MINUTES Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting March 6, 2007 8:30 – 10:00 am CU 299 Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, Cliff Young, Clark Strickland, Frank Jermance, Linda deLeon, Dorothy Yates, Yuk Lee, Rene Galindo, JC Bosch, Teri Switzer, John Lanning, Frank Sanchez, Tom Hartman, Roxanne Byrne, Linda Olson, Paul Rakowski, Pam Erickson, Bob Tolsma, Tammy Stone, Charlotte Million, Barb Edwards, Bill Freud, Ellen Stevens, Danielle Zieg, Betsy Rodriguez, Lissa Gallagher, Mary Coussons-Read, Kathleen Bollard, Christine Stroup-Benham Guests: Sean Clark and Jeremy Fulbright The minutes from the 2.20.07 meeting were approved. Announcements: No announcements were presented. Updates: 1. Student fees: Frank S. distributed a policy, “Approval of Revised Institutional Plan for Student Fees,” dated 3/29/1999. He also distributed two additional handouts that detail student, instructional and course fees and a draft matrix that shows the approval process for various fees. Frank reminded the group that each school and college needs to have a committee that discusses student fees. Next steps: Frank asked the group for feedback about the draft matrix. The feedback will be discussed at a future AD/ASG meeting. 2. On-line new faculty orientation: Ellen S. said that the development of the on-line training is continuing, and that scripts for the web pages are being built. She will send the scripts to the Associate Deans for feedback. Ellen also distributed a handout with the proposed language about military service for the syllabus policy. The policy will go into effect beginning this summer. 3. Enrollment and billing: John L. said that the proposed changes have been well received by students. John asked the group to provide comments or suggestions to Kaye Orten. The enrollment and billing committee will review the comments, and John and Cliff will bring the outcomes back to AD/ASG. Calendar Items: ALC meeting, 3/9/07, 9:00am-11:00am, LSC 2nd floor, Terrace room Sabbatical applications due to Provost: March 30, 2007 Faculty Awards dossiers due to Provost: April 2, 2007 Discussion Items: 1. Proposed IPEDS changes (handouts): Christine described proposed changes to the IPEDS data collection system. She asked for comments and recommendations before March 26, 2007. 2. Template letter of offer for faculty: Betsy discussed the draft APS that CU system is developing which will impact offer letters at UCDHSC. After the APS has been finalized, we will revise our template letter of offer. Discussion points: The letter of offer is a contract The template can be modified by Deans (with approval by Human Resources and legal office) The group expressed concerns about the tone of the language in the template, specifically about tenure. There are concerns that the letter may detour candidates from joining the UCDHSC faculty. Next Steps: Betsy is working with CU legal council and CU system to revise the current APS, and she will update the group as the process continues. She offered her assistance to Deans and Associate Deans in writing the letters. A small group will work with Betsy on reviewing the UCDHSC templates (Mary Coussons-Read volunteered). 3. Web development (handouts): Charlotte explained the current web development process, which includes: web content, web accessibility, web coding and web marketing. She distributed the activities for web improvements, the timeline and practices and procedures for improving content at the three domains for UCDHSC. Charlotte said that the Web Steering Committee, Web Advisory Committee CU Online Web Development Team, and the Web Users Group are available for comments and suggestions for those improvements. The various committees and groups involved would like feedback about the MOSS software before April 1st. Charlotte and Bob also distributed a draft Web Publishing Policy and asked the group to discuss this policy at the March 20, 2007 meeting. Next steps: AD/ASG will discuss the draft “Web Publishing Policy” and will give Bob the names of the web developers in the individual units who need to attend MOSS training. 4. Spam in inbox: Bill and Sean asked for examples of the types of spam that people are receiving. Sean explained that spam filters are not catching those email addresses that have a “storm” account. Sean said that his team is working on catching about 90% of the spam and he asked that we send the actual emails of spam to spam.admin@cudenver.edu so it can be routed to the vendors. The 50-75% number is the relative spam value on messages that are marked with "SpamGauge:#" and delivered to the inboxes. >75% are being quarantined and <50% are being passed through unmarked. Information Items: Draft Campus Policies for Internships (handout): policy will be discussed at the March 20, 2007 meeting.