DENVER VA GERIATRICS SCREEN Reason for Consultation: RECOMMENDATIONS: Problem List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Medications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Recently discontinued medications: 1. 2. 3. Over-the-counter/herbal medications: 1. 2. 3. 4. Patient's understanding of indication for each medication: []All: []>50%: []<50%: []None: "Sometimes people forget miss their medication, forget to take them, or take extra pills if they think they need them. Does this ever happen to you?" []Never; []<once/month []<once/week; []>once a week or daily Side effects of medication: "Do you have any of the following symptoms? Do you think they might be related to your medications?" Urinary freq: Dry mouth: Sleepy: Gl problem: Dizzy: Sex problem: Other (specify): [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] FUNCTIONAL STATUS Vision: [] [] [] [] [] Normal Impaired Interferes w/ function Cataract Glaucoma Hearing: [] Normal [] Impaired; [] Interferes w/ function [] Hearing aid Dentition: [] [] [] [] Dentulous (most, half, few teeth present) Edentulous Dentures (good fit, poor fit) Interferes with function Ambulation: [] [] [] [] [] Independent [] Cane [] Rolling walker Standard walker [] Standard crutches Lofstran crutches [] Wheelchair [] Bedridden Other assistive device Interferes with function Continence: Bowel ([] continent, []occasionally incont, [] Interferes with function []incont.) Bladder ([] continent, [] occasionally incont, [] incont.) [] interferes with funct ADL: Independent Bathing [] Dressing [] Feeding [] Toileting [] Meal prep [] Medications [] Shopping [] Telephone [] Housekeeping [] Laundry [] Finances [] Needs assist [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Dependent [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] SAFETY: (e.g., stairs, stove, etc.) [] Endangers self freq; [] occas; [] never DRIVING: Patient drives motor vehicle: [] yes; [] no visual acuity 20/ FALL RISK: falls within 6 months [] yes; [] no Get-up-and-go test: [] normal; Comment: [] impaired Glabellar response: [] nl; Palmomental: [] present; [] abn [] absent Rhomberg test: Comment: [] abn [] nl; SOCIAL: Living situation: [] [] [] [] [] number: alone [] spouse Family (specify): Assisted living (name) Nursing home (name) Other: Caregiver/support system: Name: Relationship: Proximity: Phone #: [] yes; [] no "Do you need more help at home?" Comment: [] yes; [] no "Do you have enough money to buy food, pay bills and to obtain transportation?" Comment: NUTRITION (score, i.e., # answered true: _/8) Serum Albumin: [] [] [] [] [] [] T/F: T/F: T/F: T/F: T/F: T/F: I don't always have enough money to buy food. I eat fewer than 2 meals per day. I have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard to eat. Without trying, I have lost 10 lbs or more in the last 6 mos. I eat few fruits, vegetables or milk products. I have an illness that made me change the kind or amount of food I eat. [] T/F: I have 3 or more drinks of beer/liquor/wine almost every day. [] T/F: I am not always physically able to shop, cook and/or feed myself. SKIN INTEGRITY: PSYCHIATRIC: Sleep: Interest: Guilt: Energy: Concentration: Appetite: Psychomotor: Sucidality: Breakdown [] yes; [] no Sites/description: [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Nl Nl Nl Nl Nl Nl Nl Yes [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Abn Abn Abn Abn Abn Abn Abn No comment: comment: comment: comment: comment: comment: comment: comment: Geriatric Depression Screen: __/15 or __/30 PREVENTION/HEALTH MAINTENANCE: Immunizations: pneumovax Influenza Tetanus PPD: Mammogram: [] Yes; [] No Tobacco: [] never; [] [] [] [] Yes; Yes; Yes; Yes; [] n.a. [] previous; Alcohol: [] Cut back; [] [] [] [] No No No No date: date: date: date: Pap smear: [] Yes; [] No [] current [] Annoyed; [] "Guilt; [] n.a. packs/day: [] Eye opener ADVANCED DIRECTIVES: [] Living will [] Cor Status [] Durable POA (specify): Comment: MINI-MENTAL STATUS EXAM: If no, describe: Alert ([] yes; [] no) ORIENTATION: score __/10 (year/season/date/day/month) (state/county/town/hospital/floor) REGISTRATION: score /3 (name 3 objects; patient repeats each. Then repeat all 3 for scoring) ATTENTION/CALCULATIONS: score /5 (serial 7s, counting backward from 100. Stop after 5 answers. If < high school education, spell "world" backwards) RECALL: score /3 (approximately 5 minutes after registration) LANGUAGE: score /9 Name pencil and watch (2 points) Repeat "no ifs, ands or buts" (one point) Three stage command ("take this paper in your right hand, fold it in half, put it on the table") (3 points) Read and obey: "Close your eyes" (1 point) Write a sentence. (1 point) Copy design. (1 point) TOTAL: /30 EXAM: LABS: IMPRESSION: Level of education: