Jordan B. Maley Resume January 2007

Jordan B. Maley
January 2007
Summary of
29 years of natural resource research, planning and management experience--including
economic, environmental, and crop production systems. Practical research experience in
systems for alternative dryland crops, conservation tillage, soil fertility management, and
environmental monitoring & analysis. Six years of experience in professional land use
planning—including interpretation and application of regulations, report preparation, grant
writing, special project administration, and information systems development. Professional
written and oral communication skills. Knowledgeable about the local region and involved in
voluntary community service for the past 20 years.
4/98 – Present Dryland Cropping Systems Agent
NRCS – OSU Extension Service Condon, Oregon
Shared position with Natural Resources Conservation Service and OSU Extension Service.
Develop natural resource conservation plans for agricultural producers following the NRCS
nine-step planning process. Participate in development of ESA mitigation program in the MidColumbia region of Oregon, providing assistance to other NRCS staff in writing and editing of
biological assessment for agricultural conservation practices. Provide John Day – Umatilla
basin NRCS staff with ongoing training and assistance in use of geographic information
systems for conservation plan development. Organize, teach and evaluate educational
programs for commercial dryland crop producers and natural resource agency personnel in
Gilliam County. Program emphasis on solving the challenges of crop production, natural
resource conservation, pest & nutrient management and agricultural business management.
City of Condon
Condon, Oregon
Administered ordinances & financial management of the City of Condon. Responsibilities
included research, analysis and presentation of information on municipal operations to the
Condon City Council and general public.
3/85 - 8/97
Agricultural Business Manager
Condon, Oregon
Managed 2400-acre commercial dryland grain operation. Responsibilities included all aspects
of financial & resource management. Expertise in on-farm research trials, technical analysis
of market and environmental data, electronic retrieval and transmission of information; and
compliance with state and federal regulations. Specific research experience in alternative
crop rotations, fertility monitoring and management, soil and water conservation, biological
control of crop pests, climate and watershed monitoring.
9/84 - 12/84
Teaching Assistant
OSU Geography Department
Corvallis, Oregon
Prepared and delivered lectures, tests and lab exercises for World Geography class.
Provided individual tutoring. Covered introductory material including physical, economic and
cultural geography curriculum.
9/83 - 5/84
Research Lab Technician
Bend Research, Inc.
Bend, Oregon
Member of team that researched, designed, produced and analyzed reverse osmosis
technology for petroleum gas separation.
Jordan B. Maley, Page 2
7/79 - 7/83
8/77 - 7/79
Associate Planner
Deschutes County
Bend, Oregon
Administered countywide natural resource inventory, creation of a geographic information
system, economic development program, and industrial lands infrastructure database for
Deschutes County’s land use planning program. Coordinated land use planning process with
private business and public agencies, assisted county commission on historic landmarks, and
served as interim planning director for cities of Redmond and Sisters. Interpreted and
implemented comprehensive plan and zoning ordinances. Presented findings to general
public and administrators, and documented research and findings in written reports.
Associate Planner
Crook County
Prineville, Oregon
Administered NASA demonstration project for satellite mapping and inventory of natural
resources. Assisted in completion of Crook County comprehensive land use plan. Delivered
public presentations and newspaper reports on mapping and planning projects. Documented
procedures and findings in written reports.
Teaching Experience
Guest Lecturer
SOU, Department of Geography
Condon, Oregon
Presented program on dryland agricultural conservation and watershed restoration to
Conservation in the U.S. class.
Teaching Assistant
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Taught World Geography Lab, Fall term 1984 at OSU Geography Department
Technology Extension
NASA-Ames Research Center Salem, Oregon
Presented 2-week program to Oregon governor, state legislators, agency personnel, and
journalists on remote sensing and natural resource management.
Field Instructor
SOU, Department of Geography
Prineville, Oregon
Instructed Field Geography class on field techniques, including data collection
methodology and correlation of field data with satellite imagery.
9/71 - 6/77 B.S., Geography, Southern Oregon College, Ashland, Oregon
Post-baccalaureate courses:
9/83 – 3/85 Continuing education course work in chemistry, pre-calculus, agricultural science and
business management
Alternative Crops for the Columbia Basin; Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon 10/06
Biological Assessment For Conservation Practices Within The Counties of Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco;
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service, Oregon, 2/02
Landsat Application Project, Land Cover Inventory, Deschutes County, Oregon, 5/81
Deschutes County Land Cover Inventory and Resource Assessment, Oregon Lands, 12/79
Final Report, Land Resource Inventory Demonstration Project, Crook County, Oregon, 3/79
Furnished upon request