Faculty of Health Sciences Advanced Clinical Practice

Faculty of Health Sciences
Advanced Clinical Practice
Please complete the following details:
Please give details of the Preceptor nominated to supervise your clinical practice:
Address for correspondence:
Signature of Preceptor:
Please give the details of a Senior Clinical Lead (of the same profession as you)
nominated to act as a mentor for the duration of the award.
Address for correspondence:
Signature of Mentor:
The roles of preceptor and mentor are detailed below.
Practice-based learning is a key feature of this award. Engaging in this essential
learning experience will enable students to pursue a range of activities to meet
personal and professional learning needs whilst being present within the specialist
field of practice. This includes the identification and selection of experiential learning
activities such as shadowing, observation, supervised practice, one-to-one
instruction, skills teaching and assessment in order to build particular aspects of
competence and enhance individuals’ confidence in their role. This requires access
to a preceptor and senior clinical lead (mentor) that provide clinical and professional
support to facilitate learning in the clinical setting.
The preceptorship role (adapted from Bayley et al. 2004) will normally:
 Be for a mutually agreed period;
 Be focused on enabling development of specific knowledge and clinical skills;
 Be responsible for supervising, teaching and role modelling;
 Be responsible for assessing competence/evaluating aspects of development.
The mentor (adapted from Bayley et al. 2004) will normally:
 Provide support to increase confidence over time;
 Act as a ‘sounding board’, encouraging greater understanding and deeper insight;
 Enhance development through goal setting and action planning;
 Provide protected time to discuss issues, reflect on action and visualise