GUIDANCE NOTES FOR ANNUAL MONITORING OF 2015-16 TAUGHT PROVISION Notes on the process and completion of the template 1. Preamble 1.1 Annual monitoring should be seen as an opportunity to reflect on the teaching and learning which has taken place in the previous academic year. It should recognise successes but also be open and honest about the challenges faced and resolved; those that remain unresolved and how they might be tackled. 1.2 Annual monitoring is not a ‘resource wish list’. Whilst it is recognised that resources can impact on the success of a year there are other routes by which these should be addressed. When reports are lodged with the faculty, the Faculty Management Team will work with the relevant university department to resolve any resource issues which relate to the university campus. 1.3 Reports should consider both quality and standards and should engage as many members of the faculty/partner as possible and include students by way of the module monitoring forms, Course Management Committee minutes and formal student surveys. They should be evaluative and reflective, sharing experiences and good practice. They should confirm that matters identified internally and externally have been addressed and acted upon where necessary. 1.4 The templates for reports have been designed to inform academic reviews, maximising the use of the same information and minimising unnecessary effort. Report authors should therefore think about how annual monitoring reports can build in evidence to populate a review selfevaluation template. 1.5 The templates for reports have also been designed to incorporate the faculty’s formal response to student survey data. 1.6 Reports should be short and concise (ideally in bullet-points) and should identify good practice and matters that award teams need to evolve / develop / change, in order to maintain / enhance the student experience. Drawn together over a review period the annual monitoring reports should provide a direct evidence base for a subject review and at best allow the review Self Evaluation Document to be a summary of those reports. 1.7 When completed, reports should be submitted to the relevant Head of School or Academic Group Lead for AM1 and to the relevant Associate Dean Partnerships or Faculty Partnership Manager for AM2 for approval before final submission to the Faculty Office. 1 2. Report Template 2.1 All taught undergraduate and postgraduate awards should be monitored through completion of an annual monitoring report. This should include Level 3 Foundation Programmes. 2.2 There are two report templates. AM1 is designed for awards being delivered by University staff, either on University premises or at other premises or by distance learning. AM2 is designed for awards being delivered by Partner staff, and this should be completed by the Partner with input from the Programme Advisor. If an award is delivered jointly by the university and the partner an AM2 form should be used. 2.3 Where an award is closing (not continuing to recruit) the expectation is that the template will still be completed and the action plan should consider what mechanisms need to be in place to support students. 2.4 Where issues are highlighted which require action to be taken, this action should be listed in the action row at the end of each section and then all actions collated on the action plan at the end of the template. If there are no actions to be carried out you can simply write ‘no action required’. There is no expectation that there must be an action for each section. 2.5 Section 1: Authorship This section should note the host faculty and, for AM2, the name of the collaborative partner involved in delivery. It should also list the names of all authors. 2.6 Section 2: The Provision being monitored There are five columns in this section. 1. The first column should list all awards being monitored on the template. This should include the type of award (eg BA English, Certificate in Counselling). Awards should be grouped in clusters as appropriate. 2. The second column should note the mode of study which should be either blended learning (BL), distance learning (DL) or face to face (F2F). 3. The third column on AM1 is for the site of delivery to be noted. This may be one of the University campuses or it may be an off-site venue. 4. The fourth column is only completed if there are any professional bodies who accredit the awards. 5. The fifth column is the means of noting which course have closed recruitment. 6. For the AM2 the sixth column is for the type of collaboration. This should be franchise, validation, joint, dual or quality assured. 2.7 Section 3: Module Monitoring You should note here if any module monitoring forms are missing, and any issues which have been raised about particular modules. 2 2.8 Section 4: External Examiners This section is just to list the names of the Award External Examiners who moderate the provision and whether or not their reports have been received and your responses drafted. Their comments should be addressed in sections 7 and 8. Their reports with your draft responses to them should also be appended to the annual monitoring report and the responses will be considered for approval at the Faculty Panel Meetings. 2.9 Section 5: Action Plan from the previous year The action plan from the previous year should be appended to the form with the progress column completed to record what action has been taken. If actions are being carried forward they should appear on the new action plan in Section 12 (for AM1) and Section 14 (for AM2). If a new award is being monitored there will be no action plan from the previous year. 2.10 Section 6: Student Experience This section is for you to comment on the key strengths and weaknesses highlighted by students in student survey data and in Course Management Committees: National Student Survey (NSS) – for final year undergraduate students. NB This is only available for awards which are over one year in length. Student Viewfinder Survey (SVS) – for continuing undergraduate students at the University. Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) – for postgraduate awards. NB This is a generic survey not by award. Collaborative partners (especially international partners) – please note that you will not always be able to access the NSS and PTES so you will need to use data from your own student surveys. 2.11 Section 7: Academic Standards There are a number of sub-sections in this section and these should be completed with a series of statements (ideally in bullet points). For each statement please note the source of evidence/information in the right hand column and cross-reference the issues you highlight for action by numbering them and carrying them forward to the Action Plan in Section 12 (for AM1) or Section 14 (for AM2). This section in particular should include reference to comments made by External Examiners regarding the appropriateness of standards for the level of the award. 7.1 Curriculum Design and Development You should reflect here on how far the award structure and the combination of modules are still fit for purpose. Have specific modules been praised for what they bring to the award? Are there modules which are problematic or dated? Have you had to / do you intend to do a major revamp of the content of any modules? Have you had to / do you intend to replace any modules in the award structure or change the balance of cores and options? Have you introduced / do you intend to introduce any particularly innovative practice into the curriculum? 3 2.12 7.2 Aims and Learning Outcomes You should reflect here on how far the aims and the learning outcomes are still fit for purpose. Have your external reference points changed? Have they been praised specifically? Have you changed them or do you need to change them? 7.3 Assessment Process You should reflect here on how far the suite of assessments enables students to demonstrate and attain the award outcomes. Are the criteria for assessment clear and appropriate? Is the process of assessment robust and fair? Are marking standards appropriate and comparable with similar awards in other HEIs or for professional accrediting bodies? Section 8: Quality of Learning Opportunities There are a number of sub-sections in this section and these should list a series of statements (ideally in bullet points). For each statement please note the source of evidence/information in the right hand column and cross-reference the issues you highlight for action by numbering them and carrying them forward to the Action Plan in Section 12 (AM1) /Section 14 (AM2). These are the types of things to consider: 8.1 Teaching, Learning and Assessment (TLA) You should reflect here on whether the practice and approach of the TLA is still fit for purpose. Have elements of TLA been praised specifically? Have you changed or do you intend to change TLA strategies and practice either on specific modules or across the award? Possible areas of discussion might include: Is the balance of class contact, directed study, and independent learning appropriate? Is formative and summative assessment feedback / feed-forward effective? Is the research informed teaching / learning approach being embedded in the broad TLA strategy? 8.2 Inclusive learning You should reflect on the extent to which the curriculum content, teaching and assessment methods and learning resources have been aligned to the needs of all students, taking into consideration their age, gender, abilities, cultural background and previous educational experience. For example, what changes have been made to ensure that the different learning preferences of students are taken into account when planning the teaching on every module on the award? Is there a choice of assessment methods on any of the modules and/or has the assessment across the whole award been reviewed to ensure that there are a range of assessment methods in use? To what extent are the handbooks, handouts, power-point slides and other learning resources routinely reviewed to see if they reflect and value the contributions and achievements of all students through language and images? 4 8.3 Engagement with Employers You should reflect here on engagement with employers. What input have they made to the award and how has this informed and enriched the curriculum? NB Employers do not need to be listed at this point – this should be done in the Appendix. 8.4 Placement and Work-based Learning You should reflect here on issues which have arisen relating to placements or work-based learning. These may be good practice or they may be areas for development. If the awards being monitored have no placement or work-based learning please write ‘not applicable’. Where placement learning forms a significant part of an award/groups of awards, the faculty may wish to add further bespoke questions to the template. 8.5 Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) You should reflect here on whether technology supported learning has been appropriately utilised? What developments have been or will be made to enhance or extend this mode of learning. For awards which are delivered by blended or distance learning, this section will be a comprehensive reflection of the delivery method. 8.6 Student Support You should reflect here on whether academic support systems are providing the opportunities for students to develop their skills and attributes. How effective are the student induction, personal tutoring arrangements, mentoring and other support arrangements. Are those opportunities inclusive? Are there examples of good practices? Have any new practices / initiatives been introduced? What are the plans for future development? 8.7 Learning Resources: Staff Development You should reflect here on how far staff development has impacted on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. What are the priorities for staff development for the future? Has the balance of the staff profile changed or likely to change and are there any award implications? 8.8 Learning Resources: Physical Resources You should reflect here on how far physical learning resources are still fit for purpose. Are academic learning materials appropriate for the successful delivery of the awards? What new investments / strategies have happened or need to happen? Are there areas which need further consideration by the Faculty Management Team working with University Services, or for partners are there areas which need further consideration by the College or the Organisation’s Executive members? 5 8.9 2.13 2.14 Quality Enhancement Theme The theme to be commented on for 2015/16 is personal tutoring. You should therefore reflect here on the effectiveness of your courses’ personal tutoring strategy, using the prompts as a guide to your reflection: Section 9: Data Analysis For these sub-sections you will need to use statistical information provided by Corporate Information (for on-site and UK partners). This information will be passed to Course Leaders and will include two years’ of data presented on a ‘dashboard’. Please note that this data will only be accurate on the time the report was run. 9.1 Student Enrolment You should reflect here on any noticeable trends in student enrolment. What do you feel are the reasons for these trends in the enrolment situation? Is the student cohort profile changing – could this have award implications? 9.2 Student Retention You should reflect here on the retention rates. Are they appropriate? How are they being managed? What initiatives are you introducing to address any issues? Where the information is known you may wish to comment on types/patterns of withdrawal. 9.3 Student Progression You should reflect here on progression rates. Are they appropriate? How are they being managed? What initiatives are you introducing to address any issues? 9.4 Student Achievement You should reflect here on overall student achievement. Is award achievement healthy? Are there any trends? What can you observe about the spread of classifications? How does achievement this year compare to previous years? Are there particular modules/aspects of the provision where performance has been notably good/ poor? 9.5 Employability You should reflect here on the progression of graduates into employment or higher levels of study within 6 months of graduating. Section 10: Staffordshire Graduate Attributes This section is for you to reflect on how successfully the Staffordshire Graduate Attributes have been embedded into the curriculum, and how this has contributed to student performance. You should comment on each attribute, and you should consider how the team is planning to develop the attributes further. 6 2.15 Section 11 (AM2 only): Partnership Liaison This is an additional section on the report template for provision delivered by collaborative partners. It should be used to note issues around liaison between the University and the Partner (these could be areas of difficulty or areas of good practice). There is a sub-section for the University and a sub-section for the Partner. It is anticipated that the Programme Advisor will complete the sub-section for the University. 2.16 Section 12 (AM2 only): Programme Advisor Visits and Reports This is an additional section on the report template for provision delivered by collaborative partners. It should be used to list the name(s) of the Programme Advisor(s); the date they made their visits (there should be a minimum of two visits per year for overseas partners and one visit per year for UK partners); and confirmation that the report is appended. 2.17 Section 11 (AM1) or Section 13 (AM2): Summary of issues highlighted by annual monitoring Please list the top three priorities for action (these will be action taken from the action plan for either the delivery team or the faculty or partner) and the top three successes (these will be areas where enhancement has taken place). 2.18 Section 12 (AM1) or Section 14 (AM2): Action Plan for the forthcoming academic year This section should list all actions referenced in earlier sections, and any actions carried forward from the previous year (Section 5). Each action should be designated to either the Delivery Team or the Faculty Management Team (in liaison with University Services), or (for AM2) the collaborative partner. Actions should be cross-referenced by an action number and should note the section number where it was raised. Actions should be specific and achievable. Actions which are part of routine operation or are on-going should not be listed. The indicator of success will be the source of evidence used to judge success and this may well be the same source of evidence which was used to highlight that action was needed. The progress column is for you to complete over the course of the year (or this year if progress has already been made). 2.19 Appendix: Engagement with Employers This section should be used to list the employers who have engaged with the award and the nature of that engagement. The nature could be a guest lecture, provision of a placement, provision of a live project etc. If a very large number of employers are utilised in an award it may be more appropriate to group them rather than listing them all. 3. Collaborations 3.1 An individual template should be completed for each collaborative partner delivering a University award, even in the case of awards which might run with multiple partners. Partners should use template AM2. 3.2 The template should be authored by the partner with guidance from the Programme Advisor. 7 3.3 Programme Advisor Reports should be appended to the Annual Monitoring Report and should be referenced within it. 3.4 The Programme Advisor should initiate the exercise by completing the information required for Sections 2, 3, 4, 5, and 12 of the form and by adding information to Sections 6 to 11, and then forwarding it to partners. Once the final version of the report has been agreed by the partner and the Programme Advisor it can be submitted to the Associate Dean Partnerships / Academic Partnership Manager. 3.5 Partners should be encouraged to attend the relevant Faculty annual monitoring meeting(s) where possible. This will need to be by Skype/Video-Conference for overseas partners. 3.6 Where awards run at multiple sites, the Faculty is not required to produce an overarching written report but the Faculty Panel meeting should ensure that it draws out the key themes regarding delivery across all locations, and record these in the minutes. 3.7 Awards at Overseas partners which are quality assured by Staffordshire University must also be included in the Staffordshire University annual monitoring process. Reports for these awards should primarily be completed by the partner and can either be on the Staffordshire University (AM2) template or on the partner’s own template, provided that template covers the comparable areas which are considered on the Staffordshire University template and it has been approved by QES. 3.8 Overseas partners who deliver dual awards must ensure that these awards are reviewed either through the Staffordshire University process or through their own process (providing that this addresses all the issues covered by the Staffordshire University process and has been approved for use by QES). 4. University Rapporteurs 4.1 Each Faculty will be asked to provide to QES the names of academic staff who are willing to act as rapporteurs to other Faculties. 4.2 Faculties should ensure that rapporteurs are fully engaged in the process and are provided with enough evidence to write a Rapporteur Report. 4.3 Rapporteurs will be invited to attend the Quality Committee where their reports are considered. 8 5. Actions which require the Faculty to work with University Services 5.1 Actions which require the Faculty to work with University Services should be included in the Faculty Actions. 6. Scrutiny of Reports 6.1 The faculty should arrange for reports to be scrutinised by a faculty panel which should be chaired by the Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching (or nominee) and as a minimum should include two other members of the faculty (to ideally include the Head of School, Academic Group Lead or Academic Quality Manager); a member of QES; the University Rapporteur(s); and for collaborations, the Partnership Manager. A student representative (either a student union officer or the Faculty Quality Committee representative) should also be invited to attend the panel meeting. Faculties may wish to ask authors of more complex non-standard provision to provide a coversheet which explains how the awards work. This would be helpful to those panel members not familiar with the provision. 6.2 The expectation is that authors of reports will attend the panel meetings to present their reports. Panels which are considering collaborative provision should therefore invite partners to join the discussion of their reports (either in person if in the UK or by Skype/Video Conference if overseas). 6.3 Following the Faculty meetings, the Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching should complete a Faculty Evaluation and Action Record (which is an evaluation of the process and the issues discussed, a composite list of the Faculty actions listed on all the individual reports, and a summary of the key themes arising). The areas of good practice listed under the key themes should be specific examples which can be shared or show-cased with other faculties as part of the University’s enhancement agenda. The template for this document is on the QES website. 6.4 The Faculty Action Record should be forwarded to the Rapporteurs so that they can note this on their Rapporteur Reports. 6.5 Rapporteur Reports should then be forwarded to the Faculty for the Faculty’s approval. If the Faculty is concerned about the accuracy of the content, they should discuss this with the Rapporteur. 6.6 The Faculty should forward to QES the Rapporteur Reports, and the Faculty Evaluation and Action Plan. 9 7. Quality Committee The University Quality Committee will consider the Faculty Evaluation and Action Plans, and the Rapporteur Reports from each Faculty with Rapporteurs present to introduce their reports. The Action Plans will then be received again by Quality Committee mid-year to monitor progress. Faculty Action Plans should be monitored by Faculty Quality Committees at each meeting. 8. Timetable for 2015-16 Provision 8.1 April 2016 AM report templates and AM process to be finalised. ADLTs to forward to QES names of rapporteurs from their faculty. QES will then allocate the rapporteurs to other faculties. 8.2 May 2016 Award clusters to be agreed and confirmed with QES. Faculties to set panel meeting dates (to take place in November). Faculties to notify collaborative partners of process and dates. 8.3 June - September 2016 AM reports can be written and shared with colleagues. Annual Monitoring / Rapporteur Briefing Sessions to be held. 8.4 October 2016 AM Reports to be submitted to the Faculty Office by Monday 31 October 2016. These should have been approved by Heads of School/ Academic Group Lead for on-site provision and by Associate Dean Partnerships/ Academic Partnership Manager for collaborative provision prior to submission. 8.5 November 2016 Panel Meetings take place. 8.6 December 2016 Faculty Evaluation & Action Records and Rapporteur Reports to be submitted to QES by Thursday 8 December 2016. University consideration of these will then take place at Quality Committee on Friday 16 December 2016. Rapporteurs will join this meeting to present their reports. 10