Programme Title:
Master of Business Administration
Awarding Body:
Staffordshire University
Teaching Institution:
Staffordshire University
Final Awards:
Intermediate Early Exit Awards:
Postgraduate Certificate in Business Administration
Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration
Mode of Study:
UCAS Codes:
QAA Subject Benchmarks:
Business and Management Masters (2015)
Professional/Statutory Body:
Date of Production:
October 2015
If you require this document in a larger text or a different medium please contact us.
The aim of the MBA is to enable students to deal with real world issues of management
& leadership within the intellectual and challenging environment of Staffordshire
University Business School. It will enable you to develop key competencies providing
the ability to apply contemporary techniques for decision making in complex situations
faced by managers & leaders across a wide range of industry & business sectors.
The principle approach to learning is centred on Problem and Practice Based Learning
(PPBL). All MBA students will work collaboratively with each other and with teaching
staff tackling real world or authentic problems allowing development of skills and
hence application as management & leadership competencies. Focus on PPBL will
lead you to be capable independent learners, who understand the key issues relevant
to business and your respective professions.
MBA teaching staff will utilise their wide experiences of both research & professional
practice to create authentic, valid and challenging learning experiences throughout all
MBA teaching & learning. MBA students come from a wide range of backgrounds and
hence possess a wide range of skills & competencies plus expectations at the start of
their study. The aim is to work in partnership with MBA students to ensure all students
are continuously challenged whilst being provided with the required support to enable
success (Faculty Teaching & Learning strategy).
All our students will engage in 'learning to learn' and become increasingly reflective
learners through adoption of the PPBL philosophy and hence development of key
management & leadership competencies.
Employers will recognise that our students are better equipped to enter the world of
work, or to make a greater contribution to their current roles.
The aims of this award have been derived from and mapped against the National
Benchmark Standards for Postgraduate Business and Management awards which
were developed taking into consideration guidelines and position papers at the
master's level produced by EQUAL (the European QUAlity link). Detailed learning
outcomes for all modules are given in the module descriptors.
The following MBA programme aims seek to establish a solid basis for career
advancement or for those seeking new employment opportunities:
Provide an advanced course of study in management & leadership within rapidly
changing business environments where teaching seeks to explore contemporary
approaches to business practice.
Develop defined management & leadership competencies in high capability
individuals who can apply their knowledge to address contemporary business
Based on problem, practice learning, develop an understanding of critical
evaluation methodologies appropriate to address contemporary challenges in
Develop an overall capacity for independent, critical and creative thinking.
Develop critical skills to assess & evaluate academic literature and other forms of
research output to inform business practice in the context of management &
Prepare you for career advancement or new employment opportunities or
continued employment with a diverse range of key & clearly defined management
& leadership competencies.
What is distinctive about this programme?
Challenges facing managers & leaders have and continue to undergo significant
change such that key associated competencies are required to support continued
career development in an increasingly competitive environment.
It is not sufficient to understand the theory & techniques alone. Critically, successful
managers & leaders must possess the required competencies together with an
understanding of contemporary business issues & risks to succeed. This postgraduate
award has been designed to offer those either in or embarking on careers in
management or leadership the opportunity to succeed.
The flexible nature of the award allows the opportunity to explore specific aspects of
business to tailor the overall award to individual career plans. A combined theory &
practitioner approach to teaching & learning supports the shaping of an MBA
curriculum that embeds the desired professional and practitioner ethos, focussing on
employability and continuing professional development in the field of management &
The key distinctive features of the MBA are:
A single MBA award which offers a comprehensive suite of core management &
leadership topics with the ability to select from a wide range of option topics
affording the flexibility to tailor teaching & learning to suit individual career plans.
A vocational ethos aimed at delivering the competencies for agile management &
leadership with an attitude & confidence to embrace & manage risk inherent in
Options to study in a number of different ways - either full time part time of more
intensive flexible delivery & timescales to suit individual requirements.
Critically aimed at developing key management & leadership competencies in
strategic agility, organisational agility, customer focus, drive for results and career
An underpinning PPBL philosophy which combines a theory & practice informed
approach to teaching & learning based on contemporary business issues &
Incorporating a wide range of approaches to assessment designed to incorporate
the philosophy of PPBL that reflects contemporary business contexts.
A final Project to demonstrate & contextualise overall award learning outcomes on
a subject relevant to individual employment experience.
Running concurrent with teaching & learning there are two underpinning ‘Events’
& ‘Career Advisory’ programmes aimed at developing/enhancing networks &
supporting carer advancement/securing new employment opportunities.
Timetabling will be sympathetic to part time MBA students and will involve
afternoon, evening and in some cases weekend class-room sessions.
What will this programme enable me to do?
At the end of your studies you should be able to:
On completion of the MBA participants will be able to demonstrate the following
learning outcomes.
Demonstrate a systematic awareness, understanding and knowledge of
contemporary management & leadership issues in both a local & global context
(Knowledge and Understanding)
Demonstrate intellectual and entrepreneurial skills in the problem/practice based
application of management & leadership competencies, together with a practical
understanding of how established management & leadership techniques are
applied in contemporary business applications (Application)
Demonstrate the ability to learn and to take responsibility for continuing career
development. Contextualise, analyse and learn from experience or simulated
environments taking both local & global perspective on contemporary
developments and research in management & leadership. (Learning)
Generate innovative and enterprising approaches & solutions to management &
leadership challenges which inform decision making in effective business risk
management. (Problem Solving)
Devise and apply valid problem/practice based evaluation and investigative
techniques to interpret complex business challenges and propose solutions.
Demonstrate understanding of selected investigative techniques within
contemporary business paradigms. (Enquiry)
Demonstrate a conceptual understanding and critical awareness of contemporary
developments in management & leadership. Evaluate the rigour and validity of
evaluation and relevance to contemporary issues in management & leadership.
Articulate complex business information, situations & scenarios based on critical
awareness & knowledge, adapting to different audiences, circumstances &
feedback using a variety of communication tools & approaches. (Communication)
Reflect on and demonstrate development of the underpinning management &
leadership competencies to enhance employability and/or career advancement in
positions of management & leadership. (Reflection)
Programme Title: MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Full Time - September Intake (12 months) + opportunity for placement
60 Credits
L Teaching
Block 1
People &
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
Performing in
(15 credits)
120 Credits
L Teaching
Block 2
Leadership &
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
180 Credits
L Teaching
Block 3
(60 credits)
The FTMBA will still offer opportunity for all students to undertake industrial placement.
This is not however guaranteed and will remain each student’s responsibility to
Programme Title: MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Part Time - September Intake (36 months)
Year 1 - 60 Credits
L Teaching
Block 1
People &
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
Block 2
Leadership &
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
Year 2 - 120 Credits
L Teaching
Block 1
Performing in
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
(15 credits)
Year 3 - 180 Credits
L Teaching
Block 1
Block 2
(60 credits)
Potential Options (dependant on student numbers)
Applied Psychology in Business
Marketing Innovations
Financial Concepts & Practice
Contemporary Challenges in HRM
Cross Cultural & International HRM
Project Management
Change Leadership
International Business
 Business Law
Programme Title : MBA (Master of Business Administration)
Corporate/Part Time - Flexible Intake (c.36 months)
In addition to the above there are a number of corporate clients where the MBA programme
is delivered on a more bespoke basis.
Although the intensive delivery/corporate part-time provision is currently operated along
similar lines to the September intake Part Time programme, actual intake is determined by
individual client demand - hence cohorts ordinarily commence study throughout TB1/2. This
approach is expected to continue..
The target is to study 30 credits/TB e.g. 2x15 credit modules - to accumulate 180 credits over
a nominal 36 month period of study. Dependant on client demand it would however be
possible to conduct an accelerated c.24 month programme over TB1/2 & 3.
In order to progress - all students must ordinarily have obtained a pass in all taught
modules whether studying Full Time or Part Time & Corporate/Part Time in order to
continue on to the final Project phase:
For Full Time students it is necessary to obtain a Pass in all taught modules (120
credits) over the course of 1 year before continuing to the final Project stage.
For Part Time & Corporate/Part Time students it is necessary to obtain a pass in
all modules (60 credits in Year 1 and 120 credits by end Year 2) in order to
proceed to the Year 3 final Project stage.
Otherwise in all cases award specific regulations must permit compensation of a failed
module or retrieval of failure at the final stage of the programme of study.
PG Certificate in Business Administration
On completion of the 60 credits students can be awarded an intermediate PG
Certificate in Business Administration exit award e.g. the student is not continuing
further MBA study.
For FT participants having successfully completed the following 4x15 credit modules:
 Managing People & Organisations
 Strategic Marketing Management
 Risk Management
 Performing in Organisations
For the PT participants having successfully completed the following 4x15 credit
 Managing People & Organisations
 Strategic Marketing Management
 Leadership & Strategic Management
 1xOption module
This programme serves as a foundation of learning. It allows students to broaden &
deepen their professional knowledge base, skill-set and competency through a
process of enquiry and critical reflection.
On completion of 60 credits, participants will demonstrate:
Demonstrate a systematic awareness, understanding and knowledge of
contemporary management & leadership issues in both a local & global context
(Knowledge and Understanding)
Devise and apply valid problem/practice based evaluation and investigative
techniques to interpret complex business challenges and propose solutions.
Demonstrate understanding of selected investigative techniques within
contemporary business paradigms. (Enquiry)
Reflect on and demonstrate development of the underpinning management &
leadership competencies to enhance employability and/or career advancement in
positions of management & leadership. (Reflection)
PG Diploma in Business Administration
On completion of the 120 credits students can be awarded an intermediate PG
Diploma in Business Administration exit award e.g. the student is not continuing further
MBA study.
For FT participants having successfully completed the modules above plus the
following 4x15 credit modules:
 Leadership & Strategic Management
 3xOption module
For the PT participants having successfully completed the modules above plus the
following 4x15 credit modules:
 Risk Management
 Performing in Organisations
 2xOption module
This programme serves as a basis for greater learning. It allows students to expand
their professional knowledge base, skill-set and competency through a process of
application, enquiry and continued critical reflection.
On completion of 120 credits, participants will demonstrate Certificate level learning
outcomes plus:
Demonstrate intellectual and entrepreneurial skills in the problem/practice based
application of management & leadership competencies, together with a practical
understanding of how established management & leadership techniques are
applied in contemporary business applications (Application)
Demonstrate a conceptual understanding and critical awareness of contemporary
developments in management & leadership. Evaluate the rigour and validity of
evaluation and relevance to contemporary issues in management & leadership.
Teaching and Learning
The underpinning approach and hence philosophy throughout the MBA is Problem
and Practice Based Learning (PPBL). Learning activities are tailored to this approach
by engaging with authentic and challenging real problems, allowing students to
evolve understanding, and analytical skills; hence facilitating development of key
management & leadership competencies.
The focus will therefore be on active learning. Active learning is centred on
communication, discussion & hence learning based on dialectic rather than didactic
learning which replaces more traditional teacher led classroom engagement. F2F
class sessions will therefore be an opportunity for teaching staff to demonstrate their
enthusiasm and mastery of the subject and hence engaging MBA students in
Many approaches to PPBL will be innovative and novel – pushing the boundaries of
learning and knowledge in the MBA subject areas. MBA class sessions aim to be
dynamic where students are valued contributors to constructive, collaborative and
technology based learning.
The PPBL philosophy aims to set in context the latest theories, models and
frameworks throughout all modules. Each module is designed to develop 5xkey
competencies required for effective management & leadership.
These competencies are defined as:
1. Strategic Agility
The ability to perceive and implement direction at a strategic level; to evaluate
the implications of setting direction and implementation
2. Organisational Agility
The ability to navigate effectively within an organisation; to understand not just
wiring diagrams & structures but informal networks and organisational culture
3. Customer Focus
Understanding what a customer really wants be they internal or external and
how you should operate to secure repeat business
4. Drive for Results
Making sure you can operate and deliver against key drivers of quality, cost &
timescale - even when the pressure is on.
5. Career Ambition
Always take steps to know & understand your abilities & limitations plus critically
what new skills & competencies do you have to plan for & develop to ensure
you secure that key next step on the career ladder.
These are fully defined management & leadership competencies (Career Architect Lombardo & Eichinger Lominger 2012) currently utilised in continuous development of
both managers & leaders within a wider range of both private & public sector
organisations. The combination of these competencies aims to convey an optimum
mix of such competencies to enhance employability. This is fundamental to the new
approach, in-line with the underpinning PPBL philosophy and designed to enhance
employability whether those seeking career advancement in management or
leadership roles or change to new employment.
The methods of teaching and learning used will vary according to the nature of the
subject matter but will have a wide diversity from more formal lectures to more student
centred activities including tutorials, seminars, case studies, management
simulation/exercises, group work, workshops, project work, role play plus virtual
learning environments in addition to independent study and desk based/empirical
research activity.
In all classes, much emphasis will be placed on active, experiential learning which
encourages preparatory work for full class participation.
Directed independent & work based study will also be utilised to support and build on
the knowledge, skills & competencies learnt in F2F teaching & learning to provide a
fuller understanding and context to each module. Both personal and module tutors will
be available to provide 1:1 support where required.
Although not credit bearing, it is expected that all students will actively participate in
and contribute to both the Events and Careers Advisory programme events &
activities that will be running concurrent with module teaching & learning.
The Events programme will start with an induction event, at least two weekend
residential events plus factory visits, guest speakers and a host of other activities e.g.
breakfast club/networking and post graduate/alumni social activities to facilitate
learning through networking.
The Careers Advisory programme also aims to provide individual advice on such as
option choice, developing business competencies, developing a career plan, 1:1 career
coaching, advice on CV’s and such as media training. Continuous emphasis is placed
on the PDP process as the primary vehicle to assess and plan personal development
to ensure consistent reflection to maximise learning and hence employability potential.
The curriculum is structured so that both knowledge & knowledge developed within
module teaching is PPBL and hence fully transferable e.g. applied and hence able to
be further developed to wider/new concepts in other modules and/or the work-place.
The VLE (Blackboard and other digital media) plays a key role in ensuring
communication is maintained and direction is provided to ensure a depth and breadth
of learning which complements and enhances the F2F learning experience. All
modules are represented on VLE. Many are adapted to facilitate online learning
opportunities plus intermediate/formative assessment criteria e.g. tests, questionnaires
and direction to supplementary web based learning resource.
The MBA award adopts a sympathetic approach to timetabling where for example
classes may be conducted during afternoons & evenings to accommodate part time
students whilst retaining the ability of all MBA students to experience the widest & most
diverse learning experience.
Full time students will study 60 credits/semester and aim to complete the award over
TB1/2/3 whereas part time students will study 30 credits/semester and aim to complete
the award over 3 years. The Corporate/part time students also aim to study 30
credits/semester although timing of individual intensive study modules will be adjusted
to suite client timescales.
These are written in the light of professional-based assessment guidelines and QAA
benchmark standards list “Skills for all Masters programmes”. In essence, these are a
demonstrable range of appropriate cognitive, critical and intellectual challenges,
approaches to research in addition to relevant interpersonal competencies associated
with management & leadership.
Assessment types
To assure student progress, focus will be on assessment & feedback that provides
guidance throughout the duration of MBA study. Developmental and formative
assessment will be used throughout every module providing feedback on performance.
There will be a variety of assessment methods to engage students in real-life
experiences, and prepare for subsequent careers. MBA assessments will also be
based on PPBL aimed at facilitating development of the key defined 5x management
& leadership competencies.
As an example, assessment methods include both individual assessment & projects,
individual & group reports, individual & group presentation, directed debate, case
analysis and 'viva-voce' (aural) & formal closed book examinations plus final Project.
Assessment methods vary between modules but the overall strategy is to have a
balanced set of assessments utilising a variety of different approaches all based on
the philosophy of PPBL.
All MBA students will be provided with feedback in every module at every stage of
learning to enable optimum approach & preparation for final assessment.
Because the PPBL philosophy is based on engagement & dialogue as a key
component of a learning organisation, it is axiomatic that student feedback will be
sought both during & following each element of learning to engender an overarching
MBA culture of continuous improvement.
What qualifications are required to join this programme?
Candidates will normally be expected to have:
A minimum 2:1 or above Honours degree (or equivalent) in any discipline plus at
least 1 year relevant post graduate industrial experience. Applicants may be
admitted to the award with advance standing either full or part on the basis of
exemptions on the above minimum requirement based on significant relevant
industrial experience in a management & leadership role and/or with approved
alternative qualifications.
Candidates where English is not their first language will also normally be
expected to have:
Satisfactory English language qualifications. The required qualification is IELTS
6.5 overall average with a minimum 6.0 in all categories e.g. Speaking, Writing,
Reading & Listening)
TOEFL with overall score 88 & minimum 22 Speaking, 19 Listening, 20 Reading
and 19 Writing
Pearson with overall score 61 & minimum 56 Speaking, Listening, Reading &
At the Stoke Campus of Staffordshire University; a booster English Language precourse to support candidates reaching the required standard will also be available.
Suitability for all applicants will normally be made via both on-line application and a
mandatory informal interview (Invited to an on-campus interview if the applicant is
in the UK and conducted via Skype/Facetime if the applicant is
overseas/international. All offers will be subject to successful interview which will
be based on assessment of the following 4xentry level competencies:
1. Presentation skills
A typical interview question would be based on such as:
"What is the difference between Leadership & Management"?
"How would you characterise both organisation structure and organisation
"Provide an example of when you were working under pressure. How did you
deal with it"??
"What direction do you see your career going and why"?
2. Written communication skills
A short c.200 word narrative on one of the above topics
3. Problem solving - Case Question
An appropriate short case study for c.5 minute Q&A session
4. Ability to contribute to a team
A competency style interview question e.g. where the applicant provides and
example of working in a team followed by c.5 min Q&A
For non-standard applications - applicants may be admitted to the award with
advance standing based on previous studies and or relevant industrial
Disability Statement
Staffordshire University operates a policy of inclusive teaching and learning to ensure
that all students have an equal opportunity to fulfil their educational potential. Details
about how to apply to have your needs assessed can be found at:
The Postgraduate Assessment Regulations for the MBA (Master of Business
The MBA (Master of Business Administration) assessment regulations will conform to
the University postgraduate regulations.
Further information about the award can be found in the relevant Student
Handbook and on the University Website. This includes information about
optional modules, student support, and academic regulations.
This section should record any matters within the programme specification which do not
apply to the delivery at the partner. It should also note any differences in delivery,
course content, module choice etc.
Name and
location of
Awards to be
offered at partner
Aims / Learning
e.g. the awards listed below are part of a franchise
arrangement with Staffordshire University.
Teaching and
Date of
All of the above sections should be completed as appropriate for each partner organisation.