Non-Construction Contractor Selection Questionnaire Please include, where requested, any supporting documents marked clearly on all enclosures the name of your Company and the number of questions to which they refer. Large documents may be provided in electronic format. This document will be reviewed every 2 years. The completed questionnaire should be returned to: [Faculty/Service] Staffordshire University College Road Stoke on Trent ST4 2DE The information you give will be treated as confidential CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE Section 1 Company Information Please provide the following details about your Company Name: Address: Turnover: Tel No. Email: Web address: Fax: No of Employees: Companies House Registration: Date of Formation or Age of Company: Names of Directors: Please confirm whether any of the above named Directors have been convicted of an offence concerning their professional conduct: Yes No 1 2 Please attach details of your organisation’s experience in the area that you are tendering for, include details of previous contracts and referees. Please give details of 2 referees: Referee 1 Referee 2 Name: Name: Company: Company: Address: Address: 3 Company’s main area of work: 4 Is your organisation or any member of staff a member of any trade or professional organisation? If so please provide details of membership of any such organisation. 5 Insurance: Insurer: Employer’s Liability Insurance held: Enclose a copy of your policy Policy No: Extent of Cover: Attached Yes No CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE Insurer: Public Liability (3rd party) insurance held: Enclose a copy of your policy 7 Extent of Cover (minimum cover £10m) Do you anticipate using subcontractors? If so, how do you assess their health and safety competence? Section 2 8 Policy No: Health & Safety Information Please provide the names and job titles of those people in your organisation with the following responsibilities: The person who has ultimate responsibility for health and safety: Name: Job Title: The person responsible for the day to day management aspects of on-site work: Name: Job Title: CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE 9 If you employ five or more employees, please attach a copy of your company’s most recent health and safety policy (including general statement of intent, organisation for health and safety and working arrangements). Contractors that do not have health and safety policies must demonstrate their commitment to health and safety by having the most senior person in the organisation sign and date the ‘Commitment to Health and Safety at Work’ (attached) and return a copy to the University. Give details of how your health and safety policy is maintained: 10 Competent Health & Safety Adviser State the name of the person or people who provide your competent health and safety advice. Name: Address: Tel No: Email: 11 Describe their health and safety qualifications, experience or relevant training that enables them to undertake this responsibility: 12 If your competent advice is from outside your Company, describe the role they play in the management of health and safety in your Company and describe the capacity in which your Company has employed them in the last year. CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE 13 Please describe any other sources you may use to get health and safety information: 14 How do you monitor the health and safety performance of your: Company: Employees: Sub-Contractors: 15 How do you ensure that employees are kept up to date on health and safety matters? 16 How do you assess sub-contractors’ health and safety competence? (e.g. Contractor Selection Questionnaire - please attach copy) 17 How do you ensure that plant and equipment is in a safe and useable condition? 18 Please enclose copies of any six assessments undertaken for similar projects: General Risk Assessments, as required by the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992. Safety Data Sheets and COSHH Assessments for all substances that you propose to use (if applicable). Any other relevant assessment (e.g. manual handling, noise) Attached Yes No CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE 19 Health & Safety Training, Information and Instruction Attached Yes No How does your Company provide relevant health and safety training, information and instruction to its employees: 20 21 22 Attach copies of training records for your company employees likely to work on Staffordshire University Sites. Does your Company provide induction training for new starters? Does your Company provide written instructions for your employees e.g.: a safety manual. If yes, attach copies of instructions relevant to work on Staffordshire University Site. Describe health and safety training given to Managers in the last three years. Describe the health and safety training given to workers in the last three years. What are your plans for training during the next twelve months? 23 Asbestos Yes No Have you trained your employees about asbestos, where it may be found and what it might look like? Have your employees been trained in the action to take if they find materials they suspect may contain asbestos? If YES (in either case) attach evidence of training. 24 Attached Yes No Accident Reporting Describe how your company reports and investigates accidents. CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE Complete the following table of accident statistics Year Fatal Major Injury Non Reportable + over 7 day This year (to date) Last year (full year) Year before last (full year) Give an example of any of the above accidents which were investigated and what actions, if any, arose from that investigation. 25 Please provide details of any accidents/incidents to employees and non employees reported by or on behalf of your organisation to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) during the last 3 years (as required by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR). 26 Have any enforcement notices been issued or legal proceedings taken against your organisation by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) in the last 3 years? If so please give details: 27 28 Yes No (Please note that this will be checked against the HSE prosecutions and notices database) How do you ensure health and safety procedures are followed by staff and sub-contractors? Please provide details of how often and by whom safety inspections will be carried out. CONTRACTOR SELECTION QUESTIONNAIRE 29 Is your Company a member of any health and safety organisations e.g.: ROSPA, British Safety Council, or IOSH? Yes No Yes No If so give details: Is your company a member of the North Staffordshire Health & Safety Group? ( If yes, how many meetings/events have you attended over the last twelve months? 30 I certify that the information supplied is accurate, to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false information could result in my Company’s exclusion from the Approved contractors List. Name: Signed: Position: Dated: Before returning this questionnaire, please ensure that you have: * Answered all questions * Enclosed all documents COMMITMENT TO HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK Our Company is committed to ensuring that the health, safety and welfare of my employees, University staff, students and visitors is not adversely affected by the work my company carries out. We will: Control health and safety risks arising from our work activities. Consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety. Provide and maintain safe plant and equipment. Ensure safe handling, use and storage of substances. Provide the necessary information, instruction training and supervision to our employees and ensure they are competent to do the work given to them. Endeavour to prevent all accidents and cases of work-related ill health. Provide a safe and healthy place of work. Review and revise this commitment as necessary and at intervals not exceeding two years. Provide adequate resources to ensure health and safety is managed properly. Name: Position: Signature: Dated: