Medical Center Clinical Sciences Area Committee vacancy issue Dr. Falace from Dentistry has resigned from the Medical Center Clinical Sciences area committee which necessitates a replacement from the College of Dentistry since this particular area committee’s composition is specifically prescribed. Preston Hicks, chair of the College of Dentistry’s faculty council, has forwarded the following names for the consideration of the Senate Council: Dr. Joseph Van Sickles Dr. Richard Haug Dr. Jeffrey Okeson The Senate Council can elect to forward all three names to Administration for consideration if it sees fit, but must forward at least twice the number of existing vacancies. Here is the current composition of that committee: Robert Rapp, ’06, Chair Ernest Bailey, ‘05 Raeford Brown, ‘05 Kenneth Chance, ‘05 Lynne Hall, ‘05 Terry Malone, ‘05 Steve Shedlofsky, ‘05 Donald Falace, ‘06 Catherine Martin, ‘06 Alternate: Debra Moser ‘05 The Administration has requested that the Senate Council expedite the forwarding of the names of nominees since there are tenure and promotion cases in the College waiting to go to committee.