

Associate Deans and Academic Support Group Meeting

January 17, 2006

8:30 – 10:00

CU 299

Present: Laura Goodwin, Chris Smith, Denise Sokol, Paul Rakowski, Frank Sanchez,

Lynette Michael, Tammy Stone, John Lanning, Teri Switzer, Nancy Reed, Pam Erickson,

Obe Hankins, Linda Olson, Charlotte Million, Teri Burleson, Tom Hartman, Ken

Bettenhausen, Peggy Lore, Patty Godbey, John Trapp, Linda deLeon, Jason Thacher,

Chris Johnson, Derrick Alex, Ellen Stevens, Rene Galindo, Jenn Wade



The minutes from the 12/20/05 meeting were approved.


Reminder: RTP dossiers were due to ASA 1/16/06. (If you know that some dossiers will be arriving late, please send the information to Chris.)



PIA Policy and next steps: Frank J. will meet with Mike Schreiner and determine which aspects of the draft need legal review.

FCQ revisions: A LETTS-based faculty committee will review the existing FCQ, suggest changes, etc., and then present a new draft to faculties in the schools and colleges (and Faculty Assembly) during the spring semester. A “logistics and process” task force (chaired by Laura) will develop recommendations for processing the forms ourselves—versus continuing to use Boulder—starting in 2007. This group will look at various options, including cost estimates and personnel needs.

FRPA: We will use the existing FRPA this year, and not add a

“disclosure” statement regarding conflicts of interest. A new compliance officer will be on campus soon, and she will provide direction on the collection of the disclosure statements.


Calendar Items:

Campus update with Mark Heckler: Mark will join our AD/ASG meeting on Feb. 21, 7:30 – 8:30.

March 5 Open House: Charlotte reported that the Open House will begin at 11:30. She will bring more information to a future meeting.

March 4: Our campus will host the CU Blue Ribbon Commission on

Diversity. We are currently preparing our report.

April 14: Campus Diversity Summit (see discussion item on this topic).


COF update: Denise reported that we submitted the reconciliation file, and that there were no errors!

Discussion Items:


SIS Replacement Project Special Interest Group on Academic Administration:

Denise, John L., Ken, and Teri B. are all members of the SIS Replacement Project

Committee. Denise reported that they are forming three advisory subgroups: a)

Academic Administration; b) Faculty; and c) Institutional Analysis. Each group needs one or two representatives from our campus. Anyone interested in serving on the Academic Administration group should send an e-mail message to Paul; the UGWG will discuss this at next week’s meeting (Jan. 24). Linda O. will solicit names from the Graduate Advisors and send a recommendation to Paul and

Denise. (Note: The time commitment for these groups will be quite extensive over the next year.)


April 14 Diversity Summit and related items: Jenn described several activities related to diversity and inclusion:

Jenn distributed a handout that summarizes the key points and recommendations for our campus that emerged from the Nov. 4 systemwide Diversity Summit.

The CU Blue Ribbon Commission on Diversity will meet on our campus on March 4. We are currently preparing our UCDHSC report. Jenn will send a message to the Associate Deans soon, soliciting descriptions of existing programs that are aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion. We are on a very short timeframe for the preparation of this report.

The Diversity Summit for our campus will be held on April 14. This will be an opportunity for the entire campus (faculty, staff, administrators, students) to discuss issues and develop recommendations related to the climate and environment. More information will be forthcoming in the next month or so.

Through the Center for Faculty Development, a series of workshops will be offered for faculty—dealing with such topics as infusing multicultural content into curricula, handling difficult topics in the classroom, and so on.


Tuition Appeals Policy : Paul presented the latest version of this draft policy, revised on the basis of feedback received at the meeting when we last discussed it.

(This draft has been in the development and revision stage for about one year.)

We discussed what happens when administrative errors occur, and the composition of the committee. We decided to support the current version, implement the policy and see how well it works; we also agreed to review the policy in one year. Laura will ask Mark to sign it, and then we will post it on the website with the rest of our policies.


FERPA policy issues: Teri B. discussed issues related to e-mailing and storing students’ grades. If grades are kept in department offices, they need to be put in locked cabinets and then shredded after a few semesters. Teri will be talking to schools/colleges/departments about good practices, so that we are in compliance with FERPA regulations.


Draft policy on Classroom and Course-Related Behavior : Frank S., Charlie, Obe, and Paul are still working on this draft, and we will discuss it at a future meeting.


Early Start Dates: deferred until a future meeting.

Information Items/Meeting Schedule:


Spring meeting schedule: 1 st and 3 rd Tuesdays, 8:30 – 10:00. Exception: on Feb.

21, we will start at 7:30 to meet with Mark Heckler. Also, hold the two 5 th

Tuesdays, Jan. 31 and May 30.


Call for nominations: President’s Faculty Excellence Award for Advancing

Teaching and Learning Through Technology (attachment)
