BACS Information Form, i-Expenses

Finform 211: i-expenses BACS information form
BACS Information Form, i-Expenses
Please return your completed form to: Staffordshire University, Financial Services, PO Box 361, Beaconside, Stafford, ST16 9EF
Name: Dr/Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms (delete as appropriate)
Bank/Building Society Name:
Bank/Building Society Address:
Room & Building:
Campus site:
Work tel extn:
E-mail address for BACS Remittance
Branch Sort Code
Account no:
Payroll number
Do you curently log on to a University PC? If YES, please state your username………..........................
Name of i-Expenses Authoriser:……………………………………………………………………………………
Approved by:......................................................................... Date:....................
Default Cost Centre:
Data Protection Obligations – to be signed by you, the i-Expenses user
The Data Protection Act 1998 imposes certain obligations on users of computer databases that store personal information. The University Information Systems fall into this
category and access to the data must, by law, be controlled. Other systems will contain personal information in the future. Guidance for staff is available from the
University’s Information Protection and Security Manager; Sue Howlett, Tel: 01782 294365, Email:
For more information about Data Protection and your obligations, visit :
Personal Declaration
I understand the implications of the Data Protection Act and agree to abide by the conditions for the use of the Information Systems and any other systems that contain
personal information.
As a user of these systems you have a personal liability under the Act to ensure that:
1. All possible precautions are taken to prevent unauthorised access to the data.
2. The information is not disclosed to any unauthorised person.
You must take particular care that:
3. Your account details and passwords are not disclosed to anyone.
4. Your computer is not left unattended while connected to one of the systems.
5. Printed information is kept in a secure place.
Name (Block caps): ........................................................................... Signed:........................... .......................................................... Date:........................................
Staff name: ………………………………………………………………………
Username: ……………………………………………………………………….
Faculty/Service: ………………………………………………………………..
Finform 211: i-expenses BACS information form
This section only to be completed by Financial Services Staff
SU Internet Expenses
SU Internet Expenses ACT
SU Internet Expenses Adu (Academic Development Unit)
SU Internet Expenses Audit Manager
SU Internet Expenses Auditor
SU Internet Expenses BEL
SU Internet Expenses CES
SU Internet Expenses EBU
SU Internet Expenses ECD
SU Internet Expenses EST
SU Internet Expenses Exec
SU Internet Expenses FIN
SU Internet Expenses HS
SU Internet Expenses IS
SU Internet Expenses MPR
SU Internet Expenses PART
SU Internet Expenses PERS
SU Internet Expenses STU OFF
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