Chapter 7 – The Quantum Mechanical Atom

Chapter 7 – The Quantum Mechanical Atom
In chapter 6 we saw the energy can be
transferred as heat.
In this chapter, we shall see that energy
can also be transferred as LIGHT
Many chemical reactions emit light as
they occur……
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• Radiation (light) energy is carried
through space by WAVES
• Waves are: oscillations that move
outward from a disturbance
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Simplest Wave Motion
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Ways to describe the WAVE FORM (the form of the wave)
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Wavelength And Frequency
• Wavelength is the distance between any two identical
points in consecutive cycles
• Wavelength is denoted by the Greek letter  (lambda) and
is measured in nanometers and angstroms
• Frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of the wave
that pass through a point in a unit of time
• Frequency is denoted by the Greek letter v (nu) and is
measured in hertz
• Amplitude of a wave is its height: the distance from a line
of no disturbance through the center of the wave peak.
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• The product of frequency and wavelength
give the speed of light (c)
    c  3.00 108 m/s
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•With radiation, the disturbance is a vibrating electric charge
•As the electric charge jiggles, it produces an electric field
around it
•As the electric field pulses, it creates a magnetic field.
•As the magnetic field pulses, it gives rise to another electric
field pulse further away from the source
•The process continues….
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An Electromagnetic Wave
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum
The electromagnetic spectrum is largely invisible to the eye
However, we can feel some radiation through other senses
Sunburned skin is a sign of too much ultraviolet radiation
Materials vary in their ability to absorb or transmit different
parts of the electromagnetic spectrum
– Our bodies absorb visible light, but transmit most X-rays
– Window glass transmits visible light, but absorbs
ultraviolet radiation
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The Electromagnetic Spectrum
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• What we call light is a small slice of the
electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths
between about 400 and 700 nm
• This is called the visible region because we can
“see” these wavelengths of the electromagnetic
• Gamma rays, X rays, and ultraviolet radiation
have wavelengths shorter than the visible region
• Microwaves, infrared radiation, and radio waves
have wavelengths longer than visible light
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• The way a substance absorbs
electromagnetic radiation can be used to
characterize it
• For example, each substance absorbs a
uniquely different set of infrared
• A plot of wavelengths absorbed versus the
absorption is called an infrared absorption
• It can be used to identify a substance
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spectrum of
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Continuous Spectra
• White light passed through a prism produces
a spectrum of rainbow colors in continuous
form. The different colors of light
correspond to different wavelengths and
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• When light is produced through an element,
a discontinuous spectrum is displayed.
• The pattern of lines produced by the light
emitted by excited atoms of an element is
call a line spectrum.
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Emission Spectrum of Helium
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Visible Spectrum of Hydrogen
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Line Spectra of Some Elements
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Planck’s Constant
• Planck proposed that the vibrating atoms in a heated solid
could absorb or emit electromagnetic energy only in
discrete amounts.
• The smallest amount of energy, a quantum, is given by:
E = hv
as Planck’s constant, h, has a value of 6.626 X 10-34 J s.
• Planck’s quantum hypothesis states that energy can be
absorbed or emitted only as a quantum or as whole
multiples of a quantum, thereby making variations
discontinuous, changes can only occur in discrete amounts.
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