SEEDID:___________________ IID:____________________ SEED PARENT INTERVIEW WAVE # 1 THANK YOU for filling out this questionnaire. We want to understand more about American Indian children and their parents. Many questions are very sensitive and personal. We truly appreciate your honest answers. You can skip any question. You can stop at any time. Please answer exactly as you think and feel. Your answers will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Your identity and the identity of your community will not be revealed. There are no right or wrong answers. Some questions may not seem to apply to you, but please don't skip them unless you’re asked to. Choose the response that best fits your situation. Some questions ask you to skip to different places in the booklet depending on the answer you give. This will prevent you from having to answer questions that do not apply to you. Be aware that there are several styles of questions. For most, you'll circle or check only one answer; but some ask you to CIRCLE ALL THE ANSWERS THAT APPLY. If there is not an appropriate answer for your situation or feelings, feel free to write your own answers below or next to the question. Your responses will help us and your community to understand the needs of American Indian families better, so that more helpful programs can be developed. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME! BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1. What is today's date? ________/________/________ 2. What is your date of birth? ________/________/________ CIRCLE OR CHECK THE ANSWER THAT BEST FITS YOUR SITUATION. 3. I am... 0. male. 1. female. 4. What is your degree of Indian blood? Please write in.__________________ NOTE: Please answer BOTH Questions 5 and 6. 5. Are you Spanish/Hispanic/Latino? Please check “NO” if you are not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino. ___ No, not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino. ___ Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano 6. What is your race? Check one or more races to indicate what you consider yourself to be. CHECK ALL THAT APPLY. ___ White ___ Black, African American, or Negro ___ American Indian or Alaska Native—Print name of enrolled or principal tribe below.__________________________ ___ AsianSpecify.______________________________ ___ Pacific IslanderSpecify.______________________ ___ Some other race-Specify______________________ 7. Are you currently in a romantic relationship; that is, do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife (a partner)? ___ No ___ Yes NOTE: If you are not currently in a relationship, please circle the answer that says that you do not have a partner at this time. 8. How long have you been romantically involved with your current partner? _________ Years 88. _________ Months _________ Weeks I do not have a partner at this time. 3 9. I am currently... 1. married (including a traditional Indian marriage) and living with my spouse. 2. married (including a traditional Indian marriage) but not living with my spouse. 3. legally separated. 4. living with my partner but not married. 5. divorced. 6. widowed. 7. single. I have never been married. 10. My partner is... 0. male. 1. female. 88. I do not have a partner at this time. 11. How old is your partner? _________ years old 88. I do not have a partner at this time. 12. My partner is... 1. not Indian Skip to 14 2. Indian Degree of Indian Blood ______________ 3. I know my partner is part Indian, but I don't know how much. 4. I don’t know if my partner is Indian. 5. I don’t have a partner at this time. 13. Where are you living? 1. Indian reservation. 2. near an Indian reservation. 3. off the Indian reservation. 14. I am living... 1. in a town or city. 2. in the country or a rural area. 15. My community is... 1. mostly American Indian. 2. mostly White. 3. mostly Hispanic or Mexican. 4. mostly African-American. 5. mixed. 4 INDIAN CULTURE If your family speaks more than one tribal language, please refer to the language spoken most often. 1. How often was your tribal language spoken in your house when you were growing up? 1. rarely/never 2. sometimes 3. often 4. almost always 8. I don't have a tribal language. 2. How well can you understand your tribal language when it is spoken? 1. I cannot understand my tribal language when it is spoken. 2. I can understand my tribal language a little when it is spoken. 3. I understand my tribal language when it is spoken. 8. I don't have a tribal language. 3. How well can you speak your tribal language? 1. I cannot speak my tribal language. 2. I can speak it a little. 3. I can carry on a conversation in my tribal language. 8. I don't have a tribal language. 4. How often do you currently speak your tribal language? 1. rarely/never 2. sometimes 3. often 4. almost always 8. I don't have a tribal language. WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP, HOW MUCH DID YOUR FAMILY LIVE BY OR FOLLOW... Not at all A little Some A lot 1. the American Indian way of life? .........1........................2....................... 3……………..4 2. the White or Anglo way of life? ...........1........................2....................... 3……………..4 3. Other way of life (African American, Hispanic, etc.)…..1………………2………………3……………..4 HOW MUCH DO YOU NOW LIVE BY OR FOLLOW... Not at all A little Some A lot 4. the American Indian way of life? .........1........................2....................... 3 ...................... 4 5. the White or Anglo way of life? ...........1........................2....................... 3 ...................... 4 6. Other way of life (African American, Hispanic, etc.)…..1………………2………………3……………...4 5 HOW IMPORTANT IS IT TO YOU TO FOLLOW RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL BELIEFS WHICH ARE BASED ON... Not at all Not very Somewhat Very Important Important Important Important 7. traditional Indian beliefs? ........... ........ 1 ............. .......... 2 ............... ...... 3 ................. .... 4 (sweats, ceremonies, etc.) 8. the beliefs of the Native American Church? ..................... ........ 1 ............. .......... 2 ............... ...... 3 ................. .... 4 9. Christian beliefs such as Catholic, Baptist, Mormon, etc.?.............................. ...... 1 ................ ....... 2 ...................... 3 ................. .... 4 10. How important is it for you to have an Indian partner? ............... ...... 1 ................ ....... 2 ...................... 3 ................. .... 4 11. How proud are you to be an American Indian? 1. not at all proud 2. not very proud 3. somewhat proud 4. very proud 8. I do not consider myself to be an American Indian. 6 WORK AND FAMILY INCOME 1. LAST WEEK, did you do ANY work for either pay or profit? Check “yes” even if you worked only 1 hour, or helped without pay in a family business or farm for 15 hours or more, or was on active duty in the Armed Forces. ___ Yes Skip to 4 ___ No Skip to 2a. 2. a. LAST WEEK, were you on layoff from a job? ___ Yes Skip to 2b ___ No Skip to 2c b. Have you been informed that you will be recalled to work within the next 6 months OR been given a date to return to work? ___ Yes Skip to 2e ___ No Skip to 2d c. LAST WEEK, were you TEMPORARILY absent from a job or business?( for any reason, sick leave, maternity, etc.) ___ Yes Skip to 3 ___ No Skip to 2d d. Have you been looking for work during the last 4 weeks? ___ Yes Skip to 2e ___ No Skip to 3 e. LAST WEEK, could you have started a job if offered one, or returned to work if recalled? ___ Yes ___ No, because of own temporary illness ___ No, because of all other reasons (in school, etc.) 3. When did you last work, even for a few days? ___ 2000-2004 ___ 1995-2000 ___ 1994 or earlier, or never worked 4. a. LAST YEAR, 2003, did you work at a job or business at any time? ___ Yes ___ No Skip to 5 b. How many weeks did you work in 2003? Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service. Number of weeks: ______ c. During the weeks WORKED in 2003, how many hours did you usually work each week? Usual hours work each week. Numbers of hours: _________ d. What was your hourly wage? $ ________ Per Hour 7 5. INCOME Please tell me which number best represents the total income before taxes of all persons living in your household in the calendar year of 2003. What was the total income for all your family combined that year? By family, I mean, those who share your house. This should include not only wages, salaries, tips, and commissions, but also net income per capita payments from a business or farm, social security, pensions, unemployment or disability compensation, alimony or child support, welfare, dividends, interest, rent or sale of property, and any other money income received by all family members--by you or anyone else in the family living with you. NOTHING, OR LOSS .........................................01 LESS THAN 1,000 .................................................. 02 $1,000 - 4,999 ......................................................03 $5,000 - 9,999 .......................................................... 04 $10,000 - 14,999 ..................................................05 $15,000 - 19,999 ...................................................... 06 $20,000 - 29,999 ..................................................07 $30,000 - 39,999 ...................................................... 08 $40,000 - 49,999 ..................................................09 $50,000 - OR MORE ............................................... 10 DON'T KNOW ....................................................99 5a. What was the total monthly income for all persons living in your house for the past month? TOTAL $__________________ 5b. Was this more, the same, or less than usual? MORE ................................................1 ABOUT THE SAME ............................. 2 SKIP TO # 6 LESS ..................................................3 5c. How much more or less than usual? $_________________ 8 6. How much of this annual household income was earned or brought in by YOU PERSONALLY LAST YEAR? IF DON'T KNOW: [Give me your best estimate.] NOTHING, OR LOSS .........................................01 LESS THAN 1,000 .................................................. 02 $1,000 - 4,999 ......................................................03 $5,000 - 9,999 .......................................................... 04 $10,000 - 14,999 ..................................................05 $15,000 - 19,999 ...................................................... 06 $20,000 - 29,999 ..................................................07 $30,000 - 39,999 ...................................................... 08 $40,000 - 49,999 ..................................................09 $50,000 - OR MORE ............................................... 10 DON'T KNOW ....................................................99 6a. What was your total monthly income for the past month? TOTAL $______________ 6b. Was this more, the same, or less than usual? MORE ................................................1 ABOUT THE SAME ............................. 2 LESS ..................................................3 6c. How much more or less than usual? $______________ 9 HOUSING Please answer the next questions for where you currently live. 1. Are you….. ____renting your home ____buying your home ____already own your home ____living with family 2. Which best describes the place where you live? Include all homes even if vacant. ___ A mobile home ___ A one-family house detached from any other house ___ A one-family house attached to one or more houses (like duplex) ___ Apartment building ___ Boat, RV, Van, etc. 3. How many rooms do you have in your house, apartment, or mobile home? Do NOT count bathrooms, porches, balconies, foyers, halls, or half-rooms. ___ 1 room ___ 6 rooms ___ 2 rooms ___ 7 rooms ___ 3 rooms ___ 8 rooms ___ 4 rooms ___ 9 or more rooms ___ 5 rooms 4. How many bedrooms do you have; that is, how many bedrooms would you list if this house, apartment, or mobile home were on the market for sale or rent? ___ No bedroom ___ 3 bedrooms ___ 1 bedroom ___ 4 bedrooms ___ 2 bedrooms ___ 5 or more bedrooms 5. Do you have COMPLETE plumbing facilities in the place where you live; that is 1) hot and cold piped water 2) a flush toilet 3) a bathtub or shower? ___ Yes, have all three facilities ___ No 6. Do you have COMPLETE kitchen facilities in the place where you live, that is, 1) a sink with piped water 2) a range or stove 3) a refrigerator? ___ Yes, have all three facilities ___ No 7. Is there telephone service available in your house, apartment, or mobile home from which you can both make and receive calls? ___ Yes ___ No 10 8. How many working automobiles, vans, and trucks, are kept at home for use by members of your household? ___ None ___ 2 ___ 4 ___ 6 or more ___ 1 ___ 3 ___ 5 9. What are the annual costs of utilities and fuels for the place where you live? If you have lived here less than 1 year, estimate the annual cost. a. Electricity Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ___________ OR __________ Included in rent or no charge b. Gas Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ___________ OR __________Included in rent or no charge c. Water and sewer Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ____________ OR __________ Included in rent or no charge d. Oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc. Annual Amount-Dollars:$ ____________ OR __________ Included in rent or no charge e. Garbage Annual Amount-Dollars: $ ____________ OR ___________ Included in rent or no charge 10. In the past year, how often did you not have enough money for food, clothing or housing? 1. never 2. rarely 3. sometimes 4. often 11 HOUSEHOLD Who currently lives in the same house as you? Please list each person’s first name, relationship to you, gender, and age. FIRST NAME RELATIONSHIP GENDER 12 AGE EDUCATION 1. Have you ever received a degree or certificate from any of the following types of schools? CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY NO YES high school ................................ ................ ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 Adult Basic Education classes (for GED) .. ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 technical or trade school ............ ................ ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 military occupational training ... ................ ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 junior or community college ..... ................ ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 four-year college or university .. ................ ................... ............... 0 .................. ..1 graduate or professional school (e.g., medical or law school) ....... 0 .................. ..1 other (Please write in.) _________________________________________________________________ 2. Did you ever drop out of high school? 0. no 1. yes 3. I would like to learn a traditional trade or craft. 1. not at all 2. not much 3. somewhat 4. very much 5. I already know or am learning a traditional trade or craft. 13 NEIGHBORHOODS 1. How likely is it that you would move out of the area where you live if you could? 1 = very unlikely, 2 = somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4 = somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely? 2. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were skipping school and hanging out ? 1 = very unlikely, 2 = somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4 = somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely? 3. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were spray- painting graffiti on a local building? 1= very unlikely, 2= somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4= somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely 4. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about children who were showing disrespect to an adult? 1= very unlikely, 2= somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4= somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely 5. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something about a fight that broke out in front of their house? 1 = very unlikely, 2 = somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4 = somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely 6. How likely is it that your neighbors would do something if the school or community buildings closest to their home was threatened with budget cuts? 1 = very unlikely, 2 = somewhat unlikely, 3 = a 50-50 chance, 4 = somewhat likely, or 5 = very likely 14 Please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. 7. The area where you live is it a good place to raise kids. Do you… 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, or 4 = strongly agree 8. People around here are willing to help neighbors? Do you... 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, or 4 = strongly agree 9. The area where you live is a close-knit place. 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, or 4 = strongly agree 10. People in the area where I live can be trusted. 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, or 4 = strongly agree 11. Altogether, how long have you lived in this area? YEARS: _____ MONTHS: ________ DAYS: _______ For the next questions, please tell me how much of a problem each of the following is in the area where you live. 12. High unemployment? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 13. Run down houses or abandoned cars? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 14. Burglaries and thefts? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 15 15. Assaults, domestic violence? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 16. Gangs? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 17. Drug dealing in the open, alcohol consumption, bootlegging? 1 = not a problem, 2= somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 18. Unsupervised children? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 19. Teenage pregnancy? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 20. Cultural/historical trauma? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 21. Feeling safe outdoors due to others? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3= a big problem 22. Police not being available? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 23. Children that you don’t want your child/children to associate with? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem? 16 24. Overall, would you say that conditions in your area have gotten worse, remained the same, or gotten better over the past 2 years? 1 = gotten worse 2 = remained the same 3 = gotten better 4 = don’t know Now please answer the next set of questions about the area where you live. 31. How much of a problem is black mold in the area where you live? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 32. How much of a problem is contaminated drinking water in the area where you live? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 33. How much of a problem is asbestos in the area where you live? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 34. How much of a problem is lead-based paint in the area where you live? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 35. How much of a problem are pestcides and herbicides in the area where you live? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 36. How much of a problem are rodents, like mice? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 37. How much of a problem are stray dogs? 1 = not a problem, 2 = somewhat of a problem, or 3 = a big problem 17 ABOUT YOUR BABY On the following questions PLEASE CIRCLE THE NUMBER that is most typical of your baby. “About average” means how you think the typical baby would be scored. 1. How easy or difficult is it for you to calm or soothe your baby when he/she is upset? 1 2 3 very easy 4 5 6 7 about average difficult 2. How easy or difficult is it for you to predict when your baby will go to sleep and wake up? 1 2 3 very easy 4 5 6 7 about average difficult 3. How easy or difficult is it for you to predict when your baby will become hungry? 1 2 3 very easy 4 5 6 7 about average difficult 4. How easy or difficult is it for you to know what’s bothering your baby when he/she cries or fusses? 1 2 3 very easy 4 5 6 7 about average difficult 5. How many times per day, on the average, does your baby get fussy and irritable—for either short or long periods of time? 1 never 2 1-2 times per day 3 3-4 times per day 4 5-6 times per day 5 7-9 times per day 6 7 10-14 times more than per day 15 times per day 6. How much does your baby cry and fuss in general? 1 2 very little;much less than the average baby 3 4 5 average amount; about as much as the average baby 18 6 7 a lot; much more than the average baby 7. How did your baby respond when you gave his/her first bath? 1 2 3 very well-baby loved it 4 5 6 7 neither liked nor disliked it terribly-didn’t like it 8. How did your baby respond to his/her first solid food? 1 2 very positively-like it immediately 3 4 5 neither liked nor disliked it 6 7 very negatively-did not like it at all 6 7 almost always responds negatively at first 9. How does your baby typically respond to a new person? 1 2 almost always responds positively 10. How does your baby typically respond to being in a new place? 1 2 almost always responds positively 11. 3 4 5 responds favorably about half the time 3 4 5 responds favorably about half the time 2 3 very well, always likes it eventually 4 5 6 ends up liking it about half the time 7 almost always dislikes it in the end How easily does your infant get upset? 1 2 very hard to upset-even by things that upset most babies 13. 7 almost always responds negatively at first How well does your baby adapt to things (such as in items 7-10) eventually? 1 12. 6 3 4 5 about average 6 7 very easily upset by things that wouldn’t bother other babies When your baby gets upset (e.g., before feeding, during diapering, etc.), how vigorously or loudly does he/she cry and fuss? 1 very mild or loudness 2 3 4 5 moderate intensity or loudness 19 6 7 very loud or intense, really cuts loose 14. How does your baby react when you are dressing him/her? 1 very well-likes it 15. 2 4 average 5 6 7 very active and vigorous 3 4 5 an average amount 6 7 very little, much less than most infants 3 4 5 neither serious nor cheerful 6 7 serious 3 4 5 about average 6 7 very little, doesn’t like it very much 6 7 a great deal-wants to be held almost all the time How much does your baby want to be held? 1 2 wants to be free most of the time 20. 3 How much does your baby enjoy playing little games with you? 1 2 a great deal, really loves it 19. 7 doesn’t like it at all What kind of mood is your baby generally in? 1 2 very happy and cheerful 18. 6 How much does your baby smile and make happy sounds? 1 2 a great deal, much more than most infants 17. 3 4 5 about average—doesn’t mind it How active is your baby in general? 1 very calm and quiet 16. 2 3 4 5 sometimes wants to be held, sometimes not How does your baby respond to disruptions and changes in everyday routine, such as when you go to church or a meeting, on trips, etc.? 1 2 very positively, doesn’t get upset 3 4 5 about average 20 6 7 very unfavorably, gets quite upset 21. How easy is it for you to predict when your baby will need a diaper change? 1 very easy 22. 2 7 very difficult 3 4 5 about average 6 7 changes often and rapidly 3 4 5 about average 6 7 not at all Overall, how easy would it be for another to take care of your baby? 1 super easy 25. 6 How excited does your baby become when people play with or talk to him/her? 1 2 very excited 24. 4 5 about average How changeable is your baby’s mood? 1 2 changes seldom, and changes slowly when he/she does change 23. 3 2 3 4 5 ordinary, some problems Did your baby have colic? (Unexplained fussiness for long periods for time) ______YES _____ NO 21 6 7 highly difficult to deal with CHILD’S HEALTH & SAFETY The next questions are about your child’s health & safety. 1. Overall, would you say your child’s health has been… 1. Excellent 2. Very good 3. Good 4. Fair 5. Poor 2. Has your child had any reoccurring health problems? 0. NO 1. YES What are they? _______________________________________________________ 3. a. How many different times has your child stayed in a hospital for at least one night? # of_________ times [IF ZERO, Skip to 4] b. Altogether,how many nights did your child stay in a hospital? # of ___________nights 4. Since child’s birth, how many times has he/she gone for well-baby checkups? These are visits to the doctor when (he/she) isn’t sick, but to get (him/her) checked over or to get vaccinations? 0. Never 1. Once 2. Twice 3. 3 or more times The next few questions are about ways in which children can get hurt. 5. a. If your child swallows something dangerous or poisonous, do you have anything in the house to make (him/her) vomit?(Dangerous or poisonous products such as drain opener, cleansers, dish detergents, floor cleaners, rug cleaners, disinfectants, adult medications, etc.) 0. no Skip to 6 1. yes b. What do you use? 1. ipecac 2. other, (specify)_____________________ 3. finger/tongue depressor 4. milk 5. castor oil 6. a. If you had to get the phone number of the poison control center in an emergency, do you know how to find it? (This is a hotline that provides information to callers on what to do for specific types of poisoning.) 0. noSkip to 7 1. yes 22 b. What would you do? 1. dial 0, 411, or 911 2. would have to look it up 3. call hospital/clinic/ER 7. Do you use gates for the top of the stairs or use something else so your child stays off them? 1. has gates 0. has something else (specify)__________________________ 1. don’t need 2. need but don’t have 3. door 8. Do you use guards or gates for your windows? (Do not include gates for burglars.) 1. have gates 2. don’t have gates 3. parent states doesn’t need gates 4. parent states has screens or storm windows, doesn’t need gates 9. Do you have covers on all your electrical outlets that don’t have plugs in them? (Covers can be plastic safety covers, tape or other coverings.) 0. no 1. yes 10. a. Does your (house/trailer/apartment) have smoke alarms? 0. nogo to #11 1. yes b. As far as you know, are the batteries working in the smoke alarms? 0. no 1. yes 2. hard wired to electrical system 9. don’t know 11. a. When you take your child in a car, do you usually put (him/her) in …. 1. car seat 2. booster seat 3. regular seatbelt 4. parent’s lap 5. no restraint b. When you take your child in a car, does he/she usually sit in the front seat or back seat? 1. front 2. back 3. varies 23 12. How do you keep your child away from heating units? Please write in. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ 24 THE HOME ENVIRONMENT We are interested in your family’s lifestyle and rules. Some questions you answer are YES or NO others are words or phrases. Please circle the number that goes with the answer you choose. Other questions have boxes for you to write an answer. If any questions is not clear, please circle the questions and ask the interviewer about it when you have finished. 1. About how often does your child have a chance to get out of the house (either by himself/herself, or with an older person)? (CIRCLE ONE) Does not go yet, too young………..01 About once a month or less……….02 A few times a month…………........03 About once a week……………. …04 4 or more times a week……………05 Every day………………………….06 2. About how many children’s books does your child have of his/her own? (CIRCLE ONE) None, too young..................................01 1 or 2 books………………………….02 3 or 9 books………………………….03 10 or more books…………………….04 3. How often do you get a chance to read stories to your child? (CIRCLE ONE) Never………………………………….01 Several times a year…………………...02 Several times a month………………...03 Once a week…………………………..04 About 3 times a week…………………05 Every day……………………………...06 4. About how often do you take your child to the grocery store? (CIRCLE ONE) Never………………………………….01 Several times a year…………………...02 Several times a month………………...03 Once a week…………………………..04 About 3 times a week…………………05 Every day……………………………...06 5. Does your child have any cuddly, soft or role-playing toys ( like a doll) ? ____YES ____NO 25 6. Does your child have any push or pull toys? ____YES ____NO 7. Some parents spend time teaching their children new skills while other parents believe children learn best on their own. Which of the following best describes your attitude? (CIRCLE ONE) “Parents should always spend time teaching their children”……………..1 “Parents should usually spend time teaching their children”………….....2 “Parents should usually allow their children to learn on their own”…………………………...3 “Parents should always allow their children to learn on their own”……………………......….4 8. Does your child see his/her father or father-figure on a daily basis? Yes……………………1 No…………………….2 IF YES: How often does your child eat a meal with both mother and father or father-figure? (CIRCLE ONE) More than once a day ...................................................... 1 Once a day ...................................................................... 2 Several times a day ......................................................... 3 About once a week .......................................................... 4 About once a month ........................................................ 5 Never ...................................................................... 6 No father, step-father, or father-figure ............................ 7 9. 10. Children seem to demand attention when their parents are busy, doing housework, for example. How often do you talk to your child while you are working? Always talk to child when I’m working………1 Often talk to child when I’m working………. .2 Sometimes talk to child when I’m working…..3 Rarely talk to child when I’m working……..…4 Never talk to child when I’m working………...5 Sometimes kids mind pretty well and sometimes they don’t. Have you had to spank your child in the past week? Yes…………..1 No…………...2 IF YES: About how many times in the past week? (WRITE IN NUMBER OF TIMES) Number of times: ___ ____ 11. How many hours a day does your child watch television? Number of times ____________ 12. How many times per month does your child participate in religious/spiritual activities? Number of times ____________ 26 ALCOHOL The following questions ask about the way your life may be affected by alcohol. please circle the number next to your answer. None A few Some Most 1. How many of your friends regularly drink alcohol? .................... .............................. 1…………..2 . ……………...3 .. ……………4 2. How many of your friends regularly get drunk? .......................... .............................. 1…………..2 . ……………...3 .. ……………4 3. How many of your friends are living alcohol-free lives? ............. ………………….1……………2……………….3……...………4 4. In your opinion, how many of your friends have a serious drinking problem ……1………........2……………….3……………...4 5. How many of your friends drink alcohol, but it does not cause problems for them?.......1 …………...2…………….....3……………...4 6. How many people in your family regularly drink alcohol? .............……………1 …………...2…………….…3……………...4 7. How many people in your family regularly get drunk? ...................……………1 …………..2………………..3……………...4 . 8. How many people in your family are living alcohol-free lives? ......……………1 …………..2………………..3……………...4 9. In your opinion, how many people in your family have a serious drinking problem? ................................. ....... 1 .................. 2 ... ....................... 3 . .................... 4 10. How many people in your family drink alcohol, but it does not cause problems for them?................................ ....... 1 .................. 2 ... ....................... 3 . .................... 4 11. How often does your partner drink alcohol? 1. never 2. rarely 3. sometimes 4. often 5. almost all of the time 8. I don't have a partner. 9. I don't know. 27 12. Did you ever drink alcohol, such as beer, wine or hard liquor? 0. no Skip to 36 1. yes 13. Have you had a drink of alcohol in the past year? 0. no Skip to 36 1. yes 14. In the past month, how many days did you drink alcohol? (PLEASE CHOOSE BETWEEN 0 - 31 DAYS.) Number of days: __________ 15. On those days during the past month when you drank alcohol, about how many drinks did you usually have each day? Sometimes it's hard to count drinks, so... one 12 ounce can of beer = 1 drink one 40 ounce beer = 3 drinks a whole six-pack of beer = 6 drinks a wine cooler = 1 drink a bottle of Zima = 1 drink a shot or gulp of straight hard liquor = 1 drink (like whiskey or vodka) a full glass of a mixed drink = 1 drink (like Everclear in punch) Number of drinks: _____ _____ 14. During the past month, what was the most you had to drink in any one day? (Use above list to help you count.) Number of drinks: __________ 17. During the past month, how often did you get drunk (sick, staggering, or passed out)? 0. 0 times 1. 1-2 times 2. 3-5 times 3. 6-10 times 4. 11-20 times 5. more than 20 times 8. I didn't drink in the past month. 18. During the past month, how often did you blank out or black out (not remember what you did when you were drinking)? 0. 0 times 1. 1-2 times 2. 3-5 times 3. 6-10 times 4. 11-20 times 5. more than 20 times 8. I didn't drink in the past month. 28 19. When you drank alcohol in the past year, how much did you usually drink? 1. a little, but not enough to feel it 2. enough to feel it a bit 3. enough to feel it a lot 4. until I get really drunk (sick, staggering, or passed out) 20. In the past year, did you ever stay drunk for two whole days or more? 0. no 1. yes 21. In the past year, has anyone thought you had a problem with alcohol? 0. no 1. yes 9. I don't know. 22. In the past year, have you tried to quit drinking? 0. no 1. yes Please circle the number that comes closest to what you've done during the past month. Rarely or Almost never Sometimes Often always I didn't drink in the past month During the past month... 23. Did you drink more than you thought you would? ……………1 ..................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 24. Did you end up drinking even when you had decided not to? ............................... 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 25. Were you sick or did you have a hangover after drinking? .............. 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 26. Did you go to class or work drunk or with a hangover? .............. 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 27. Did you get sick or have any physical problems when you stopped drinking? .................... 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 28. After drinking too much, did you drink again to get rid of a sick or uncomfortable feeling? .......................................... 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 29 Please circle the number that comes closest to what you've done during the past month. Rarely or never Sometimes Often Almost always I didn't drink in the past month 29. Did you fight with your family while you were drinking?.... 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 30. Did you fight with a friend or friends while you were drinking? ... 1 ...................... 2 ................... 3 ................... 4 ................. 8 31. In the past month, did you fight with your partner while you were drinking? 1. rarely or never 2. sometimes 3. often 4. almost always 8. I didn't drink in the past month. 9. I don't have a partner. 32. In the past year, has anyone suggested that you should get treatment for an alcohol problem? 0. no 1. yes 33. In the past year, have you received treatment for your use of alcohol from a counselor, or a treatment program, or an AA meeting? 0. no 1. yes 34. Have you ever used any traditional healing such as participating in a sweat lodge or a sing, or received help from a medicine man, for an alcohol abuse problem? 0. no 1. yes 35. In the past year, have you used any traditional healing such as participating in a sweat lodge or a sing, or received help from a medicine man, for an alcohol abuse problem? 0. no 1. yes IF YOU SKIPPED FROM #12 or #13, YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT SPOT! 36. Do you have anyone to give you guidance and support for living an alcohol-free and drug-free life? 0. no 1. yes If so, how is this person related to you? (Example: partner, friend, teacher, or relative) Relationship____________________________________________________________ 30 DRUGS For the following drugs, please circle the number indicating whether you have ever tried the drug and write in the number of times you used it in the past month. Do not include using drugs as prescribed for you by a doctor or nurse or times that you have used peyote in a ceremony. If you have never tried the drug, please circle the number for "no" and go to the next question. Have you ever tried... No Yes If yes, # times used in the past month 1. marijuana ......................................... ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 2. crack or cocaine ............................... ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 3. crank .. ............................................. ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 4. inhalants (glue, gasoline, paint, aerosols, etc.) ........................ ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 5. amphetamines or speed (methadrine, crystal, uppers, white cross, etc.) .... ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 6. barbiturates or downers (librium, valium, reds, quaaludes, sleeping pills, pain killers, etc.) ..................... ......... ............... 0 .............1......................... ________ times 7. prescription drugs, not as prescribed …………..…..0 ..............1......................... ________ times 8. other drugs such as those on the list below ……….0 ..............1......................... ________ times hallucinogens (LSD, acid, peyote (not including in a ceremony), etc.) PCP (angel dust) heroin, morphine or other opiates/narcotics (codeine) amyl or butyl nitrates Ecstasy, MDA, or MDMA 9. Since 1980, have you used a neddle to inject (shot up) any drugs such as amphetamines/stimulants, cocaine, heroin, meth, hashish? 0. no 1. yes 10. How often do you smoke cigarettes? 0. not at all 1. once in a while, but not every day 2. 1-5 cigarettes per day 3. 6-10 cigarettes per day 4. 11-20 cigarettes per day 5. more than one pack per day but less than two packs 6. two packs or more per day 31 THINGS I DO WELL Rarely or never Sometimes Often Almost always 1. I am easy for others to be around......................................... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 2. When I'm not busy, I find lots of fun things to do. ................... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 3. I am good at ceremonial skills or traditional practices such as singing, drumming, hunting or dancing. ...................................... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 4. I can make other people laugh. ........ 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 5. I am good at traditional crafts or skills such as rug-making, beadwork, or quilting. ..................... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 6. I am good at sports and athletic games. ................................ 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 7. I can easily make friends with people...................................... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 8. I am good at creative things, like acting, art, or music.................. 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 9. I stand up for what I believe. ........... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 10. I am considerate of others. ............... 1 ........................ 2 .......................... 3 ...................... 4 11. Other good things about me are:_________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 32 YOUR FEELINGS Please circle the number which best describes how you felt during the past week. Rarely or none of the time (0-1 days) A little of the time (1-2 days) Some of the time (3-4 days) Most or all of the time (5-7 days) 1. I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family or friends. ....................................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 2. I felt depressed. ............................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 3. I thought my life had been a failure…...………0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 4. I felt fearful. .................................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 5. I felt lonely. ..................................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 6. I had crying spells. .......................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 7. I felt sad. ......................................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 8. I felt crabby. .................................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 9. I felt hopeless. ................................. ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 10. I felt like no one cared. ................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 11. I felt discouraged. ........................... ................. 0 ..................... 1 .................... 2 ................... 3 DURING THE PAST WEEK... NO YES 12. have you often worried that you have made a fool of yourself in front of other people? ............................. ........................ .......................... ........................ 0 ............. 1 13. have you often worried that you have made a mistake or done something the wrong way? ............ ........................ .......................... ........................ 0 ............. 1 14. have you been almost always worried about something? ................... …………...….0 .............. 1 15. have you been very worried about whether other people like you? ... ………………0 .............. 1 16. have you often gotten worried or nervous? ............. .......................... ........................ 0 ............. 1 33 HOW DO YOU VIEW YOURSELF? Disagree Somewhat Disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat Agree Agree 1. I feel that I have many good qualities. .................. 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 2. I feel that I am a failure. ..................................... 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 3. I have a positive attitude about myself. .............................. 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 4. I feel worthless. .......................... 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 5. I am satisfied with myself. .......... 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 6. I think I am no good at all. .......... 1 ................... 2 ....................... 3 ......................... 4 .................5 34 COPING WITH PROBLEMS I Below is a list of things people may do when faced with a problem. for each item, select the answer that best describes how often you did the behavior in the past month. Never Sometimes Often Most of the time 1. I tried to make things better by changing what I did.......................... .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 2. I tried to stay away from the problem…………….1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 3. I tried to stay away from things that made me feel upset. ......................... .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 4. I did something to make things better…………...1 ..................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 5. I avoided the problem by going off by myself. ...... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 6. I avoided the people that made me feel bad. .......... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 7. I did something to solve the problem……………1..................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 8. I tried to focus on the good that might come out of the problem. ................. .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 9. I got drunk or took drugs. ................. .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 10. I prayed. ............................................ ……………1 .................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 11. I talked about it with someone. ......... .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 12. My family had a ceremony or sing done for me.……………………………………………1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 13. I took a drive. .................................... .................... 1 ................... 2 ................. 3 ................. 4 14. I did something active (like take a walk/excerise)..1……………2…………..3…………..4 35 COPING WITH PROBLEMS II Think about the times that you have done something big, such as moving to a new house, or preparing for a ceremony or family reunion. When preparing for these types of activities, how often do you do the following? Rarely or Never Sometimes Often Almost Always 1. I go to other people for advice .............. 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 2. I think about problems I had in similar situations and try to avoid them............................................ 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 3. I wait quite a while, because I work better under pressure ................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 4. I try to involve other people .................. 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 5. I think of several ways to do it, in case my first plan didn't work ........................................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 6. I pray for guidance and help ................. 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 7. I make very detailed plans .................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 8. I just let things happen .......................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 9. I don't think about it too much because I know it would get done ..................................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 10. I plan for things that other people wouldn't worry about................ 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 11. I talk with friends about how I am going to go about it ...................... 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 12. I decide to figure things out as they occur rather than trying to think of everything that might happen................................. 1 ...................... 2 ...................... 3 ...................... 4 36 PARENTING STRESS Having a child can sometimes be stressful. The next questions are about how stressful your child has been for you and the ways in which you have had to adjust your life. For each statement, please tell me if you strongly agree with it, mildly agree, mildly disagree, or strongly disagree. STRONGLY AGREE MILDLY AGREE NOT SURE MILDLY DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE Your child rarely does things for you that make you feel good. 1 2 3 4 5 Most times you feel that your child does not like you and does not want to be close to you. 1 2 3 4 5 He/She smiles at you much less than you expected. 1 2 3 4 5 When you do things for your child you get the feeling that your efforts are not appreciated very much. 1 2 3 4 5 When playing, your child rarely giggles or laughs. 1 2 3 4 5 He/She seems to learn slowly. 1 2 3 4 5 He/She doesn’t seem to smile a lot. 1 2 3 4 5 Your child is able to do less than you expected. 1 2 3 4 5 It takes a long time and it is very hard for your child to get used to new things 1 2 3 4 5 37 STRONGLY AGREE MILDLY AGREE NOT SURE (DON’T READ) MILDLY DISAGREE STRONGLY DISAGREE You expected to have closer and warmer feelings for your child than you do and this bothers you. 1 2 3 4 5 Sometimes does your child do things that bother you just to be mean.Does things knowing it will upset you or make you mad. 1 2 3 4 5 Please tell me which statement describes how you feel about yourself as a parent. Do you feel that you are... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Not very good at being a parent. A person who has some trouble being a parent An average parent A better than average parent A very good parent 38 SOCIAL SUPPORT IF MARRIED OR LIVING WITH SOMEONE: GO TO #1, IF NOT GO TO #19. NOT MUCH 1. SOME A LOT How much does your [husband/wife/partner] really care about you—not much, some, a lot? ............ 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 2. How much does [he/she] understand the way you feel about things? .................................................... 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 3. How much does [he/she] appreciate you? ..................... 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 4. How much can you rely on [him/her] for help if you have a serious problem? .............................. 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 5. How much can you talk about your worries with [him/her]? ......................................... 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 6. How much can you relax and be yourself around [him/her]? .......................................................... 1 .............. ….2 ........ ……..3 7. How much do you and your husband/wife/partner share interests or activities…………………………….1…………….2……………3 NEVER SOMETIMES OFTEN 8. How often does your [husband/wife/partner] make too many demands on you--often, sometimes, or never? .................................................. 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 9. How often does [he/she] argue with you? .................... 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 10. How often does [he/she] criticize you?......................... 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 11 How often does [he/she] let you down when you are counting on [him/her]? ........................... 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 12. How often does [he/she] get on your nerves? .......................................................................... 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 13. How often does your [husband/wife/partner] show affection to you? .................................................. 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 14. How often does your [husband/wife/partner] drink or use drugs too much? ........................................ 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 15. How often does [he/she] gamble too much? ................. 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 16. How often are your sexual needs fulfilled by this relationship? ........................................ 0 ..................... 1 ...................2 39 17. How often have you discussed or considered divorce, separation, or ending your relationship? often ..................................................... 2 sometimes ............................................ 1 never ..................................................... 0 18. How happy are you in your marriage/relationship? very happy ............................................ 3 a little happier than average ................. 2 not too happy........................................ 1 The next questions are about your friends and other relatives. 19. How often do you talk on the phone or get together with friends or relatives who do not live with you? every day .............................................. 5 a few times a week ............................... 4 a few times a month ............................. 3 once a month ........................................ 2 less than once a month, or .................... 1 never (IF VOL.) ................................... 0 NOT MUCH AT ALL SOME A LOT 20. How much do your friends or relatives really care about you—not much, some, a lot?.............. 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 21. How much do they understand the way you feel about things? ........................................................... 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 22. How much do they appreciate you? ............................... 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 23. How much can you rely on them for help if you have a serious problem? ...................................... 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 24. How much can you talk to them about your worries? ....................................................... 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 25. How much can you relax and be yourself around them? ................................................................. 1 .................. 2 .................... 3 26. NEVER SOMETIMES OFTEN How often do your friends or relatives make too many demands on you— never, sometimes, often? ......................................... 0 .......................1...................... 2 27. How often do they argue with you? ......................... 0 .......................1...................... 2 28. How often do they criticize you? ............................. 0 .......................1...................... 2 40 29. NEVER SOMETIME OFTEN How often do they let you down when you are counting on them? ....................................... 0 .......................1...................... 2 30. How often do they get on your nerves? ................... 0 .......................1...................... 2 31. How often do they drink or use drugs too much?................................................................. 0 .......................1...................... 2 32. How isolated do you feel? very isolated ......................................... ….3 somewhat isolated ................................ .... 2 not very isolated at all .......................... ….1 33. How often do you purposely avoid family gatherings? . a lot ....................................................... ….3 sometimes, or ....................................... .... 2 not very much at all.............................. ….1 34. Of those family gatherings you go to, how likely are you to leave early? very likely ............................................. ….3 somewhat likely, or .............................. .... 2 not at all likely ..................................... ….1 35. Would you say that in your case, being a parent has nearly always been enjoyable; sometimes been enjoyable; or hardly ever been enjoyable? nearly always ....................................... ….3 sometimes, or ....................................... .... 2 hardly ever ........................................... ….1 36. Many [men/women] feel they're not as good [fathers/mothers] as they would like to be. Have you ever felt this way? nearly always ....................................... ….3 sometimes, or ...................................... .... 2 hardly ever .......................................... ….1 37. How satisfied or pleased are you with how you get along with your children? very satisfied ........................................ ….2 somewhat satisfied, or .......................... .... 1 not satisfied .......................................... ….0 38. How satisfied or pleased are you as a parent with how your children are turning out? very satisfied ........................................ ….2 somewhat satisfied, or .......................... .... 1 not satisfied .......................................... ….0 41 LIFETIME The next questions are about things many people think are stressful. I'd like to ask you about things that may have happened to you. First, I'd like to ask about the time when you were growing up. During your growing up years, many people are separated from one or both of their parents for some reason. YES 1. Was one of your parents ever so seriously ill that he or she was not able to take care of you on a regular basis? 2. Did you ever have to go live with your relatives because of problems in your family? 3. Were you ever in a Mormon placement? 4. Were you ever sent to reform school or another institution? 5. Were you ever placed in foster care? 6. Were you ever put up for adoption? 7. Other than these situations, were you ever separated from your parents against your will while you were growing up? 8. Did you ever have to do a year of school over again? 9. Did you ever fail school or a training program, or drop out of school? 10. Did your parents or anyone acting as your parents ever end their relationship or get a divorce while you were living with them? 42 NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 11. Did you ever have to go to the hospital for a week or more? 12. Did you family participate in the BIA location program? 13. Did you ever go to boarding school as a boarder ? Have any of the following people close to you ever died? Check YES OR NO. 14. MOTHER/STEPMOTHER 15. FATHER/STEPFATHER 16. BROTHER OR SISTER 17. SPOUSE OR ROMANTIC PARTNER 18. A CHILD OF RESPONDENT 19. ANOTHER LOVED ONE 20. Have you ever witnessed a lot of deaths from serious illness--for example, epidemics of polio, influenza, tuberculosis, or pneumonia? 21. Have you/Has your partner ever had an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy? 22. Have you/Has your partner ever had a miscarriage? 23. Have you/Has your partner ever had an abortion? 43 RECENT EVENTS The next questions are about recent things that might have happened to you in the last 12 months. YES NO 1. Did you move your household?.........................................1……………………0 2. Was your house or car broken into? ………………… ...1……………………0 3. Did a child or another relative move out of the house?………………………… ….…...1……………………0 4. Did a child or another relative move into the house? …………………………...1……………………0 5. Did you apply for welfare benefits? ………… …………...1……………………0 GO TO 6 5a. Were you turned down for welfare benefits?.....1……………………0 6. Have you been in a romantic relationships?……………....1……………………0GO TO 7 6a. Did a romantic relationship end?.......................1……………………0 7. Did you or anyone close to you have a serious accident or injury?............................ .1……………..……0 7a. Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You The next set of question swill be yes or no answers. YES 8. NO Have a serious illness? ......................................................................... 1……………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 44 9. YES NO Have trouble with the law?............................................................. 1……………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 12. In the past year, were you or anyone close to you robbed, or have something taken by force? ................................................ 1……………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 13. Did anyone close to you have an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy? ............................................ .1………… ...... ……0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 14. Did you or anyone close to you have a miscarriage or abortion? .................................................... .1………………...…0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 15. Did you or anyone close to you separate or get a divorce? ............................................................... 1……………..………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 45 16. YES NO Did you or someone close to you have a major financial crisis? ................................................................. 1………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 17. Did you or someone close to you drop out of school, or fail school or a training program? ............................................. 1………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 18. Did you or anyone close to you lose a home to fire, flood, or some other disaster? ............................................ 1………………0 Who was that? ___Spouse or partner ___Child ___Parent ___Other relative ___Friend ___You 46 ONGOING PROBLEMS Here are some situations that come up in people's everyday lives. Please tell me whether they are true or false for you at this time. TRUE FALSE 1. You're trying to take on too many things at once…………………………………….…... ..1………………0 2. There is too much pressure on you to be like other people….....1………………0 3. Too much is expected of you by others…………………… …..1………………0 4. IF EMPLOYED: Here are some situations at work. Are they true/false for you? IF NOT EMPLOYED GO TO #11. TRUE FALSE Your job often leaves you feeling both mentally and physically tired. ………………………………….……….1………………0 5. 6. You have more work than you can handle. ……………...…….1………………0 7. You do not have a lot of freedom to decide how you do your work. …………………………………………….1………………0 8. Your working conditions are poor--for example, noisy, dirty, or dangerous…………………………………..….1………………0 9. You and your co-workers do not communicate well… ……….1………………0 10. You are not sure your job is secure. …………………… …….1………………0 11. IF GOING TO SCHOOL: Here are some situations people have at school. Are they true or false for you? IF NOT IN SCHOOL GO TO #18. TRUE FALSE 12. Your schoolwork often leaves you feeling both mentally and physically tired…………………………….1………………0 13. You have more work at school than you can handle… ….1………………0 14. You do not have a lot of freedom to decide how…….. ….1………………0 you do your schoolwork. 47 15. TRUE FALSE The conditions at school are poor--for example, noisy, dirty, or there are not enough supplies…………………...1………………0 16. You do not communicate well with the people at school. ………………………………………………………..1………………0 17. You are not sure your place at school is secure [for example, you are not sure you will have the resources to complete your studies] …………………….….1………………0 18. Here are some situations that come up in a person's social life and family life. Are any of them TRUE or FALSE for you? TRUE FALSE You avoid going to social events because you would have to go alone………………………………….….1………………0 19. 20. You have to go to social events alone when you don't want to………………………………………….1………………0 21. Your friends are a bad influence……………………………...….1………………0 22. You don't have enough friends………………………………….1………………0 23. You can't find enough to do…………………………… ……….1………………0 TRUE FALSE 24. Someone close to you has a health problem and needs almost more help than you can provide………………….1………………0 25. Someone in your family has an alcohol or drug problem…………………………………………………….1………………0 48 The next questions are about the place where you live. Here are some problems that sometimes come up. Would you say they are not a problem, there are some problems, or there are a lot of problems like these in the place where you live? NOT A SOME LOT OF PROB PROBS PROBS 26. The place where you live is too noisy or too polluted.......... 0 ................ 1 ................2 27. You have conflicts with your neighbors .............................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 28. Roads are often impassable. ................................................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 29. You get your mail infrequently. ........................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 30. You have to go too far to get things done, like shopping, banking, buying gas, or going to school or work events. .......................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 Here are some situations of prejudice and discrimination. How much are you experiencing them these days? Not at all, some, or a lot? NOT AT A ALL SOME LOT 31. You have problems with police because you are Indian. ..................................................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 32. You have problems in stores or restaurants because you are Indian. ....................................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 33. You cannot find work because you are Indian. .................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 34. You experience prejudice from Whites. ............................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 35. You experience prejudice from Indians in your own tribe or other tribes. ............................................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 36. You experience prejudice within your own family. ............. 0 ................ 1 ................2 We have been talking about a lot of different kinds of ongoing problems, stresses, and strains in your life right now. NO YES 37. Have you had any other ongoing problems like these that I did not mention?...........................................................0…………………1 37a.What were they? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 49 Here are some problems that come up in communities? How big a problem are they in your community? Would you say not a problem, there are some problems, or there are a lot of problems like these? NOT A SOME LOT OF PROB PROBS PROBS 38. Broken homes and family breakup....................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 39. Physical violence, abuse, and neglect .................................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 40. Alcohol abuse ....................................................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 41. Drug abuse............................................................................ 0 ................ 1 ................2 42. Gambling. ............................................................................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 43. A lack of knowledge about tribal history, tradition, and language. ....................................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 44. Problems in tribal government, like favoritism and tribal politics. .............................................. 0 ................ 1 ................2 45. Not enough good housing. ................................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 46. Not enough jobs in your community. ................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 47. Car accidents ........................................................................ 0 ................ 1 ................2 NOT AT ALL 48. 49. VERY How familiar are you with tribal history--say, for the past 150 years or so? Would you say not at all, somewhat, or very familiar? ............................ 0 ................ 1 ................2 How big an impact has tribal history had on your community? None, some, or a lot? .................................... 0 ................ 1 ................2 NOT AT ALL 50. SOME WHAT SOME A LOT How much do you think about events like these? ................ 0 ................ 1 ................2 50 51. Were any of your ancestors involved in significant? historical events? YES_____ NO________ 51a. IF YES: Which events? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 51 SPIRITUALITY 1. How important is spirituality in your life? . . . very important ....................................3 somewhat ............................................... 2 not very, or .........................................1 not at all.................................................. 0 2. How often do you spend time on religious or spiritual practices? . . . every day or almost everyday ............3 several times a month............................. 2 from time to time, occasionally, or .................................1 very rarely or not at all ........................... 0 3. How important is it to you that your children participate in some kind of religious or spiritual practice? . . . very important ....................................3 somewhat ............................................... 2 not very, or .........................................1 not at all.................................................. 0 4. How often do you seek comfort or guidance through religious or spiritual means?. . . often ...................................................3 sometimes .............................................. 2 rarely, or .............................................1 never ....................................................... 0 52 CHILD’S BEHAVIOR Section A: These are sentences about young children. Many describe normal feelings and behaviors, but some describe things that can be problems. Some may seem too young or too old for your child. Please do your best to answer every question. Directions: For each statement, please circle the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH. 0: Not True or Rarely 1: Somewhat True or Sometimes 2: Very True or Often N: No opportunity Child has never had the chance to behave this way. Example: “Quiets if given a bottle.” 0 1 2 N *N would mean that your child has not used a bottle in the last month. 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES 2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 1. Is bothered by loud noises or bright lights ...................................................... 0 1 2 2. Takes a while to feel comfortable in new places (10 minutes or more). ......... 0 1 2 3. Gets hurt so often that you can’t take your eyes off him/her. .......................... 0 1 2 4. Acts aggressive when frustrated. ..................................................................... 0 1 2 5. Is quiet or less active in new situations. ........................................................... 0 1 2 6. Gets upset when left with a new baby-sitter. (N: Never used babysitter). ..... 0 1 2 8. Shows pleasure when s/he succeeds (For example, claps for self). .................. 0 1 2 9. Puts toys away after playing. .............................................................................. 0 1 2 10. Seems nervous, tense or fearful. ......................................................................... 0 1 2 11. Is restless and can’t sit still. ................................................................................ 0 1 2 12. Gets very “wound up” or silly when playing. ................................................... 0 1 2 13. Acts bossy. .......................................................................................................... 0 1 2 14. Is constantly moving........................................................................................... 0 1 2 15. Dislikes some foods because of how they feel. .................................................. 0 1 2 16. Follows rules. ..................................................................................................... 0 1 2 17. Is bothered by certain odors (smells).................................................................. 0 1 2 18. Wakes up at night and needs help to fall asleep again. ...................................... 0 1 2 1 N 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN 19. Gets upset when left with a baby-sitter or relative s/he knows. (N: Have not used a sitter/relative in the last month) ........................................ 0 1 2 20. Quiets down when you say “Shh”. ..................................................................... 0 1 2 21. Cries or tantrums until s/he is completely tired out. ........................................... 0 1 2 22. Refuses to eat foods that require chewing. ......................................................... 0 1 2 23. Misbehaves to get attention from adults. ............................................................ 0 1 2 24. Tries to do as you ask. ........................................................................................ 0 1 2 25. Plays with toys for 5 minutes or longer. ............................................................. 0 1 2 28. Is afraid of certain animals. ................................................................................ What animal(s)?:____________________________________ 0 1 2 29. Is afraid of certain things. ................................................................................... What thing(s)?: ____________________________________ 0 1 2 30. Is afraid of certain places, like stores, elevators, parks, or cars.......................... What place(s)?: ____________________________________ 0 1 2 31. Hangs on you or wants to be in your lap when with other people. .................... 0 1 2 32. Rolls a ball back to you (or someone else). (N: Physically unable). ................. 0 1 2 33. Has less fun than other children. ........................................................................ 0 1 2 35. Is very loud. Shouts or screams a lot. ................................................................ 0 1 2 36. Reaches for you when you are not holding him/her. (N: Physically unable) ........................................................................................ 0 1 2 37. Spits out food(s). ................................................................................................ 0 1 2 38. Is disobedient or defiant. For example, refuses to do as you ask. ..................... 0 1 2 39. Cries if doesn’t get own way. ............................................................................. 0 1 2 41. Goes from toy to toy faster than other children his/her age. .............................. 0 1 2 42. Keeps trying even when something is hard. ....................................................... 0 1 2 43. Is sneaky. Hides misbehavior. ........................................................................... 0 1 2 44. Looks at picture books by self. ........................................................................... 0 1 2 45. Helps with dressing. For example, puts arm in sleeve. ..................................... 0 1 2 46. Cries or hangs onto you when you try to leave. ................................................. 0 1 2 47. Worries a lot or is very serious. .......................................................................... 0 1 2 48. Feels sick when nervous or upset. ...................................................................... 0 1 2 49. Pretends to do grown-up things, like shave. ....................................................... 0 1 2 50. Is bothered by how some things feel on his/her skin. (For example, clothing seams, certain fabrics, etc.). .......................................... 0 1 2 53. Is easily startled (scared). ................................................................................... 0 1 2 55. Is well-behaved................................................................................................... 0 1 2 2 N N N 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN 57. Laughs easily or a lot. ......................................................................................... 0 1 2 58. Is stubborn. ......................................................................................................... 0 1 2 59. Won’t touch some things because of how they feel. .......................................... 0 1 2 60. Is hard to soothe/calm when upset. .................................................................... 0 1 2 62. Sleeps through the night. .................................................................................... 0 1 2 63. Often gets very upset. ......................................................................................... 0 1 2 64. Gags or chokes on food. ..................................................................................... 0 1 2 65. Wants to do things for self.................................................................................. 0 1 2 68. Is bothered by being in motion. For example, swinging, spinning, being tossed in the air, or bouncing. ................................................................... 0 1 2 69. Wakes up grouchy or in a bad mood. ................................................................. 0 1 2 70. Has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. ...................................................... 0 1 2 71. Tries to make you feel better when you’re upset................................................ 0 1 2 72. Stays still while being changed, dressed or bathed. ........................................... 0 1 2 73. Has trouble calming down when upset. .............................................................. 0 1 2 74. Demands a lot of attention. ................................................................................. 0 1 2 75. Sits for 5 minutes while you read a story. .......................................................... 0 1 2 76. Is worried or upset when someone is hurt. ......................................................... 0 1 2 77. Tries to “make-up” after misbehaving. .............................................................. 0 1 2 78. Must be held to go to sleep. ................................................................................ 0 1 2 79. Is impatient or easily frustrated. ......................................................................... 0 1 2 81. Likes figuring things out, like stacking blocks. .................................................. 0 1 2 82. Can pay attention for a long time. (Not including TV) ..................................... 0 1 2 84. Is aware of other people’s feelings. .................................................................... 0 1 2 86. Has trouble adjusting to changes. ....................................................................... 0 1 2 87. Tries to help when someone is hurt. For example, gives a toy. ......................... 0 1 2 88. Is shy with new adults. ....................................................................................... 0 1 2 89. Is able to wait for things s/he wants ................................................................... 0 1 2 90. Cries a lot............................................................................................................ 0 1 2 91. Imitates playful sounds when you ask him/her to. ............................................. 0 1 2 92. Pretends that things are something else. For example, uses banana as phone. ................................................................... 0 1 2 93. Accepts new foods right away. ........................................................................... 0 1 2 94. Enjoys challenging activities. ............................................................................. 0 1 2 95. Hugs or feeds dolls or stuffed animals. .............................................................. 0 1 2 3 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN 96. Is a perfectionist. ................................................................................................ 0 1 2 97. Imitates clapping or waving “bye-bye.” (N: Physically unable) ...................... 0 1 2 99. “Jokes” or gives you things to make you smile or laugh................................... 0 1 2 100. Is irritable or grouchy. ...................................................................................... 0 1 2 101. Pays careful attention when being taught something new. ............................... 0 1 2 102. Looks unhappy or sad without any reason. ....................................................... 0 1 2 104. Refuses to eat..................................................................................................... 0 1 2 105. Is curious about new things. .............................................................................. 0 1 2 107.Is whiny or fussy when s/he is NOT tired. ........................................................ 0 1 2 108. Feels bad about self. .......................................................................................... 0 1 2 109. Is a good eater.................................................................................................... 0 1 2 110. Is shy with new children. ................................................................................... 0 1 2 111. Is destructive. Breaks or ruins things on purpose. ............................................ 0 1 2 112. Seems to have no energy. .................................................................................. 0 1 2 113. Gets angry or pouts............................................................................................ 0 1 2 114. Wakes up from scary dreams or nightmares. .................................................... 0 1 2 115. Wants to sleep in someone else’s room or bed. (N: Always shares a room or bed) ..................................................................... 0 1 2 116. Has temper tantrums. ......................................................................................... 0 1 2 117. Hits, bites or kicks you (or other parent). .......................................................... 0 1 2 118. Is a picky eater. .................................................................................................. 0 1 2 120. Seems withdrawn. ............................................................................................. 0 1 2 121. Seems very unhappy, sad or depressed. ............................................................ 0 1 2 122. Obeys when asked to stop being aggressive...................................................... 0 1 2 123. Refuses to eat certain food(s) for 2 days or more. ............................................. 0 1 2 124. Purposely tries to hurt you (or other parent). .................................................... 0 1 2 4 N N Section B: Please circle the number in this box that best indicates the answer to the following question: Has your child begun to combine words yet, such as “more juice” or “doggie bite?” 0: Not yet -> Please go to Section C on the next page. 1: Sometimes -> Please answer questions 2, 3, & 4 below. 2: Often -> Please answer questions 2, 3, & 4 below. 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES 2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 2. Swears. ............................................................................................................... 0 1 2 3. Takes a while to talk in new situations. .............................................................. 0 1 2 4. Talks about other people’s feelings (like “Mommy mad”) ................................ 0 1 2 Section C: EXPERIENCES WITH OTHER YOUNG CHILDREN In the last month, about how much time did your child spend with other young children each week (not including brothers and sisters)? .............................. ________ hours If your child did not have any contact with young children in the last month, please go to Section D on the next page. 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 1. Takes turns when playing with others. ............................................................... 0 1 2 2. “Tests” other children to see if they will get angry. ........................................... 0 1 2 3. Asks for things nicely when playing with children. ........................................... 0 1 2 4. Hits, shoves, kicks, or bites children (not including brother/sister). .................. 0 1 2 5. Has at least one favorite friend (a child). ........................................................... 0 1 2 6. Picks on or bullies other children. ...................................................................... 0 1 2 7. Plays well with other children. ........................................................................... 0 1 2 8. Teases other children. ......................................................................................... 0 1 2 9. Plays “house” with other children. ..................................................................... 0 1 2 10. Won’t let other children play with his/her group. .............................................. 0 1 2 11. Hurts other children on purpose. ........................................................................ 0 1 2 5 Section D: The questions in the next section ask about feelings and behaviors that can be problems for young children. Some of the questions may be a bit hard to understand especially if you have not seen them in a child. Please do your best to answer them anyway. 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 1.Avoids physical contact. ........................................................................................ 0 1 2 2. Does not make eye contact. ................................................................................ 0 1 2 3. Holds food in cheeks. ......................................................................................... 0 1 2 4. Hurts animals on purpose. .................................................................................. 0 1 2 5. Is very worried about getting dirty. .................................................................... 0 1 2 6. Needs things to be clean or neat. ........................................................................ 0 1 2 7. Worries about own body. ................................................................................... 0 1 2 8. Puts things in a special order, over and over. ..................................................... 0 1 2 Section E: Does your child spend time with any siblings (brothers & sisters) or cousins regularly? 0: NO Please go to next section. 1: YES Please answer questions below. 0 = NOT TRUE/RARELY 1 = SOMEWHAT TRUE/SOMETIMES2 = VERY TRUE/OFTEN Please choose the answer that best describes your child in the LAST MONTH: 9. Acts bossy with sibling(s) or cousin(s). ............................................................. 0 1 2 10. Acts jealous of sibling(s) or cousin(s). ............................................................... 0 1 2 11. Enjoys playing with sibling or cousin(s). ........................................................... 0 1 2 12. Is affectionate with sibling(s) or cousin(s). ........................................................ 0 1 2 13. Hits, shoves, kicks, or bites sibling or cousin(s). ............................................... 0 1 2 14. Is hit, shoved, kicked or bitten by sibling(s) or cousin(s)................................... 0 1 2 15. Is teased or picked on by sibling(s) or cousin(s). ............................................... 0 1 2 16. Shares with sibling(s) or cousin(s) ..................................................................... 0 1 2 17. Teases or picks on sibling(s) or cousin(s).. ........................................................ 0 1 2 6 Section F: Now, we are interested in events that are sometimes stressful for children. Please indicate whether each of the events listed below has EVER happened to your child in his/her WHOLE LIFE. Also write in how old s/he was the last time it happened. In your child’s WHOLE LIFE, has s/he ever… 1. gotten a new baby (brother, sister, or cousing)? 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 2. had a loved one die? 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 3. been bitten by a dog, or injured by an animal? 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 4. experienced the divorce or separation of his/her parents? 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 5. been in a car accident? 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 0: No 1: Yes child was ______months old 7. seen violence in the area where you live? .. 0: No 1: Yes child was______months old 8. seen someone use a weapon to threaten or hurt a family member? 0: No 1: Yes child was______months old 9. seen someone hit, push, or kick a family member? 0: No 1: Yes child was______months old seen or heard adult family members arguing very loudly or fighting? 0: No 1: Yes child was______months old a. Experienced any other upsetting event? 0: No 1: Yes child was______months old a. been separated from parent or guardian for 1 week or more 10. 11 b. What was the event? _________________ FINAL QUESTIONS (YOU’RE ALMOST DONE) Have you had any parenting classes? _____YES _____ NO Do you wrap your child in a traditional way to calm them down or put them a sleep? _____YES ______NO How many hours does your child sleep, on average, per day?________________ 7 Lifetime Events, July 26, 2016 Do you have any special routines with your child? ______ YES _______NO What are they? ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ What are the 3 most positive things about your life? 1.__________________________________________________________________________________ 2.__________________________________________________________________________________ 3.__________________________________________________________________________________ 8 Lifetime Events, July 26, 2016