Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
November 21, 2006
8:30 – 10:00 am
CU 299
Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, Cliff Young, Christine StroupBenham, Tammy Stone, Clark Strickland, Frank Jermance, JC Bosch, Lissa Gallagher,
Bob Tolsma, Barb Edwards, Ellen Stevens, Teri Switzer, Roxanne Byrne, Kathleen
Bollard, Frank Sanchez, Linda deLeon, Obe Hankins, Peggy Lore, Danielle Zieg
Guest: Marty Tessmer
The minutes from the 11.7.06 meeting were approved ~ BRILLANT!
No announcements were presented.
Updates: Frank S. discussed the Campus Village student concerns with security and
food, and the possibility of losing students after their first year in the residence hall to
apartments off-campus. Frank S. is going to survey the students and will update the
group of the findings. He is working with the management company to resolve the
students’ concerns.
Calendar Items:
President Brown and Chancellor Wilson holiday party in NC Atrium on 12/21/06 from
Discussion Items:
1. On-line faculty orientation: Ellen demonstrated the first few pages of an on line
orientation program. This program would allow new and current faculty to access
information about a variety of campus, curricular and student processes. The
orientation could be set up in Blackboard or on Ellen’s website. After the
orientation is completed, a certificate of completion would be sent to the faculty
member. Ellen also said that the orientation can be made available on CDs as
well. Besides the orientation, the site would also have useful information for
faculty on workshops, assessments, diversity, etc. The hoped-for launch date is
summer 2007.
Next Steps: Ellen is working on a proposal that will include a budget. The group
agreed that program is needed and look forward to Ellen’s proposal.
2. Survey guidelines (handout): Christine presented the group with a draft of
guidelines and a draft notification/request form. She asked the group to send
feedback to her. She outlined hoped-for outcomes: improving response rates,
facilitating sampling, and optimizing the use of survey findings.
The group discussed several issues for Christine to consider:
Define “survey”
Ask IRB to review the draft
Be candid about the fact that we should avoid excessive surveying
Need regular communication with the Associate Deans and Survey
Coordination Committee about ongoing surveys
 Develop an inventory of all surveys (on an annual basis)
 Clarify cross-college survey procedures
 Should there be a centralized budget for survey administration and
 Post the forms and guidelines on IR website
 Faculty Assembly and student government should review the next draft of
the guidelines
 Publish results of surveys in a public place for all to view
Next Steps: Christine will revise the guidelines and form, get IRB review and input,
and bring them back to AD/ASG.
3. Draft policy; “Students Called for Military Duty”: (handout): Frank S. asked the
group for feedback on this revised draft. Main points:
 Policy language needs to be mandatory
 Guidelines language needs to be suggestive
 This needs to be a policy of flexibility
 There needs to be an appeals process
 Someone who understands military orders needs to be available to help
interpret the paperwork
 Section E: several areas are in conflict with each other
Next Steps: Frank will revise the policy, and check into what the Colorado Springs
campus policy includes.
4. The group asked that we discuss how students find policies that apply to their
academic rights and responsibilities. We’ll discuss this at a future meeting.
Information Items:
No information items.