Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor COURSE OUTLINE 1. Course Objective: The purpose of this Course is to introduce the class participants to the ways and means of financing public services at the most economical ways at the least cost to the taxpaying public. Class participants will be exposed to the many disciplinary process in budgeting and accounting for public resources as such resources are used for the general public benefits. Class participants will discussed the process undertaken to translate the political objectives of our elected leaders into a political document, commonly recognized as the Budget document itself. Even though some fiscal policies are more akin to all levels of governments from the municipal to the State/National Government, local government finances will be utilized as the laboratory site for this learning experience. Throughout the Course, several sessions will be devoted to the particular characteristics of government finance administration and practices within the Territorial Government of Guam, and in comparison with County, City and or State Governments as well as with the various government entities located within the surrounding Pacific Insular Governments. 2. Textbook Fiscal Administration: Analysis and Application for the Public Sector, by John L. Miskesell. Public Budgeting Systems. 8th Edition. by Robert Lee, Jr; Ronald W. Johnson & Philip G. Joyce (Jones & Bartlett Publishers) Additional readings from Class Materials handouts, related journal articles, government documents as provided. 3. Class Schedule See Class Schedule follows 4. Assignments: A. There will be at least four (4) Team established, consisting of a minimum of five students responsible for preparing a term paper covering a specific: Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor (1) Budget instrument or financial plan to finance a specific functional area of governments, agency or an organizational components; and to (2) Include the step-by-step process from evolution to its final disposition. B. Complete all reading assignments. C. Present an oral and written team report on the subject matter selected in “A” above. 5. Course Methodology and Approach A. Use the Textbook as the Guidebook B. Class presentations C. Presentations by Guest Speakers, etc. 6. Course Evaluation Format A. Mid-Term Examination 45% B. Class Participation 15% C. Oral and Written Presentation 40% Final Examination-- optional 7. Broad Course Objectives A. To introduce students to the budgetary process and its execution Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor B. To follow and discuss the audit trail of fiscal administration as the means of achieving public accountability of government (public) funds C. To trace and appreciate the political role and relationship of the varying aspects of public finance administration D. To recognize and to understand the transformation of the budget document as the political objectives of the political leaders in office. 8. Teaching Methods A. Lecture, discussion and student reports B. Guest Speakers on a specific topic may be invited. NOTATIONS; PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS CLASS PA303 DEALS PRIMARILY WITH BUDGETING/PUBLIC FINANCE AS A PROCESS OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY. STRICK ADHERENCE SHOULD BE ON THE PROCESS/PROCEDURAL STEPS-BY-STEPS TO REFLECT THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE DESIRES OF OUR POLITICAL LEADERS, VOTING ELECTORATE, AND THE GENERAL PUBLIC INTO AN ACCOUNTABLE AND AUDITABLE DOCUMENT. IN ORDER TO OBTAIN MAXIMUM BENEFITS, THE COOPERATION AND ASSISTANCE OF EVERY CLASS PARTICIPANT WILL BE REQUIRED THROUGHOUT THE COURSE, INCLUDING PUNCTUALITY IN MEETING ESTABLISHED DEADLINES AND ATTENDANCE. THEREFORE, (IN KEEPING WITH ACCEPTABLE LEARNING EXPEREINCES,) A HEALTHY DIALOGUE OF EXCHANGE DISCUSSIONS WILL BE ENCOURAGED. Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor CLASS SCHEDULE January 25 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC BUDGETING AND PERPECTIVES; DISCUSSION OF CLASS PROJECTS ANALYSIS OF THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF GUAM HISTORICAL DISCUSSION: HOW DID GOVGUAM GETS TO BE TOO BIG? PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION VS. FISCAL POLICY February 1 A. ROLE OF PUB LIC FINANCE B. KEY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN BUDGETING 1. GOVERNOR'S FISCAL POLICY COMMITTEE 2. BUREAU OF BUGET AND MANAGEMENT 3. DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION 4. DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE AND ADMINISTRATION 5. GUAM ECONOMIC & COMMERCE DEV'LP February 8 TAX EXPENDITURE BUDGET; COMPONENTS OF Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor February 15 WHAT IS THE BUDGET? 1. Expression of Public Policy 2. Financial Plans 3. Political Leader’s Priority 4. Detailed Listing of Revenues and Expenditures 5. Budget Cycles WHO PAYS? TYPES OF REVENUES; GENERAL TAXES; FEES; USER FEES; ETC. THE BUDGET PROCESS. WHAT DO WE MEAN BY FOUR PHASES OF BUDGET DEVELOPMENT: 1. Budget Formulation 2. Adoption 3. Execution 4. Auditing – Program Evaluations February 22 March 1 March 8 DISCUSSION OF REVENUE ADMINISTRATION AND COLLECTION- (GUEST SPEAKER) - Class Excused to Pursue Research / Get Team Members to agree on specific topics for Research. BUDGETARY RELATIONSHIP WITH AND WITHIN THE LEGISLATIVE BRANCH –OVERSIGHT RESPONSIBILITY FO THE SUBSTANTIVE COMMITTEE THE SPEAKER; MINORITY MEMBERS Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor BUDGETARY – AUDITING- ROLE OF THE PUBLIC AUDITOR; INTEREST GROUPS; THE GENERAL PUBLIC; ET AL March 15 TYPES- KINDS- OF BUDGET PRESENTATIONS 1. Line Item 2. Program Budgeting 3a. Zero- Based Budgeting 3. Cost –Based Budgeting 4. Performance Based Budgeting 5. Long Term Budgeting 6. Capital Improvement Budget March 22 BUDGET EXECUTION AND CONTROL March 29 NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK (March 24-29) April 5 DEBT ADMINISTRATION; ISSUANCE OF PUBLIC DEBT; LIMITATIONS; TYPES OF DEBTS BUDGETING FOR OVERHEAD COSTS, FRINGE BENEFITS, RETIREMENT, MEDICAL, DENTAL AND LIFE INSURANCE FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES April 12 April 19 TRANPARENCY IN THE BUDGET PROCESS; IMPROVING GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE THRU COMPETITION: Pa 303 Government Finance UOG Joe T. San Agustin, Adjunct Instructor 1. 2. 3. 4. April 26 May 3 May 10 . Types of Privatization Outsourcing of Functions Candidates for Privatization / Outsourcing Procedures for a Successful Privatization / Outsourcing REVIEW FOR FINAL EXAMINATIONS--Term Paper due. FINAL EXAMINATIONS - OPEN BOOK EXAM (MUST USE BLUE BOOK BOOKET TO RESPONSE TO EXAMINATIONS) LAST DAY OF CLASS--