MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting August 21, 2007 7:30 – 10:00 am CU 299 Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Roxanne Byrne, Rene Galindo, Paul Rakowski, John Lanning, Jim Mascenik, Tammy Stone, Dorothy Yates, Bob Tolsma, Clark Strickland, Frank Sanchez, JC Bosch, Linda Olson, Kevin Jacobs, Danielle Zieg, Lissa Gallagher, Teri Burleson, Ellen Stevens, Cynthia Hashert, Yuk Lee, Pam Erickson, Cliff Young Guests: Mark Heckler The minutes from the 8.7.07 meeting were approved. Announcements/Introductions: no announcements were presented Updates: Fall enrollment updates (handout): Frank shared the current fall headcount numbers and student credit hours, which continue to be higher than last year.. Calendar Items: Celebration for Faculty Excellence, Friday, September 7, 2007 3-5 pm, NC Atrium 3rd Annual Undergraduate Experiences Symposium, Friday, October 5, 2007, St. Cajetan’s Fall 2007 Open House, Sunday, 10/28/07, 11:30am-2:30pm, PE Events Center Discussion Items: 1. ASA Consolidation and other updates (PowerPoint slide handout): Mark discussed the proposed organizational structures for academic and student affairs. He discussed the need to emphasize functions vs. geographic locations, and the importance of branding and our new identity. He discussed the changed reporting structures and the roles for the Associate and Assistant Vice Chancellors. Mark also talked about diversity and inclusion, and growth of undergraduate experiences and internationalization. The group asked Mark questions: What is the status of consolidating the graduate schools? Rod Nairn is working with a group to develop a business plan and rules as well as a proposal to present to the administrators and faculty. What is the university’s plan regarding accreditation and implementation planning? Marguerite Childs and Rod Nairn are working with several planning groups (e.g., UPAC task forces). Is there a plan for training faculty and staff for emergency preparedness? There is an RFP out for identifying how to better mass distribute emergency information on campus and getting important messages to all faculty students and staff in the event of an emergency. Ellen Stevens said that she is working with a task force to identify training workshops and materials for all faculty and staff. Mark also encouraged the group to attend one of the open forums this Thursday, August 23rd , to provide the Chancellor with input on our new name. 2. Phased Retirement Options (handout): Kevin described the new policy, which outlines the phased retirement options for faculty. The policy is for tenure and tenure-track faculty, as well as non-tenure track faculty who meet all the age and service requirements. Some of Kevin’s main points:: Employee benefits do not change (compared to the old policy). It can be used as a recruiting tool. Negotiations must take place between the faculty member and his/her Dean Next Steps: Kevin will send the policy, and a summary document, electronically. 3. Exit Survey for Departing Faculty and Staff: (handout) Kevin discussed the new electronic survey, required as a result of the Blue Ribbon Commission recommendations. The results can also be used for recruitment and retention, and the data collected will be interpreted by IR and related back to the units. Each school/college can add specific questions. Some questions were asked: How will the collected data be used at the Provost and Dean level? Will the responses be confidential? Can the units have discussions with departing faculty and staff besides completing the survey? Kevin asked that feedback about the survey be sent to him by the end of this week. 4. New and Revised Tenure-Related Policies (handouts): Since we ran out of time, Laura asked the group for ideas about ways to discuss the new policies with the Associate Deans. It was suggested that we have a smaller, separate meeting at the end of the AD/ASG meeting times to go over the implications of the new policies. Information Items: President’s Teaching and Learning Collaborative (handout)