? ____Yes ___No If yes, please explain (300 word limit) 3c. Is access to existing programs limited? ____Yes ___No If yes, please explain (300 word limit) 3d. Is there excess demand for existing similar programs? ____Yes ___No If yes, please explain (300 word limit) 3e. Will there be collaboration between the proposed program and existing programs? If not, please explain why not. (300 word limit) UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 5 of 11 REVIEW AND ASSESSMENT 1. Identify both the direct and indirect methods by which the intended student learning outcomes (SLOs) will be assessed. (Please note that the assessment is at the program-level, not course-level.) (300 word limit) REQUESTED BUDGET Estimate the level of new and existing resources that will be required to implement and sustain the program using the spreadsheet below. (For questions about cost and funding of the program, please contact your department chair, business officer, or associate dean for academic affairs.) Funding Sources, by Year of Program (Please answer in terms of dollar amounts.): Total Resources Available from Federal Sources 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year (Federal sources include grants, earmarks, etc.) New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Total Resources Available from Other Non-State Sources (Non-state sources include philanthropies, foundations, individual donors, etc.) New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: State Resources (State sources include general fund revenue, grants, pass-thru funds, etc.) 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 6 of 11 Funding Sources, by Year of Program CONTINUED Internal (The source and process of allocation and reallocation should be detailed, including an analysis of the impact of the reduction on existing programs and/or organization units) 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Allocated Resources (Existing) Reallocated Resources Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Student Tuition (Describe the impact of this program on enrollment, tuition, and fees.) 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 5th Year 4th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: 1st Year Total Funding Sources 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Total Funding Sources: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 7 of 11 Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements: Staff: Executive, Administrative & Managerial (Include salaries and whether new hires will be part-time or fulltime) 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Other Professional (Include salaries) New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Faculty (Include salaries and whether new hires will be part-time or full-time) New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Graduate Assistants (if master’s or doctorate) (Identify the number of assistantships/stipends that will be provided AND Include the level of support for each assistantship/stipend.) 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 8 of 11 Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements CONTINUED: Student Employees (Include salaries/stipends) 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Equipment and Instructional Materials 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Library (Includes new journal subscriptions, collections, and electronic access) 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Contractual Services 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Academic and/or Student Services 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 9 of 11 Breakdown of Budget Expenses/Requirements CONTINUED: Other Support Services 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Faculty Development (Includes travel, conference fees, consultants, etc.) New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Assessment New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: Other 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Narrative Explanation/Justification (as applicable) 100 word limit: UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 10 of 11 Total Expenses/Requirements 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year New Existing Total Budget Expenses/Requirements: Grand Total 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year 5th Year Total Funding Sources: Total Expenses/Requirements: Total Net Cost: The net cost may reflect revenue (+) or loss (-) Remember to complete the Course Listings Form and submit with this New Undergraduate Program Pre-Proposal Form to For further questions regarding this form send an email to UK Planning and Institutional Effectiveness - New Program Proposal Form for KCPE Page 11 of 11