MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting August 19, 2008 8:30 am – 10:00 am CU 299 Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, JC Bosch, Danielle Zieg, Frank Sanchez, Tammy Stone, Rene Galindo, Paul Rakowski, Pam Erickson, Barb Edwards, Roxanne Byrne, Linda deLeon, Kelly Hupfeld, Christine Stroup-Benham, Linda Brooker, Ellen Stevens, Aaron Wishon, Cliff Young, Teri Burleson, Carolyn North, Khushnur Dadabhoy, Clark Strickland, Yuk Lee The minutes from the 8.5.08 meeting were approved. Calendar Items: New Student Convocation, 9th Street Park, August 15, 2006 @ 12noon Celebration of Faculty Excellence, NC Atrium, September 5, 2008 @ 3-5pm 4th Annual Undergraduate Symposium, Pines at Genesee, September 26, 2008 @ 8-4pm Open House, PE Center, October 26, 2008 @ 11:30-2:30pm Introductions: Kelly Hupfeld, Assistant Dean in School of Public Affairs Updates: Fall Enrollment (handout): Frank and Barb reported that student credit hour numbers are up, as well as headcount enrollments. Discussion Items: 1. On-line Grades and Campus Solutions (handout): John and Teri discussed the online grading plans for Campus Solutions, which will launch in Fall 2010. The system includes three steps: entry, approve, and post. There are three grade entry options: Grade roster uploads via spreadsheet (Excel, download official roster from CS) Grade uploads via an interface via LMS (Balckboard, eCollege, in development) On-line grade entry Pull down Bubble Comments and questions: Deans and associate deans need to discuss whether administrative assistants and program assistants will be allowed to enter grades (with faculty then approving and posting them). The system will interface with Blackboard and eCollege There will be spaces for comments. There will be some security issues to resolve. Procedures for changing grades will need to be developed. Next Steps: John and Teri will present this to the ASAL group (and keep both groups updated). 2. International Faculty Hiring Issues: Carolyn described some issues related to hiring international faculty, especially the need to ensure that the appropriate documentation is in place before contracts are signed. She is working with HR on guidelines for “pre-hiring” immigration work. 3. UC Denver IT Security Initiatives (handout): Aaron summarized efforts to protect campus computers and information within our digital world; these efforts pertain to educating the campus community, protecting the campus computers and servers, and protecting sensitive information within Internet and email communications. Questions arose about software licensing and lap top encryption. In a follow-up email message, Aaron addressed these questions: Software Licensing for Downtown Campus - What Microsoft software is the Downtown Campus faculty entitled to? Can they take it home? Each of the Downtown Campus departments contributes toward a lease of the Microsoft Office productivity suite. IT Services collects the payments and takes care of the procurement. The lease allows faculty the right to install one copy of Microsoft Office on a personal device and/or at home. No other Microsoft software or operating systems are covered for the Downtown Campus. The lease grants UCD a license to install any version of Office and upgrade to the latest version as it becomes available or is desired by the user. If the lease payment is not made, Microsoft Office must be purchased for each of the Downtown Campus computers or the software has to be removed. The total contributions from Downtown Campus Departments is $30,000. The actual cost of the lease is approximately $31,000. Approximately 1/3 of the Downtown Campus computer users have contacted the Helpdesk and requested that Office 2007 be installed. The Helpdesk will schedule a work order to perform the installation. Office 2007 is supported by IT Services and I'll ensure we communicate this to campus. Considerations for users prior to installation: (1) Training - the look/feel of Office 2007 is significantly different, (2) Memory - older computers may need more memory to run Office 2007, (3) Operating System - Windows XP or higher is required to run Office 2007. For departments that do not desire to upgrade to Office 2007 but want compatibility with new document formats, the website http://office.microsoft.com/enus/products/HA101686761033.aspx has a software patch that will allow Office 2003 and Office XP to open .docx, .pptx, and .xlsx files. This patch will be rolled out to all workstations that participate in the IT Services patching service (LanDesk) this month. Export Licensing for Encryption Products - Does IT Services' VPN and laptop encryption solutions have an export license? We have placed an inquiry with our laptop encryption vendor on whether a export license exists. Cisco does not provide one and instead The good news on this is that it does not appear that a license is really necessary except in very rare circumstances. Most users appear to be exempted from an export license due to what is deemed as "tools of the trade" as long as the stay abroad isn't over a year and they are using commercially available encryption products. A few other conditions exist to use the exemptions. I pulled up some peer and other websites that probably do a much better job than I at explaining this. Stanford went so far as to put a web-based decision tree together than walks a traveling faculty member through whether they have the exception. Exceptions list from Department of Commerce http://www.bis.doc.gov/encryption/lechart1.htm, Cisco Software exception statement (VPN software) - http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/ , ASUhttp://researchadmin.asu.edu/compliance/security/gpslaptopchecklistrevised.doc, Stanford decision tree - http://www.stanford.edu/dept/DoR/exp_controls/tree/tree_1.html. Information Items: No information items were presented.