Constitution of the Joint Schools’ of Business and Law Ethics Committee

Constitution of the Joint Schools’ of Business and Law
Ethics Committee
(1) To establish, implement, and review codes of practice, procedures, guidelines for
the consideration, approval and monitoring of research projects that involve human
participants that are undertaken by students and staff members of the Schools of
Business and Law.
(2) Will ensure that ethical principles are clearly laid down and disseminated to
appropriate staff and students and oversee that ethical research practices are
implemented and practised.
(3) Will convene to consider individual and where deemed appropriate collective
applications that seek ethical approval that are referred to the committee which
involve research of human participants.
(4) To consider and advise on appropriate training and development for students and
staff where deemed appropriate.
(5) To regularly monitor and oversee research ethics issues that are deemed applicable
to the Faculty.
(6) To annually and at other points report on ethical issues pertaining to the Schools’
research activities, including: staff research and consultancy, postgraduate and
undergraduate taught programmes and student research awards, plus other deemed
research related activities within the Faculty requiring ethical oversight.