MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting May 6, 2008

Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
May 6, 2008
9:00 – 10:00 am
CU 299
Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Rene Galindo, Tammy Stone, John Lanning, Linda
deLeon, Clark Strickland, Yuk Lee, Cliff Young, Linda Brooker, Ellen Stevens, Paul
Rakowski, Ellen Greenblatt, JC Bosch, Teri Burleson, Bob Tolsma, Lissa Gallagher,
Frank Sanchez, Peggy Lore, EJ Yoder, Steve Krizman, Barb Edwards
Guests: Rod Nairn, Jeremy Fulbright, Catherine Worster
The minutes from the 4.29.08 meeting were approved.
Calendar Items: Commencement: May 17th, 9:00am, Auraria Fields
 Teri informed the group that the SIS system has a function that allows associate
deans and senior advisors to query for missing grades by school/college or by
Next Steps: Teri will send the information to the group about how to access SIS to search
for missing grades.
 Ellen asked for help in identifying finding the new faculty hires in the schools and
colleges for fall 2008. She needs employee id numbers to access PeopleSoft in
order to obtain their home addresses. She sent a new form to the schools and
Next Steps: Ellen also will ask Human Resources to assist her in obtaining this
Discussion Items:
1. Institutional Accreditation, Strategic Planning and Effectiveness Office (handout):
Rod discussed the next stages in strategic planning for the university. Unit-level
strategic plans are due in late October 2008. Rod described the new Office of
Institutional Accreditation, Strategic Planning and Effectiveness (OIASPE),
which is needed to prepare for the HLC accreditation visit during the 2010-11
academic year. The OIASPE office will work closely with Kenny Wolf and IR.
A draft timeline for the accreditation process is currently being prepared.
2. Draft Web Policy (attachment): Bob and Steve asked the group to review the
draft policy and provide feedback. Some of the highlights of the policy include:
o A Web Administrative Team will be charged with coordinating and
guiding the development of a web publishing strategy for UCD. The team
will also publish and maintain a UC Denver Web Publishing Practices and
Procedures implementation document for the Web Publishing Policy.
o An advisory group, the Communication Advisory Council (CAC), will be
established to provide the Web Administrative Team with information
about the web development needs of their schools, colleges, and
departments. The council also provides expert advice to create and
maintain a technical, policy, and support environment that promotes the
effective deployment of web resources.
o Other complements of the draft policy deal with web servers; web
publishing parameters; hosting affiliated organizations, acknowledging
collaborations, commercial advertising and e-commerce; political activity;
privacy; copyright; use of university name and marks; personal web pages;
domain name usage; accessibility; policy compliance.
The AD/ASG had questions and comments about the draft policy:
 The policy needs to clearly define the membership of the Web
Administrative Team and the Communication Advisory Council.
 How are academic, faculty, international, and student affairs
represented in the policy?
 How are fundraising activities, scholarships, and other
school/college projects covered under the policy?
 How will appeals to the policy handled?
Next Steps: Bob and Steve will revise the draft and bring it back to AD/ASG at a future
meeting for further review.