Page 2 of Finding Aid to the Robert Richardson Coker Papers, ca 1890-1988 Page one of this finding aid available at following URL: Extent: ca. 45 linear ft. Location: Annex Materials stored off site; advanced notice required. Series List I - Agricultural Trade Mission (1954, 1957, undated) II - Bank of Hartsville (1961-86) III - Brookgreen Gardens (1943, 1960, 1974-87, undated) IV - Chamber of Commerce (1952-67) V - Coker’s Pedigreed Seed Company (CPSC) (1918-86) VI - Coker’s Experimental Farms (1900, 1918-65) VII - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (1961-1988) VIII - Gulf Life Insurance Company (1961-1988) IX - J. L. Coker & Company (1846-1984, undated) X - National Cotton Council (1912-88) XI - Sonoco Products Company, 1949-86, undated XII - South Carolina Farm Bureau, 1941-87, undated XIII - United States Department of Agriculture (1944-78, undated) XIV - Personal (1911-1988, undated) XV - Speeches, RRC (1944-75, undated) XVI - Topical/Alphabetical (1943-88, undated) XVII - Audio Visual CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Series I, Agricultural Trade Mission (1954, 1957, and undated) 1 40 ? 1 1 2-8 9 10-12 13-14 15-27 28 29-34 1-4 35-36 Clippings, 1954 Correspondence (professional and personal), 1954, 57 Letter from Dwight D. Eisenhower to “the Agriculture Trade Missions,” 1954 Government Documents, 1954 Information Packets, Briefing Materials, 1954 Itineraries, 1954 Postcards, 1954 Reports, 1954 Reports, 1954 Slides, 1954 Souvenirs, 1954, and undated Series II, Bank of Hartsville (1961-86) 37-40 41 42-43 44 45-49 50 5-56 57 Bank Study Committee, 1971 Board of Directors, 1971 Employee Questionnaire, 1971 Final Report, 1971 Board of Directors, 1970-80 Financial Statements, 1961-86 (with gaps) Personal, 1961-86 Stockholder Information, 1963 Series III, Brookgreen Gardens (1943, 1960, 1974-87, and undated) 2 40 1 2-4 5-36 5 2 37 38 39 40 41-52 53-61 62-71 72 73 3 1 “Aganippe: The Fountain of Muses,” Acquisition of sculpture group, 1983 Anniversary Celebrations, 1976, 81 Annual/Trustees’ Meetings, 1974-87 Background Material for conference with South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, 1974 Concert Festival, 1986 Constitution and By-Laws, 1943 Education Center, 1983 Employees’ Retirement Plan, 1976 Financial, 1980-87 Finance Committee Meeting, 1976-86 Financial Statements, 1974-87 Report of Certified Public Accountants, 1983 South Carolina Budget and Control Board, Parks, Recreation and Tourism, Promotion Funds, 1983 State Funding, 1982 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 40 2-3 4 5-10 11-26 27 6 40 7 3 40 3 28-29 8 30 31 40 3 9 32 33-35 36-48 40 3 40 3 10 49 50 51 53 54-57 54 11 58-61 Tax Exempt Status, 1975-76 “Fountain of the Muses,” Sculpture 1984 Fund Raising, 1981-74 General, 1974-86 Huntington, Anna Hyatt, undated Huntington, Anna Hyatt, Atalaya Arts Center (Huntington Beach State Park), 1974 Huntington Beach State Park Lease, South Carolina Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, 1979 Huntington Beach State Park Lease Study Committee, 1984-85 Huntington Beach State Park Lease Study Committee, 1984-85 Leadership Award, American Achievement Awards, 1986-87, and undated Lease “by Brookgreen Gardens, a Society for Southeastern Flora and Fauna, to S.C. State Commission of Forestry,” 1960 Legal documents re Estates of Archer and Anna Huntington, 1975 Opinion re Brookgreen Gardens prepared by McNair Law Firm, 1986 (Department of) Parks, Recreation, and Tourism, 1981-83 Publications/Publicity (brochures, bulletins, newsletters, etc) 197487, and undated Resolution re Right of Way Easement to SC Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation, 1979 Retirement Plan Trust, 1979 South Carolina Coastal Council, 1986 South Carolina Outdoor Recreation Plan, 1975 Spring Membership Meeting, 1983 Tarbox, Gurdon L., Jr., 1984-87 Theft of four pieces of sculpture, 1981 Award notice re theft of statuettes, 1981 Weekly Activity Reports, 1984-87 Series IV, Chamber of Commerce (1952-67) 62-78 79-80 Chamber of Commerce (South Carolina), 1952-67 Chamber of Commerce (National), 1954 Series V, Coker’s Pedigreed Seed Company 4 1-10 11 12 13 Articles/speeches: Miscellaneous (not RRC), 1936, 1952-56, and undated “Breeding for Winners,” re CPSC, in Esso Farm News, 1949 “The Coker Company: Pioneer Seed-Breeders for the South,” Dr. George G. Wilds, “The Wachovia,” 1946 “Coker’s Pedigree Seed Co., leader in the Southeast,” Impact, 1973 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 40 22-23 24 25-36 11a 37 38 39-45 46 47 48 49-53 54-55 56 57 58 59 60 5 61-63 1-2 3 4-6 7 8-27 28 29 30-53 “Coker’s Plant Breeding at Hartsville Important to Southern Agriculture,” Howard W. Blakeslee, Reprint form The State, 1943 “A Few Words of Encouragement to South Carolinians on the Agricultural and Business Outlook,” D. R. Coker (reprint), 1925 “How Can the Quality of the American Cotton Crop Be Improved?” D. R. Coker (reprint), 1921 “The Master Farmers of Hartsville,” Herbert Ravenel Sass, undated “Some Suggestions on How the American Cotton Industry May Be Improved and made More Profitable to the Grower, Dealer, and Mill,” D. R. Coker (reprint), 1926 “Some Essentials for the Restoration of Prosperity to the Agriculture of the Eastern corn Belt,” D. R. Coker, 1930 “Statement on Cotton Quota Referendum,” 1953 “A System for Increasing Southern Farm Rights,” D. R. Coker (reprint), 1936 “B” Belue, J. T., 1952-62 Board of Directors/Stockholders, 1967-86 re name change, 1923 Boll Weevil: Breeding Program, 1949-52 Cotton Survey, Darlington County, SC, 1943-53 Infestation, 1948, 55-62 Pink Bollworm, 1952-56 “Results of the Survey of Cotton Insect Control by Poisoning in SC,” Cedric R. Jordan, Jr., 1947 Weekly Report, Florence, SC, 1952-56 (gaps) Breeders’ Right/Seed Certification, general, 19163, 1965-66 Brent, John C., 1971-74 Buildings and Grounds, 1966-73 Butler, Eugene, (editor-in-chief, The Progressive Farmer), 1972-78 By-Laws, revised, 1978 Bysinnosis, 1970 Catalog of the Registered Guernsey Cattle to be Sold in the CPSC Complete Dispersal, 1953 Coker de Mexico, 1971-72 Coker de Mexico, 1973, and undated Coker’s Agricultural Information, 1963 Company history, undated Concord Duck Farms (includes photos), 1980 Conferences, 1944-54, and undated Congratulatory letters, 195-52 Corporate Resolution re CPSC, 1973, 76 Correspondence, 1946-58 CONTAINER LIST Box 6 6 40 6 Folder 1-23 24 25 26 27 28 29 12-14 30-31 32 33 os 7 40 7 34 35 36 37 38 39 40-42 43-44 45 46 47 1 2 3 4-7 8-40 15-16 41 42 43-47 48-49 50 51-52 53 54 8 40 17 1 2 3 4 5-8 9 10 Correspondence, 1958-61, 1972-79, and undated “D,” 1972-76 Dahmer, Dr. E. Joe, 1982-86 DeKalb Cotton, breeding, 1962-65, 71 “Domestic Cotton Price Equalization,” 1963 “E,” 1972-77 Eastern Corn and Grain Co., Inc., 1974-77 Eastern Corn and Grain Co., Inc., 1974-77 Equipment Sales, Coker’s Clipper Seed Cleaner, undated “F, (includes some photographs), 1974-78, and undated Farm Bureaus, 1972, 74, 78 Farm plans, plats, ?? Federal Land Bank, 1974-76 Financial: Capital Expenditures, 1973-78 Chart of Accounts, 1966 Coopers and Lybrand, 1973-78 Departmental Expenditures, ca 1963 Reports, 1975-82 First National Bank of South Carolina, 1972-79 “G,” 1973-78 Georgia, 1972-73 “H,” 1972-78 Hadden, Sam, 1952-61 Hoffman-LaRoche, merger discussions, 1976-77 “I,” 1974-79 Insect Control, Florence, SC, 1948 International, 1961-78, and undated International Plant Breeders, Ltd. (IPB), 1970s-1980s “J,” 1972-77 “K,” 1974-78 KWS/CPSC merger: Correspondence, 1979-87, and undated Buechting, Dr. Carl Ernst, 1978-84 Buechting, Michael, 1980-85 Management Committee, 1982-83 Purchase agreement, 1978 Purchase and Sale, 1978 “L,” 1973-78 why no number here?? Box 7 or 8?? Legislative, Agricultural Act of 1970, 1970 Lybrand, Ross Bros., & Montgomery, 1972 “Mc,” 1973-78 “M,” 1973-78 Marketing/Advertising: General, 1946-59, and undated Ad Reprint, Association with Jacob Hertz Seed Co., 1959 Catalogue design/planning (for 75th Anniversary), 1972-77 CONTAINER LIST Box 40 os 8 Folder 11-22 23 24 18 40 25-30 31 32-34 19-46 41 1-7 8 41 8 9 10 35 36 37-49 8 50-54 55-56 57 58-59 60-61 1-45 46-50 51 52-53 1-20? 21-22 23 24-32 33-56 10 41 10 11 11 41 os 11 57 9 58-60 61-62 63-68 69-70 71-77 1-3 4 5-9 10-11 10 Edwards Advertising, Inc., 1971-78, and undated Memo Book, undated Pamphlets, 1951, 65, and undated Proofs, 1966 Regional newsletters, ca 1953 Scrapbooks (dismantled), 1957-67 Stickers (adhesive for car bumpers?), undated Mergers, general Mergers, T.P.T. Limited (Textile Paper Tube Company, Limited), 1961-69 Mergers, T.P.T. Limited (Textile Paper Tube Company, Limited), 1961-69 “N,” 1973-76 National Agricultural Institute, 1973, and undated Nickerson Group, Seed Specialists, 1971-86, and undated Nickerson Group, UPBS, Ltd., 1973-75 North Carolina, 1971-79 Northrup, King & Co. (Sandoz, Inc.), 1978 “O,” 1974, 76 “P,” 1972-79 Parity, 1967-71 Personnel (includes photos), 1952-79 Plant Variety Protection, 1971-78 Policy Memos, 1968-78, and undated Price Lists (binder), 1966-67, 1981 Products: Catalogs (all products), general, 1974-71, and undated Asparagus, 1913, 21, 24 28, 31, and undated Cantaloupe, undated Corn: General Information, 1968-80 Publications, 1922, 44, 1952-74, and undated Cotton: General: Advertising, 1960, 1962 Advertising, 1960, 1962 Articles, 1947, 57?, 60-63 Bills, ca 1961-68 Boll Weevil, 1954-72 Conferences, 1949-58 Contests, 1941-65 Contests, 1947-61 Contractors, 1962 Data, 1959-62 Data, 1960-62 Data re Cotton Production, Misc., 1932-54, 1973 Empire Seed Company, 1948-54 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 11-29 30 31-36 37-40 General, 1957-78, and undated Gossypium, 1957 Mechanization, 1944-61 Publications (not CPSC), Cotton Varieties Planted, 195072 12 41 13 41-42 43-48 1-11 12-21 22-69 70 71-77 12-14 1-27 28 29-44 45-79 80 14 15 41 15 81-84 1-3 4-26 27 28-49 50-82 83-84 1-14 15-16 14a 17-22 23 24 25 26 27 28-29 30 31 32 33-36 37 38 39 Reports, 1961-63 Research, 1965 Varieties, 1950s-60s, and undated Committees, Organizations, 1948-66 Publications, 1926-1980s, and undated Cow peas, 1918 Dairy, 1940s-1960s Dairy, 1940s-1960s Dairy, continued, 1940s-1960s Flax, 1964-66 Grains: General Information, 1937-76 Publications, 1940-77 Okra, undated Soybeans: General Information, 1962-69 General Information, 1970-76 Publications, 1946-74 Sunflowers, 1978 Tobacco: General Information, 1941-78, and undated Publications, 1938-74, and undated Watermelon, 1958, 72, and undated Properties/Real Estate, 1952-69 Publications (articles re CPSC), 1953, 78 Newsletter, “Coker’s Pedigreed Seed Company News,” 1947-60 Purchaser Order Register, 1930-41, 47-49 “Q-R,” 72-74 “Report on Georgia Sales Trip,” J. W. Talbert, undated “Report on Trip to Mississippi Valley and Alabama,” J. W. Talbert, undated Research Committee, 1971-75 Rohm and Haas Seeds Inc., Buyout/Acquisition of, 984-87 “S,” 1961-78 Seed Certification, Breeding, and Variety Testing, 1953-58 Seed Certification, “Report of Acres Applied for Certification in 1956,” 1956 “Soil Survey – Darlington County, SC,” 1960 South Carolina, 1970-79 Stanton, T. R. (consultant), 1952-62 “T,” 1972-78 Tennessee and Texas, 1956-59 CONTAINER LIST Box 41 15 16 Folder 40-44 15 45 46-48 49 1-2 3-5 os 6-44 Trademarks, Labeling, and Patents, 1950s-70s Trademark Registration, 1954-58 “U-V,” 1974, 76 Visitors, 1972-78 Wachovia Bank and Trust, 1972-73 “W,” 1960-78 Weather data, 1921-78 Weather, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Weather Bureau, Weather outlooks/reports, 1953-77 Wilds, G. J, Addresses: “The A.B.C.’s of Plant Breeding,” 1948 “Adapting Cotton Varieties to Mechanical Harvesting,” undated “Applied Education,” 1946 “Better Crop Yields in South Carolina,” 1948 “Breeding Cotton for Spinning Quality,” 1945 “Breeding Cotton for Spinning Variety,” 1944 “Breeding Cotton to Improve Quality,” 1950 “Breeding Oats for Cold and Disease Resistance,” undated “Charlottte Kiwanis Club,” 1942 “Coker’s Pedigreed Seed Co.,” undated “Commercial Oat Breeding,” 1947 “Cotton,” 1942 “Cotton,” 1944 “Cotton Breeding Outlook for 1945,” 1944 “Cotton and Its Future,” 1945 “Cotton: Its Future in the Southeast,” 1948 “Cotton: Its Importance, Its Future,” 1946 “Cotton Testing Service from the Viewpoint of the Cotton Breeder,” 1944 “Darlington County Future Farmers of America,” 1942 “Five Essentials of Cotton Breeding,” undated “History and Accomplishments of Spinner-Breeder Conference,” 1948 “Kiwanis Club, Concord, NC,” 1946 “Looking Ahead in Cotton Breeding,” undated “More Cotton at Better Quality at Cheaper Per Unit Cost,” 1944 “A New Horizon for Cotton,” 1942 “Oat Breeding in a Commercial Enterprise,” 1943 “One Variety Communities, Planted in Cottons of Proven Quality, Offer Great Possibilities, “ 1944 “Pace Committee Conference,” 1944 “Plant Breeding,” 1941 “Plant Breeding and What It Is Contributing,” undated “Plant Breeding and Laws Governing,” undated “Probable Effects of Synthetics on Cotton,” 1946 “Research and Cotton’s Future,” 1947 “Research and the Southern Farmer,” 1945 CONTAINER LIST Box 16 Folder 45 Os 46-47 48 49-52 53 54-55 56 57 Os bv Os bv Os bv 58 17 os 59-78 1-12 “Scotland County, South Carolina,” 1949 “Small Grain Varieties,” 1939 “Some Cotton Problems and Suggestions for Solving Them,” 1946 “South Carolina and Wheat,” 1943 “Southern Seedsmen’s Association,” 1943 “X, Y, Z” Series VI. Coker’s Experimental Farms (1900, 1918-1965) National Historic Landmark: Blueprints for memorial plaque, stone (Brown Memorials, Florence, SC), 1965 Brochure, 1965 Clippings, 1965 Correspondence, 1964-66 Invitations, Press Releases, 1965 Photographs, 1965 Program of Ceremonies, 1965 Transcript of Ceremonies, 1965 Record Books (includes declaration and charter, articles of incorporation, preferred stockholder information, by-laws, board of director information, balance sheets, resolutions, records and minutes, capital stock, accounts), 1918-47 Stockholders, preferred stockholders, ca 1918-42 Stockholders, Stock Certificates, 1900, ca 1932-65 Maintenance, 1975-77 Series VII. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (1961-1988) 1961-88, and undated 1960-70 Organizational Charts, 1962, 63 Series VIII. Gulf Life Insurance Company (1953-1960) 41 17 13-39 16-33 40-42 Board Meetings, 1954-60 Board Meetings, 1954-60 General, 1953-60 Series IX. J. L. Coker & Company (1846-1984, and undated) Administrative: 43 Advertising and Marketing, 1948, 59, 60 5 os Newspaper Advertisements, 1928-45, 1950-51, 1953-58, 1965-??, 1980, and undated 41 34 Building Specifications (Wilson, Sompayrac & Urquhart, Architects), 1909 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 17 44-46 41 35-36 and undated 41 37 17 48 49-64 65 18 1-9 10 11-26 27-39 40 41 42-43 44-53 41 18 54-57 58-62 38-39 40 41 42-54 55-56 57 58 59 60-66 67 Business Development/Expansion, 1919, 58, 1962-64 Business Development/Expansion, 1901, 1902, 1909, 1910, Collections Department, 1897, 1913, and undated Legal, 1955 Operations, 1898, 1941-44, 1945-66 Operations, Report on Examination (of Financial Statements), 1952-55, 1960-62, 1965, 75-81 Operations, Report on Examination (of Financial Statements), 1952-55, 1960-62, 1965, 75-81 Operations, Wholesale Department, 1953 Personnel: Beattie, Preston H., 1981-84 Benefits Materials, 1979, and undated Compensation, 1981 Employees (miscellaneous), 1957-62, and undated General, 1944-55, 1958-66 Group Retirement Plan, 1954 Newsletter, 1954 Salary and Bonus Information, 1980 Ward, Don and Skinner, Benjamin F., Jr., 1969, 81 Board of Directors, 1967-71 Anniversary Celebrations: 80th Anniversary, 1945 85th Anniversary, 1950 90th Anniversary, 1955 100th Anniversary, 1965-66 Audit Report, 1923 Confidential Report to Directors, 1944 Recommended Program for the Development of Business,” 1958 Branches: Florence, 1964-82 Myrtle Beach, 1973-84 Sumter, 1968-82 Correspondence, 1949-82 Legal Documents, 1938 Agreements, 1880-1917 Bills of Sale, 1890-1917 Bonds, 1879-1924 Deeds, 1846-1951 Mortgages, 1881-1944 Partnership Dissolution, 1918 Personal Settlements, 1943, 1948 Quit claims, 1892-1917 Real estate titles, 1879-1930, and undated Summons, 1890, 1908, and undated Liens, Bills of Sale, 1881-1909, and undated CONTAINER LIST Box 19 Folder 63-68 1-10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ls 2 Ls 2 19-21 Ls 2 22 23 24 25-33 Os 19 34 Notes, 1918, 22 Liquidation, 1981-84 Liquidation, 1981-84 Miscellaneous: Brochure re Charge Account, undated Company note, 1981-82 Fire extinguishers, 1911 Hartsville store, National Register of Historic Place, 1982-83 Railroad, 1892 Request for proposal (re computer hardware, software), 1980 RRC business card, undated U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Application for license, 1918 Real Estate/Investment Property: Agreements, miscellaneous, 1893-1925, 1962 General, 1911, 1914, 1942 ???* Highland Farm, 1958, 196-68, 1982 List of Property Owned, 1913 ???* Outside Real Estate, 1959-64 Purchase of land by RRC from JLC & Co., 1983 Timber Land, 1974-82 Shareholders, 1944, 1964-84 Store News, 1953, 55, Woods, E.O. (attorney, U.S. Treasury Department, Internal Revenue Service), 1919, 1920 Series X. National Cotton Council 20 21 35 36 37-38 39-74 1-53 1-12 13-16 17-18 19-20 21-55 A,” 1942-51 American Cotton Industry, 1943 American Textile Manufacturers Institute, 1963 Annual and Board of Directors Meetings, 1920-62 Annual and Board of Directors Meetings, 1962-88 Annual Reports, 1944-64 Articles: “Farmers at the Crossroads,” Ezra Taft Benson as told to Carlisle Bargeron, 1956 “For Love or Money,” John Reagan, 1963 “The Growth of Cotton Fiber Science in the United States,” Arthur W. Palmer, 1961 Miscellaneous articles, 1963 “B,” 1943-59 Blake, William Rhea, Executive Vice President, 1942-60 Boll Weevil/Boll Weevil Eradication (Insect Control): Control, 1938-47 Weekly Reports (NC, SC), 1958 Correspondence, 1958-86 CONTAINER LIST Box 22 Folder 1-67 “19th Annual Conference Report on Cotton Insect Research and Control,” 1966 Articles, 1917, 23, 1967-79, and undated Boll Weevil Awareness, Word War II materials, 1943 Bell, Harry S., 1974-83 Beltwide Boll Weevil Action Committee, 1974-86 Boll Weevil Conference, 1974 BWEF, Annual Meeting, 1983 Boll Weevil Eradication, 1969-74 Boll Weevil Eradication and Optimum Pest Management Conference, 1979 Clemson, College of Agricultural Sciences, 1974-87 General Correspondence, 1974-86 Boll Weevil Eradication Program, 1986 Boll Weevil Eradication Program, Pee Dee Experiment Station, 1985 Progress Reports, 1920, 21, 72, 73 “Review of Boll Weevil Eradication Program,” Hearings Before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Cotton, 1973 Boll Weevil Eradication Trial, Technical Coordinator Group Meeting, 1977 Beltwide Action Committee, 1978 Boll Weevil Research Laboratory, State College, Mississippi, 1962 “Boll Weevil Losses: Value and Location of Losses Caused by the Boll Weevil,” 1974 “Boll Weevil Suppression, Management, and Elimination Technology,” Conference Proceedings, 1974 Boll Weevil Workshop, Columbia, SC, 1953 Comparative Hygroscopicity of Mead Corporation Black Liquor, 1943 Committees, 1970 Blake, William Rhea, Executive Vice President, 1948-60 Boll Weevil Control, general files and correspondence, 1938-86 19th Annual Conference Report on Cotton Insect Research and Control, 1966 Articles on Boll Weevil Eradication Bell, Harry S., 1974-83 Beltwide Boll Weevil Action Committee, 1974-86 Boll Weevil Conference, 1974 BWEF, 1983-86 Boll Weevil Eradication, general, 1969-74 Boll Weevil Eradication and Optimum Pest Management Conference, 1979 Boll Weevil Eradication Program, B.W. Eradication Committee, E. F. Knipling Correspondence, 1973 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder * 42 22 1 Boll Weevil Eradication Program: Clemson, College of Agricultural Sciences, 1974-87 General Correspondence, 1974-86 Pee Dee Experiment Station, 1985 Progress Reports, 1920, 21, 72, 73 Review of Boll Weevil Eradication Program,” Hearings Before the House of Representatives Subcommittee on Cotton,” 1973 “Cost Estimate for Beltwide Eradication of the Boll Weevil,” Stanford Research Institute, ca 1973 “Cotton Boll Weevil: An Evaluation of USDA Programs,” 1981 Cotton Farming and Experimental Crops, exclusive re boll weevil eradication, 1974 Cotton Insect Control Conference, 1948 “Cotton Panorama,” undated Boll Weevil Research Laboratory, State College, Mississippi, 1962 “Defeating the Boll Weevil,” 1921 Environmental Statement for Trial Boll Weevil Eradication Program,” 1976 Misc. clippings, 1974-86 Funeral service for the boll weevil, (includes photograph), 1987 “Government and Producer Cost Sharing in the Boll Weevil Elimination Program,” “History of the Boll Weevil Problem, “ William H Cross History: The First 40 Years, The National Cotton Council of America, 1939-1979 Albert R. Russell 1980 Comments on House Report Relating to Boll Weevil Eradication Mopping Experiment, 1943-44 National Program to Eliminate the Boll Weevil, 1973 National Program for boll Weevil Elimination, 1974 Overall Plan for a National Program to Eliminate the Boll Weevil from the United States, 1973 Pesticides, Advertisements, Report, ca 1978 Boll Weevil Control, Questionnaire: Development of, results, analysis, 1942 Forms, 1942 Reply cards, 1942 Questionnaire, ca 1943, 1970-73 Boll Weevil Reports, 1973-84, and undated Boll Weevil Research, 1921-44 Resolution adopted at 1974 Annual Meeting, Boll Weevil Elimination, 1974 Boll Weevil Elimination: Russell, Albert R., 1974-75 Second Cotton Insect Control Conference, Proceedings, 1948 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 23 1 42 23 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8-9 10 11-17 18 19-42 43-59 42 23 3 Smith, J. Ritchie, 1973-84 Smith, P. R., 1974-80 South Carolina State ASCS Committee, 1986 Southeastern Cotton Insect Control Conference, Proceedings, 1947 Special Study Committee, 1973 Stalk Cutting Campaign, 1942 Statement on Behalf of Increased Research Funds for Cotton Boll Weevil, 1958 Statistics on Insect Damage, ca 1941-42 Suggestions for Growing Cotton Profitably Under Boll Weevil Conditions, undated US Dept. of Agriculture, Statistics, 1942, 44 Boll Weevil Tests, 1944-45 Thurmond, J. Strom, 1976 USDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Newsletter, 1980 Brown, Dr. James M., 1982-84 By-Laws, National Cotton Council, 1968 “C,” 1949-59 Carolina Ginners Association, 1963 Charter of Incorporation and Bylaws As Amended through March 7, 1949 of the National Cotton Council of America, 1949 Clapp, Alston, Sr., 1943-47 Clippings, ca 1943 Committees Members, Letters to, 1949-60 Directories and Lists, 1972-80 Committee for the Advancement of Cotton, 1979-84 Committee on Cotton Production and Marketing, 1944-46 Industry-wide Committee on Future of NCC, 1955 Joint Cotton Breeders Policy Committee, 1967-74 Long Staple Committee, 1948-49 NCC Beltwide Action Committee, 1973-79 South Carolina Agricultural Committee, 1943 Special Board Committee (re production and marketing), 1964 Technical Guidance (Sub)Committee, 1972-73 2nd Annual Beltwide Cotton Production Conference, 1956 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, 1986 Conferences: Cotton Improvement Conference, 1986 Cotton Insect Control Conference, 1948, 52 1952 Cotton Outlook Conference, 1985 Cotton Production Conference, 1973 Cotton Production Mechanization Conference, 1964 Long Staple Conference, 1954 CONTAINER LIST Box 24 25 Folder 1-45 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8-10 11-14 15-19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26-28 29-32 33-35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43-44 45 46 47-48 49 50 51 52 53-54 55 56 57 58-59 60-61 62-66 Mechanization Conference, 1949 National Cottonseed Products Association, Convention, 1963 Southeastern Cotton Insect Control Conference, 1947 Correspondence, 1958-87 Cotton Breeders Workshop, 1958 Cotton Contest, 1943 Cotton Council International (CCI), 1963-64 Cotton Council Speakers’ Kit, ca 1980s The Cotton Digest, Convention Editions, 1963-64 Cotton Educational Program, ca 1946 Cotton Incorporated, Cotton Board, 1971-84 Cotton Leadership Program, 1983-85 Cotton Producers’ Institute (CPI), 1963, 1969-70 Advertising, ca 1963 Correspondence, 1963-64 Report to Members, 1962, 63 Cotton Quality Study Group, Meeting, 1954 Cotton Research and Promotion Act, 1966 Crop Improvement Associations, ca 1972-77 “D,” 1948-49 Delaney, Ward, 1949-54 Delegate Members, 1945-47 Delta Council, 1944-48, 72-78 Directories, 1983-86 Dunn, Read P., Jr. Durand, A. L. “E,” 1943 The Economic Outlook for U.S. Cotton,” 1963 Educational Meeting, 1958 Expense Account, ca 1943-54 Extension Cotton Program, Appropriation for, 1943 “F,” 1948-60 Federal Seed Act, “FSA”, 1943, and undated Fire Products Laboratories, 1946 Filled Milk Bill, 1942-43 Financial Statements, 1962-63, 85-86 Foreign Purchasing Power, 1947 Foreign Trade Division, 1951 Foundation for Cotton Research and Education, undated “G,” 1943 “H,” 1941-56 Hartsville, SC, Cotton Council Luncheon, 1952-55 Horne, M. K., Jr., ca 1947 International Cotton Industries, research, 1947 “J,” 1946-60 Jackson, Robert C., 1943-48 Johnston, Oscar, 1943-47 CONTAINER LIST Box 26 Folder 67-69 70 1 2 3-4 5 6-7 8-9 10-26 27 28 29 30 31 os Os 32 33-36 37 38-40 41 42 43 44 Johnston, Oscar: Oscar Johnston Cotton Foundation, 1948-54 Johnston, Oscar: Cotton Foundation Meeting, 1981 “K,” 1944-47 Kennedy, Earle R., 1952 Kirkpatrick, Clifton, 1948-60 “L,” 1942-47 Lipscomb, Ed, 1912-60 Lists: Mailing, 1963 Personnel, 1963 Legislation: Bills, Congress Mills Bill (HR 16920) “Textile Imports vs. Agricultural Exports,” 1970 Seed Amendment #511, Senate Bill #1042 Testimony before US House and Senate, William Rhea Blake, 1963 George S. Buck, Jr., 1963 Robert R. Coker, 1963 Correspondence, general, 1963 Exhibit materials, 1963 M. K. Horne, Jr., 1963 “M,” 1943-54 “Mc,” 1943-49 McCord, Frank A., 1943, 47 Maid of Cotton, 1961, 63 Marketing, “Cotton—A Mill’s View of the Present Price Situation,” 1963 Marketing/Advertising: Word War II Posters, 1954-44 (4 posters) Boll Weevil Menace, Insect Control, undated (3 posters) Miscellaneous Posters, 1958, and undated Map: Cotton Ginned in the United States by Counties (U.S. Bureau of Census), 1958 General, ca 1943, 1950, and undated Proclamation: City of New York “Cotton Week,” May 13-18, 1963 Maybank, Burnet R. Meetings (staff, general, weekly), 1943, 45, 63-64 Meetings, Cotton Meetings, Georgia Money Maker Cotton Club, 1964 Meetings, NCC Meeting in SC, 1952, 56, 57 Meetings, Special Committee, 1965 Meetings, Miscellaneous, 1952, 54 Miscellaneous, 1982-84, and undated “N,” 1943 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 45 46 47 48 49 * 27 28 50 51-54 55 56-58 59 60-64 1-7 8 9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16 17 18 19 20-21 22-26 27-30 31-32 33-37 38-39 40 41-42 43 44-49 50 51 52 53-54 55 56 57 58 59 60 1-8 9 10 11 National Agricultural Institute Meeting, 1973 National Cotton Compree and Warehouse Association, 1963 National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders, 1972-75 National Plant Food Institute, 1963 Oral History Interview with RRC by Dr. Orley B. Caudill, Dept. of History, Southern Mississippi University, 1977 Bound Volume Pamphlets, World War II, Promotional, 1943-44, and undated NCCPB, Patents, 1967-68 Pee Dee Research and Educational Center, Florence, SC, 1986 Personal, 1963 Plains Cotton Growers, 1963 Plant Variety Protection [Act], 1969-71 Plant Variety Protection [Act], 1972-77 President, RRC’s term as, Memorabilia, 1963 Office of Price Administration (OPA), 1943-44 Project Sales Promotion Program of the NCC, ca 1955 Press Releases, ca 1951, 63, and undated Publications, miscellaneous, “R,” 1947-49 Radio, 1943-49 Randolph, Walter L, 1950 Rayon, 1945 Recommendations for 1951-60 Reports, miscellaneous, 1942-74 Russell, Albert, 1950-64 “S,” 1943-58 Searls, Earl W., 1974-75, 1980-87 Seed Certification Associations Smith, J. Craig, 1960 Smith, J. Ritchie, 1956-57, 73 Special Information, 1943-44 Special Study Committee on Boll Weevil Eradication, 1969-71 Speeches, miscellaneous Statement of Crop Income, 1963 Stevens, Boswell, 1959-60 “T,” 1943-50 Tariff Reductions, Kennedy Round Agreement, 1967 Tunica Trip, 1978 “U,” 1943 “W,” 1943-58 Watkins, D. W., 1943-44 Weekly Summaries, 1944 Welch, Claude L., 1945-60 Westbrook, E. C. 1942-45 Wynn, W.T., 1955-56 “Y,” 1952-56 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 12-13 ???????? 14-33? os 34-52 29 1-63 42 4 Os 42 29 11 30 1-115 42 30 5 42 30 6 42 30 7-8 Young, Harold A., 1948-55 Series XI. Sonoco Products Company, 1949-86, and undated Blue prints for Hay Dryer (Brays Island Plant Inc.), 1952 Series XII. South Carolina Farm Bureau, 1941-87, and undated Administrative: General, 1951-53, and undated Articles of Association and By-Laws for the American Farm Bureau, Amended, 1941 Constitution and By-Laws, ca 1944, Revised 1965, 68 Directors’ Lists, Executive Committee, 1954, 57 Formation, 1944 Agnew, E. H., 1949-58 Board of Directors, 1967-71 Correspondence: A-R, 1943-60 General, 1944-87 1957 Darlington County Agricultural Society/Farm Bureau: Award certificates, 1950 Certificate of Incorporation, 1953 General, 1943-53, and undated Speeches, undated Darlington County Tobacco Contest, 1949-52 Financial Statements, 1945-57 Insurance, 1945-55 Legislation, SC Telephone Bill, 1949-50 Meetings, Reports (including annual meetings, minutes, statistics, etc.) Miscellaneous: Membership Drives, 1947-57 South Carolina Green Pastures Contest, 1943-52 Tenth Annual Meeting, 1954 “A Tribute to Our President,” for RRC, 1954 Training School, Camp Bob Cooper, 1952-53 Organizational meeting, 1944 Policies, 1954-59 Farm Bureau Policies (AFB), 1958 Policies and Recommendations adopted at SCFB annual conventions, 1961-74, 87 Policies and Recommendations, 1969, 1981 Public Relations (press releases, clippings), 1948-56, and undated Radio talks, ca 1949 Speeches, undated?? Resolutions (SCFB and AFB), 1943-60, and undated CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 42 4 os 30 42 9 10 Rogers, James Sims, Hugo S., Jr., Correspondence, 1949 South Carolina Farmer, miscellaneous issues, 1954-64 Speeches (by E.T. Benson) Summary of Proposed Plan of Reorganization of S.C. Farm Bureau Marketing Assocation, undated Series XII. United States Department of Agriculture (1944-78, and undated) American Farm Bureau Federation Agricultural Adjustment Agency, 1944-48 Benson, E. T., Addresses: “Agriculture Moves Toward Useful, Permanent Abundance,” 1954 “America: A Choice Land,” 1953 “A Better Program – Farmers Deserve It,” 1954 “Beyond This Day,” 1954 “A Brighter Day for Dairying,” 1954 “Challenge for Action,” 1953 “The Challenge – Research,” 1953 “Changing the Farm Policy,” article in U.S. News and World Report, 1953 “Charting the Course,” 1953 “Department of Agricultural Plans for Forestry,” 1953 “A Dynamic National Program for Soil and Weather Conservation,” 1954 “A Farm Program for All,” 1953 “Food, Fears, and Facts,” 1954 “The Forward March of American Agriculture,” 1955 “Forward Together in Service,” 1953 “Forward United,” 1953 “Freedom’s Prosperity,” 1954 “The Heart of the Problem,” 1953 “Inherited Problems,” 1953 “Land of Promise,” 1953 “Let Us Draw Upon the Strength of America,” 1954 “Let Us Raise a Standard,” 1953 “Let Us Think, Decide, and Act,” 1954 “Let Your Voice Be Heard,” 1954 “Let’s Build Strong – From the ‘Grass Roots,’” 1953 “Looking Toward a New Farm Program,” 1954 “Management: Agriculture’s Top Problem,” 1953 “Meeting Livestock Problems with Team Work,” 1953 “My Trip to Agricultural America,” 1953 “A New Frontier for Dairying,” 1954 “Our Agricultural Resources,” 1953 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder “Our Mutual Responsibility/Task,” 1953 “Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity,” 1954 “Pointing with Pride,” 1954 “Progress and New Hope for the Nation,” 1953 “Progress in Agriculture,” 1953 “Quality Farmers,” 1954 “The Road to Stability and Progress,” 1954 “A Sound Farm Program,” 1954 “Straight Thinking in Agriculture,” 1954 “Tomorrow Belongs to Youth,” 1953 “Toward Better Balanced Farming,” 1954 “Toward a New Day,” 1954 “Turn Dairy Problems into Opportunities,” 1953 “We Must Plant to Prosper,” 1953 “We Shall Not Bury the Talents,” 1953 “What’s Right Is Good Politics,” 1954 “Working Together,” 1953 “You Can Look Forward With Confidence,” 1953 Untitled, undated Benson, E. T., general, 1952-56 Cotton Board, 1967-68 Cotton and Cottonseed Advisory Committee, 1953 Davis, John H., Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 1954-56 Honor Awards Ceremonies, 1955, 56 Legislation, 1944-57 National Agricultural Advisory Commission (NAAC), 1953-54, 31 and undated “One Hundred Twenty Years of Cotton Insects in the United States,” 1978 Press Releases, 1953-54 Recommendations, 1953 Soil Conservation Service, 1956-60 Storage Bins, 1954 Summary of Principal Statutes Covering Activities of Department of Agriculture, undated 32 1-78 Series XIII. Personal (1911-1988, and undated) Articles re RRC Awards/Honors: Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies, Special Service Award, Miscellaneous Certificates, 1975 Brookgreen Gardens, Miscellaneous Certificates, undated Cover Story on RRC, Cotton Digest, 1963 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 1968 Honor Society of Agriculture, 1958 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Os Os 42 32 Os 12 Man of the Year in Service to Agriculture (The Progressive Farmer), 1965 National Council of Commercial Plant Breeders, 1954, 1959 SC Coop. Council, Distinguished Agriculturist Award, 1974 South Carolina Farm Bureau, Miscellaneous Certificates, 1959 University of South Carolina Education Foundation, 1986-87 University of South Carolina, Honorary Degree Recipient, 1970 Awards/Honors (oversize folder) Certificate of Golf Prowess, Canada Dry Hole-In-One Club, Hartsville Country Club, 1963 Biographical Sketches, 1962-77, and undated Charleston, SC, Roper Hospital, RRC surgery, 1967 Clemson University Amick, Bill L., 1983-86 Atchley, Bill, 1979-88 Clemson Medallion, 1985 Clemson Medallion Awards Dinner, 1986 Dedication of the Agricultural Center, 1955 Jervey, Captain Frank J., Lennox, Max, 1985-87 Partner of the People, campaign for the Robert Cook Edwards Endowment, 1979-80 Pearce, R. Roy, 1982, 86 Clippings, 1934-87 Coker College, 1951-89 Articles re, ???? Coker College, Board of Trustees, 1964-65 Community/Social Organizations: Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity, 1972-86 The Centurion Society, 1968, 75, 88 Country Club of South Carolina, 1969-70 Damon Gun Club, 1967-84 Darlington Country Historical Society, 1979-87 The Discussion Group, ca 1960-76 Hartsville Golf Club, 1955-85 Litchfield Villas, Inc., 1979, 84, 87, 88 South Carolina Historical Society, 1987 Confederate Veterans Clippings Newspaper articles, ???? Confederate Memorial Association, 1982, 86 Life Magazine, ca 1949 Lifrage, Vernon Emerson (possibly, photos), 1950, and undated Murray, Arnold (photos), 1950, 52 Sallings, “General” John, 1958 Sons of Confederate Veterans, 1958 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder 33 1-83 42 42 13 14 Os Os OS os South Carolina Confederate Veteran’s Funeral, unidentified photos (possibly Lifrage or Murray), undated Williams, “General” Walter (photos), funeral, 1959 Williams, “General” Walter, “Operation Drummer Boy,” 1959-60 Congressional Record, Recognition in, page 31, 1985 Correspondence, personal, 1967-87 Dogs (pedigrees), 1947, 1950 Editorial Letters, 1974 Family Coker, Charles Westfield, Sr., 1948-87 Coker, David R., 1926 Coker, James Lide, 1918-40 Coker, James Lide, Centenary Celebration, 1937 Coker, Lois W. (“Early History of Hartsville”), 1988, and undated Coker, May Roper, 1953-84 Estate of, 1976 Power of Attorney to RRC, 1970-71 Coker, Dr. William Chambers, 1954, 64, and undated Correspondence, 1918, 20, 48, 1978-86, and undated Genealogy:, Lide lineage, undated “Lineage of Caleb Coker, Jr. of Society Hill, SC,” undated Richardson, William, “Descendants of Capt. William Richardson, Soldier of the American Revolution,” 1960 Lawton, Mrs. Margaret Coker, re Major Robert Lide, 1959 Lide, Major Robert, ca 1959 “Roll of Students of South Carolina College, 1805-1905,” 1905 Roper, Lois, Wedding of RRC to, 1936 Warden, Bette Coker, 1978 First Baptist Church, Hartsville, SC, 1984, 86 Foyer International Des Etudiants, Student Hostel, ca 1923 Hartsville, SC: Darlington County, Legal Documents (miscellaneous), 1860, 1868, 1879, 1891 CHECK ON THESE! History of Hartsville, Coker Family, undated “Hartsville – Its Early Settlers: The Growth of the Town with Sketches of Its Institutions and Enterprises,” (reprint) by J.L. Coker, 1911 Hartsville Cotton Mill, 1952-67 Hartsville Oil Mill, 1956-70, 73, 79 Hartsville Oil Mill, newspaper ad re Darlington Farmer’s Plight, 1948 Hartsville Oil Mill, Newspaper Ad re Darlington farmers’ plight, 1948 “Historical Sketch of the Darlington County Agricultural Society: 1846 – Centennial – 1946,” by J. M. Napier, 1946 Maps, Plats, 1945, 1949, 1962, 1964, 1967 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder os Plats (Darlington County, Chesterfield County), 1846, 1854, 1891, 1893, 1916, 1931-76 Sonoco Products, Board of Directors, 1966-71, and undated Invitations, 1965, and undated Memorial Service for RRC, First Baptist Church, Hartsville, SC, 1987 Memorial Tribute, Congressional Record (Strom Thurmond), 1987 Miscellaneous: Architecturla drawing, Entomology Research Laboratory, State College, Mississippi, 1960 (inscribed to RRC by John Stennis) Congressman Jamie L. Whiteen, Inscribed to RRC (copy of oil painting), undated North Carolina National Bank, 1975-87 Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo, Florida, 1979-87 Oral history interview re Great Depression, 1984 Palmetto Club, Tribute to Robert Muldrow Cooper (photos), 1962 Real Estate, 1953, 62, 64, 1969-82 42 15 Real Estate, 1952, 1975-76 34 1-89 Real Estate, Florida Property, 1972 Religion, First Baptist Church, 1984, 86 Republican Party Affiliations, 1979-86 Os Residence, Blueprint for sun room addition (LBC & W Associates, Columbia, SC), 1972 Residence, Blueprint for proposed alterations and additions (Lafaye, Lafaye, & Fair Architects, Walter F. Petty, Associate, Columbia, SC), 1949 St. David’s Academy, 1977-87 Scrapbooks: Family scrapbooks, 1952-80, 1958-80 Presented upon retirement, 1979 “Special Collection of Good Old-Time Hymns and Spirituals,” compiled by RRC, undated “A Special Song Collection,” compiled by RRC, undated South Carolina Historical Society, 1981-87 South Carolina National Bank, 1972-81 The Summit Club, 1972-74, 79 Townley, Art, 1969-84 Travel, 1955-84 University of South Carolina, 1943-48, 1966-87 The University South Caroliniana Society, 1980-86 Webb School, 1921-86, and undated Wilmeth, Philip (attorney), 1965-87 Series XV . Speeches, RRC (1944-75, and undated) “Agriculture’s 35 Historic Years,” 1968 “Agriculture’s Challenge,” 1944 American Soybean Association Field Day,” 1969 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Atlantic Cotton Association Conference, 1967 “Basic Considerations Facing Cotton Breeders,” 1965 Bennettsville Rotary Club, 1946 “Boll Weevil Must Be Destroyed,” 1959 “Boll Weevil Research,” 1959 “Breeding Cotton for the Grower and the Spinner,” 1967 Brookgreen Gardens, Bicentennial Speech, 1976 “The Case for an Agricultural Price Support Program,” 1951 Cotton Mechanization, 1947, 48 “Darlington County and Cotton,” 1959 ARE THERE TWO OF THESE??? 35 1-95 “Dedication of Boll Weevil Laboratory,” 1962 Federal Reserve System, Coker College, 1968 “The Flue-Cured Tobacco Situation As a Grower Sees It,” 1963 “Foreign Aid,” 1962 “Government Breeding Program,” 1954 Harlingen, TX, Rotary Club, 1967 House Agricultural Appropriations Subcommittee, 1960 “Impact of Boll Weevil on Production Costs,” 1958 “King Cotton Is Not Dead,” “What of Cotton’s Future,” undated “Legal Protection for Originators of Varieties,” undated “Marketing Order for Soybeans,” 1969 “The Middle East, 1970,” 1970 Miscellaneous notes, 1944, 1958, and undated Miscellaneous speeches (not RRC), 1947, 57, 58, and undated “National Program for Boll Weevil Elimination,” 1974 “Opportunities for Progress in Agriculture,” 1951 “An Opportunity and a Challenge,” 1959 “Our Farm Program,” 1950, and undated “Post-War Outlook for Cotton in South Carolina,” 1945 “The Projects and Plans of Cotton Seed Breeders,” 1965 “Proposed Seed Amendment to the U.S. Patent Act,” 1968 “Raw Cotton Industry,” 1963 “Report on U.S. Agricultural Trade Mission to Latin America,” 1954 “Research Funds for Cotton Boll Weevil,” 1958, 59 “Research and Future of Cotton,” 1958 “Research and Marketing Act of 1946,” 1947 “Rotary Club,” Bishopville, SC, 1957 “Rotary Club, Pine Bluff, Arkansas,” 1959 “Rotary Club of Spartanburg,” 1943 “The Rural South – Yesterday and Today,” 1965 “Seed Certification and Plant Variety Protection Act,” 1971 “The Seedsman – His Opportunity and Responsibility,” 1955 “Soil and Water Conservation,” 1961 “South Carolina Agriculture Faces the Future,” 1944 “South Carolina Agriculture, Past and Present,” 1974 “South Carolina Commission on Higher Education,” 1968 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder South Carolina Farm Bureau, Miscellaneous Speeches, 1940s, and undated South Carolina Foundation of Independent Colleges, 1976 “South Carolina Plant Food Education Society,” 1960 “The Southern Farmer and the Tariff,” undated “Southern Seedsmen’s Association,” 1961 “Statement by RRC to Farm Policy Review Meeting,” 1951 “Statement for the News and Courier,” 1953 “Suggested Statement for Agricultural Teachers Directory and Handbook,” undated “To the Editor of the Anderson Independent re Clemson-Coker Cotton Link,” undated “To South Carolinians and All Americans,” 1968 “Tobacco Experts to European Common Market Countries,” 1972 “Tobacco Hearing,” 962 USDA Regional Farm Policy Conference, 1967 “Webb School,” 1975 “What About Hybrid Cotton?” undated “What Boll Weevil Poisoning Costs,” 1954 “What’s Ahead in 1945 for Farming in SC?” 1944 Series XVI . Topical/Alphabetical, 1943-1988, and undated “A,” 1943-85 Allen, Senator James B. (Alabama) American Seed Trade Association, 1972-77 American Society of Agronomy, 19809 American Textile Manufacturing Institute, 1970-75 Anderson, Dr. James H., Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, 1975 Anderson, Dr. Luther P., Dean, College of Agricultural Sciences, Clemson University, 1977 Arant, Hugh M., President, Mississippi Farm Bureau Federation, 1979 Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions, 1961 “B,” 1944-88 Bacote, Lucius T., 1977-80 Bamboo Growth in the Carolinas, 1977 Bates, Jeff B., Tribute, 1965 Baxley, J. Michael, 1977, 1986 Bell, Harry S., 1974, 1980 Benson, Ezra Taft, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, (former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture), 1975-79 Blake, William Rhea (National Cotton Council), 1962-87 Briston, David, 1975-85 Business and Industry Seminar, 1981 Butler, Eugene, 1984 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder *os 36 * 1-85 Butz, Honorable Earle, 1984 Byrnes Centennial Committee, 1979 Byrnes, James F., Dedication of James F. Byrnes Statue, 1972 “C,” 1949-87 Selected correspondence out the “C” file, 1958-59 Camp, Dr. Lewis M., 1979 Campaign for the 48 States, 1956 Campbell, Carroll A., Jr., 1984, 86, 87 Carolina Fiber Company, 1943 Carter, Jimmy, 1979.0 Chawan County Cotton Gin, Clark, Mark W. Clark Tribute, 1965 Creech, Dr. Roy G., Mississippi State University, 1979, 80 “D,” 1945-86 Daley, Richard J., 1968 Daniel, Michael R., 1982-86 DeLoach, Harris E., Jr., 1977-84 Democratic Party of South Carolina, 1969 Dent, Frederick B., 1972-73 Derrick, Butler, 1980 Dockery, Joe Rice, 1979, 82, and undated Dorn, W. J. Bryan, 1973-83 Drug Science Foundation, 1986-87 DuBose, Queen Emma, 1975-86 Duckett, O. D., “Doc,” “ODD,” 1972-86 “E,” 1967-87, and undated Eaddy Family, 1980-82, and undated Eargle, Lois, 1984 Eastland, James O., 1978 Education, Federal Aid for, 1948 Edwards, Dr. James B., 1974-85 Edwards, Macon T., 1982-84 Edwards, William N., 1979, 81 Eisenhower, Dwight D., “South Carolinians for Eisenhower,” 195253 Eleazer, James M., 1976, 79, 83 Elkins, Wilson H., 1968-70, and undated Erwin, S. H., “Hugh,” 1968-72 Estes, Dr. James W., 1982-86 Etheridge, Judge Jack P., 1975-76 “F,” 1946-87 Finch, Henry T., Jr., 1985-86 Ford, Gerald, 1976 “G,” 1946-86 Garland, Dr. M. L., 1984, 86 Garrison, T. Ed, 1987 Georgia Crop Improvement Association, 1953 CONTAINER LIST Box 37 Folder 1-77 “H,” 1947-87 Hair, Jay D., National Wildlife Federation, 1983-85 Harris, Dr. Robert M., 1970, 78 Harrison, Howard F., 1984-86 Harvey, Brantley, Jr., 1975-78 Harvey, H. Walter, 1973, 78, 81 Harvin, Alex III, 1971, 79, 82 Haynesworth, Clement, ca 1969 Hines, Richard T., 1981-84 History of the Herbarium, University of North Carolina, by Dr. Laurie Stewart Radford, 1983-84 Hollings, Ernest F., 1968-86 Hopkins, Theodore J., Jr., 1985 Hunt, James B., Jr. 1979 Hunter, Dr. William, 1980 “I,” 1963-85 “J,” 1943-86 Jackson, Robert C., 1945-53, 1968-87 James, John Jay, 1968-75, and undated Jenrette, John W., 1979 Jones, Dr. Thomas F., 1967 Jordan, B. Everett, 1971-72 “K,” 1959, 1969-86 Kinstler, Everett Raymond, 1984 Kirk, Russell, 1984, and undated Knipling, Dr. E. F., 1979-86 “L,” 1976-79 “L,” 1980-82 Lader, Dr. Philip, 1983 Lawton, Edgar H., 1968, 84, 87 Lee, William S., 1978, 85, 87 Lewis, J. Woodrow, 1977, 84 Lineberger, Dedication of the Lineberger Cancer Research Center, 1984 “M,” 1943-86 “Mc,” 1967-85 McCabe, W. Gordon, Jr., 1969-78 McClure, James A., 1972 McLaughlin, Foil W., 1979-87 McMaster, Henry, 1986, 87 McMillan, John L., 1968-72 McNair, Robert E., 1967-69 Mahon, George, 1973 Manning, Wyndham M., 1967 Marchant, T. Eston, 1978-85 Marchant, Thomas M. III, 1980, 86 Medlock, T. Travis, 1985 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Mexico, 1958-59 Milliken, Roger, 1977-85 Mississippi State University, 1956-60 Moorehead, David, 1971-72 Mulhern, Dr. Francis J., 1980 “N,” 1944-87 Napier, John L., 1980-86 National Council of Commercial Breeders, 1967-68 National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, Certificate of Appreciation, 1984 MOVE TO PERSONAL? Neely, Dr. J. W., 1980-87 Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Peter H., 1980-87 Nettles, W.C., 1980-83 Nixon for President, 1960, 68 Nixon, Richard M., 1968-69 Noble, Joseph V., 1979-87 North Carolina Botanical Garden, UNC at Chapel Hill, 1986-87 North Carolina State College, 1955-60 Norton, Jesse B., Appointment as Scientific Aid, U.D. Dept. of Agriculture) (includes photo), 1902 Norton, John, 1986 “P,” 1943-60 Pacolet Industries, 1962-70 Palmetto Oil Company, 1963-68 Patrick, Honorable G. Bryan, Jr., 1980-82 Pee Dee Experiment Station, 1947-48 Pipkin, W. Benton, 1968-86 Progressive Farmer, 1983-84 “Q,” 1961-66 Quattlebaum, Major Alexander, 1966-87 “R,” 1966-85 Reagan/Bush ’84 Campaign, 1984 Rogers, James A., 1961-77 Rogers, James A., speech “The Great Depression: The Outcome for Sharecroppers,” presented at Francis Marion College, 1982 Redfearn, J. B., 1971-72 Riley, Richard W., 1979-82, 1986-87 Rivers, L. Mendel, 1970 Rogers, Billy G., 1979-87 Rogers, Dr. C. Hoyt, 1955-78 Rural Development, Office of (State of SC, Office of the Governor), * * 1983 38 1-60 Rusk, Dean, 1976 “S,” 1944-53 “S,” 1954-87 Saleeby, Senator Edward E., 1975-83 Sanders, Alex, 1974 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Sanger, Dr. Paul W., 1968 Segregation, 1954-59 Shaw Air Force Base, Civilian Council, 1962-65 Smith, J. Ritchie, 1980-84 South Carolina Academy of Science, 1954-58 (move to orgs) South Carolina American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, 1975 South Carolina Association of Agricultural Agents, 1967-78 South Carolina Association of Young Farmers of America/Future Farmers of America, 1952-60 South Carolina Coastal Council, 1984-88 South Carolina Department of Agriculture, 1952-59 SCETV, 1985-87 South Carolina Employment Security Commission, 1956 South Carolina Entomological Society, Inc., 1956-60, 68, 84, 86 South Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, 1955, 57 South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, 1959-71, and undated South Carolina Guernsey Cattle Club, 1954, and undated South Carolina National Bank, 1960 South Carolina Plant Food Education Society, 1956-60 South Carolina Seedsmen’s Association, 1954-59 South Carolina State Cotton Committee, undated South Carolina State Grange, 1953 South Carolina State War Fund, Citation for Meritorious Service, 1944 South Carolina (Chapter) Soil Conservation Society of America, 1960 South Carolina Textile Manufacturer’s Association, 1953, 54 South Carolina Tobacco Warehouse Association, 1953 South Carolina Tricentennial Commission, 1969-70 South Carolina Wildlife Federation, 1981-87 South Carolina Wildlife and Marine Resources Department, 198081 39 1-72 Southern Farm Forum, 1949-52 Social Security, 1943-47 Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island Centennial Commission, 1984 Stennis, John C., 1975 “T,” 1947-86 Tallon, Robin, 1984-87 Thurmond, Strom, 1948-78 Thurmond, Strom, 1979-81 Timberlands Committee, 1947-75 Tindal, D. Leslie, 1977-87 Tobacco Appropriations, 1949, 1956-59 Trust Company of South Carolina, 1968-71 “U,” 1967-84 CONTAINER LIST Box Folder “V,” 1954-64 VanUden, Robert T., 1973-85 Vance, Cyrus, 1979-80 Vance, Robert, 971, 79, 85 “W,” 1935-61 Walker-Watson, 1968-84 Weaver-Wilkinson, 1970-86 Willcox-Wilson, 1969-85 Winburn-Wynn, 1969-85 Walker, George Rea, 1971, 84 Wall, E. Craig, 1968-87 Walters, John G., 1968-70 Wamer, J. W., 1983 Wann, Dr. E. V., 1980, 82 Waring, Thomas R., 1968, 73 Warren, John A., 1974-75 Weatherspoon, Van L., 1971-85 Webb, Henry W., 1982-86 Webb, H. Michael, 1968-73 Wellman, John G., 1977-81 Wells, David J., 1968-69 West, John C., 1970-74 Westmoreland, Gen. William C., 1973-83 Weston, Dr. William, Jr. 1970-84 Wheeler, Sam F., 1982-83 White, Charles W., 1970-84 White, David L., 1968, 73, 83 White, Robert B., 1980-84 Whitehead, Col. James B., 1961-83 Whitten, Jamie L., 1984 Wiggins, A. Lee M., 1970-77 Wiggins, Joseph J., 1976-86 Wiggins, Lawton, 1970-71 Willcox, Hugh L., 1969-86 William, F. B., 1983-86 Williamson Family, 1971-86 Wilson, C. Douglas, 1969-73 Wilson, John L., 1969, 71, 77, 83 Wilson, John M., 1967-86 Wilson, Robert E. L., 1980, 87, undated “Y-Z,” 1947-53 Young, Ed, 1974-80 Zeigler, Nick, 1978 Series X . Miscellaneous ? Series X . Audio Visual CONTAINER LIST Box Folder Os Web School, Class of 1924, 1924 (2 images) Mr. _______ Coker, portrai by William Meade Prince (?), undated (2 images/copies) OS David R. Coker, undated (1 image) RRC, undated ( 1 image) Sonoco Products, RRC’s retirement, 19__, (1 image) (possibly) Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Board of Directors, 19__ (1 image) (possibly) NCCNational Advisory Committee under the Research and Marketing Act, ca 1940s, (1 image) (possibly) Agricultural Trade Mission, group photo (signed ), undated (1 image) OS Home of David R. Coker and Jessie Richardson Coker, Hartsville, SC (RRC’s Birthplace ) (Claudette Hart, photographer), undated (3 images) CPSC, possibly SC State Fair Photos (Blanchard Photo), ca 1912 (3 images) 46 CPSC, Products: Corn, Cotton (photos of crops, advertising photos, meetings. Catalog photos, visitors, aerial photos, seeds, states) 1409 photos 47 CPSC, more products (cotton, corn), field days, Brookgreen Gardens Clemson University Last Confederate Veteran Personal (limited) Conferences