Designer’s Guide Flexible Learning Awards

Designer’s Guide
Flexible Learning Awards
Updated: March 2015
Flexible Learning Awards
The University has introduced a range of new qualifications designed to meet an
increasing demand for awards that in credit terms are smaller than the traditional
range of awards. This enables the University to provide accredited programmes and
recognised qualifications that meet a wider range of learning needs such as continuing
professional development, professional/skills updating, work based learning, learning
for leisure etc.
This new range of qualifications is distinguished by the number and level of credits it
contains (unlike the University Learning Award which comprises 60 credits of modules
combined from any levels).
University Foundation Certificate
University Foundation Diploma
University Certificate
University Diploma
Advanced University Diploma
Graduate Certificate
University Learning Award
Certificate in Lifelong Learning
Certificate in Continuous
Certificate of Credit
Certificate of Competence
30 credits at level 3
60 credits at level 3
60 credits at level 4
60 credits at level 5
60 credits at level 6
60 credits of which a minimum of 45
must be at Level 6 and a maximum of 15
credits may be at Level 7
60 credits at any level or any
combination of levels
30 credits or 45 credits from any one of
levels 3,4,5,6 or 7 or combination of
adjacent levels
15 credits at any level
Not credit rated
Any one of Levels 3-7
All awards validated as one of these qualifications should demonstrate purpose,
academic coherence and market demand. They must not be a random collection of
individual modules but a qualification that requires coherence in terms of content and
learning outcomes. The outcomes must relate to the University’s eight outcomes,
however, the award is not required to meet all eight. The outcomes should not be the
same as any other University Award. In practice, this could only occur in the case of a
postgraduate certificate and the award is better validated as such with a clear location
in the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications [FHEQ].
Where the learners on one of these qualifications will be receiving delivery alongside
students on other awards then care should be taken to ensure that they are not
marginalised and have a sense of identity as students on a specific award. Equally,
where the learners are receiving delivery discretely they should have opportunities to
access University and support facilities as any student normally would.
Updated: March 2015
Any 15 credit modules which Faculties wish to offer as a Certificate of Credit may be
taken through Faculty Quality Committees. The existing Module Handbook should
have an appendix added to reflect the fact it is a Certificate of Credit and outline,
briefly, student support mechanisms, regulations and other information pertinent to
students taking the module in this form. Each meeting of FLSC will receive a list of
modules approved in this way from the relevant officer in QES** (See paragraph 2.5
Approval Process
All proposals will be considered by the Flexible Learning Sub-Committee [FLSC]. Where
an award has been developed alongside other University awards these should be
considered at the same approval event. Where this is the case the approval should be
conducted in accordance with the approval procedure as described in the University’s
Quality Assurance Handbook. [See Section A1 – the approval process].
Meetings of FLSC take place on scheduled dates as outlined in the University
Committee Calendar.
Any modules not in approval need to be approved through the relevant Faculty Quality
Committee before the award is considered by FLSC. FLSC is not permitted to approve
All proposals should be considered by the appropriate Faculty Management Team(s)
(or other appropriate group) prior to submission to FLSC for consideration.
Where modules/awards are already in approval but being offered at or by a different
partner organisation the application must be submitted to FLSC. Where we wish to
deliver the module/award at a different University campus (including hospital sites)
this can be approved by the Faculty/Service. Where the module concerned is already
delivered by the collaborative partner as part of an existing, validated, Foundation
Degree, then the Faculty/School/Service may approve that partner to deliver the
module as a stand-alone award.** (See paragraph 1.5 above).
The Award Leader or other designated colleague in the Faculty should contact the FLSC
secretary at the earliest opportunity to register the intention to seek FLSC approval for
the proposed award and to agree at which FLSC meeting the award will be considered.
In the case of proposals involving a partner organisation, prior to submission of any
proposals to FLSC, it is essential that the award team first discuss with the Quality
Enhancement Service whether there is any requirement for quality assurance of the
partner organisation (see checklist).
The Award Team should submit the following documentation to the FLSC secretary no
less than one week prior to the next scheduled FLSC meeting:-
Updated: March 2015
A Completed Application for Approval form
A Programme Specification [it is noted that for these awards this may be a brief
Module Descriptors
External Comments relating to proposal(s)* (see below)
A Student Handbook must be lodged with QES after approval of the award.
When proposals for new flexible learning awards and accredited short courses are
submitted to the FLSC these should be accompanied by written comments from an
academic external to the University.
Externals reviewing such proposals should normally:
 Be in current or recent (within the last three years) academic employment, with
experience of leading or contributing to a similar programme in the subject area
concerned and therefore knowledge of the Framework for Higher Education
Qualifications and appropriate subject benchmark statements.
Hold an academic qualification to at least the level of that under consideration.
Be experienced in the design of curricula/training programmes of at least the
level of the programme(s) under consideration.
Given that these courses comprise no more than 60 credits and the modules
have already been approved at Faculty level, an existing external examiner can
be invited to comment on the proposal, providing they meet the criteria
outlined above.
The following individuals cannot however be appointed to act in this capacity: current
or former (within the last five years) staff members; students; employees of University
partners; or members of the Board of Governors. Externals must also have no personal
connection (for example relative) with or be a close working colleague of any member
of the presenting team.
Selection of an external should be approved by the Associate Dean Learning and
Teaching or their nominee and reported to the Quality Enhancement Service when the
proposal to FLSC is submitted.
On receipt of the documentation the secretary will then circulate the documentation to
the FLSC members and confirm meeting arrangements. The secretary will also liaise as
appropriate with the Faculty Award Leader regarding these details.
The Award Team, or representatives of the Award Team, will be required to attend the
FLSC meeting to present the proposed award.
At the end of the meeting the Panel may make one of the following recommendations
to the University:
approval of the award;
Updated: March 2015
approval of the award subject to conditions that must be met prior to the
first intake of students to the award;
approval of the award subject to conditions (as above) and/or requirements
that must be met by a specified date, which can be after the first intake of
approval of the award subject to conditions and/or requirements (as above)
and/or recommendations [to be considered as part of annual monitoring];
referral of the award to the proposing Faculty for further development,
with clear reasons for the rejection and recommendations for how the
proposal might be improved;
rejection of the proposal.
Action notes of the meeting detailing any conditions/requirements/recommendations
will subsequently be produced and approved by the Chair before being circulated to
FLSC and the relevant Faculty Award Leader/Team for action and information.
Prior to the first intake of students the following definitive documents should be
submitted to the FLSC secretary:-
A Programme Specification
A Student Handbook
A volume of Module Descriptors
The Chair of FLSC will be responsible for assessing whether specified conditions have
been met based on documentation provided by the Faculty.
Quality Enhancement Service will maintain a listing of flexible learning awards in
approval and will circulate this listing on an annual basis to the relevant Faculty
Administrators requesting confirmation of those awards which are running in that
particular year.
Award Management
The Faculty must appoint an external examiner to the award through the standard
University process.
Amendments to existing flexible learning awards should be considered through normal
Faculty quality assurance processes. Up to and including half of the credits of the award
can be removed/replaced before a full review is required.
All awards should be subject to annual monitoring. This should be undertaken in
accordance with the standard University procedures.
All awards will be subject to periodic review and re-approval and will fall within the
arrangements for review groupings and schedule approved by Quality Committee. The
Updated: March 2015
Faculty should liaise with the Quality Enhancement Service regarding the nature of this
event. Where an award is not based within a Faculty the Flexible Learning SubCommittee will undertake the review.
If the Faculty no longer wishes to offer an award, Student Administrative Services
and the FLSC secretary must be informed of this decision.
Updated: March 2015
Director of Programme of Study:
Title of Award:
Explain the academic coherence of the Programme of Study:
List of Module Titles, Code Numbers and Credits totalling 15,30 45 or 60 credits (as relevant) in
order of sequence of delivery if appropriate:
Module Title
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Code Number
Identify the learning pre-requisite(s) to entry to the programme.
Any 2 A Levels or Equivalent
Relevant A Levels
Any 1st Degree or Equivalent
Relevant 1st Degree
Other (please provide details)
What is the target market, projected numbers and, if appropriate promotional strategy?
Specify the arrangements for the academic guidance and student support.
Updated: March 2015
Checklist for Approval
Are all of the modules in formal approval?
[*All modules MUST be in formal approval prior to the
approval event]
Are prerequisites defined both in terms of initial
entry and, if appropriate, progression within the
Will the programme have a dedicated or shared
What is the location for delivery? (1)
Dedicated/Shared (please indicate)
List Assessment/Award Boards responsible for
modular assessment.
List Subject areas/Institutions responsible for
modular delivery (1).
Proposed start date for programme.
Proposed completion date for 1st cohort of entry.
(1) In the case of off campus delivery complete second Checklist.
Checklist for Off Campus Delivery
What are the arrangements for quality assurance of delivery?
What arrangements are there for student support over and above those provided by the
What are the arrangements for access to learning resources?
Updated: March 2015
Will a partner be involved in the delivery of the award?
If so, please explain the nature of the nature of the relationship:
Does this partner have any other collaborative arrangements with the
Faculty/School or another Faculty/School at the University?
Please provide details:
Have discussions taken place with Quality Enhancement Service regarding whether there
is any requirement for quality assurance of the partner institution?
Please provide details:
Annual Monitoring:
Will the award(s) fit within an existing academic subject area?
If ‘ Yes’ – which area?
Faculty Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching:
Head of Subject Area(s) responsible for Delivery:
On Behalf of Partner Organisation (if appropriate):
Updated: March 2015