Latin Square Design If you can block on two (perpendicular) sources of variation (rows x columns) you can reduce experimental error when compared to the RBD More restrictive than the RBD The total number of plots is the square of the number of treatments Each treatment appears once and only once in each row and column A B C D B C D A C D A B D A B C Advantages and Disadvantages Advantage: – Allows the experimenter to control two sources of variation Disadvantages: – The experiment becomes very large if the number of treatments is large – The statistical analysis is complicated by missing plots and misassigned treatments – Error df is small if there are only a few treatments • This limitation can be overcome by repeating a small Latin Square and then combining the experiments – a 3x3 Latin Square repeated 4 times – a 4x4 Latin Square repeated 2 times Useful in Animal Nutrition Studies Suppose you had four feeds you wanted to test on dairy cows. The feeds would be tested over time during the lactation period This experiment would require 4 animals (think of these as the rows) There would be 4 feeding periods at even intervals during the lactation period beginning early in lactation (these would be the columns) The treatments would be the four feeds. Each animal receives each treatment one time only. The “Latin Square” Cow A simple type of “crossover design” Early Mid Early Mid Late Late Are there any potential problems with this design? Uses in Field Experiments When two sources of variation must be controlled – Slope and fertility – Furrow irrigation and shading – If you must plant your plots perpendicular to a linear gradient ‘Row’ 1 2 3 4 A B C D B C D A C D A B D A B C 1 2 3 4 ‘Column’ Practically speaking, use only when you have more than four but fewer than ten treatments – a minimum of 12 df for error Randomization First row in alphabetical order ABCDE Subsequent rows - shift letters one position 4 3 51 2 ABCDE 2 CDEAB ABDCE BCDEA 4 ABCDE DEBAC CDEAB 1 DEABC BCEDA DEABC 3 BCDEA EACBD EABCD 5 EABCD CDAEB Randomize the order of the rows: e.g., 2 4 1 3 5 Finally, randomize the order of the columns: e.g., 4 3 5 1 2 Linear Model Linear Model: Yij = + i + j +k + ij – – – – – = βi = j = k = ij = mean effect ith block effect jth column effect kth treatment effect random error Each treatment occurs once in each block and once in each column – r=c=t – N = t2 Analysis Set up a two-way table and compute the row and column means and deviations Compute a table of treatment means and deviations Set up an ANOVA table divided into sources of variation – – – – Rows Columns Treatments Error Significance tests – FT tests difference among treatment means – FR and FC test if row and column groupings are effective The ANOVA Source df SS Total t2-1 SSTot = MS F 2 SSR/(t-1) MSR/MSE 2 SSC/(t-1) MSC/MSE SST/(t-1) MST/MSE i j Yij Y Row t-1 t Y Y t Y Y SSR= t i Yi Y Column t-1 SSC= j Treatment t-1 Error j SST = k 2 2 k (t-1)(t-2) SSE = SSE/(t-1)(t-2) SSTot-SSR- SSC-SST Means and Standard Errors sY MSE r Standard Error of a treatment mean Confidence interval estimate Y t MSE r Standard Error of a difference s Y1 Y2 2 MSE r Confidence interval estimate t to test difference between two means Y Y t 1 2 2MSE / r Y1 Y 2 t 2MSE / r Oh NO!!! not Missing Plots If only one plot is missing, you could use the following formula: Yˆ ij(k) = t Ri +Cj +Tk 2- G t1- t2- Where: • Ri = sum of remaining observations in the ith row • Cj = sum of remaining observations in the jth column • Tk = sum of remaining observations in the kth treatment • G = grand total of the available observations • t = number of treatments Total and error df must be reduced by 1 Better approach – use software such as SAS Procedures GLM, MIXED, or GLIMMIX that adjust for missing values Relative Efficiency To compare with an RBD using columns as blocks MSR t 1 MSE RE t * MSE To compare with an RBD using rows as blocks MSC t 1 MSE RE t * MSE To compare with a CRD MSR MSC t 1 MSE RE (t 1) * MSE Numerical Examples To determine the effect of four different sources of seed inoculum, A, B, C, and D, and a control, E, on the dry matter yield of irrigated alfalfa. The plots were furrow irrigated and there was a line of trees that might form a shading gradient. A B D C E D E B A C C D A E B E A C B D B C E D A Are the blocks for shading represented by the row or columns? Is the gradient due to irrigation accounted for by rows or columns? Data collection A 33.8 B 33.7 D 30.4 C 32.7 E 24.4 D 37.0 E 28.8 B 33.5 A 34.6 C 33.4 C 35.8 D 35.6 A 36.9 E 26.7 B 35.1 E 33.2 A 37.1 C 37.4 B 38.1 D 34.1 B 34.8 C 39.1 E 32.7 D 37.4 A 36.4 ANOVA of Dry Matter Yield Source df SS Total 24 296.66 Rows 4 87.40 21.85 Columns 4 16.56 4.14 1.35 Treatments 4 155.89 38.97 12.71** 12 36.80 3.07 Error MS F 7.13** Report of Statistical Analysis I source Mean Yield A B C D None SE 35.8 35.0 35.7 34.9 29.2 0.78 a a a a b LSD=2.4 Differences among treatment means were highly significant No difference among inocula. However, inoculation, regardless of source produced more dry matter than did no inoculation Blocking by irrigation effect was useful in reducing experimental error Distance from shade did not appear to have a significant effect Relative Efficiency To compare with an RBD using columns as blocks MSR t 1 MSE RE t * MSE (21.85+(5-1)*3.07)/(5*3.07)=2.22 (2.22-1)*100 = 122% gain in efficiency by adding rows To compare with an RBD using rows as blocks MSC t 1 MSE RE t * MSE (4.14+(5-1)*3.07)/(5*3.07)=1.07 (1.07-1)*100 = 7% gain in efficiency by adding columns To compare with a CRD (21.85+4.14+(5-1)*3.07)/(6*3.07)=2.08 MSR MSC t 1 MSE (2.08-1)*100 = 108% gain RE (t 1) * MSE CRD would require 2.08*5 or 11 reps