MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting November 18, 2008 8:30 am – 10:00 am CU Denver Building Room 299 Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, Rene Galindo, Pam Erickson, Cliff Young, Clark Strickland, Yuk Lee, Joann Brennan, Paul Rakowski, Tammy Stone, Brenda Allen, Ellen Stevens, Linda Brooker, Larry Loftin, Paula Dickson, Sam Ortiz, Carolyn North, Martina Juarez-Lopez, Teri Burleson, Lissa Gallagher Guests: Mike Moreland, John Mackey, Essi Ellis, Larry Loften, Robert Forrest, Deanna Geldens, Manuel Rupe The minutes from the 11.4.08 meeting were approved. Introductions: Carolyn North introduced John Sunnygard, the new Global Health Director in the Office of International Affairs. Calendar Items: Office of International Affairs Open House, Tuesday, November 18th, LSC 9th floor and International Film Day and Study Break, Wednesday, November 19th, Tivoli room 444. Updates: No updated were presented. Discussion Items: 1. Security Issues and Emergency Preparedness (handout): Mike Moreland distributed a draft announcement about the Emergency Preparedness Video. Mike informed the group: o The new video will be ready for viewing in January 2009. o The current video is continually streamed on campus channel 16. o The new video will be ready for each smart classroom as well as online; faculty are encouraged to show it during the first class session. o Evacuation plans are now posted in each classroom. Next Steps: He asked for feedback on the draft announcement and will send the announcement to Sara for distribution to the entire AD/ASG. Other points: o The emergency notification system is now handled by a new vendor. All faculty, staff, and students can update their email addresses and phone numbers on the AHEC website http://www.ahec.edu/emergency.htm. o The voluntary emergency notification system is discussed in new employee orientation sessions. o There is a new partnership with Auraria Police, UC Denver Police and the Denver Police. The Auraria Police have agreed to respond to incidents/calls in the CU Building and Lawrence Street Center. 2. Academic and Programmatic Requirements in Catalog (handout): Deanna distributed a draft memo regarding the catalog as the source for academic and program requirements. The catalog will continue to be published in print form, and will also be available online. Main points: o Once the catalog has been published, program requirements should not be changed until the next catalog year. Changes should never be made retroactive for students. o All academic and program requirements for degree audit purposes should be included in the 2009-2010 catalog. o When new programs have been proposed but not approved before the catalog’s deadline and their start dates are scheduled during the catalog year (e.g. spring semester), language should be included in the catalog stating the official source of program requirements once those programs are approved. Degree audit staff should also be notified. o Program fliers, websites, student handbooks, etc., must list the same academic requirements as those listed in the catalog. o Starting with 2009-2010, the catalog will cover academic and program requirements for summer 2009, fall 2009 and spring 2010. Also, beginning with the 2009-2010 catalog, degree audit software will link to program requirements within the web catalog. o Deanna must receive any catalog updates/changes by March 6, 2009 Future catalog deadlines will be around the same time each year. o The online catalog will allow downloading of content to update handouts given to students. o The catalog is a legal document that students, faculty and advisors can refer to for developing academic paths towards earning degrees. o The group suggested that degree proposal forms be adapted like course proposal forms to assist the Registrar’s office when updating the catalog. Next Steps: Deanna will send the memo to Sara for distribution to AD/ASG and she asked for feedback by November 26th. 3. Communicating with our Faculty (handout): Danielle distributed a document about current and future ways to communicate with faculty. She asked for ideas on how to better reach the faculty. The group said that communicating with students is also difficult as no one approach works best. Next Steps: Danielle asked for comments and suggestions in response to the questions on the handout. We will continue the conversation at a future meeting. Information Items: Maymester update (2 handouts) ASAL meeting agenda (attached) Course-Specific and Program/Instructional Fee Proposal and Review Guidelines (3 handouts)