Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting
October 17, 2006
8:30 – 10:00 am
CU 299
Present: Laura Goodwin, Sara Potter, John Lanning, Cliff Young, Yuk Lee, Jim
Worsham, Kathleen Bollard, Tammy Stone, Clark Strickland, Linda deLeon, Paul
Rakowski, Rene Galindo, Danielle Zieg, Frank Jermance, JC Bosch, Roxanne Byrne,
Teri Burleson, Frank Sanchez, Pam Erickson, Lissa Gallagher, Bob Tolsma
Guest: Betsy Rodriguez, Bill Freud
The minutes from the 10.3.06 meeting were approved.
 Rox discussed the degree audit demonstration sessions (handout) on 10/31, 11/1
and 11/2/2006. There will be 2.5 days of scripted demos. It is important to attend
some of these sessions so that any questions/concerns you may have can be
addressed. Feedback will be collected from all participants and will help the
University guarantee that the product meets our needs. For faculty members or
advisors, the session on the third day will be particularly appropriate.
The schedule for the 2.5 days is:
DAY 1 10/31/06-Tuesday Room: The Tivoli on Auraria campus, Zenith room 640
Script DA1 – System Configuration and Usability: 9 AM – 11:30 AM (2.5 hours)
Script DA2 – Building a Degree Audit Noon – 5 PM (5 hours)
DAY 2 11/1/06-Wednesday, Room: New Chancellor's Conference Room, 14th floor in
Script DA3 – Maintaining/Updating Audits: 9 AM-10:30 AM (1.5 hours)
Script TC1 – Transfer Credit Basic Functions: 10:45 AM-12:30 PM (1.75 hours)
Script TC2 – Building and Maintaining Equivalency Tables: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM (4 hours)
DAY 3 11/2/06-Thursday, Room: Executive MBA auditorium, 1st floor in CU Building.
Script DA4 – Student Lifecycle (Advisor and Student Focus): 9 AM-1 PM (4 hours)
Teri B. and John L. will bring information about SIS demonstrations to the group
in the near future.
Updates: Frank S. updated the group about a resource memo he will be sending to
students. The memo will outline a variety of resources available to them; he offered a
previous memo that was sent to students last Spring (handout). Frank S. asked the group
for comments/suggestions by Friday, October 20, 2006.
Calendar Items:
 Open House: 10/28/06, 11:30-2:30, Events Center (attachments)
Campus-wide Strategic Planning meeting: day long event, 11/17, location to be
Discussion Items:
1. E-recruit: Betsy described a new tool, “Jobs at CU.” Search committees will be
given a committee specific password for logging into the database to review
applications. “Jobs at CU” will probably launch in November.
2. Officer & Exempt Professional Compensation policy (handouts): Betsy presented
a draft policy. She discussed a few points related to the draft policy:
 The Chancellor approves all salaries.
 The document describes the annual salary-setting process that’s been used
for many years.
 There are salary setting criteria for ranges and individual salaries.
 Awards programs must be pre-approved before giving awards to officers
and exempt professionals.
Betsy asked the group for additional comments/suggestions. She also informed
the group that a Compensation Specialist was hired in HR to review exempt
professional salaries over the next year.
3. Draft Faculty Retirement Agreements (handouts): Betsy explained the
requirements/procedures for planning phased retirements. Betsy suggested that
Associate Deans inform faculty that they can speak confidentially to the Ombuds
about retirement. The group asked Betsy to inform the Ombuds of the parameters
for retirement planning, including the fact that Deans make decisions about
phased retirement agreements. The group expressed some concerns about the
policy, including school/college funding for phased retirements. The draft policy
applies only to persons with faculty appointments. Betsy will follow up on some
of the issues that were raised.
4. Automated Check-Out Process (handout): Betsy discussed the new automated
check-out process that will help ensure that persons who leave CU return keys,
equipment and other University loaned items. This process also allows HR to
communicate with other departments to disable email accounts, SIS access, ID
badges, etc. She also indicated that a general list of items will be noted on the HR
website for persons leaving CU. This process will begin on November 1, 2006; it
will be optional and Betsy welcomes feedback. Betsy also discussed new
software that will be used to conduct on line exit interview for persons who have
left the University.
5. Student emails follow-up (handout): Bill F. provided an updated list of discussion
items with pros and cons for implementing the official email addresses for
students. Bill asked for volunteers for a sub group to meet with him to discuss
various issues. The group includes: Cliff Young, Teri Burleson, Frank Sanchez,
Kaye Orten, Roxanne Byrne, Bob Tolsma and student representatives (to be
invited by Obe Hankins).
Information Items: No information items.