Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Explain the meaning of a problem, look for a way to begin Analyze and make a plan Monitor progress and adapt Use various mathematical representations/tools to explain Find a solution pathway – does it make sense? Persevere & work hard to solve/attempt different methods Created by Holly Young Reason abstractly and quantitatively Ability to abstract a given idea (turn it into numbers or variables) Explanations show careful reasoning and deep thinking Create a meaningful representation considering units involved Represent the problem with symbols, graphs, tables, or functions Flexibly use different properties of operations Show understanding of numbers and the quantities they represent Created by Holly Young Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Use prior learning to analyze situations Communicate conclusions & respond to arguments of others Use evidence and reasoning to create logical arguments Debate reasonableness of arguments without attacking Make connections among different ideas in math and between other subjects Created by Holly Young Model with mathematics Can apply mathematics to everyday situations & real numbers Apply assumptions and approximations where appropriate Use a variety of math tools to map or diagram important relationships between quantities (flow charts, tables, and functions) Interpret results and possibly make improvements Ability to express scenarios in mathematical language and symbols and choose the best representation for each situation Created by Holly Young Use appropriate tools strategically Awareness of math resources such as technology, concrete models or previous learning Be familiar with a wide variety of ways to represent & solve problems Use technological tools to deepen understanding Make deliberate choices of which math tool to use to best solve problems Strategically use estimation as a tool to solve and check work Created by Holly Young Attend to precision Use clear definitions and accurate terminology in communication, state the meaning of symbols, specify units of measure, and calculate accurately Use complete and appropriate labels on graphical representations Created by Holly Young Look for and make use of structure Make and test conjectures and make generalizations about ideas and methods Comfortably use numerical relationships to build understanding and flexibility with numbers Break complicated problems down into simpler components (solve an easier problem) Use previous knowledge of patterning/structure to help solve problems Created by Holly Young Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Ability to use and recognize patterns to simplify solutions Recognize repeated calculations and how they relate to problemsolving strategies Keep the big picture in mind and attend to details Evaluate the reasonableness of the answer Explanations show deeper and broader understandings of math concepts Created by Holly Young