Document 17694181

Stabilization issues/topics identified thus far. Includes ISIS as well as review of campus issues and
campus business processes.
Source: e-mails solicited from departments, UGWG, ADASG, ASAL, extended studies coordinators, others.
Campus listening sessions for faculty/staff both campuses, and with students both campuses, 11/2010.
Last updated 11/18/2010; Orten
Priority votes for changes: source: listening sessions
Faculty/Staff sessions
Summary of campus ISIS listening sessions
Downtown: session 11/12/2010 : n=45 participants; 30 from departmental offices
AMC : session 11/16/2010: n=45 participants; 36 from departmental offices
Combined campus votes for priority of more training sessions (frequency count) – see complete list on
pages 6 and 7 of this report
1. Reports – what is available and how to run. Class rosters, enrollment management reports,
admissions information, immunization reports, headcount reports by term, degree, program,
subplan, etc.
2. How to use the search function and get desired results ; student name and number search
3. How the student sees data in the portal
4. Faculty grading (Note: faculty training materials on this topic coming soon from Registrar’s
5. Cross-walk from old SIS to ISIS screens (Note: this exists – need to communicate where is it
located .)
6. How to run batch e-mails to groups of students
7. Need for business process maps on admissions (residency, how and when to enter students,
how it impacts other units like registrar, financial aid, billing, etc.)
Combined campus votes for priority of modifications to ISIS (frequency count) – see complete list on
pages 9 and 10 of this report
1. Set “search for classes” to current term rather than fall 1950 default; in “create and maintain
classes” have current term as default
2. Replicate functionality we had in SIS – for example, screen 118, screen 127; screen 1R2; screen
159; screen 191; screen 4U2; screen 127; screen 250; and previous name search (note: 1R2
screen equivalent exists – this is a training issue)
3. Can’t batch class enrollment #’s with one single screen as we did on SIS – must open every class
4. New version of course schedule that includes student name, part of the SID, all course
information on 1 page. (Note: already in process; scheduled for mid-December 2010 release)
5. Ability to cancel or delete classes before students enroll
6. Need a cleaner and easier to read e-bill, with summary and detail available. Explanation for
charges should be clear. Need a way to be able to ID extended studies and charge correctly.
Student sessions
Student sessions were marginally attended (downtown 6 students; AMC 7 students, all from Pharmacy
program). Here are the issues which came up in priority order as noted by students.
1. Fix the billing page (summary, detail, explanation of charges.) Had issues viewing bill. Term
summary is messy. Couldn’t understand what charges were for if new charges showed up on the
bill. Problems in academic program coding caused problems in billing (Pharmacy students class
level issues P2/P3 caused a lab fee to be applied to the bill after financial aid disbursement.)
Problems with knowing when COF authorization has been applied. Pop-up reminders re COF
continue to appear even when action has been taken by the student.
2. Improve system up time. Portal access is erratic and sometimes slow; seems worse using smartphone. Frequent time out issues. Registration access was difficult – portal was down when the
individual’s registration time assignment happened, and by the time it was back up and the
student had the time to go through the process, sections were filled up, so people didn’t have
an equal opportunity to register in the class (Pharmacy).
3. Improve the registration process.
Class search/Course sort during registration not good – unable to sort only a certain level of
courses. Had to go down several layers to get pre-req’s – hard to find.
In shopping cart, would like to be able to shop for multiple sections of the same course in
planning mode.
Couldn’t register for a GR level course as UG student – used to be able to do this (might be tied
to course requisite set by department)
Courses not flagged as extended studies. Caused lots of confusion because of different tuition
rates and fees, etc.
Problem with class search having both old 3 character and new 4 character subject
4. Improve navigation – it isn’t intuitive. Navigation overall isn’t great – first page is horrible –
cluttered, “overstimulating”. Make key functions/buttons more prominent. Put “contact for
help” e-mail addresses on the landing page of the student center.
5. Improve communication between business offices – for example, use of targeted e-mail to
impacted students, and between key business offices like admissions, financial aid, registrar, and
bursar. If there is a problem, let the students and staff in different business offices know, so
everyone gets the same information. Example – problem with P2/P3 students – not all students
knew; different staff were providing different answers and some were able to help, others in the
same office were not able to help. ( Note: With student portal phase 2, we will be able to do
targeted messages through the portal. )
Next steps – where do we go from here ?
The following activities are planned within the next several weeks/months.
1. Campus liaisons meeting with UIS project office to prioritize issues, separate into campus issues
versus ISIS issues for modification that require UIS work – December 9, 2010.
2. Report to the chancellors, from project office, December 2010.
3. Report to the chancellors on reporting issues – January 2011.
4. Project office strategy to incorporate system changes requiring UIS work into a funding
model/budget priorities for post-ISIS project (post-January 2011).
Top issues based on frequency of response:
1. Security roles and profiles – Security has been difficult to obtain, and to ascertain what the
correct profile required is for each employee. Registrar’s office/UIS need to review all
departmental security roles and profiles and sync them up for ISIS and portal. Define better
for what people need. Adjust those with existing security as needed. Adjust request for
security forms accordingly. Seems particularly confusing for those who are academic
advisors as well as academic administrators. Roles/security assigned seem to be
inconsistent across individuals with similar roles.
a. Academic Success and Advising Center needs to have access to ACT/SAT scores.
b. International Affairs staff say they are still missing access.
c. Immigration staff say they are still missing access.
d. Access to adjust credit hours under Class Association
e. Access to update enrollment limits with Update Sections of a Class
f. Need access to student e-mail address. (individual security profile may not be set to
include this data element. ) Another person indicated “..e-mail not on the student
page.” Not clear where they were looking.
g. Some individuals need to see account snapshot data (old SIS 414), because they pay
tuition payments for students.
h. Can’t see/access students once they have been matriculated. Have to rely on registrar’s
office at AMC to deal with issues once the student has matriculated. Departments used
to be able to do this work.
i. Want to see what the student sees during the registration process. Without this it is
difficult to advise.
j. Provide the security matrix back to units so they can see who has what access.
k. Some units need access to residency status.
l. Access to unofficial transcripts
2. BlackBoard and E-college
a. Issue with ATEL not using campus authentication mechanism. They need to move to
consistent campus methodology versus use of other student ID and password, and
faculty ID.
b. Problems with instructors not assigned to courses and therefore not able to access
c. Which pieces of this are dependent on timely entry of data by departmental staff on HR
system, leading to assignment of employee ID, and therefore instructors available to
registrar office to assign ? particular problem with new instructors/late hires/TA’s.
Pharmacy way “around this” was to have instructors give their ID’s to TA’s to get access
to the courses.
(hire, with SSN identification, on HRMS by payroll/personnel liaison; results in auto
assignment of employee ID; nightly feed to ITS for identity management and user name
for e-mail, portal, etc. Timing gap could be either at the point of hire and entry onto
HRMS, or downstream UIS HRMS to ISIS linking required before faculty can be assigned
to the faculty/advisor table. Additional possible delay in getting any name issues
resolved with UIS.
Per Martina Juarez-Lopez:
Not all data were converted for faculty and advisor data into the ISIS
faculty/advisor tables.
Data must be entered into the ISIS faculty/advisor table in order for an
individual to be assigned that role (e.g., faculty can only be assigned to a section
level if they are entered here)
Process has been put into place as follows:
- If multiple records for one faculty/advisor: SIS used HR employee ID; ISIS
uses EMPLID – therefore, there were multiple records created for 1 person
who had multiple roles of faculty and staff. Records have to be consolidated
and assigned 1 primarily EMPLID (linked to the HRMS employee ID number)
before data can be entered into the table.
- Faculty in HRMS with HR # but not in ISIS: ISIS EMPLID must be created and
identified to HRMS employee ID before can be entered into the table
- New faculty/advisor/TA (not in HRMS or ISIS): entry first into HRMS; once in
HRMS then ISIS EMPLID and linked to HRMS #.
- Name change – waiting for clarification of this process from Sally Welsh.
Is there a way to streamline this process ?
BlackBoard and E-College enrollment and roster issues – which students appeared on
rosters, etc.
Should not allow BlackBoard or E-College shells to be built by ATEL without College
approval – not only by faculty request.
Clear up problem where ECollege continues to drop students who have been enrolled
in on-line classes since the beginning of the semester
Dropped and waitlisted students are showing up in gradebook . Problems because
students who aren’t in courses are seeing tests.
Review process for a student receiving an incomplete grade one term in a course using
BlackBoard or ECollege, getting back into the course a different term. Need to notify
student and instructor when the request for access is granted.
Difficult to get ECollege students into BlackBoard fir HIPAA and BBP enrollment
Instructors unable to link blackboard to more than 1 section of a class. Have to do each
Inability to see complete profile of a cross-listed course.
Self-service enrollments are not in the file.
3. Stability and reliability of the portals – all component layers , UIS and campus. System
response time; consistent display of tabs in all portals (disappearing); unstable roles and
Some students report that remote access (via smart-phone, for example) takes 2-3 times as
long. Students also report timing out with remote access.
4. Lack of documentation of business processes for admission at the professional programs at
AMC. We need to develop an admissions related business process map, including timing
of all related events, and distribute to all AMC programs. (Eric Gray will do this in
consultation with Mary Diaz). Some retraining may be required on how to enter
admissions decisions, etc.
a. At AMC, only the Graduate School programs are using the Cedar Crestone application –
therefore in the prospective student portal.
b. How are other interfaces working as far as timing and readiness for the upcoming
admissions cycles? Per Ryan Chreist, development for the remaining programs (Dent,
Pharmacy) is expected within the next several weeks, depending on testing in the
academic units. 10/22/2010 (with fix applied 10/27/2010)admission interfaces went in
for Medicine, Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant.
c. All applicants should appear in ISIS, not just admits. Some academic units are still not
wanting to do this. Where is the point of accountability to gain compliance ? Report
from Ryan Chreist/Christine Stroup-Benham is that some units (Pharmacy, Dent) have
decided to load only admits, even though mechanical uploads are now possible.
d. When are programs manually putting in admit status in ISIS ? how does this jive with
other down-stream needs for their applicants (financial aid, etc.)
e. Where does technical support come from for AMC programs re admissions processing ?
was Mary Diaz prior to her retirement. Is another person at AMC identified ? Is someone
identified as their technical resource from within the downtown admissions office, since
it is that group that will be linked into the UIS staff ?
f. Is it time to create a centralized admissions processing unit staffed at AMC to handle
this processing for all AMC units ? KO will schedule a time with ASAL to discuss –
possibly December 2010 meeting. Based on listening session at AMC, there appears to
be considerable support for this consolidation of administrative effort.
g. Business process review needs to occur at AMC re data entry and collection of SSN,
impact on financial aid packaging, etc. Appears that many of the processes they thought
were “required” were in fact their own – not driven by any system decisions.
h. All professional school program applications/supplemental data collection sheets should
be modified to collect (although cannot require)SSN. This facilitates financial aid
packaging. Same verbiage should be used that is on Cedar Crestone application.
i. If SSN is not collected at the time of application, AMC registrar needs to simplify the
process to get the SSN input in the Registrar’s office, without verification of the physical
card . (or is this linked to 1023 verification, not residency per se ?)
j. AMC should review business process around residency classification , including process
used for WICHE students. Key question appears to be when the full residency petition is
5. What is cycle of admission/matriculation/term activation for all students – UG and GR ?
Can this be consolidated in 1 place for this communication ? (likely locus of activity is IT,
after a student is provisioned. ) Provisioning occurs nightly once students are in correct
defined status.
For graduate programs, even those requiring deposit, can this status be moved from
confirmed to admitted ? Using admitted versus confirmed status facilitates financial aid
FAFSA matching on a routine basis, rather than holding FASFA in suspense and therefore
unable to respond to basic student inquiry. Need to be active in portal earlier now than
before b/c of financial aid activity required in the portal (missing notification letters, view
and accept awards). See same question about centralized process so all AMC programs are
matriculated in same way, same timing for downstream processes. Would provide
consistent communication/notification to all new students about e-mail and portal access
Does changing this to admit status in the enrolled student portal have any down-stream
impacts ? If put into enrolled portal at admit stage versus matric, would programs have to
change to IE status once deposit is paid; then cancel those who are not coming, causing
more work at the departmental level for grad and professional programs who require a
confirmation deposit ?
Should we put financial aid information in prospective student portal, and make sure that all
programs (including grad and AMC professional) use that portal ?
Discussion-decision on portal activation – campus ISIS meeting 11/9/2010.
6. COF – COF is still not accurate/complete; unable to reliably produce accurate bills.
COF still being modified. “emergency migrations” continue to break/fix COF calculations.
Most recent one to prevent COF allocation to students who exceed 145 COF lifetime
hours 10/25/2010. Testing for COF appears to lack coordination across SF and SR. Many
JIRA’s continue to be generated. On 10/27/2010, KO requested the set of test criteria
that are currently used by both SF and SR testers, to try to identify holes in test case
7. Resolution of HR/SIS duplicate name issue for some instructors who were also students.
Currently defaulting to student name. Who reconciles and corrects these data ? HR ?
registrar staff ?
8. More training required
a. faculty grading (materials will be coming from Registrar’s office November 2010)
b. Faculty rosters – how to run; how to ID students in course sections (related to block
curriculum with sections in each block); clinical course enrollments (tracking to
scheduling for simulation experiences and placement lottery – Nursing) . Can rosters be
downloaded and put into Excel ? Ability to omit withdrawn students.
c. How to get to immunization records/reports
d. admissions application processing for graduate units, AMC graduate and professional
programs, downtown, Architecture & Planning ( to replace previous interface – meeting
scheduled with Admissions week of 11/1/2010), Environmental Sciences (issue appears
to have been delay in security access to Singularity imaging system), campus course
coordinators (both degree and extended studies application processing) . Downtown
contact is Crystal Allen. AMC new contact yet to be determined – see 4e. (Mary Diaz,
former key contact, retired)
e. registration functions – course and class set-up, requisites, etc.
f. Reports – what is available; how to run.
Have units already attended required COGNOS training ? If not, how to get them
involved now ?
Suggest hands-on brown bags on reporting.
Key reports required for day to management – class capacity reports, enrollment
reports, rosters, other. Headcounts by term broken down by degree, program, subplan, ethnicity, race, gender. “delinquency report” for Nursing.
If not already in production, where are they in development and validation stream ?
Do we need additional data elements in the warehouse ?
do we need calculated fields in the warehouse ?
When will departments be able to generate class list report on their own, versus
generated by Registrar office ?
Effective use of document imaging (Singularity) – academic units, including graduate
admissions ; integration of document imaging at Service Center, North Classroom
Search fields not producing accurate results (beginning search with “1” doesn’t produce
all 1000 level courses)
Create a “how to” tips and tricks blog verified and published by the respective business
offices, to share information. Also improve search function of existing on-line resources,
both integrated on-line help/UPK’s, and things currently stored in Metamorphosis web
Training on how to enter specializations in ISIS. Need to edit subplan to track certificates
More training needed on how the student sees data in the portal.
Provide crosswalk of old SIS screens to ISIS. (exists in Metamorphosis web site)
Student number/name search
“customize” feature for the student bills report doesn’t appear to work – it allows the
input, but doesn’t reflect in output.
People need to be aware of downstream impacts of data not being entered or being
incorrect. For example, not entering graduation date for EPID PhD student resulted in
tuition not calculating correctly. If program/plan stacks are not inactivated when a
student applies and is accepted to a new program, tuition won’t calculate accurately.
Req’s based on program would not be enforced.
How to run batch e-mails to groups of students.
Putting holds on students and other advising needs
Some people report training materials no longer in sync with system display – step by
steps/tutorials not updated to current ISIS version. For example – student video re
registration doesn’t talk at all about permission numbers.
Don’t have access to or know how to enter transfer credit. And it’s getting close to
Do students have access to GPA calculator in portal ? yes. This is a training issue.
9. Request to modify ISIS to make it consistent that the SID carries from screen to screen.
Additional issues identified by academic and business units : what didn’t work, what can be
improved ?
1. Ability to isolate extended studies from main campus activity, when the program operates
in both venues.
a. Critical to accurately assess fees, produce accurate communication lists, etc.
b. Students are cannot easily determine which section – main campus or extended studies
- to register in. Causes departments to manually check each enrollment to make sure
that they are in the appropriate section , with appropriate charges.
c. Public Health fee – fees for UNC students were not charged correctly (should ave
assessed UNC fee rate, not UCD)
2. Waitlist process.
a. System waitlist re-fresh time dropped from 15 to 7 minutes. Are students still able to
get by the waitlist to register during that 7 minute gap ?
b. Request to revisit the current ability of students to waitlist themselves in other sections
of a course in which they are already enrolled.
c. Students are able to waitlist with a schedule conflict.
d. Combined courses waitlist did not work.
3. Requisites and pre-requisites
a. Requisites – were courses eventually set up correctly for fall ? Do we need to continue
to tweak this process ?
b. Pre-requisites: report of how the pre-req limited pilot worked. UGWG indicates that this
worked well for courses internal to UCD; but fell short where courses were heavily
impacted by transfer credit and non-updated course equivalency tables.
c. Pre-req secondary impact is change to transfer credit equivalency process to accelerate
transfer table builds – registrar/degree audit in partnership with academic units – Orten,
Burleson, Stone recommendation for change.
d. When will pre-requisite pilot be extended ?
e. Need to send notification to departments if restrictions are lifted for any period of time
f. Some students got error messages pertaining to requisites not met which were not
stipulated in their degree program. Is this a course set-up issue ? (Grad Business)
g. Dual degrees don’t appear in admissions, so not working correctly in course restrictions
– they can’t get into courses that they should be able to get into.
4. Permission numbers
a. Academic calendar may need to be adjusted re last day to enroll on-line (versus add a
class via paper forms through census date), in order to be able to use permissions #’s
through the enrollment period. Once on-line activity is suspended, permission #’s can
no longer be used. (Kim Clark). Question if after census date there is another way to
handle versus paper forms to registrar’s office ? They (department) would like a
consistent process before and after census date. Either use only forms (schedule
adjustment form or special processing form) all times; or permissions #’s both times.
b. Students don’t always respond to the e-mail about permission # and forget to add the
class. Can course coordinators get access to force students into the classes ?
c. Clarification of business process of how to use permission #’s, and what business
processes it replaced.
d. Can permission numbers be extended beyond census date ?
5. Rooming assignments
a. When will rooming input from schools/colleges be available in EMS ?
b. Have rooming related updates added to course coordinators schedule production
6. Effective dating of program/plan stack (must be dated first day of classes for term, not later
in the term, or impacts functionality) (Boulder had this problem – have we seen it ?)
7. Suggested changes to screens – which are required long-term, versus “learning curve” and
becoming familiar with new navigation ?
a. Schedule doesn’t list total number of credit hours – only hours broken down by course.
Would be nice to have a total of on campus credit hours; on-line credit hours. (question
– do we really mean on campus – or state funded ? on-line, or cash-funded ? )
b. Include a way to indicate on-line sections – used to be that OL was included in section
#. Could you also change the way in which on-line shows in course meeting pattern ?
currently displays “to be determined” in meeting pattern. Could you change this
translation value to just say “on-line” ?
c. Replicate screen 118 from ISIS. (semester by semester, all on 1 page, courses completed
and in progress, term GPA and CUM GPA and stats.
d. Advisor assignments in the system are often incorrect. Question also raised in UGWG if
the changes being made to these now will roll into next term ?
e. In curriculum management, search for classes, the term does not automatically to go
the current term – default is fall 1950.
f. Would like the equivalent of 1R2 screen in SIS. Chairs of departments are always
wanting to know how their enrollments are going, and there is not a quick way to get
this information. Current report not useful – contains all the fields, hard to spot errors.
1R2 had them in dept. abbreviation order. Per Chris Breyare, this report exists – it’s a
training issue.
g. Ability to cancel or delete classes when necessary before students enroll
h. Could SAVE button be put at both top and bottom of screen ?
i. Could the RETURN TO SEARCH button be put at both top and bottom of the screen ?
j. Is there any way to improve the process for combining sections ?
k. Need to maintain 4 characters for section #’s to distinguish difference between campus
sections and shadow extended studies sections. Heard a rumor the section # may be
limited to 3 characters because of FCQ.
l. Have CU Denver default at the operator sign-on – not CU system ? This may be caused
by public versus private computer choice at log-in.
m. In create and maintain courses, have the current term as default.
n. Replicate screen 159 from SIS – all term activity on 1 screen. Used to trouble shoot with
o. Change sort order on faculty listing from employee ID to alpha as the default sort.
p. How many instructors/TA’s can be entered by course ? Can this limit be increased ?
(requested by SOM)
q. Clean up ICB Beijing student subplans to isolate those in China from those elsewhere –
needed for e-mail, etc.
- Problem of dynamic dating and drop until “their course date”
r. Default “approve” and “100%” for authority of professors and workload. Those
selections are correct 95% of the time.
s. In student center, make account information clearer as follows:
- Bills and payments links more prominent
- Deposit link should be more prominent and descriptive
- Close the “choose a printer” screen after demand warrant is printed
- Need cleaner and easier to read e-bill.
t. Replicate functionality of 4U2 in SIS for Bursar, separating tuition and fees sort order
u. Look at default credit hour value for thesis, project, independent study. Currently set to
1 as default. Can we include a prompt to force the operator to verify the # of credits ?
v. Schedule courses basic data page – change “non-sponsr” to “nonsponsor” (remove the
dash and spell correctly). Incorrect spelling is not intuitive.
w. Auto complete the application fee requirement once it is recorded in ISIS.
x. Replicate SIS screen 191. Could be done by adding program/plan to the data displayed
on the enrollment summaries page in the records area of CS.
y. Create customizable summary pages based on the task to people don’t have to click
through so many pages to get the information they need.
z. Application summary needs to include High School units – needed for the decision
aa. In student center admin view, add student contact information.
bb. Courses cannot be deleted on ISIS before the registration cycle begins – can be
cancelled, but they still show on the list. Cancelling the course on ISIS sends a different
message to the students than if the student never sees the course at all. Having those
sections on the list also confuses the program directors, deans, and HR personnel.
cc. Can’t batch class enrollment numbers with one single screen as we did on SIS. Must
open every class on ISIS.
dd. Replicate screen 250 (admissions types by residency) from SIS
ee. Replicate screen 127 (course history)
ff. Replicate previous name search functionality from SIS
8. SEVIS – possible UCD business process discussion required re use of fulltime/halftime/less
than status for reports – use actual credit hours instead & highly manual. Who should be
consulted here ? Mark Flower is the resource from UIS.
9. Some AMC units have not yet been set up and want to use credit cards for app
fee/secondary app fee/confirmation deposit. These need to be routed to Joe Tinucci to get
NelNet e-commerce accounts set up, training, etc. And UIS set-ups for web pages.
Mapping of app fees to revenue accounts has already been done.
10. How is remediation tracked in ISIS ? In SIS, this was done with indicators placed on a
student file after review of Act/SAT scores, HS records, etc. Required for compliance with
CDHE policies by Academic Success and Advising Center.
AMC reports that students requiring remediation get a second log-on; this confuses them.
11. International students :”…ISIS seemed to throw out student registrations that had been on
time and complete, leaving students with the impression that they were fully enrolled, only
for them to discover that their registration had disappeared.”
12. If students with current ID’s were given new ID’s in ISIS, information needs to be sent
quickly to students so they know which one to use for the portal; and departments also
need the information so the files can be updated.
13. Need to develop a “who to contact for help” list for each business unit. Send to other
units. Put on web ? have e-mail or contact to send questions to. Help desk ?
14. Concern re timelines for extended studies courses entry into ISIS, per the new campus
policy adopted 7/1/2010 for Credit/Non-credit courses and programs. Understand and
develop more control over dynamic dating for extended studies registration deadlines,
drop/add rules.
15. Ability to download a course rather than just print it. This has to do with providing alias
names to Educational Support Services load so that students can view a Panopto taping for
Academic Advising sessions that are not tied to a BlackBoard course. (Nursing)
Strategic issues which require campus executive sponsor decision and working with UIS leadership to
1. Question of governance post-ISIS, direct campus participation in prioritization of changes to ISIS, and
accountability of UIS to campuses
a. Accountability to campus-required timing for delivery of required functionality
(existence of request, tracking, and accountability mechanisms as part of an on-going
project plan)
b. Concrete discussion of what tasks are moving from UIS to campus business offices, with
commensurate transfer of funding for those tasks
c. Change control/migration: same architecture array present in all testing environments,
to assure that testing environments are parallel to production in all ways, and that
things cleared in test will be successful in production. Testprod environment must
contain all the modifications present in production so that testing is accurate. Possibly
reduce # of test environments to minimize confusion on part of staff conducting test.
(KO e-mail send to Scott Munson on this topic, 10/28/2010)
2. Question of campus funding post-ISIS project (end of December), both temporary staffing
needs (continuation of backfill in campus business offices through first year of business cycle);
and on-going (budget proposal IP for Jeff Parker).
a. On-going need for duplicate resolution. Temporary staffing obtained in registrar’s office
through this fiscal year only.
b. Need staffing for degree audit at AMC. This request is included in the Parker budget
c. How did the UIS/Boulder centralized help desk model work ? Unclear from statistics
how many tickets were closed in the same week. Unclear how many of tickets were
sent back to the campus IT staff for resolution. If we move away from the pilot model,
there is a staffing impact within ITS as the workload shifts to the campus (estimated
now to be </= 10% of the total volume of current help calls.) See help desk
supplemental staffing plan included in Parker budget document.
3. CLAS and CAM would like discussion about Metro Pool process.
Concern about outstanding issues/modifications to ISIS which require resolution by December
a. Grading; change of record forms
b. Transcript production; diploma production. When and how to enter thesis titles so they
will appear on graduation program. Use of Greek letters.
c. Fully operational CRM for recruiting prospective students. Major discussion on this topic
at Exec. Steering Committee 10/28/2010.
d. Modifications to prospective student and enrolled student portal – phase 2, etc.
- Question of what will appear in the portal, and how some of these decisions will
impact performance (RSS feeds for things like news, Wall Street Journal, stock
tickers, that students can customize, perhaps at the expense of key functionality
esp. during heavy transaction load timeframes.).
e. “Intent to graduate” processes and automated workflow. On hold until spring term.
Issues which appear to have been resolved as of edit date on this report
1. Access for non-CU faculty to see ISIS information – UNC, CSU, Metro.
Metro pooled courses and instructors re on-line grading –settled, data entry by Registrar
office staff as Persons of Interest (POI). Issue also exists for Public Health for faculty from
other institutions (CSU, UNC).
2. Completion of data conversion; clean-up issue with historical course titles so transcripts are
accurate. This is being done case by case during the side by side transcript evaluation
before transcripts are released.
3. General comment is that there has been a lot of change, and people don’t know where to
turn for help. Don’t feel comfortable with unknown; still learning the system. “feel stupid.”
Having to learn too many things at the same time – DARS, portal, Singularity, ISIS, Cedar
4. Stability/ability to use Cedar Crestone application for UCD Extended Studies – for UG
admissions, graduate admissions, and extended studies. Circumstances around use of
CedarCrestone for extended studies, including use of the new application format, portal
authentication /access, and using the portal to register, etc., have been analyzed by the
Registrar’s office, and changes are in place for spring 2011 term.
5. Modify log-in page to state that user name and password to portal are equal to UCD mail.
Completed for both portals 10/30/2010. This had been a point of confusion for some
students re what credential to use to log on to portal.
6. # of students didn’t authorize COF fall 2010 term. These need to be followed up with and
have them authorize lifetime, authorize term, or not, no later than November 1.
Reconciliation file needs to be correct for fall 2010 term; and registration flagging for spring
registration needs to be in place.
7. Ability for non-enrolled individuals to see current and future schedule of courses through
web, not only through enrolled student portal.
8. Bursar needs to provide the turn-around report to verify tuition rates that have been
submitted to them. This was planned for fall term, but didn’t happen due to late submission
of data from units. This will be done for spring. Units need to adhere to deadlines to set
tuition and get the information to the Bursar office, so data verification step can be done in
a timely way.
9. Inaccurate data conversion of P2 and P3 students in Pharmacy led to incorrect tuition and
fees being billed fall 2010. These have been corrected for 2011 forward.
10. Architecture & Planning meeting scheduled with Admissions to talk about process week of
November 1, 2010.
11. Security access to Singularity document imaging system now approved for Environmental
Sciences graduate program. Access for other departments also happened last week in
October. Graduate department training on Singularity and CedarCrestone scheduled by
Krystal Allen for 11/12/2010.
12. For staff who use multiple systems (HRMS, FIN, ISIS), can you allow multiple tabs in 1
browser for multiple systems, rather than “having to use separate browsers” ? response
from UIS (Scott Munson 10/30/2010) – will be resolved once HR/FIN/ISIS production
environments are moved early 2011, with the data center move/upgrade.
13. Create version of student schedule that displays student name, part of the SID, all course
information including course section; and make it fit all on 1 page, versus current 2 pages ?
(planned for migration mid-December 2010)
14. Bill on student center isn’t updated as quickly as we would like – doesn’t sync to ISIS screen
detail. Note: change under way with NelNet, per Irene Rael.